One of the clinical uses of imunopreciptation is detect virus protein in some virus disease such as HIV type 1.
Radioimmunopreciptation is a devoloped test of immnonopreciptation that is used to detect and determine antibodies of glycoproteirn gp 120 of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1). The test, which used recombinant gp120 “ was quantitative, reproducible, and specific for antibodies to rgp120 or antibodies to native gp120 resulting from natural infection with HIV“(Baxter CG, at al. 2013).
At a final concentration of 10% to accumulate immune complexes used Polyethylene glycol-8000 (PEG), and showed to be active in titering sera. (Baxter CG, at al. 2013)The samples should be diluted minimum at 1: 100, Classical dilution method or `calibration curve prepared with a positive serum` (Baxter CG, at al. 2013) by interpolation can determine the antibody titers.
The reaction gained in a commercial HIV immunoblot test is linked to raidoimmunoprecipitation titers of human HIV sera. The advantages of the test is fast `turnaround`(Baxter CG, at al. 2013) quantitative and `versatility`(Baxter CG, at al. 2013).
(Baxter CG, at al. 2013)rion disease is a fetal neurodegenerative condition. Is linked to the brain which is form abnormal cellular protein form or ‘ rogue’, which is called prion protein. This abnormality protein affect the shape of prion protein. This test detect the prion protein in the plasma(blood component).(Christina D. Orrú, et al.
2011). Despite blood contains inhibitor and very low concentration of prion, so to seperate prions from inhibitors in plasma samples and raise sensitivity, immunoprecipitation with quaking-induced conversion (QuIC) integrate antibody 15B3. Quaking-induced conversion can be as sensitive as in`vivo bioassays` but it is a very fast, higher production and does not cost.
(Christina D. Orrú, et al. 2011). This test can detect prion from plasma sample on 15B3 bead by preincubation of the prion-bound beads for 20 minute at the room temperature, Sarkosyl wash of the beads and speed up prion amplification.
(Christina D. Orrú, et al. 2011).
The combination of immunoprecipitation and quaking-induced conversion(QuIC) significantly promote detection of different brain tissue diluted into human plasma.(Christina D. Orrú, et al. 2011).