Essay, 2 pages (350 words)


The Essence of Existentialism Existentialism has played a significant role in development of human thought throughout the latest decades, particularly contributing to such spheres of activity as psychology and philosophy. The research of Rollo May on the topic of existentialism and its essence which I have recently read perfectly reveals the origin and the sense of this important direction of the new thinking and defines what existentialism is and what it is not.
Firstly, existentialism, as it is obvious from the term itself, is primarily related to existence, therefore, this is the concept which explains existence and being as important categories of life. Rollo May uses approach of analysis of what this is which characterizes the perception of certain objects by those who see them and interpret them in their own way; for example, there is concern whether the psychologist accepts his or her patient the way he exists or the way the patient sees him or her himself and positions him or herself in his or her mind. (May, 1958, 3). This means that, whatever way of interpretation is chosen, the fact is that the mentioned patient exists independently from his or her perception.
Secondly, talking about what existentialism is not, I think it is necessary to consider May’s suggestion that the Western scientific tradition has chosen the wrong way of development by means of promoting pragmatic approach which in practice has turned out to be inseparable, moreover, impossible without existentialism. (May, 1958, 13). This means that existentialism is not part of practical science or application, but the fact which cannot be denied or omitted.
The reference May has made to Laotzu’s views on the topic mentioned, the way I see it, is a logical conclusion of the author and his pointing out that existentialism has already been known for a very long time and that there are obvious clarifications such as , for example, explanation that doing equals being, that is, human actions mean human existence. (May, 1958, 19).
Rollo, M. (1958). The Origin and Significance of the Existential Movement in
Psychology. Existence: A New Dimension in Psychiatry and Psychology, pp. 3-36, New York: Basic Books.

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AssignBuster. (2022) 'Reflection'. 22 January.


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AssignBuster. 2022. "Reflection." January 22, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/reflection-essay-samples-19/.

1. AssignBuster. "Reflection." January 22, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/reflection-essay-samples-19/.


AssignBuster. "Reflection." January 22, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/reflection-essay-samples-19/.

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"Reflection." AssignBuster, 22 Jan. 2022, assignbuster.com/reflection-essay-samples-19/.

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