A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

2-page review addressing the theory of operation and performance of reciprocating engines

The comparison of volumes in the cylinder space when the piston is at the top and when the piston is the bottom are some of the valuable information studied during the course. The reciprocating engine is also referred to as an internal-combustion engine because it involves the combustion of a mixture of fuel in the →


Philosophy is a very old discipline, ranging from the writing of the Bible, to accredited philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and the likes of desecrates. The vastness of philosophy is cannot be summarized in one book and even the best philosophy book is only limited to topics or philosophers that interested the author.

Sacred narrative

Christian perspective on the origin of mankind From the traditional Christian perspective, man was a creation of God. In addition, the nature of man can only be explained by the supreme nature and abilities of God.

Kirkham instruments case analysis essay

Kirkham Instruments needed to become more closely coordinated between each division with regards to the design of new features and the market introduction of the products while also coordinating the development of new equipment with the analytical software features desired by the customers Kirkham's strategy was to integrate the different systems of each division into →

World health organisation

The current WHO definition of health, formulated in 1948, describes " health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity". Ref maria pollardThere is a wealth of information available to both mothers and healthcare professionals, therefore they need to use this information for their →

Keynes versus friedman essay

Keynes versus Friedman To begin with, I would like to say that these to economists made perhaps the greatest and the most significant contribution to economy in the twentieth century. In his work " The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money" he states brilliant ideas over the unemployment and price regulations that should be →

Compare the ways

To accentuate the importance of state social control and the Liberalism's political agenda school attendance became compulsory up to the age of ten with the introduction of the 1880 and 1902 Education Acts. It was also around this time and Britain's earlyglobalizationand the changing social and economic conditions that prompted the Politician's and educated members →

Media law in south africa

Under the South African Constitution, in the Bill of Rights it is stated that every person has a right to freedom of expression, which includes freedom of press and the media, the freedom to receive or impart information or ideas, freedom of artistic creativity, academicfreedom and freedom of scientific research. The relationship between the government/ →

Phenomenology of love assignment

The answer to the problem of loneliness is the reaching out to the other person as an other. The appeal of the other is the call to participate in his subjectivity, to be with and for him.

Future applications of biotechnology to the energy industry

Concerns about the use of crops for food versus fuel production, environmental effects of land use related to biofuel production, decreased oil prices, ever-increasing advances in the generation and use of wind and solar energy, and political will to promote/subsidize the development of alternative energy are also influencing factors. The contributions of biotechnology to the →

Perceiving the need for social change in “a christmas carol”

The writer's purpose is stated in the words of Marley's ghost: " Mankind was my business" and implemented by allowing the reader to share the rigorous re-education of Scrooge. Scrooge believes in ghosts, and the chained, doomed ghost of Marley introduces the reader to fear of the supernatural, of death and of the afterlife.

Let me not to the marriage of true minds

Within the passage, this one instance of imagery reinforces a complementary idea to the central theme of Love's constancy; that is, the idea of Time and the role it plays in determining if love is real. Though this opinion is reasonable, it cannot compete with the fact that the sonnet " burns with emotion and →

Research paper on database design

According to Gordon, when designing a database there is a need to think of a field data type as a set of qualities that apply to all the values that are contained in the field and that determines what kind of data the values can be. Unicode is designed to make extended characters that are →

Nursing leaderships ethics research paper

In all my nursing endeavors, I have tried to indeed incorporate ethical practices and leadership behaviors but I have found that they are five sources of shadow when it comes to the assumption of leadership roles in this profession. Finally, I have found that in my personal attempt to assume ethical practices and leadership behaviors →

Swot analysis for a new college

The new college needs to know how to price their programs competitively and conduct the SWOT analysis of competitors in that market. Olympia College was located in middle of the city the bus station and taxi station are beside College that was convenience to visit College and around the College have a lot of restaurant →

Introduction bicycles for children, apart from producing toys

Such behavior will reflect what kind of a leader the person is, and this will also help followers in organization to be effective because the followers in organization will learn from example in their leader to cope with pressure situations. A successful leader should also be able to accept new ways of doing things in →

Behind your style assignment

In many ways so At the beginning of the article, Eraser immediately brings light to the terrible conditions of sweatshops and the workers that are not much less fortunate. Eraser Ravisher gives numerous examples of the conditions that these companies force their employees to work in.

Globalization and military strategy assignment

These situations help reinforce the need for a mission of deterrence, requiring the maintenance of a significant conventional and nuclear capability-I Counterterrorism will continue to be a threat to our national security for years to come. In the face of global threats we need to maintain our conventional, nuclear, and counter terrorist capabilities.

Hallway nursing/er overcapacity – a threat to public health essay sample

As the president of the ONA, I want to reassert the position that we have held for along time as an organization that hallway nursing/ER overcapacity are major impediments to provision of effective heath service. Therefore, it is time you as a patient stand up and asks the government to increase the amount of funding →

Pre optometry

My participation here provided me with the opportunity for the development of leadership and service, and this stimulated my interest to become an Optometrist in order to exercise the leadership and services skills obtain from my participation. I have a 2-year experience in the Optometrist field which has increased my aptitude and motivation.

Arming against hitler: france and the limits of military planning by eugenia c. kiesling

Author's prime focus, at the beginning of the research, was to look into and dig out the reasons of military failure at strategic planning level but eventually the study focused on more important part of the determination of strategic choices made by the French top commands. This book requires a careful study and an in-depth →

Buyer decision progress

The captured photos failed to depict the lovely moment and this influenced my decision to purchase a new and high standard camera. Manufactures advertisements that developed a sense of utility from diversified product and my disposable cash for the purchase identified the product brand and model for purchase.

Puddle-jumper airline

This implies that college research papers lack adequate practical data and information from the field or the actual problem. Moreover, the phrase implies that college research papers are developed from a theoretical perspective.

Online and offline clothing/fashion retail sales

From the perspective of the industry, around 2 million stores of menswear are located in America. According to research, approximately 8 million women clothing retailers are located in the world.

Why leaves turn color in the fall

Summary and Analysis of " Why Leaves Turn Color in the Fall?" Diane Ackerman's essay " Why Leaves Turn Color in the Fall" combines poetry, philosophy and popular science as it describes the cycle in which leaves undergo; and relates the falling of the leaves, as seasons transition, with human experiences. Ackerman elaborates on →

Cio surveys

It provides information about future information system trends and what the professionals think; which is very important for planning and managing health care information systems.Q2. They advocate for backup/disaster recovery because they are the main source of information, and management of the health management information system.

Reaffirming the child centered perspective in family law sociology

The current tendencies show the worsening province of households across the state and the gradual stepping down of the traditional " connubial " position of matrimony. Dan Cere cites that " What is losing in new proposals in household jurisprudence is any existent apprehension of the cardinal function of matrimony as a societal establishment in →

Themes in jurassic park essay

In the film, Jurassic Park's owner John Hammond is being sued millions of dollars after a man is eaten by one of the raptors at his park. Money and greed are bad in the film and in the end; the greedy people the lawyer and Dennis Nedrey are eaten.

Aig scandal

After a twenty-second spiel about his worries, the father says, " Buddy, we are with AIG" and he goes, " Oh! and walks out of the room and back to his bedroom.[1] AIG, established as a Delaware corporation in 1921 by Maurice " Hank" Greenburg, is primarily engaged in insurance-related and financial activities in the →

Political essay

Political Essay I am a conservative person when it comes to taking money away from the rich and giving it to the poor. The illegal comes to the United States for a better life.

Light up your dream

For one thing, the Future Library seems to be a really new and attractive idea for people nowadays, for it is a long-term and costly project which requires time, money and insistence. For another, what we should pay attention to this project is the motive and the influence behind it.

Introduction obervation about the client firm construction essay

A Client firm is a firm which is also aware of the latest trends in the construction of the development and as such, requires professional services and expertise in the development of their project, such an expertise that will require a futuristic touch only a two-year period. It should adopt and observe the key values →

The impact of gender on suicide sociology essay

The desire to nurture may also enable females to be more open than men to inform others about suicide and more willing to talk with those considering suicide. Men do not have the benefit of having a suicide attempt be observed as a need for treatment because they are more likely to succeed in their →

The labour cost advantage and china

In 2006, the average wage of employees in primary industries was only 786 Yuan, which is a quarter of the average wage of employees working in financial services and one-fifth of those working in the computer industry. In 2007, the Banking & Insurance sector had an average wage of 50.

Properties of enzyme catalysts

At the maximum velocity of the enzyme, all the enzyme active sites are bound to substrate, and the amount of ES complex is the same as the total amount of enzyme. If a reversible inhibitor can bind to the enzyme active site in place of the substrate, it is described as a " competitive inhibitor".

Isotopes and its uses

Numbers of isotopes per element Of the 80 elements with a stable isotope, the largest number of stable isotopes observed for any element is ten. Even proton-odd neutron There are 54 stable isotopes that have an even number of protons and an odd number of neutrons.

Case study on technology changing the face of education

On the one hand one can say that technologies improve the quality of education, as more and more schools and universities are equipped with computers and various devices which are required for the development of the student's professional skills.it is a big plus that infants have the chance to receive education with the help of →

Marketing debate and discussion

The entire process involved between the production of products by the producer and the consumption by the final consumer sums up the marketing process. This raises the cost of marketing, and as a result of failure to deliver; more efforts are required to counter and correct the effect of the former promotion by both the →

Population, urbanization, and environment

This has not only provided security to the human population but also has paved the way for the proliferation of the human beings, contributing more to the technical advances and hence growth in terms of population, industrialization resulting in urbanization and ultimately affecting our environment. It is a concern that needs the attention of every →

Beowulf and the bible essay

Over the many years of research and analysis of the poem, scholars came to the conjuncture that the author of Beowulf was indeed Christian. However much Beowulf may come off as a pagan warrior, the poem is very much enriched with Christian symbolism and allegorical interpretation comparable to the bible.

Prayer of jabez essay

Thus, given the importance of it in the minds of Christians in general, it's not surprising that a book which has prayer as a theme, much less one that promises positive results in the practice of it, finds a huge market among the majority of people who profess allegiance to the Christian faith. Wilkinson, however, →

Excavator boom design essay

However, the main aim of their design was to solve the problem of the hydraulic hoses obscuring the view of the operator. The factor of safety is used to account for effects of temperature, uncertainties in the material and also uncertainties in the loading of the component.

Gump notes essay

Due to his mental disabilities, Forrest becomes the victim of academic discrimination, which his mother fights desperately to resolve." He might be a bit on the slow side, but my boy Forrest is going to get the same opportunities as everyone else," she stated to the principal of Greenbow County Central School". During the Vietnam →

Market share essay

Because Brita has already acquired about 80% of the market they have a huge advantage over their competition. So far, it has been a successful strategy for Brita and they should continue to use that to promote their products.

Report of personality traits test essay

In their attitudes and words, they are often rude and uncouth, unaware of people's sensitivity and reactions. They are self-sufficient and keep their problems to themselves.

Virtue e-business store essay

Amazon.com Inc.is a multinational E-business company which is based in the United States and is the largest online retailer of the USA. Describes the type of E-business model the company uses The type of E-business model used by Amazon is E-Shops.

Editorial: structure, isotypes, targets, and post-translational modifications of immunoglobulins and their role in infection, inflammation and autoimmunity

The final section describes the consequences of Ig variability and targets in terms of pathogenicity and interest for the diagnosis, prognosis, monitoring, and treatment of patients. In this regard, the studies of Deveuve et al.highlight the importance of the hinge region of Igs, particularly for the development of new therapeutic monoclonal antibodies.

Discovery of new catalytic topoisomerase ii inhibitors for anticancer therapeutics

Human cells express TOP2A and TOP2B genes, among which TOP2A is essential for cancer cell division because it is expressed at the S and M phases of the cell cycle, and is required for DNA replication and chromosome segregation for mitosis. The choice of docking software was governed by a previous assessment of the docking →

Pygmalion and the dissolution of class barriers

Through the transformation of Eliza Doolittle, Shaw reveals to the audience that amongst the ' draggletailed guttersnipe[s]' of the lower class, there lies hidden an intelligence, honesty and tenacity that exceeds the virtues of the upper class, and that the way in which they are treated by their apparent social betters is unjustified. However, Shaw's →

Reflective nursing essay | leadership in a&e

I have chosen to reflect on this episode of practice as this is one of the first times I was truly allowed to manage an area during this time I was able to delegate to others, question my leadership style and make clinical decisions. I feel that I could have asked the HCA in a →

Efficacy of medical cannabis for the treatment of chronic pain

This study also found that the prevalence of chronic pain increases with age, affecting 62% of the population over the age of 75. In the past few years, there has been an increase interest in the use of cannabis for the management of chronic pain.

Literature on natural disasters and climate change

Based on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disaster to Advance Climate Change Adaptation and developing research to answer questions: if there are some types of extreme events become more frequent, severe, and longer in the past decades; the relative contribution of climate change to the various types of extreme events; how can the →

Benefits of hiring either permanent or temporary staff

The need to meet demand is the driving force of the labor market, Every company needs to mea adequate preparations for the periods in time when the demand is expected to rise so as to meet the demands of the consumer while still keeping the prices of the product low. It is the ability of →

Nanobots the new nemesis of cancer biology essay

It will have tremendous applications in the field of medicine especially for cancer treatment Oncologists, physicians who study, diagnose, and treat cancerous tumours, of every nook and corner of the world has been relentlessly researching for methods for the early detection of cancer and precious localization of cancer therapeutics with minimal adverse effects to healthy →

Appropriation and important postmodern strategy

There is also a possible death motif in reference to the Cold War and the anxiety of the Atomic age of the post-WW2 West. The tropes of the frilled glove and harlequin collar in Salle's work of the early nineties hints to his involvement with the performing arts.

America’s not a monopoly. our world of telecommunications

This law is obsolete, in accordance to the current Microsoft situation, because in the past there was not technology as there is now. The range of views extends from the optimists who think that changing technology removes the need for antitrust, to " middle-of-the-roaders" who think that antitrust has always been and still is an →

Case study on bank management system

Bank management systemis the complicated software system which is aimed at the professional management of the client's activities in the bank and high-quality and quick access to the client's account. With the rapid development of the banking system, the necessity of the high-quality bank management system has become extremely relevant.

The fictional case

In the case in hand, the samples which I would collect from the crime scene are; 1) the body of the victim, 2) Trace evidence such as the strip of grass at the scene of crime, twigs and leaves from the hair, grass fragment in her pubic hair, body hair, the soil dirt at her →

Conflict resolutions, cultrual differences assignment

The two sides of the conflict were the supporters Of the Western government model and the Old, Chinese model." The people who had fought for the old regimen were not punished but invited to join the new government." The Western supporters won, but the supporters of the traditional, Chinese model maintained their respect and dignity; →

Albert einstein essay sample

He won the Nobel Prize in 1921.[pic] Scarcely less well known than Einstein's leadership in relativity theory is his renunciation of that leadership, due to his revulsion at the " statistical" nature of the reality which his own discoveries suggested. He began in 1928 to seek a unified field theory that would explain nature at →

Dealing with troublesome behavior in the classroom essay sample

To guide students mentally and correct their troublesome behavior in the classroom, the teacher must possess the virtue of patience and tolerance. Hence, a teacher should be patient and tolerant to deal with the troublesome behavior of students in the classroom.

Case study: housing recreational areas and bathing facilities disaster sanitation

Then, the residents need to be oriented on the dangers of lead and molds and how to properly remove them from their homes while the city health and sanitation department will deploy personnel to professionally remove the peeling lead-based paints. The grant will be used to rehabilitate the entire complex to make it compliant with →

Effects of adoption on young adoptees

However, due to the difference in the adoption situation, some children do not experience the feelings since they are at peace with the adoptive parents. Adoption has effects on the adopted children and adoptive parents should be aware and available to provide any support.

Expeditions to dunn’s river waterfalls essay

I believed the most secure way to climb the falls was in group formations, under the supervision of a Fall Guide, who was normally equipped with special knowledge and skills who knew how to navigate the intricate hike into the caves. We would always stay until the sunset because it provided the perfect end to →

Fast food consumption has a negative impact on society(expostion)

It's the reason why many adults and children settle for this option of eating, but it's also the reason why many of us are so unhealthy. Fast food chains such as McDonalds and Hungry Jack's are the main cause of obesity in children and in adults.

Communication and the telephone

Technology took the telephone out of the kitchen and the family room and put in on submarines, aircraft and spaceships. The telephone continued to grow, before the first direct distance dialed call, American Telephone and Telegraph labs develop the car phone in the 1940 and continued to seek improvements.

Roses for who essay

Faulkner's extensive authorial power in " A Rose for? mily" looms evident in the design of a large Southern gothic house, in the outline of three complex generations of a Southern community, and in the development of a plot that dutifully weaves and unweaves a mystery through a limited omniscient point of view. The stylistics →

School days assignment

I knew my father wanted me to start going to school every day. Also, I wanted to make my father proud of me for going to school.

Positive aspects witin nationalism assignment

It is the job and honor of every follower of Christ and of every church of the Lord Jesus Christ to try to make disciples of the people from all nations. It is the duty of every child of God to try always to win the lost to Christ by a spoken witness.

The malpractices of hand hygiene in nursing staff

This study enlightens an approach to evaluate the knowledge and practice of standard hand hygiene in nursing staff to identify the causes of not adapting hand hygiene techniques during routine patient care work. The study highlights the lack in practice of hand hygiene by nursing staff.

Societal marketing on the attitudes of young consumers marketing essay

The notion of societal marketing implies satisfaction of the needs of the market in ways that improve the overall welfare of consumers and society as a whole and at the same contributing towards meeting the organization goals. The purpose of using this research is that it will help understanding the attitudes and behavior of customers, →

Children in residential care and their educational achievement education essay

Since in the majority of cases children in residential care seem to fall back in their academic formation, we propose to study the possibility of providing free supplementary education to the children residing in child-care institutions. At this point, the staff in residential homes should not limit the lives of these children just to the →

Effects of water temperature on plant growth

In the form of glucose water and nutrients is conducted from the leaves to different parts of the plant. 80 to 90% of water is the growing tissue part of the plant, lower water percentage parts are the woody, between 45 and 60% by weight of the water.

Contemporary artwork: comparison and analysis

The most significant parallel between the two pieces lies in the soft focus aesthetic of the photographs in question, which creates the illusion of the subjects fading into and out of the work, in turn evoking feelings and introducing notions of presence and absence within the work. Through the investigation of the photographic medium used →

Netaji subhashchandra bhose hindi essay

Jan 2007 to June 2007 as Executive Acquisition: off Roll From to Till Date as Executive Acquisition: Responsibilities: As Laisioning: Working in Laisioning with Municipal Corporation, Nagar Parishad & Grampanchayat Department for M&G circle. Working in Site Acquisition & Laisioning Department for M&G Co-ordinating with project team for resolving the issues with the landlords and →

The common core learning standards

The topic of Common Core and how it's getting implemented to the school Is a state government Issue. Com/2013/05/28/pillion/catalog-and-the-common-core-state- In chapter 3 of The Struggle for Democracy, federalism is the division and sharing how it's getting implemented to the school is a state government issue.

When you just can not stop falling asleep

What to do if you think you have narcolepsy The obvious answer is to see your physician for a diagnosis. If you know you have to stay awake, take a light diet in the mealtime.

The 2g spectrum scandal

The government's investigation and the government's reactions to the findings in the investigation were the subject of debate, as were the nature of the Indian media's reactions. Subramanian Swamy who is the chief petitioner for this case in the court of law.[1] * Parties accused of involvement The selling of the licenses brought attention to →

Nuclear a large share of the world’s

Nuclear power hasbeen a great advance in the field of electrical production in the last fiftyyears, with it's clean, efficient and cheap production, it has gained a largeshare of the world's power supply. The engineers performed a standard teston the turbo generators At 1: 20amthe operator turned off the emergency cooling system." The sharp temperatureincrease →

Comparative study of cinderella

The negative connotation of hitting a child causes the audience to contemplate the environment of which Adeline is living in. Vivian's far inferior status contrasts to that of Edwards' as she is a prostitute with minimal education and no means of paying the rent.

Silk air case

The rationale for this is explained as that most of the operations are handled by Singapore Airlines in terms of marketing, and most of the HR and Planning is a part of Singapore Airlines' concerns. The major disadvantage of this structure is that the main components of the service industry are the part of one →

Effect of social networks in marketing assignment

The attributes and characteristics of the nodes and edges will define how nature and characteristics of the network and determine the nature of interactions that happen. We control how central we are to the social network It has been long known that word of mouth has a crucial role to play in the success of →

Social workers responsibility: the vitality of mental health

She should encourage Helen's daughter to give Helen the company of her grandchildren at least if possible. Helen's daughter can either take her to New Zealand or come back and stay with Helen for the rest of her life if possible.


Question Family nurse practitioners, while caring for the health condition of families, are in the best position to contribute in the development of a family-centered orientation to primary health care, as they have better understanding on the varying needs of families and on the different family dynamics that may contribute or hinder successful primary health →

20th history of art

20th History of Art of Murals for The Museum Of Modern Art Introduction In attempt to sharpen my critical thinking and writing skills, this assignment tries to understand the formal analysis of artistic work. Diego Rivera: Murals for The Museum of Modern Art I will discuss Diego Rivera: Murals for The Museum of Modern Art →

Texas: history of sugar land

The population of Sugar Land grew in terms of stature and population and was incorporated in 1959. Some of the biggest employers in Sugar Land include: Schumbere, Fluor, and Nalco.

Opportunities to improve international business prospects in south africa

The economy is undergoing rapid growth especially with the concerted efforts by the government and stakeholders to enhance the recovery from the inefficiencies of apartheid. Our company enjoys an unmatched reputation in the region and therefore there is no doubt of imminent success.

Comparing and contrasting themes across genres essay

Both the story and the newspaper article express a similar theme and purpose, but they also have some difference in them. The article explains the mess the eruption caused, where as the story focuses on explaining and expressing Rolf Carle's and Azucena's thoughts and emotions.

A leaflet on bullying essay

The Target audience for my leaflet will be the bullied person, I have chosen to target the bullied person as they will need help on what to do, how to do it, and who to go to for help if they are bullied. As this will stay in the mind of my readers.* A logo- →