Review, 4 pages (1000 words)

Pride and prejudice by jane austin

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin Plot Jane Austin introduces the book to what is now one of the most widely known quotes in English Literature- ” It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.” Set in Hertfordshire, England, Pride and Prejudice opens with Mr and Mrs Bennet discussing Mr Bingley, a wealthy young bachelor, moving into Netherfield House, which is in the neighbourhood of the Bennet family. Mrs Bennet wants to match Mr Bingley with one of her daughters while Mr Bennet seems reluctant in doing so. At a Ball, The Bennet family soon meet Mr Bingley and his friend Mr Darcy. While Bingley is well-received, Darcy makes a lees favourable first impression by appearing proud and condescending. When Elizabeth Bennet (one of the five Bennet sisters) overhears herself being slighted by Mr Darcy, she forms a prejudice against him. Meanwhile, Bingley singles out Elizabeth’s older sister, Jane and it soon becomes apparent that hey have formed an attachment to one another. Through the course of the book, Elizabeth and Darcy are thrown into frequent company with each other as they are thrown into situations which force them to do so. It soon begins clear that Darcy has grown fond of Elizabeth and even goes as far to propose to her, which she declines as she still thinks of him as proud and ignorant. However, she soon finds that she has fallen in love with Darcy when she hears about all the wonderful things he has done for her family, for example uniting Lydia (one of Elizabeth’s sisters) and Mr Wickham ant great expense to himself. Darcy’s aunt comes to the Bennet’s house and warns Elizabeth off Darcy as she is not good enough for him and then proceeds to ban Elizabeth from ever accepting a proposal from Darcy which Elizabeth vehemently refuses to do. The next day Darcy and Elizabeth find themselves together and Darcy then proposes (again) and professes his love for Elizabeth. She quickly accepts the proposal and tells him that she loves him too. Character Changes Early in the novel Mr. Darcy judges Elizabeth, saying that she is not handsome enough to tempt him. Mr. Darcy is not this shallow, however. Later it is described that he looks for a woman of intelligence, one who reads, writes, and basically, one who has a mind to think on her own. Elizabeth’s boldness and ability to speak her opinion is what ultimately attracts him to her. His mind changes about Elizabeth as he discovers the depth of her personality. Elizabeth perceives Mr. Darcy’s quick wits and response to her comments as prideful, but actually I think they both challenge each other’s minds and patterns of thinking. This is so attractive about Elizabeth to Mr. Darcy. Mr. Darcy also bases his prejudice and misjudgment of Elizabeth based on her pushy, boisterous mother. Her mother turns him off from the Bennet family entirely, and foolishly he turns Mr. Bingley off from Jane as well, not only for that reason but because he didn’t believe Jane felt any affection for Mr. Bingley. These were misjudgments on Mr. Darcy’s behalf for Elizabeth sometimes can’t even stand her own mother and Jane truly did have affection for Mr. Bingley. Mr. Darcy acted immaturely, without knowing the fullness of the situation. In the same manner Elizabeth makes judgments also about Mr. Darcy and Wickham. Elizabeth believes Wickham’s story about him and Mr. Darcy when they’ve only just met. Elizabeth has not begun to understand Wickham’s character, yet she believes him whole heartedly without first enquiring Mr. Darcy about that matter. She foolishly allows her prejudice to grow inside her against Mr. Darcy; and she even talks to her family and friends, causing distaste in their mouths as well. Mr. Darcy, after several miscommunications between Elizabeth and himself finally admits his faults of pride and ignorance. He got to explain himself as well. His true character unraveled as more events took place. His maid spoke so highly of him and all that he has done for others and especially his sister. He has never shown anger, pride, or prejudice to any of his maid servants. He makes things right with Elizabeth and the Jane and Bingley situation and even helps Lydia and Wickham after all that had happened. Theme Pride and Prejudice is one of the most cherished loves stories in English Literature due to the relationship between Darcy and Elizabeth. The beginning of the novel is mostly about pride and prejudice between the two characters- Elizabeth’s pride makes her misjudge Darcy in the basis of a poor first impression, while Darcy’s prejudice against Elizabeth’s poor social standing blinds him to her many virtues. Through a series of obstacles, from Lady Catherine’s attempt to control her nephew to Wickham’s deceit, Darcy and Elizabeth soon find themselves falling in love with one another. Austen uses many different themes; such as angst, deceit, stubbornness and anger, to lead up to the main theme of the story, love. Opinion Due to the fact that Pride and Prejudice is one of my favourite books of all time, I’d have to say that I loved most of the book and barely disliked any of it. I liked how Austen didn’t make Elizabeth into what people thought was a conventional woman in the 19th century, but one who spoke her mind and was quick-witted. She couldn’t draw or play the piano very well like women in Mr Darcy’s opinion were ought to, but she is very intelligent and “ converses as brilliantly as anyone”. I also liked how Austen put depth into Darcy. She first made him out to be arrogant and conceited, someone who looked down on people and cared about social hierarchy, but as the novel goes on, we find that he is compassionate, protective and noble. Austen also put a many obstacles before putting Elizabeth and Darcy together which made it all the more enjoyable to read. The only thing I would criticise about this book is the story line in which Lydia and Wickham run off and get married. Although it was for a good reason (Darcy forced Wickham to marry Lydia to save the Bennet’s family name) I still think that she shouldn’t have made the youngest of the Bennet sisters to marry so quickly but maybe Mary (the 3rd oldest and at more of an appropriate age to marry).

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'Pride and prejudice by jane austin'. 15 November.


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AssignBuster. 2021. "Pride and prejudice by jane austin." November 15, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/pride-and-prejudice-by-jane-austin/.

1. AssignBuster. "Pride and prejudice by jane austin." November 15, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/pride-and-prejudice-by-jane-austin/.


AssignBuster. "Pride and prejudice by jane austin." November 15, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/pride-and-prejudice-by-jane-austin/.

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"Pride and prejudice by jane austin." AssignBuster, 15 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/pride-and-prejudice-by-jane-austin/.

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