Essay, 4 pages (850 words)

Jrl 101 ch9-10

What’s the definition of cyberspace? The Internet and the interactions that take place on there.

Why was the show I Love Lucy considered controversial when it first came out? Desi Arnaz, Lucille Ball’s real-life and on-screen husband, was Hispanic while Ball was white.

What year did all U. S. television broadcasting become digital? 2009

What’s the purpose of the so-called V-Chip? Allows parents to block television programs with certain content ratings.

Who is Jorge Ramos and which show on Univision does he host? Hispanic broadcast reporter; Noticiero Unvision

What are Spanish-language soap operas primarily called? Telenovelas

” Users should be able to link to any document at anywhere in the world” was a principle upon which the Web was based, but who was the man behind it? Tim Berners-Lee

Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf are known for developing what? Rules for networks to communicate with each other, a protocol known as TCP/IP

Individual stations became cautious about broadcasting serious programs that contained nudity, violence, or harsh language because of what 2004 Super Bowl event? Janet Jackson’s wardrobe malfunction

Name three media outlets that could be considered a ” click and mortar” media outlet. Gannett, NBC, Disney

The World Wide Web became the standard for posting documents on the Internet because the creator did what? Gave away the software for free, making it accessible for anyone.

” It’s the first prime-time network series in four decades to be led by an African American woman.” What show is this? Scandal

What cyberpunk author has expressed concern that people will get such specialized news through online filters that they will be isolated from news they need? William Gibson

What’s the definition of packet switching? A method for breaking up long messages into small pieces, or packets, and then transmitting them independently across a computer network. Once the packets arrive at their destination, the receiving computer reassembles the message into its original form.

What’s the fifth highest rated television network in the United States? Univision

” They have lost one third of their viewers to cable, syndicated programming, and independent stations.” Who are these Big Three television networks? NBC, CBS, ABC

Name three technological ways people connect to the Internet. URL, HTTP, HTML

What factors are behind the fact that our definition of what broadcasting is has changed? New media (Internet, etc)

What is the biggest advantage of distributing a movie over the Internet instead of in theatres in terms of cost? You don’t have to pay as much (if anything) to distribute your movie over a free, open platform. Very cheap.

What is the Public Broadcasting Act of 1967? An act which established the Corporation for Public Broadcasting to provide funds for a wide range of noncommercial programs, including public service and educational programs.

What major company is known for doing television ratings in the United States? Nielsen

What movie revolutionized Internet-based promotion of films? The Blair Witch Project

What percentage of the world’s population has access to the Internet? 40%

What percentage of the United States population has access to the Internet? 87%

What show made PBS attract its first significant audiences? Sesame Street

Name three ways audience members can interact with cable and broadcast television. Video on demand, more choices/multiple versions of the same channel with different programming, calling in to influence shows

What were broadcast networks’ initial response to HBO going on air in 1975? Nobody objected

” They can be punished if they are critical of the government” is applicable to bloggers of what country with 1. 3 billion citizens? China

What was ARPANet? The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network; the first nationwide computer network, which became the first major component of the Internet.

What was Twitter’s big innovation? Short, succinct messages with a huge reach.

What Web browser was the first one to be able to handle graphics? Mosaic

What will the next-generation Internet be used for primarily? To provide academics and other researchers with high-speed links to computers around the world, especially the limited number of supercomputers.

What’s the purpose of ” cookies” on a website? Tiny files that Web sites create to identify visitors and potentially track their actions on the site and the Web.

What’s the purpose of network affiliates? They receive content from major television networks to broadcast in local regions.

” They are channels you pay extra for and that do not carry commercials” are what sort of channel? Give two examples. Premium channels; HBO, Showtime

Who invented the basic technology for television? Philo T. Farnsworth

Why are television networks now showing more diverse programming than before? They have been routinely criticized for not being diverse enough

Why could video games be considered a new mass medium? Consoles are media content delivery devices; games have stars; games are a new revenue for advertising; games are site of entire communities; games can be more profitable than movies; games become central to synergy used to promote and profit from popular other media

Why do critics worry that television has a strong influence on young people? Give three examples. Children watch to be entertained, to learn, and for social reasons.

Why was the conversion from analog to digital television broadcasting delayed by several months in 2009? Government decided people weren’t ready; many households unable to afford set-top converter box; shortage of coupons to help families afford box


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