There would be many ways that a developedcountry’s government might attract immigrants with appropriate skills. Externalrecruitment is the process of hiring workers from outside the business, andthere are many advantages to this, that is why the organisations might want toattract migrant workers with appropriate skills. One way in which this might bedone is to offer deals that the immigrants cannot resist. One example of suchis a higher pay. Organisation can attract immigrants by paying them more thanwhat they get at their current occupations, or if they are working oversees, byenticing them with benefits of living in the country they are carrying outtheir operations in. Another way in which developed country government might attract the immigrants is by offeringflexible hours.
Immigrants are usually more likely to be attracted to flexibleworking hours, so that if they have families in the country, they are able tospend time on both aspects of their life. Especially because they may still besettling into the country. Businesses sometimes offer job training opportunities, and so with immigrants who have appropriate skills for the job, they would beable to improve their skills in certain areas.
Also, organisations couldpromote certain aspects of their companies’ corporate culture to appeal to theimmigrant workers. Overall though, it would usually be that the organisationwould appeal to the needs or wants of the immigrant workers to attract them totheir companies.