Essay, 2 pages (400 words)

Skills required for survival in the global labor market

Prior to this time, the concept of “ war for talent” among companies, particular between tech and financial services companies, was an elusive until last week into this week where I experienced first-hand the tussle.

The first time I heard of a relatable case was Victor Cheng who got 7 job offers from the 7 most vibrant management consulting shops in that part of the coast. Upon hearing the story, I was left with a desire to want to experience such. Well, has my dream come through? The answer will be a detractor to the object of my discussion.

Global awareness, killer persona, and digital skills are some of the attributes that make a candidate toast of every employers. Digital skills became a deal breaker because technological disruption is the new global rush. So my advice though unsolicited is to increase your knowledge of technological solutions. The bar has been raised by some relatively more exposed fellas. For instance it is now common to see graduates who have worked in 3 to 4 organizations before graduation. An instance was a friend that is currently in camp that has interned at Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, FBN, and Exotix Capital. Who do you do to whip the floor with these douches? It is simply by outworking them; going to the interviews with solutions to the problems they are hiring you to solve.

Prior to this time, for entry level jobs, academic standing has more weight in the decision making model of employers but today that dropped considerably because universities such as Covenant university have decided to graduates more than 15% of her graduating with first class degree. This has propelled them to look at more intrinsic qualities such as likability, problem solving skills, communication skills digital skills, as well as the number of tier 1 brands you have gone to bed with. Every day at least, one of my friends that graduated in 2017 and 2018 call me to inform me of an offer they just got in tier 1 brands. This debunks the claim that there are no jobs, the truth is there are but it is not available to go round. So family do the needful to be ahead of the pack.

Another striking issue is aptitude test you are required to take before actual in person interview. These test are grade agnostic, so it is an opportunity to dazzle them with your content by whipping the floor with those tests. The good news is, it is learnable skill as nobody is born with the innate ability to pass those tests; with enough practice you will be fine.

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'Skills required for survival in the global labor market'. 14 November.


AssignBuster. (2021, November 14). Skills required for survival in the global labor market. Retrieved from https://assignbuster.com/skills-required-for-survival-in-the-global-labor-market/


AssignBuster. 2021. "Skills required for survival in the global labor market." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/skills-required-for-survival-in-the-global-labor-market/.

1. AssignBuster. "Skills required for survival in the global labor market." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/skills-required-for-survival-in-the-global-labor-market/.


AssignBuster. "Skills required for survival in the global labor market." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/skills-required-for-survival-in-the-global-labor-market/.

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"Skills required for survival in the global labor market." AssignBuster, 14 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/skills-required-for-survival-in-the-global-labor-market/.

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