Essay, 3 pages (550 words)

Multisensory design approach

We experience the world through all the senses. You know about the sensory tricks of using the aroma of bread and coffee to sell food. We work with a multitude of sensory tricks and triggers to capture potential. Multi rather than single sense experiences are more stimulating and memorable and affect our behavior positively when designed by experts. The synergy of the senses working together has considerable potential in business environments. We enlighten our clients to the impact of multi-sensory environments, particularly as they stimulate our purchasing hormones. The campaign increased single sales by 18% by increasing the appeal of their product through all the senses. We aim to naturally stimulate a sensory balance in our designs and consultancy. Our surroundings should not confuse, but support and inspire. Subtle sensual stimuli can have dramatic effects on our behavior. A multi-sensory boost makes us more productive, reduces stress, heals our bodies and minds and makes us better at relationships. Work related illnesses, a nature starved lifestyle (spending 95% of our time indoors or in a car) and touch hungry children are the norm today. Offices are often devoid of sensory stimulation, stifling productivity, creativity and good business relationships. Our visual senses increasingly overdose on information. Our other senses have become marginalized over time, yet they are essential for our cognitive, neurological and physical development. We track developments in neuroscience and understand why: Putting on our glasses at a noisy party can help you hear betterThe silver generation have deteriorating senses, bringing sensory challengesWomen generally tend to perform better than men on auditory tasks, while men often outperform women on visual tasks Way-finding and arriving in a productive mood is about far more than signageThe interaction of the senses is more critical than single sense stimulation. Multi-sensory design is traditionally assumed to be design that impacts the five senses: sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell. However, this notion encompasses only the most basic concept of multi-sensory design. In fact, there are three other systematic concepts related to perception that are incorporated within multi-sensory design: hapticity, kinesthesia, and syneasthesia. In essence, these systems take the five senses and reformulate them into an active, inclusive system that directly impacts the experience of architecture (Kreji, 2008). This idea is a fundamental aspect of multi-sensory design. By creating a feast for the senses one has more ability to connect with multiple users on different levels of experience (Lehman, 2010). CONCLUSION Technology has many beneficial aspects to design practices, such as increasing production efficiency and energy efficiency, reducing costs, and enhancing digital representation to communicate design ideas. However, there still needs to be a balance between technology and the senses. Due to the enhancement of technology, implementation of traditional design practices is not a feasible solution to this challenge, yet the solution needs to build off of those practices to establish the essence of the place. In many cases this means re-examining our design process to incorporate concepts that stimulate the senses, especially through the use of light, sound, and touch. The application of multi sensory design in a design project is definitely not an easy task. No two humans have the same perception of a space just as no two sites have the same surroundings. This challenge is further oppressed by the technology-centered state that characterizes contemporary society. However, although we may find ourselves deeply entrenched in the digital age, multi-sensory design is not time sensitive. Coming to terms with the challenges that multi-sensory design entails is the first step in achieving design that creates a true experience of place.

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AssignBuster. (2022) 'Multisensory design approach'. 1 September.


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AssignBuster. 2022. "Multisensory design approach." September 1, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/multisensory-design-approach/.

1. AssignBuster. "Multisensory design approach." September 1, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/multisensory-design-approach/.


AssignBuster. "Multisensory design approach." September 1, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/multisensory-design-approach/.

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"Multisensory design approach." AssignBuster, 1 Sept. 2022, assignbuster.com/multisensory-design-approach/.

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