Research Paper, 2 pages (500 words)

Sociology family investigating family issues research paper

Social exchange theory is a collective psychological and sociological perspective that defines community change and permanence as away of discussion of relationship between groups. The theory states that all human beings relate to each other mutually where they must benefit from each other. For example when an individual in a relationship feels that he/she is not benefiting as earlier on expected, then the theory foretell that in one way or the other the individual will abandoned the relationship. Theorists further clarified that if the cost and gains are the same then that relationship is biased. The idea of equity is central part of social exchange theory (Bidwell & Mey 14).
Norm of reciprocity is the community belief that people will relate to each other in kind. i. e. treat others as they have treated us. Men normally reciprocate the good things done to them in kind. People in the society are usually bind by other people’s deeds and should do the same to them. In most cases, the power of norm of reciprocity is used to induce compliance to some persons, and more so to motivate, sustain, and control togetherness in the society (Bidwell & Mey 65).
Comparison level refers to the people’s feeling and their expectation of amount of gains or punishments that they will get when in a certain relationship after doing something. Human are usually characterized by this phenomenon and their expectations varies depending on their needs while principle of least interest refers to a situation where in a relationship the person who has least interest in something always has the power to bargain better. For example in a case where there is a buyer and a seller, the buyer might desperately want to buy something but due to this the seller takes advantage of that and even increase the price. The buyer will definitely comply since he is the one in need hence the seller had more control on it because of his least concern (Bidwell & Mey 33).
Gender as perennial variable means that in any form of relationship it always involve different genders and hence they form the foundation of any relation. In a relationship opposite genders, usually form a strong bond between them thus gender is the only permanent component since all the other variables keep changing from time to time depending on the situation.
In mate selection, the individual’s interest determines whom to choose as a mate. Likes and dislikes vary considerably and no one’s test will be compared to another. Opposite genders are always attracted to each other for their mutual benefits and thus a strong bond will be formed if there is fulfillment of one’s test and interests. Social structural explanation on the other hand means the roles and responsibilities expected of each gender. In the society, it is normally believed that the males are the providers in any relationship while their female counterparts are meant to help in doing simple tasks like cooking, and washing. In addition, male are suppose to work and make major decisions concerning their families (Bidwell & met 78).

Works cited:

Bidwell, L and Mey, B. Sociology family: investigating family issues. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. (2000) 3-234

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AssignBuster. 2021. "Sociology family investigating family issues research paper." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/sociology-family-investigating-family-issues-research-paper/.

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AssignBuster. "Sociology family investigating family issues research paper." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/sociology-family-investigating-family-issues-research-paper/.

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"Sociology family investigating family issues research paper." AssignBuster, 14 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/sociology-family-investigating-family-issues-research-paper/.

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