ARPANETAdvanced Research Projects Agency Network
The precursor to the Internet, it was a network developed in the late 1960’s and early
InternetNetwork of networks. Evolved from ARPANET
wwwworld wide web
e-mailelectronic mail
chatA form of interactive online communication that enables users to have real-time conversations with other people who are also online
Instant MessagingA technology that gives users the ability to identify people online and to exchange messages with them in real time
file transfer protocolftp. The standard method for downloading and uploading files over the Internet
Voice Over Internet ProtocolVoIP. A technology that uses Internet Protocol (IP) instead of voice recognition
pingnetworking command used to test if destination computer is reachable
telnetlogin remotely to another computer
remote desktopwhen turned on it’s a Windows feature of letting someone connect to your computer and they can see what you see, great for tech support
Tracerttrace the route that data packets take to get from computer A to computer B
IP adressnumber that uniquely identifies each computer or device connected to the internet such as 96. 17. 59. 19 and corresponds to the Domain Name of www. nike. com
Domain Name Service ServerDNS Server. Database that helps our computer match web address to its IP address
Uniform Resource Locatorthe location and access method of a resource on the Internet
domain nameit is the text name corresponding to the numeric IP address
internet2aims to increase the size and strength of the Internet, not to replace it
top-level domainsuffix of the domain name (com, gov, net, etc..)
broadbandhigh speed internet connections vs. dial-up
cable internet servicethrough cable TV company such as comcast
Wi-FiFree or Fee-based wireless connections at hot-spots, restaurants, hotels, etc.
satellitevia satellite dish, works for rural communities
Digital Subscriber LineDSL. over high-speed phone lines
Dial-Up accessThe most basic type of Internet account
E-commerceconducting business online
Business to BusinessB2B. Like International Paper sells paper to other companies
Business to ConsumerB2C. Like Target. com
Consumer to ConsumerC2C. Like eBay. com
Firewalla specially programmed computer system that ” stands” between an organization’s LAN and the Internet
portthe place where information goes into and out of a computer, or both
blogA Web site (or section of a Web site) where users can post a chronological, up-to-date e-journal entry of their thoughts
browserA program used to view, download, upload, surf, or otherwise access documents (for example, Web pages) on the Internet
home pageThe first page or front page of a Web site
MP3A standard for storing and transmitting music in digital format across the Net
multimediaA computer-based method of presenting combinations of text, images, graphics, animation, streaming audio or video, and so on
netiquetteThe code of conduct and unofficial rules that govern online interaction and behavior, it comes from ” net” plus ” etiquette.”
plug-inA software program that extends the capabilities of your browser in a specific way, giving you, for example, the ability to play audio samples or view movies on your computer screen
Real Simple SyndicationRSS. a format for distributing and gathering content from sources across the Web, including newspapers, magazines, and blogs
Streamingto transmit a media clip (which could be audio or video or both), over a network, so that it begins to play back as quickly as possible
web serverit’s a software program that serves Web page files to users
Frequently asked questionsA list of questions and answers related to a Web site, newsgroup, software, or any kind of product or service
Hot spotrefers to places that have wireless Internet connections
podcastA free, downloadable audio file that can be listened to on your computer–where you can burn it to a compact disc–or on an MP3 player or iPod to enjoy
virusA self-replicating software program that is designed to infect a computer by rapidly spreading from one file to another
wormsimilar to virus, except they are usually spread over a network without human help
trojan horsemalware that appears to be benign or desirable and tricks the user into allowing the program access to their computer.
spywaretyope of malware that collects information about users without their knowledge often to track browsing habits and to create pop-up ads.
malwareintentionally malicious software or code that is designed to damage your computer or collect information without your knowledge
phishingmail or IM scams that are disuised to look like official communications from a legit website
pharmingtechnique used to redirect a legit website’s traffic to another illegitamate website in order to gain access to a user’s personal info
spamunsolicited email or junk mail, much of which contains money scams or sexual content
hoaxemail chain letter that warns of impending viruses and tries to scare users into forwarding and continuing the hoax email.
browser hijackingoccurs when malware or spyware replaces your browser’s home page with its own in order to force more hits to a particular website.