Essay, 9 pages (2000 words)

The introduction

The Introduction There is a huge problem spreading across this nation. It’s affecting adults and children alike. It is our nation’s newest epidemic; it has even been compared to other epidemics such as cigarette and drug abuse. The epidemic is obesity and it is sweeping the nation. Americans are now considered to be the fattest people on earth. The worst part about this epidemic is not how it is affecting adults but how it is affecting families. The growing number of overweight families is getting to be ridiculous. However, it is not the family’s fault for them being overweight. There are many different factors that come into this equation. Since the 1960’s obesity in America has more than tripled regardless of sex or race. Today 30. 5 % or 69 million American adults are considered obese. Not only has it sparked a lot of talk, but it has also begun to be ranked as a serious risk comparable to certain diseases, such as cancer. In fact, some doctors even call obesity itself a disease suggested by (Jacobson, 2000). Obesity is a very sore subject for families in the United States. People in the media and famous people see overweight as taboo. Even if they are slim, people are still trying to lose weight. People in society believe that if you are overweight you are unattractive. The belief that people have is that if you are overweight it’s your own fault. In some instance it’s true but it in some cases its health problems or a disorder. Most of us know that being obese can lead to severe health problems, but did you know that there are different levels of obesity? In this paper, I will define what obesity is and what the risk factors in being obese are. I will also touch on the outcome that this disease has on the inner city families and try to answer why are there so many inner city families overweight? The problem must be fixed for a more happy and healthy life. In order to fix it, the issue must be fully understood. Definition of Title Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and/or increased health problems. “ Various methods are used to determine if someone is overweight or obese. Some measurement systems are based on the relation between height and weight; others are based on measurements of body fat. The most commonly used method today is body mass index” (Cohen, 2009). The body mass index is used to measure both overweight and obesity in adults. It is the measurement of choice for many obesity researchers and is the definition used in most data on overweight and obesity. Body mass index is defined as the individual’s body weight divided by the square of his or her height [Weight (lbs) ÷ height (in) 2] x 704. 5 = BMI (Cohen, 2009). Why does Obesity Exist? Several articles have been written on the topic of obesity and the causes. The articles focused on the different areas where people are overweight more. It seems to be in the more poverty stricken areas. People in these areas can not afford the high prices of healthy foods. In addition there are unhealthy restaurants and foods all over the lower income neighborhoods. The fresh low fat foods are not in these areas so, you may have to travel several blocks away. However, the State has done many things to bring healthy foods into the lower income areas. There are still people that just want to eat unhealthy regardless of the health risks that will eventually come. The New York City’s School system also has played a big part in the development of the inner city children. “ Society as a whole would have to develop a remedy for people to be more conscious of what goes in their mouths and how active they become” (Lopez, 2006). Part of the problem, experts have said, might lie in the inner-city environment itself. Fighting obesity and living a healthy lifestyle is particularly challenging living in the inner city area for kids as well as the adults. Who been limited recreational outlets and are constantly faced with an abundance of high-calorie, high-fat food choices. Studies suggest that our bodies need calories to sustain life and be physically active. We also have to maintain our weight, so that it is a balance of energy that we eat with what we use. Getting outside for fresh air and exercise is not always an option for inner city residents in many neighborhoods; parents worry about crime and drugs that are often present in these neighborhoods. Access to clean and safe parks area or spaces are scarce (Sizer & Whitney, 2011). So for many low-income families in the city, recreation is television and video games; mealtimes mean McDonald’s or Chinese restaurants. Obesity is influenced by many other factors, also, including your families history, the type of work you do, your race, and your environment. Overeating is easy in our culture today. Portions at fast-food and other restaurants are super-sized to the point that one meal can provide an entire day’s worth of calories (Harmon, 2007). Food is also a focal point of social activity. Gatherings of family and friends, work events, and holidays are usually centered on food. And eating can be a comfort when you are depressed or stressed. Also, people are less active than ever. Some people hate to exercise and others may not have the time. And many of the conveniences we use, such as elevators, cars, and the remote control for the television, cut activity out of our lives (Lopez 2009). Complications These were the problems that the overall family encounters; now it is risks factors that the individual enters into as an adult. These are the different types of diseases that begin to develop once obesity is untreated for a period of time. Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Even though health professionals acknowledge that obesity is increasing among inner city families, especially low-income families. Very few government resources are expended to track, treat, and prevent the disease. This is funding that aids in the development of monitoring the areas that need the most help in treat and educating this problem called obesity. It has been quoted that: “ Where you carry body fat is important. If fat builds up mostly around your stomach (sometimes called apple-shaped), you are at greater risk for getting type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and coronary artery disease than people who are lean or people with fat around the hips (sometimes called pear-shaped)” (Jacobson, 2000). In addition, in becoming obese it is not always in your control. ” Such as in certain medications, rare hereditary diseases, and hormonal imbalances (such as hypothyroid and Cushing’s disease) increase your risk of obesity”. “ Consequently, rare hereditary diseases may increase the risk of obesity”. “ In addition, there seems to be a general tendency for obesity to run in some families, though the reason for this is not well understood” (McTigue, 2002). Community and Cultural Factors In eating high-calorie, low-nutrient foods, you are likely to eat more calories than you can burn each day, thus increasing your risk of becoming obese. Another risk factor is eating until you are full and eating quickly. There was a similar explanation of eating high calorie foods back in evolution time, when they ate in abundance because they did not know if they would get food for days or weeks at a time, so the logic in this was it was passed down through the generations (Pinel, 2003). On the other hand, both low income and increased income inequality have been found to be associated with a decrease in physical activity and an increased likelihood of poor health. They found themselves living in economic isolation; this stems from neighborhoods with a high percentage of low income people, this put them in the risk for poor health. People with low incomes are more likely to have less time to be active because they are working several jobs ( Sizer & Whitney, 2011). In review this forth the government is more likely to concentrate their financial funds in neighborhoods that are more affluent to the community. Likewise, income inequality, has been increasing since the early 1970s, this will result in poor communities having fewer recreational resources and lower quality than would be the case where income inequality is less extreme. Assessing and addressing the burdens of inequality, which fall most heavily on the poor can only help to improve the health of inner city residents. Results can help identify underserved neighborhoods and prioritizing them for physical activity intervention programs. In addition, social factors including poverty and a lower level of education have been linked to obesity. One reason for this may be that high calorie processed foods cost less and are easier to find and prepare than healthier foods, such as fresh vegetables and fruits (Harmon, 2007). Emotional Disorders Being overweight affects your emotional health in several different ways. In fact, the mental health effects of obesity can be just as damaging as the physical effects, according to the most recent obesity researchers. The emotional and mental health issues caused by being overweight include social discrimination, low self-esteem, and even thoughts of ending life. Here’s a summary of the emotional, mental, and social effects of being overweight (Lopez, 2006). Social discrimination includes the way society views you based on your appearance. The mental health effects of obesity include social discrimination, people often judge and mistreat individuals who are overweight. Obese people are seen as lazy and lacking in will power, or incapable of looking after themselves properly. They’re socially undesirable, which increases their chances of anxiety and depression (Harmon, 2007). The emotional health effects of obesity in women are stronger than in men because women are more in tuned to their appearance. Body image affects not only their self-esteem, but their levels of achievement as well. Women who are overweight need to deliberately focus on increasing their body confidence, by joining groups like gyms that have all women, where they can see other women that are trying to do the same thing. In the literature they speak of the effect that being overweight can have on the obese person it is said that “ It can lead to depression, which presents varied potential dangers not directly related to weight-substance abuse, for example” (Harmon, 2007). Losing the Weight In conquering obesity you have to start from the very beginning with your children. You need a positive mind set to sustain your strength and your will for the long term.   The right perspective provides positive reinforcement as you hurdle past mental and physical road blocks toward good nutrition and exercise. Try not to focus on your battle against obesity but on something not important for example, getting into your old jeans. The difficulties of the journey ahead will demand more of your time. Instead of thinking of the weight you need to lose, look at it like what you gain by eating sensibly and exercising regularly.  Focus on your efforts on the value of your health.   You can set forth for an ideal weight or size, but strive more for physical fitness.  As you continue to watch your diet and exercising, appreciate the expanding list of things you will soon be able to do better, or thing you were not able to do before. On the other hand, it is not just you that is in the equation it is your whole family. The whole family has to change what is brought in the house and maybe joining social groups like the Y. M. C. A, which is located indoor. It can be done at a group rate which is not all that expensive.  Developing endurance can turn you into a valuable asset to your own family. Fitting into an old pair of jeans is great, but being able to play with your children and run alongside them is priceless (Harmon, 2007).   Conclusion Therefore, it is very difficult to lose weight for yourself, but when your children become involved the gloves have to come off. You don’t just have your life in your hands but your children’s life as well. The ramification for not taking it seriously is a very painful death. With the heart disease, diabetes, stroke, plaguing your body until eventually your body can not fight it anymore and you will die. Obesity is a very hard thing to handle. The public does not make it easy. People in the United States are learning to adjust to the objects that they are facing. Everyone is focusing on losing weight even the slender models. It is still taboo but a lot of plus size models are also being generated. The people’s belief in it being the person fault for being obese is lowering compared to past years. Studies have shown that severe health problems have aroused from being obese; Researchers have shown different levels of obesity. In this paper, I have defined what obesity is and what the risk factors are. I have also touched on the outcome that this disease has on the inner city families and answered why there are so many inner cities families obese. In doing this research it open up my eyes wide. I already have family members who have died and are dying because the just refuse to change. The researcher’s paint a very grime outlook unless you want to change. The problem is still ongoing, but is can be fixed if the parents want a more happy and healthy life. Now without you changing, this means your children will not change and in that case we have a real bad future for our nation. . References Cohen, J. Health Affairs 28, no. 5 (2009): w822-w831 (published online 27 July 2009; hlthaff. 28. 5. w822http://www. obesity. org/information/what_is_obesity. asp Harmon, D. “ Obesity” Published in 2007 by The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc 29 East 21st street, New York, NY 10010. Jacobson, M. “ Halting the Obesity Epidemic: A Public Health Policy Approach, ” Public Health Reports, 115 (January/February 2000): 14—15. Lopez, R. Department Of Environmental Health, Boston University School of Public Health, Environmental health: A Global Access Science Source 2006/www. ehjoural. net/content/5/1/25 McTigue, K. “ The Natural History of the Development of Obesity in a Cohort Of Young U. S. Adults between 1981 and 1998, “Annals of Internal Medicine, 136, no. 12 (June 18, 2002): 857-864; accessed July7, 2003. Pinel, J. Biopsychology- 7th ed. Copyright @ 2003, 2000, 1997, 1993, 1990, Pearson Education, Inc. Sizer, F & Whitney, E. Nutrition-Concepts and Controversies: 12 e. Wadsworth, Cengage Learning 2011, 2008

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