Report, 4 pages (900 words)

Report on my election campaign

1. Upon waking up, I decide to run for Governor of state.

2. In order to qualify as Governor of State, my main qualification needs to be their agreement that I am the person who they wish to represent their views. I have already been living in my state since birth, which means that I am eligible for any residency limitation they require me to have fulfilled, and I am also over thirty years of age. My enthusiasm and commitment knows no bounds and I am certain that I am a viable and ideal candidate for the role of Governor.

3. I contemplate my options with regard to which political party I would like to run under and represent. After giving it a lot of thought, I decide to run for the Republican Party because I feel that I best reflect their American conservatism views. I make this decision based on their political standing in the American political landscape: they are a party who reflect my views and offer me a fair chance of actually being able to make a difference. When reviewing a number of websites for various political parties, I was struck by the fact that the Republican Party have individual websites for individual states. From the point of view of myself as a State Governor, I felt that this would, in turn, best reflect my state’s needs.

4. Following the current administration from the Democrats, my choice to run under the Republican banner is a decision based on my dissatisfaction with the Democrat rule. President Obama has made a number of changes including the lack of emphasis placed on plans to reinvigorate the current job market: in his recent State of the Union speech, he placed far too much emphasis on education being the key to a brighter future for the next generation, but not enough on how he planned to help the unemployed of the here and now. I feel that, in that sense, President Obama has failed the nation following his presidential campaign for a brighter future. My decision to run with the Republican party was partly based on the fact that generally, the American public are divided on the subject of Republicans vs. Democrats but recent popularity polls show that President Obama is more popular than his policies: the Republicans can capitalise on that with fresh, younger faces like mine.

5. The views held by the Republican Party, certainly reflect the majority of my own political opinions. In particular, their policies on Social Security: looking after our senior citizens and families, while slashing benefits: in America, people must earn their way. That said, with the current work climate, it is difficult to secure a regular income but, under the Republicans, that situation will be improved because they will place more emphasis on creating jobs for workers now. I also agree with their ideas on tax reform: I believe in supporting the hard-working citizens of this country, no matter how low their income is: if they are doing their bit then they deserve support and by re-structuring the tax brackets to four, lower tax brackets, the lower-income families can benefit.

6. My first strategy for my election campaign would be to target swing districts within the state. These districts need to see a strong Republican candidate campaigning from Day One; they need to know I mean business. There are certain districts which can be relied upon to vote Republican, and although I wouldn’t want to be complacent about them, focusing my initial attentions on the swing districts can secure me a number of extra votes that I may not have received otherwise. As I have said before, public opinion is often divided between a Republican or Democrat vote, and these areas will be my main focus to make sure that it is the right vote.

7. Use of the media is the key to any sort of representation in the U. S. today. The majority of the American public rely upon the media to help them form opinions and so it is vital to use as many forms of media as possible, to access as many homes as possible. If I could only use one main channel of communication, it would be television simply because it is a passage way to the majority of homes in America, with 99% of households possessing at least one. It is the ideal opportunity to get my message across to the most amount of people. Other forms such as radio are out-dated, the cinema has too limited an audience, and the Internet is too under-used by older generations, who are the primary voters for the Republican party.

8. Given that I am running for State Governor, I would turn to local businesses to help fund my campaign. I believe that this would show my allegiance to the domestic situation. However, it may be perceived by some that these businesses will receive special favors from me, once I am elected. I will ensure that there are legal documents drawn up to agree that this would not be the case, but I would gladly use the business’ logos during my campaign trail, as a kind of sponsorship deal.

9. My campaign slogan would be:

“ A vote for Republican, is a vote for you.”

I would use this slogan because my campaign would revolve around the Republican mainstays of tax reform and looking after families. The word ‘ you’ implies the individual as well as the major components that make them who they are: their family, their friends, their work etc. As a Republican Party State Governor, my interest would lay in preserving the best for individuals, and not corporations.

Thank's for Your Vote!
Report on my election campaign. Page 1
Report on my election campaign. Page 2
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Report on my election campaign. Page 5

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'Report on my election campaign'. 15 November.


AssignBuster. (2021, November 15). Report on my election campaign. Retrieved from https://assignbuster.com/report-on-my-election-campaign/


AssignBuster. 2021. "Report on my election campaign." November 15, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/report-on-my-election-campaign/.

1. AssignBuster. "Report on my election campaign." November 15, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/report-on-my-election-campaign/.


AssignBuster. "Report on my election campaign." November 15, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/report-on-my-election-campaign/.

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"Report on my election campaign." AssignBuster, 15 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/report-on-my-election-campaign/.

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