Research Paper, 7 pages (1700 words)

Social media strategy – retail boutique

The Plaid Door –Social MediastrategyGoals: – Awareness – Generate new leads, which will in turn result in paying customers. So your social media strategy will be centered around targeting new prospects and drive them to your website and to the Plaid Door boutique. This would include some very targeted campaigns. – Customer service / Interaction. You want to use Social Media to be able to communicate with your customers much better and to be able to dynamically interact with them on a daily basis in order to really build those relationships.

Your strategy here then would be much more about manning your page, instant responses to questions & queries. Target audience : * Mostly women * Aged between 20 and 55 Social-Media sites : Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest Social Media Site #1: Facebook ?? Facebook was created in 2003, and since then it has grown into the largest site for peer-to-peer connection andcommunication. A Facebook page allows organizations to garner fans and post updates. It also allows for solid feedback, as fans can ” like” certain posts or they can comment on them in opposition.

Organizations can even arrange to have to have their name as part of the Facebook page URL for easy access and recognition. Many nonprofit groups have seen success through hosting contests and posting special information on their pages. Recommendations : 1. Add Like Box on your website. Like Box is a social plug-in which you add on your website so your visitors are able to like your page directly from your website. They just need to be logged in. Your visitors most likely will like your fan page since they also can stay updated liking your fan page.

This is great way to promote your Facebook fan page. 2. Post/tweet about your new Facebook page. You should inform your readers or twitter followers about your new Facebook page. Make post or update about it and tell them why they should join. 3. Reward your fans or make a contest. You can reward your fans if they help you promote Facebook fan page. Also you can make a contest and reward those who referred your page to most people. As a reward you can offer some coupons or rebates on « private shopping night » You can run “ fans only” contests, so more people tend to join and like your page. . Use Facebook ads. You can spend somemoneyto advertise your page using Facebook advertising marketing tool. Create multiple adverts to help build an audience for your Page. Use the targeting options to show your adverts to only the people you want reach. See which versions of your adverts work best 5. Influence the friends of your fans. Encourage check-ins, participation in events or create an offer to encourage more activity on your Page. When people interact with the content on your Page, their friends are eligible to see the activity.

When people do things such as like, comment or check-in to your Page, you can promote those activities to their friends. 6. Connect Twitter and Facebook. You can connect those two social medias using Involver. com so whatever you post on Twitter should be posted on Facebook page and vice versa. 7. Hold a weekly event. Pick one day or one hour every week and pick one activity to do repeatedly every week, for example a tutorial on how to refashion clothes. Start promoting your event every week to your friends / fans, build up to it on the wall, create a facebook event about it and invite all your friends.

Just start slowly and gradually more and more people will hear about it and begin to attend your weekly event. 8. Hold a caption contest. For example on refashioned clothes. 9. Use Facebook’s Questions feature to poll your fans for their opinions. 10. Always respond to likes / comments / shares etc. Your appreciation will encourage engagement. 11. Post photos. Images are one of the biggest activities online. For example you can post photos of some new arrivals clothes, of the Plaid Door boutique, people working at the Plaid Door… 12. Ask your likers to ” Suggest to Friends” on a monthly basis.

Post a Status Update and send an Update to fans asking them to suggest your page to their Facebook friends. Let them know that they can easily suggest your page by clicking the ‘Suggest to Friends’ link just under your Page’s image in the left column. Inspiring your Likers to help build your community is one of the easiest ways to quickly grow your supporter base. 13. Get your organization’s staff and volunteers involved. Ask those people closest to your nonprofit to support your Facebook page by posting comments and liking your posts. Encourage them to include the Plaid Door social information on their email signature. 4. Post about branded clothes you have. Make it special; encourage people to come check this out so they can get a good deal. 15. Set up aGoogleAlert for your organization’s name to keep track of what people are saying. Social Media Site #2: Twitter ?? Over the past few years, the popularity of Twitter has exploded. Twitter is essentially a forum to share messages, but these messages have a 140-character limit. Although this might restrict some of the creative opportunities for businesses, there are still ways to push out meaningful information. ?? Recommendations : 1. Use Hashtags Strategically.

Twitter does a great job of grouping topics together through the use of ” hashtags. ” A hashtag is symbolized by the “#” character and it can be put before any word. This hyperlinks the word, and it is then clumped together with similar tweets. Now, there is somescienceto this. Twitter has a feature on the left-hand side on the screen that lists ” trending topics” for the given geographical region. This is essentially a list of topics that people have hashtagged and are interested in at that time. If an organization can somehow find a way to tie in one of these trending topics to its tweet, it has a better chance of being seen.

This is difficult because the trending topics won’t always be totally relevant, but having a creative mind that can make the two messages connect will do wonders for an organization’s exposure. 2. Distribute Coupons and Discounts. Twitter is a great platform for distributing special offers and hosting contests. For example, you could tweet about a 30 percent off coupon, but make it applicable only to those who can show that they received the tweet on their computer or phone. Another example: you could host a contest, such as offering a prize to the person who re-tweets the organization the most or recruits the most followers.

This allows companies to form more personal relationships with their target demographics. Social Media Site #3: Pinterest ?? Pinterest, which launched in 2010, has grown to more than 10 million users. Every day, people use the website to “ pin” images and videos to their personal pin boards so they can save and share the things they love. The site gets social when people follow each other and repin or comment on each other’s pins. Pinterest’s users tend to be women, and the majority of them are 25 to 54 years old, according to recently released demographic data.??

Although there are some exceptions, most content on Pinterest falls into stereotypically female niches, including home decor, recipes, crafts and apparel. This corresponds to your target audience. Recommendations : 1. ?? Add a ” Pin It” Button to Your Organization’s Website. By adding a ” Pin It” button to your organization’s website, visitors then have the option to pin any of the images from your site on one of their boards. 2. Get the Community Involved. Pinterest is a good way to facilitate community involvement.

This ensures that people are actually interacting with their community, and it allows the organization to get to know its customers and donors on a more intimate level. 3. Encourage Employees To Pin. Pinterest is far from static. Users are pinning every minute and it can quickly become a challenge for an organization to stay on top of its ball game. In order to make sure that your organization is in front of the competition, you can encourage all workers to open a Pinterest account and create boards. They can then pin images that are relevant to the organization’s values and overarching goals.

A somewhat lesser known fact is that Pinterest users can actually upload and pin videos as well as still photographs. 4. Create group pinboards and crowdsource?. Create group pinboards and invite other users to pin content to those boards. For example, ask customers to pin pictures of themselves using your products. You also could hold a contest to crowdsource pins. Ask customers to review your business or product on your website and pin a quote from their review to a special contest pinboard. You benefit from more reviews and a pinboard that’s filled with testimonials. 5. Don’t use pinterest for direct marketing?.

Pinterest states that the site should not be used for direct marketing, advertising or sales. Excessive and overt self-promotion is clearly unacceptable, so make sure you’re pinning diverse content, not just pictures of your products. You need to get creative and use Pinterest for indirect marketing. For example, fill pin boards with seasonal items, color coordinated images, gift ideas and so on. 6. Don’t pin anything and everything?. Stay focused, but don’t be afraid to pin interesting content that your target audience would enjoy and that’s at least loosely connected to your business.

Such content can help give your brand morepersonality. For example: You can create boards about hairstyle or home decor or craft, these subject are relevant to your target audience. 7. Give your followers a look at your non-profit from behind the scenes. Pin images that show staff and volunteers working with your organization, as well as those who benefit from that work. It’s a good idea to show supporters the human faces behind your logo. 8. “ Photoof the Day”. You can create a board where you will pin everyday of photo of an new item in the Plaid Door Boutique. . Create a board with tutorials on how to refashion clothes. 10. Repin/Highlight Other Non-Profits. Like all forms of social media, Pinterest isn’t a place to over-promote. Avoid this is by mixing original pinning with repins of images from other non-profits within your sphere of influence. Users receive an email notification when their images are repinned and they are credited on your repin, which can increase their following. The non-profit you repin may return the favor, allowing Pinterest to become a channel for valuable, non-disruptive cross-promotion.

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AssignBuster. (2022) 'Social media strategy – retail boutique'. 17 September.


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AssignBuster. 2022. "Social media strategy – retail boutique." September 17, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/social-media-strategy-retail-boutique/.

1. AssignBuster. "Social media strategy – retail boutique." September 17, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/social-media-strategy-retail-boutique/.


AssignBuster. "Social media strategy – retail boutique." September 17, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/social-media-strategy-retail-boutique/.

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"Social media strategy – retail boutique." AssignBuster, 17 Sept. 2022, assignbuster.com/social-media-strategy-retail-boutique/.

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