Essay Titles and Topic Ideas for College

⭐ Fascinating College Ideas to Improve Your Writing

  1. Discussion on whether a college degree is truly vital
    Most secondary school seniors are forced by their direction advisors and folks to head off to college on the grounds that it is " the best thing to do." In the paper that Caroline Bird composed " School is a Waste of Time and Money", she expresses that understudies attend a university on the grounds →
  2. Alcohol abuse in college
    One important source of information on the prevalence of adolescents alcohol use comes from the Monitoring the Future National Results on Adolescent Drug Use: Overview of Findings, 2002 study. MTF is a longitudinal research project that has consistently collected data on the reported use of substances in national samples of →
  3. College of law, government and
    Based on the definition of international system in one book, " International system is a set of relationship among the world's states, structured according to certain rules and pattern of interaction". In fact, constructivism tell us that the international system is constituted by ideas and not material.
  4. Sample college admission essay essay sample
    From the time I was able to realize what a university was, all I heard from my mother's side of the family was about the University of Michigan and the great heritage it has. From first sight, the university looked frightening because of its size, but with such a large school comes diversity of people →
  5. Why banned college football
    Most college football players do not even get paid to play the sport. College football players do not get a dime for there dedication to the sport.
  6. Term paper on ddbl mobile banking. chittagong cantonment public college.
    0 Introduction Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited has for the first time introduced its mobile banking service expanding the banking service from cities to remote areas." Mobile banking is an alternative to the traditional banking through which banking service can be reached at the doorsteps of the deprived section of the society," - 1. DBBL →
  7. The effects of social media on college students essay sample
    To address the issue of the effectiveness of using social networking, the first question raised in this study is: for what purpose is the student utilizing social networking? The objective of this research is to explore the advantages and disadvantages of students' use of social networking for study; exploring the relationship between the effects →
  8. Argumentative essay about college education
    As a reader or listener it is essential to take heed into Springsteen's early interest in cars as they play a monumental role in symbolizing his need for escape in arguably his three most famous albums, Born to Run, Darkness on the Edge of Town, and The River. Analysis of the author's work Due →
  9. leaving home for college: expectations for selective reconstruction of self
    This article relates the turning point of attending college to marriage, having children, etc. The students in this study viewed the meaning attending college as finding who they are, starting over, becoming adults, gaining independence, beginning a new life, entering the " next stage." All of the students were stressing →
  10. Why i deserve a scholarship in college of education
    However, if I had a scholarship to appease my needs, I would definitely be able to focus on my education even more than I already do. The one thing that would be on my mind would be learning, which in the end is the most important thing. To be educated is already →
  11. Why a college education is important to me
    The realization has swiftly set in that my choice to work right out of High School instead of pursuing a college education had just found its way of biting me in the back side. What I am now realizing is that by getting a college education, it will help to open so →
  12. The application of artificial intelligence in college education
    Between your lecture notes, the textbook and any readings, there's always going to be more material than you will know what to do with and it's hard to know how to prioritize your studying. Chatbots, which are AI-powered customer service chat programs, have been a popular way to use AI and it's carried over to →
  13. Jerusalem college of engineering
    This field of biologically inspired technology, having the moniker biometrics, has evolved from making static copies of human and animals in the form of statues to the emergence of robots that operate with realistic appearance and behavior. The Responsibility of AI Research and Development the question that concerns many in regards to the development of →
  14. Free essay on the mandate of the college of opticians in ontario
    It details the college's role in abidance with requirements of the Opticians Act of 1991, the Code of Ethics for Opticians and abidance with standard principles of practice. Foremost, The Opticians Act of 1991 has spelled out specific requirements of the college. Further, coordination will as well make sure that the competence levels acquired by →
  15. Effects of online gaming addiction in college student
    Joshua Smyth, associate professor of psychology in The College of Arts and Sciences at Syracuse University, recently conducted a randomized trial study of college students contrasting the effects of playing online socially interconnected video games with more traditional single-player or arcade-style games.________________________________________ While both multiplayer and traditional single player video games present a double-edged sword, →
  16. Perspectives on free-speech zones on college campuses research paper examples
    Evaluate which person made the stronger argument. Greg Lukianoff argued that a policy on free-speech zones is a curtailment of an individual's or group's freedom of expression given the fact that " only a tiny portion of the campus" is allowed for use during protests/rallies. The reason for my choice is that liberty does not →
  17. Example of empire state college admission essay
    I have always wanted to be part of the Empire State College having known its achievements in the field of Arts and the Sciences. I consider my job as a Hospital Corpsman a turning point in my career as I discovered that I have the passion for managing and administering care for the elderly and →
  18. Adjusting to college essay examples
    The freshman year of college can be quite stressful both for students and the parents of the students. They would have acquired the basic survival skills that students need for the first year of college, making it easier for them to adjust to life away from home and being on their own.
  19. Personal responsibility and college success
    Once you love and own your role of being a student, living the student life comes into play. Mothers have the life of taking care of the children, cleaning, cooking, and running errands. Love, owing, and living the life of a student are tools to help you get a handle on being →
  20. College trendy travesty
    This study will be conducted to determine the prevalence of problems on alcohol consumption specifically it seeks to answer the following question: what is the prevalence of alcohol abusers in the sample population using biological markers, CAGE questionnaire, and socio-demographic information and the relationship existing among these parameters as indicators of alcohol abuse?
  21. Wah yan college, hong kong
    The number of overweight people in Hong Kong ranks among the there Asian cities, the Department of Health stated. The main reason of suffering from obesity is the lifestyle of the children has changed.
  22. Literature and online college newspaper
    In addition, the author shows the children creating games and a fantasy world that compares their lives to the lives of the tortured. An example of the effectiveness of the illustrations and narrative is shown on page 116.
  23. Critique of “college isn’t for everyone”
    The solution Reeves talks about is find a cheap apartment for your kid and deposit them in community college. Reeves did a really good job about saying that four-year schools are not great for everyone and that most people need to think about trade schools and even two-year school to become successful in this world.
  24. High school vs. college.
    Students achieve education in both high school and college, which helps students to become successful in their future. To sum up, although high school and college are both institutions that provide education to students, there are vast differences in the way they function.
  25. College vs. high school essay
    However, In college, I will need to constantly refer to my syllabus to check when assignments are due. However, in college, I will need to constantly refer to my syllabus to check to any time.

✅ Good College Topic Samples to Create Your Paper

⚡ Interesting College Ideas to Write About

  1. Good why college athletes should not be paid argumentative essay example
    It would be hard to cater for the expenses of these athletes and may force college athletes to meet them. It is only fair for amateurs to remain dedicated to the college without complaining. The National College Athletics Association defends the policy of not paying college athletes.
  2. All students in high school and college should be required to take at least two argumentative essay sample
    The argument here is that, since every other person around the world is striving to learn English, then there is no urgent need of learning other languages. The opponents of learning foreign languages also claim that English is a global language. It is for this reason that Americans and especially →
  3. Good example of report on library and the college student: the effects of library have on a college student
    This study was conducted to assess the effects of using the library in overall performance of students. This study suggests that when students are aware of the results satisfaction of library has on them, they change thoughts and their GPA improves. Hypotheses The use of library for by college students is a major contributor →
  4. Why college education is important to me essay example
    Although a college degree may not help in getting a specific job that I may be applying for, it will enhance my chances of getting it. Attending college is important to me because it will provide me with the mental stimulation which I crave. I want to be a member →
  5. Free research paper about research on lifestyle habits of college students
    The health of the students entails the level of adequate social, physical and also psychological well being. The questionnaires are; the Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile and the Personal Lifestyle Questionnaire.
  6. Example of argumentative essay on technology in the college classroom
    This paper prominently addresses the pro-technology side of the argument, followed by brief rebuttal and counterarguments. The Argument for Technology in College Classrooms - According to Osorio et al , " the human computer interaction makes communication, a central factor in education, easier". As such, the use of technology in the college classroom is →
  7. Research paper on a college education what is its purpose
    A college education's purpose is to prepare young teens to be prepared for the world around them, enabling them to compete against people in the business sector and succeed for the future. It is often noted that the main purpose of college education is to get a decent job and make high salaries. It is →
  8. Choosing the right college
    The student should ask his or herself if they would like to attend a larger school or smaller school, private or public, and take into consideration themoneyhe or she would like to spend in order to get a qualityeducation. These main questions can narrow down the choices and make the process less →
  9. How to survive the 1st week of college
    To survive the first week of you college, all you need to do is have proper hygiene, quickly accommodate yourself with new friends, including peers and teachers, and lastly you should adapt yourself to your newenvironment. Basically, you should always make new friends during your first week of college because in the longer run you →
  10. Prague college assignment brief
    2 evaluate the suitability of a system design specification - Warranties, quality of goods has been considered carefully, and appropriate solution has been quoted that is well thought out and researched.- Consideration has been taken to meet the clients needs within the budget - Research was thorough and in-depth, testing and compatibility issues have been →
  11. College students need tax deductions - response to questionnaire
    Out of these students, the majority claimed that they did not have to take care of their college expenses themselves, whereas about 31% stated that they were taking care of their college expenses, including tuition, by themselves. Further, 7 of them stated that they do not work, i.e.they do not hold →
  12. The importance and need of internet of things in smart school/college campus
    Gadgets that help understudies in inciting and passing on information, that intercede the strategies and modes of changing that information into learning, have been at the center of sound in today's day-to-day life. By advancement we imply more than enlisting developments extend the human body, from pens to eye glasses to pieces of clothing. IoT →
  13. The influence of new media in the american college students entertainment culture research paper
    As much as these sites offer students and the youth a new way of entertainment and communication, they also risk their lives through communicating and meeting strangers. The social media shapes college students entertainment culture. This is a form of entertainment that has influenced many students. Most college students remain online until wee hours while →
  14. The flawed electoral college system
    The Flawed Electoral College System The Electoral College undermines the notion that every vote counts in the United States. The size of the population determines the number of electoral votes for that state and each is represented by a person who casts the votes for that state.
  15. College compensate the workers who sacrifice their bodies
    I understand that college athletes do not deserve all the money they bring in but if one really thinks about it there is no where else in the world of economics is there a person that spends over forty hours a week and brings in $500, 000 per year for their institution, yet they are →
  16. Example of essay on how to succeed in college
    In that strain, it can be summed up that college success is the result of deliberate hard work, organization, focus and determination. One's intelligence dictates the ability to easily grasp new matter. This would be seen in the nature of grades one gains in the course examination. Secondly, college success requires focus and organization.
  17. Poetry college essay
    The poet uses the element of alliteration. This is evident in the words flames, flamed and fire; and later in the poem feel, fall and flowers. The visual imagery that he has created gives the reader a compassionate view to the wife's emotional grief while surrounding her with a fountain of newly born life. The →
  18. College entrepreneurs do good and make money
    Aaron and Ryan only had a couple of hundred dollars to start their business, but they were able to run their business and start with a small amount of capital. We do not need to start gigantic to create a successful business. We also think that the fact that Ryan and Aaron were young and →
  19. The perception of female college student toward portrayal body image of women in thesis examples
    If, considering the height and weight ratio of the respondents and considering them to be in the average healthy ratio, this shows that the respondents believe that the thin models in the magazines have the ideal body image. Survey results also show that most of the respondents think that the body image the media shows →
  20. Date rape among college students essay
    You say what the heck, start getting ready and off to the party you go. As soon as you walk in the door you are greeted by Jack, which he offers you a drink, and you take it. The more you drink the more likely you are to become a victim of date rape. There →
  21. Reasons for being in college
    People who graduate from college make more money than those with just a high school diploma. Plus, people with just a high school diploma are nearly twice as likely to be in poorer health than college graduates.5.
  22. Dissection of “the nut and bolts of college writing”
    Dissection of " The nut and bolts of college writing" Submitted by Sudhir Pathak Student ID No- 1153630 Instructor Brenda McDermott Date- 2012-09-07 At the request of the association of writing instructors, to write a book review on " The nuts and bolts of college writing", this review will be published in the association's →
  23. College sports essay example
    Sokolove compares the state of sports in the universities to the rest of the economy where the economic disparity between the rich and the poor is widening. The descriptive paragraphs detract from the thesis of the article. In first paragraphs of the article touching on football, he paints a bad picture of the sports but →
  24. Free essay on louis menand: why we have college
    However, from the various points he brings out in the article, it is clear to see that what he is not stating explicitly is that the value of a university degree is rapidly declining and it purpose is becoming more and more undefined. To do this it is important that →
  25. Good example of essay on cultural activity (college dance event)
    The event was held in the university auditorium from 11 pm to 6am in the morning. Some of the attendees were standing and making slow dance moves to the beat of the entertaining tune played by the university band.

️📚 College Writing Prompts for Students

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"College." AssignBuster, 25 Nov. 2021,