Proposal Essay, 3 pages (750 words)

Introducing a youth sports program to my community research proposal sample

Affiliated School;

Introducing a Youth Sports Program to My Community
The project involves starting a basketball club as a program for the youths aged between 14-19 years. The program is to be implemented in three phases as follows; the first stage is introducing the youths to the program together with their parents, next will be training of the youths on the game and the final stage will be ensuring a well maintained team (Botvin, 1995).
The initial amount of money required to start the program is $200, 000. This will be acquired from the ministry of sports and from fund raising from the community. During the fund raising awareness will be created on the importance of the program, the negative effects of drug abuse and pre-marital sex . The money is mainly supposed to rent a hall and equipment will be purchased. The services will be provided by the volunteers from the community and some employees from the government.
According to a UN report of 2012, it was established that the number of youths who dropped out of school due to drugs and substance abuse had doubled. This was a cause for alarm as many of them ended up being involved in crimes as a means of earning a living. There is need for an immediate action; this was the premise of the program, to create a recreation place for the youths. A place where they can be taught discipline and the effects of being involved in crime at the same time a place where talent can be nurtured. Exercise is also seen to be good for the youths as it improves their heath (Texas Behavioural Research Program, 1980).
The program will involve coaches, psychologists and nutritionists. During the first phase of the program, the youths will be paired up with mentors who will be looking out for them. The mentors will be expected to always keep track of the whereabouts of the youth. The psychologist will be helping those who already have an addiction to the drugs and guiding the others not be involved. The youths are known to have a lot of great ideas and innovations which will be highly accepted. This will allow them to feel like they own the program. The nutritionist will help to teach them on how to eat well and the biological effects of drugs on the body. The youths are known to have great and lots of energy that if not directed to the right place may end up being wasted. The program will empower them with life changing skills on how to control their behaviours (Elickon, 2003).
Once an office has already been acquired it will act as the central point for all the organizations of the program. The following will be the work schedule;
– A fundraising activity that will include a showcase of the talent that is available in the community will be hosted at the community hall. All the members of the community will be invited to attend and participate.
– The money that will be acquired will be used to create the necessary equipments for exercises and to get all the necessary personnel available.
– A time table will be created as per the arrival time for exercise and the other activities that the youths will be involved in. This will include team building activities that are meant to boost self esteem and confidence of the youths (Holt, 2008). Extra talents like dancing, singing and other talents will be encouraged as well.
– Once in a month the program will be expected to give back to the community by cleaning up or taking part in any other activity.


The main goal of the program is to nurture talent and keep the youths away from drugs and substance and in the end ensure a good and bright future for them. The sports program is going to provide a remedy to the many social evils that ail the youths and with time it will attract more and more investors, volunteers and talent.
The outcome of the program is to ensure youths remain in schools, live a healthy and productive life where they are aware of the effects of drugs and substance abuse. This will create a better and brighter future for them.


A 2011 United Nations ” UN Report on the Global Sports 2010″. Retrieved 2011-06-08. Report on the youths and education.
Botvin J. Gibert, Schinke Paul Steven, Orlandi A. Mario, (1995), Drug Abuse Prevention with Multiethnic Youths, Springer Publishers, Washington D. C
Texas A & M University Behavioural Research Program, (1980), Community Based Drug Abuse Prevention for Youths, University Publishers
Elickon Debbie,(2003), Positive Sports; Professional athletes and mentoring Youths in communities, Orthodox Press Print, New York.
Holt L. Nicholas,(2008), Positive Youth Development Through Sports, Macmillan Publishers

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'Introducing a youth sports program to my community research proposal sample'. 23 December.


AssignBuster. (2021, December 23). Introducing a youth sports program to my community research proposal sample. Retrieved from https://assignbuster.com/introducing-a-youth-sports-program-to-my-community-research-proposal-sample/


AssignBuster. 2021. "Introducing a youth sports program to my community research proposal sample." December 23, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/introducing-a-youth-sports-program-to-my-community-research-proposal-sample/.

1. AssignBuster. "Introducing a youth sports program to my community research proposal sample." December 23, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/introducing-a-youth-sports-program-to-my-community-research-proposal-sample/.


AssignBuster. "Introducing a youth sports program to my community research proposal sample." December 23, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/introducing-a-youth-sports-program-to-my-community-research-proposal-sample/.

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"Introducing a youth sports program to my community research proposal sample." AssignBuster, 23 Dec. 2021, assignbuster.com/introducing-a-youth-sports-program-to-my-community-research-proposal-sample/.

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