Essay, 3 pages (700 words)

Gun control

Teacher 27th April Gun Control Gun control is any law that limits the possession, sale and use of guns or other arms. Today, guns have become a part of our lives and many countries have laws of gun control. Most of the people think that guns are the sole reasons of many crimes that happen but what about a person who shot a thug and saved a lady from being robbed? He also had a gun but he didn’t intend to use it for evil. In addition to that, all the soldiers, who are at the border defending their countries from invasions, have guns as well but they don’t use it for the evil. So guns are not the only cause of crimes.
Some people think that by banning guns crimes would be removed but this may not be so, as we know that there are many laws made but they are not necessarily followed. These laws which are not followed by the criminals have two adverse effects. First of all those sellers who are not allowed to sell arms and ammunitions become rich selling their weapons illegally. This will lead to a formation of a black market and we will lose complete control over it. “ I am convinced that we can do to guns what weve done to drugs: create a multi-billion dollar underground market over which we have absolutely no control.” (Roman) Secondly, the law abiding citizens face a loss as they now have no weapons while the criminals, who don’t even bother to respect the law, will still be armed. This will reduce the number of lives saved by such law abiding citizens. This shows that the criminals are criminals because they don’t follow the laws and we cannot expect them to do so. “ Expecting a carjacker or rapist or drug pusher to care that his possession or use of a gun is unlawful is like expecting a terrorist to care that his car bomb is taking up two parking spaces.” (Chew) People who fought for independence also had guns. It is not the guns that matter; it is the intention of the one using it. Depriving people of guns doesn’t solve the problems but it only worsens it. Think about those nations who are now independent just because they fought for their independency. If they would have no guns, then they wouldn’t have got their independence.
Like all the other things, gun control has some positive aspects as well. Guns are weapons and if not handled safely they can cause all the kinds of damage. In 1998, 30708 deaths were caused by weapons in the United States. Of that number, 12102 were assassinations, 17424 were suicides, 366 were accidents, 316 had nameless causes, and only 154 were confirmed to be in self-protection. (Guns in Our Lives) Guns are at present being used in the world for murders, celebration, hunting and gang activity. Guns are used in the drill team, for war and by the police force. Guns should be used only for self-defense to defend themselves and their valuables, not as armaments to take others lives. Many problems arise when guns, even if they are licensed, get into wrong hands. For this reason many people support gun controlling laws. Limiting the use of guns makes the residents feel safe as no one will hurt them. Suicide rate will reduce and so will the killings. “ Banning guns addresses a fundamental right of all Americans to feel safe.” (Feinstein)
So the laws controlling and limiting the use of arms have their benefits and drawbacks but the drawbacks exceed the benefits and thus these laws should be removed and people’s right to own weapons and use them for self-protection should not be infringed. (Persuasive Essay on Gun Control)
Works Cited
Chew, Joseph. “ Gun Control”. quoteland. com, Quoteland. com. n. d. Web. 28 Apr. 2012.
Roman, George. “ Famous Gun Control Quotes”. ak-outdoors. com, Alaska Outdoors. n. d. Web. 28 Apr. 2012.
Feinstein, Dianne. “ Guns Quotes”. brainyquotes. com, Brainy Quotes. n. d. Web. 28 Apr. 2012.
“ Persuasive Essay on Gun Control”. hotessays. blogspot. com, Hot Essays. 21 Sep. 2010. Web. 28 Apr. 2012.
“ Guns in Our Lives”. urbandreams. ousd. k12. ca. us, Urban Dreams. n. d. Web. 28 Apr. 2012.

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AssignBuster. (2021, November 17). Gun control. Retrieved from https://assignbuster.com/gun-control-essay-samples/


AssignBuster. 2021. "Gun control." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/gun-control-essay-samples/.

1. AssignBuster. "Gun control." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/gun-control-essay-samples/.


AssignBuster. "Gun control." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/gun-control-essay-samples/.

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"Gun control." AssignBuster, 17 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/gun-control-essay-samples/.

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