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National philosophy of...

NATIONAL PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION ASSIST IN THE FORMATION OF THE HUMAN CAPITAL CAPABLE OF GIVING CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE STATE. As we know, Malaysia is a developing nation. Therefore, it is imperative for us to have our own philosophy of education. With this realization, in 1988, the National Philosophy of Education (FPK) was formulated based on some of our policy documents and ideologies. “ Education in Malaysia is an ongoing process towards further effort in developing the potential of individuals in a holistic and integrated manner; so as to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically balanced and harmonious, based on a firm belief in and devotion to God. Such an effort is designed to produce Malaysian citizens who are knowledgeable and competent, who possess high moral standards, and who are responsible and capable of achieving a high level of personal wellbeing as well as being able to contribute to the betterment of the society and the nation at large. ” National Educational of Philosophy 1996 Because of its importance for the proper functioning of a society, philosophy of education has been bestowed the attention of some of the most prominent philosophers. Among the central figures of Ancient Greek Philosophy, Plato discusses the topic at some length in The Republic. In the seventh book, right after the famous allegory of the cave, we find one of the best passages illustrating Plato’s view of education. This does not consist in imparting information into one’s soul, but rather in turning the soul of a person in a new direction. Someone’s education, in other words, shall not be measured in terms of the amount of data that a person has been provided with; rather with the attitude that the person takes on the subject. Philosophy of education continues to be an important branch in philosophy to these days, to which contribute not only philosophers but also committed teachers and scholars in the field of education. Based on those thoughts the national philosophy of education was created. The chief question addressed by philosophers of education concerns the most proper tools by means of which a human being should be imparted a given piece of culture. Clearly, depending on the type of skill or ability to be taught, a different strategy may be devised. Most importantly, the educator’s conception of human nature will be at the root of the specific strategy that is endorsed. For instance, if you hold that women are fundamentally different than men in their learning capacities, you will devise two separate educational paths for women and men. Analogous considerations apply to individuals with cognitive or motor skills disabilities: should they be kept in the same learning environment as those individuals that have no such disabilities? National Philosophy of Education (FPK) combines the goals, policies and educational practices to form a consistent, clear and logical entity. FPK aims to rationally clarify the current educational practices as well as facilitate the actions and trends of education in the future. FPK consists of several elements to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally, and physically balanced and harmonic. Before the matter is further discussed, we need to at least understand the concept of FPK. Education is a process of acquiring and transferring of knowledge, skills and noble values. The acquisition and transfer processes are on-going starting from an early age till death. Early education is important to shape the personality of young children from the age of 1 to 6 years old. The personality thus formed will go on developing throughout the schooling years. Upon completion of schooling, the individual continues to enhance his knowledge, skills and character. For instance, after SPM examination, while waiting for the result, the candidates can seek knowledge by attend photography classes or computer classes based on their interests. Continuous education will assist the individual to adapt to various types of changes. In future’s time, they will use the knowledge during school days to adapt to the working world of the adults. They are our nation’s future ruler and with that knowledge the country will develop into more successful state. Development of individual potentials. Every individual has been blessed with their own hidden talents, potentials and abilities. Therefore, talents, potentials and abilities should be tapped, nurtured, developed and enhanced through social interaction with others and the environment. This talent is considered gifts of God which compose of intellectual, spiritual, emotional, and physical aspect of any individual. Through education is that this inborn talents and abilities can be developed and constantly improved. The potentials of individuals are ought to be developed to the optimum level by integrating their own talent and abilities that are closely related to each another. This is what means by holistic and integrated potentials. For example, a student who does not like to study sat for an exam. The result went out and to her surprise, she is among the highest. She did not realize her intelligence before thus, education offers her opportunities to develop her talents, potential and abilities. The realization of their hidden abilities can help them in deciding the future. If they have talent in music, in the future, they might be one of the biggest musicians in the world. If they have the ability to public speaking, the might run for presidential seat and change our country political ways. Throughout FPK the inborn talent can be maximized. The belief in and obedience to God. One must admit the existence of God and accept Him as the Creator of mankind and the universe. He must be aware that God determines nature’s laws and phenomena. He should also be aware that every individual is fully responsible for his deeds and actions. The quotation from the FPK “… Produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically balanced and harmonious, based on a firm belief and devotion to God…” suggested the religious factor that present in FPK. Malaysia is a multiracial and multi religion country but with Islam as the official religion in Malaysia. While other religion is also freely embrace and worship by other such as Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and etc. At the same time based on the National Principe first sentence Believe in God is made into a part of the FPK. Malaysia also focuses the importance of religion being a part of a balanced person. For instance, Muslims people believe the existence of ‘ syurga’ and ‘ neraka’. In order to get good reward in life hereafter, one must practice all the teachings of the faith professed. By including religion in FPK, our education system focused on creating good and well balanced students. By having a religion to believe, the students will act accordingly and behaving with utmost care. Imagined if our ruler in the future has no religious belief, the percentage of our country being money oriented and does not care of the well being of its people is high. Knowledgeable Malaysian citizens. It means that all Malaysian citizens must have love for knowledge. In order to achieve it, they must strive to foster knowledge and reading culture. Ultimately, they will become a broad and open-minded person. Malaysian has the ambition to produce educated Malaysians that are competent with noble characters. People who possess positive attitude love to read, diligent to acquire and apply their knowledge will not only benefit themselves but also others. Such an example is the scientist that are highly educated using their knowledge they created high technology that is use for the betterment of the others like developing methods that stop HIV. People who are competent possess knowledge and various skills are able to contribute for the progress of nation. With a lot of reading, the younger generation can collect as many knowledge as they can to fill themselves up. As encouragement to the FPK, the government has given out book vouchers to student all over Malaysia. This action is to encourage them to read more and open their views on the outside world. Educator’s role As we know through education can make people change their mind and attitude. So each person is encouraged to seek knowledge as much as possible. Educations are very important for all students who want to change her or his life from poor to good and honorable. In Malaysia, education is a continuous attempt to maximum individual potentials in order to create a physically, emotionally, spiritually and intellectually person who believes in God and firmly hold on to his/her respective religious teachings. In order to achieve the goal, teachers especially, have to play a vital role in educating the students who will be able to perform their duties as responsible citizens. So a teacher’s role is to teach their students using multiple skills and but still based on the Philosophy of Education and Philosophy of Teacher Education. The FPK act as teacher guidelines in producing a better leader for our nation’s sake. Teacher’s role in making the aim of FPK a reality is big because they are the one interact first hand with the student. Thus, the responsibilities fall into their hands. One of the teachers can do to instill the FPK during interaction in classroom is by plan teaching and learning activities that encourage students to participate in learning. By doing this activities, the teachers detect the student with inborn abilities or potential. The activities done by the teachers can help the student be more active and out spoken in class rather than be passive and quite. One of the aims of FPK is to develop a student with high intelligence and supreme manners. By going through the activities that made by the teachers based on FPK, the students will develop their self esteem and the attitude. Besides that, teacher also in charge in teach inductive and deductive reasoning, scientific method, and the power of observation and practice. This can be achieved through the teaching methods of hands-on curricula, group work, and experimentation. With the rapid development of technology at present, teachers can diversify the teaching in the classroom to be more fun than in the past. This is because the teacher is able to deliver a graphic presentation of information via computer transmitted to the LCD. Presentations will make the learning more interesting with a display of colorful graphics and directly attract students to pursue R & D session until end class. Ease of internet access to facilitate students and teachers find learning materials from various sources. Internet can also be viewed as a library, where all materials can be found instantly. But there are some materials on the Internet are not recognized as valid. The teachers and students should be careful in selecting the appropriate materials while learning in the classroom. FPK encourage students to be a well rounded person with knowledge that equals to the modernization of our world. With teaching methods use by teachers using current technologies help to expose the students at early stages about the technology that are currently roaming our world. Furthermore, the teacher’s ability and role in realizing all the FPK elements is being a role model. Teacher plays a big role in implementing aspects of spirituality, attitudes and values in all students. If at home, parents will be a role model for student to emulate the attitude. But when they are in school, they will make teachers for example and they will be keeping an eye on the movements their teachers. If the teacher involved succeeded in showing personality ideal, then their students will emulate the behavior that is in their teacher. So the teacher must always have attitudes and values best when dealing with their students. Not only in class, but must maintain at all times. Teachers also must apply through the insertion of spirituality the values found in the religion of the students. For example, like manners when meeting with teachers, how to take care of themselves and others. When examined, this spiritual aspect that will determine the good from the bad attitudes. Thus, it can be concluded that the application of spirituality by teachers to students is very important and further strengthened with the appearance of a noble attitude by teachers as in the contents above. Mixture of the three aspects that will create a human balanced. This was the reason the FPK was established at first place. Communication is an important element in learning if interactions occur between students, parents and teachers. The foundation of the teacher and parent association is one of the good examples that show the communication of the school community with the student’s parents. Through this association parents could actually voice out their problem regarding their children’s progress in school and also give positive comment towards the betterment. Knowing all the problem is essential in helping to develop the students in all the aspect mentioned in the FPK. At the same time the teacher can tell the parents what actually happened in the school. Furthermore, students will always emulate what the teachers are saying. So, teachers should convey learning, information and advice accurately as if what taught by teachers is incorrect, then it will affect the knowledge the students. Teachers also must use the correct language, easily understood by students and grammatically correct. Within this way then the student can master the skills to listen and accept of information. In addition, teachers also must establish two-way of communication between a teacher and the students. The teacher will ask questions to the students while the students will answer or a student will ask the teacher any questions that students want to ask and teachers will answer. With this technique teacher can make learning more lively, positive in terms of receipt of information by students (effective delivery), and also to train students to dare to answer questions posed by the teacher. In addition, teachers can identify students who are active or passive in the classroom. Personal skills is necessary element exists in all students because it is important factor in creating a sense of confidence in each students. This element can be achieved by providing opportunities and trust to the students to become the leader of group or an activity that is easy to administer with teacher assistance. Broadly speaking the application of this element cannot be fully implemented in the classroom, but so far has merely been become the leader in group discussions. Application of this element can be carried out extensively only if there is a curriculum activity. From here we can see how the Ministry of Education tries to develop more balanced individuals. Through club activities the student can get into club that they are interested that such as science, cooking, and art. If the student chooses art club he or she could further developed their art potential through the activities hold in the club. It is a time where the students interact and learn to socialize. During the age of 6 to 18 this is the time where children grow rapidly with the help of sport they will grow healthier. Malaysian Ministry of Education has determined that each student is required to join an association or club. Students are also encouraged to hold an office in the association who participated so that can help sharpen their leadership in the students among themselves. Additionally, if there are outdoors activities like camping, students shall participate in every activity. In addition, student will build up more confidence and have courage to be a leader. The teachers will supervise the activities by the students so that the activities that are conduct follow the aims of FPK. These are the activities that each school conduct with the teachers as the movers. CONCLUSION As a result, education is a process of built and produce our personality and individuality to be human capital that have good ethical and characteristic before the individual can success in their life. So, education is the key to produce someone be a good human capital. Education is a lifelong learning process because we getting the education through the knowledge and the knowledge are getting since we were born till it’s the end of our life. All in all, it is crystal clear that if each and everyone in the education fraternity uphold the FPK in carrying out their tasks and responsibilities, inevitably, our educational goal will become reality and not only just a dream. The teacher, who is noble in character, progressive and scientific in outlook, committed to uphold the aspirations of the nation, and cherishes the national cultural heritage, ensures the development of the individual and the preservation of a united, democratic, progressive and disciplined society. The FPK establishment is to see the younger generation brought up to be educated and widely knowledgeable about the current state of the world. Furthermore, FPK also train the student to think ahead and have a creative thinking in hope to be able to lead the country in a new leaf. APPRECIATION Assalamualaikum, Grateful to God because of His grace I can also work to complete the task of this short coursework of Philosophy and Education in Malaysia (EDU 3101) in time. During the period to complete this task, I have worked tirelessly to find information on topics that have been given.                     My deepest appreciation goes to the lecturer of this subject, En. Azni Bin Hj Jaffar since he has helped me in completing this task. I also did not forget about my friends who had helped me in finding the information related to this course work. In addition to that, I also grateful to my parents that believe in me to do my very best here. I would also like to express our appreciation to the Teachers’ Institute of Tun Hussein Onn (IPTHO) that has wireless internet facilities in which they help me to obtain information related to this subject. Finally, may Allah rewards all the help and services you that you all provide. I also hope that my course work is completed and suits the wants and needs in the scoring system later. Thank you. Nor Syuhada binti Ismail (930619-01-6550) First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to everyone that had helped me in finishing this assignment. This assignment is about the national philosophy of education in Malaysia in assist the formation of human capital. From this assignment, I managed to know what is the aim of the FPK towards our nation future, and the role of teachers in realization of this aims. FPK aims to develop a human capital that can lead our nation for a different setting that it was now. Forwarding our country to the globalization of the world and compete with other big names country. As a teacher, it is our pride and duty to instill the FPK onto the young generations in the classroom. The teachers have a direct communication with them which make the FPK realization a dream come true. The teacher is the movers of the FPK plan and without the teachers the plan will be carried out with great difficulties. From this assignment, I realize the importance of teachers and the FPK plan to this country. One day I will be a teacher and I hope that I will be like the previous teacher that make the FPK such a success and one day I will produce a human capital that our country yet to see and be proud of it. Bibliography Rashid, N. A. Lee, K. C, Mahayudin, Z &Noordin, Z (2012). FalsafahDan Pendidikan Di Malaysia. Shah Alam : Oxford FajarSdnBhd Masri, S (1997). KomunikasiBerkesan. Selangor, FajarBakti. Hashim, O. M (1993) Pendidikan : Persoalan, Penyelesaian Dan Harapan. Ampang : DewanBahasa Dan Pustaka Perkins, H. V. (1974). Human Development And Learning. Second Edition. Wadsworth Publishing Company, Inc, Belmont Soon Sang Mok (2006).  Penghantar Pendidikan Teras. Subang Jaya. Kumpulan Budiman Sdn Bhd. Soon Sang Mok (2003). An Educational Course for KPLI.  Subang Jaya. Kumpulan Budiman Sdn Bhd.   Steven M. Cahn,  Classic and Contemporary Readings in the Philosophy of Education, McGraw-Hill, 1997 Randall Curren (ed.),  A Companion to the Philosophy of Education, Wiley-Blackwell, 2006 Nigel Blake, Paul Smeyers, Richard Smith, and Paul Standish (eds.),  The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Education, 2003 Nel Noddings,  Philosophy of Education, Westview Press, 1995 Content Content | Page | Assignment TaskReflection Appreciation DeclarationBibliography Appendixes | | Bibliography Reflection Appreciation Assignment Task Declaration

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