Essay, 4 pages (950 words)

Jennifer union, spain has an open and law

Jennifer CastilloCOM 2401-OL84FinalCommunication andGlobalization in Spain                        Themedia in Spain, as key players in setting improvement society and thepublics the opinion, influencers had a an obligation intransmission to the qualities of society, which is to make sure theprivilege to data and articulation as per the standards of expert duties. It’svery strong self-ruling areas form Spain’s media system. Being a piece of theEuropean Union, Spain has an open and law based press culture. Be that as itmay, because of the financial emergency the journalistic calling is confrontingdismissals, low installments and business vulnerability. In light of financialpress, the Spanish media is reliant on promoting clients. This leads much ofthe time to publication directions not to report fundamentally aboutorganizations or branches, which are potential customers for the media outlets.

Moreover, political bias is a trademark for the Spanish media scene. Significant organizations gain possession & self-oversight is on the rise. In any case, the Spanish press is positioned as “ free”(Freedom House, 2016), the general circumstance is “ satisfactory” because journalists don’t need to fear any physical dangers or interferencesfrom authorities. Spain’s economic problems had a huge impact on its mediaindustry. Now, “ many newspapers receive either sizable subsidies from thegovernment or funding from banks and large corporations. Lack of transparencyof the government’s advertising purchases is a major problem” (Freedom House, 2016).

Becauseof the failure of traditional media, Spain has faced a quick increase in theuse of online media, which has encouraged political diversity and activism. Just like many commercial Western countries, the younger generations do notfeel the need to use televisions anymore. Young people look for news mostlythrough social media and other news pages that they follow. Regarding audiencepreferences, “ there are signs of more appreciation of top-quality informationin some sectors of the population, but the audience rankings keep supporting” junk television” (Alsius et al., 2011: 155). People in Spain have stoppedreading newspapers and have the lowest percentage of readers in Europe.            Thecable and satellite television markets in Spain have become much bigger and ithas also made the change to digital global television.

With the media pluralismmodel, Spain reduced the ownership of national broadcasting stations, whichprevented cross-media regulation. Political pluralism is a sensitivematter in Spain’s media policy discussions. Spain’s media division has some ofthe smallest stages of concentration. It’s high level of regionalism, gives ita strong regional press. Even though there’s a small market for national newspapersthis is a relatively underdeveloped market. Spain is a very rich country with ahuge marketing area.

It uses the media and television as the focal networks forcarrying mass advertising to the public. This results in great news for mediaowners.           Accordingto the Centre For Opportunity andEquality many migrate to Spain in quest for a better life. Migrationmostly occurs when a person or a group of people have to leave their countrydue to economic reasons. Adjusting to a new country is hard tohandle because they do not know the language and get treated different bythe natives. Lack of communication between the natives and migrates can causetension. “ The nature of the relationship between a host society and itsimmigrant population is a critical factor in integration.

If social cohesion isstrong, it will promote integration; if it is weak, immigrants will find itharder to fit in.” (OECD, 2017) Natives and migrants can find a common groundwith good communication. Adjusting to a new ay of life canbe difficult for people who migrate to a new country and are constantly judgedbecause they have not adjusted. Networking and technology is new tosome who couldn’t afford technology in their countries.               Mediaownership guidelines relevant to broadcasting were specially required toprotect pluralism and diversity. They were also needed to prevent a possiblemisuse of media power. It was the same case with public broadcasting underFranco’s dictatorship.

When Spain’s huge press groups decided to lobbycollective governments to begin private television broadcasts in the mid1980s, it was already obvious that television was way more extensive andsignificant than any other. Information and communications technology, or ICT, covers nearly all the world’s major commercial areas. Spain has climbed to thetop in a number of these areas.                         Globalizationhas changed the way the world functions. The barriers that oncestopped our ability to connect and interact with people throughout the worldhave faded. Modernization in information technology has been an influentialforce behind globalization and that information technology has now become amajor piece of a corporation’s global business plan. The evolution inglobalization has been around for centuries, but it really became visible inthe early 1900’s with technological enhancements. The telegraph and telephoneallowed people to communicate throughout borders in seconds.

Originally itwould take weeks or even months to send messages. When mancreated the airplane, it made its way for international travel, whilecommunication devices like the radio allowed people across the world to listento the news. Globalization came into full circle during the 20th century. Itincluded improvements in information technology. Information technology was themain reason for creating the worldwide addition of many global markets thatmade up globalization. It would be close to impossible to discuss everysignificant technological advance over the past 30 years, but a number ofadvances that truly have had a huge impact on the evolution of globalizationand its relationship with business.                        Thebiggest influence on of globalization was the “ World Wide Web” in1991.

Before the “ World Wide Web”, we had the Internet, which connected theglobe. With the help of the “ World Wide Web”, people can post their own digitalcontent for people across the world to see. They could also be assured thatanyone across the world could use similar information in the same way as theywere. Because of that, people could communicate with others from all over theworld, which wasn’t done before. Information technology has been the mainreason for the success of globalization. It will definitely continue to impactglobalization’s development throughout this century. This will all lead to aworld will be globally connected.                               WorksCited             Alsius, S.

, Mauri, M. & Martinez, R. R. (2011). Spain: A Diverse and AsymmetricLandscape. In: Eberwein, T., Fengler, S.

, Lauk, E. & Leppik-Bork, T.(eds.), Mapping Media Accountability – in Europe and Beyond (pp. 155-167).

Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag.             FreedomHouse (2016). Spain: Freedom of the Press. https://freedomhouse. org/report/freedom-press/2016/spain (December 14, 2017).

“ Understanding The Socio-Economic Divide In Europe”. OECDCentre for Opportunity and Equality(2017): 3-26. OECD 2017. WEB. 5 Sep 2017

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"Jennifer union, spain has an open and law." AssignBuster, 14 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/jennifer-union-spain-has-an-open-and-law/.

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