A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Isgabriella lujan

The story also explains how Elaine conceived her two children, and how the sexual media had a lot to do with the two births. In Elaine's situation she has a toddler and a baby on the way due to the decisions she made by the sexual media which affected and destroyed her life.

Tolorating teen pregnancy

Ashigh school studentsdo not have to face these factors they are inconsiderate to the amount of work a teen parent actually takes on. Nearly half of all 15 19-year-olds in the United States have had sex at least once according to MSNBC News. We as young adults should be more tolerant of teen β†’

Teens and their problems

The problems are mentioned in point form for easy reference and better understanding, and are as follows; Weight problem, image and other health issues Most of the teenagers in today's world suffer from a number of diseases, both known and unknown, which is mainly as a result of the contamination of the environment as well β†’

James garey jr

The reason that upsets me the most is the fact that teenage pregnancies are becoming a norm in modern day society. As I have stated earlier, teenage pregnancies are a very fragile topic to discuss but my leading reason for disliking the growing popular trend of teenage pregnancies is because society is making it a β†’


I have conducted a research in which parents or guardian and also the people of my community can be aware of the causes of Teenage Pregnancy. In this project the reader will learn more about teenage pregnancy and how it affect the life of the residents in the Rae Town community.

Research paper on teen pregnancy

If they choose to have premarital sex then they should take the right precautions to prevent pregnancies. Media and society plays a huge role in teen pregnancy." 16 and pregnant" is a show that publicizes pregnant teenage girls. The pro side of teen pregnancy is that you get to have a baby and β†’

Teens becoming parents

Education, being unprepared, and a change inresponsibilityare just a few of the effects of having a child at a young age. Seven out of ten teen mothers complete high school or eventually earn their G.E.D., but are less likely than women who delay childbearing to go on to college Having β†’

Preventive measures for teenage pregnancy

The more they know about sex and it" s consequences at a young age the less likely they are to are to go out and be irresponsible about it. Teaching teens about different types of protection and how they work is some times one of the best ways of keeping the number of teen pregnancies β†’

Analysis on teenage pregnancy in the uk

However, these rates did not go down in UK in the period 1979 and 1999 , while conception among under 16-olds rose by 1% between 2002 and 2003 (Office of National Statistics, 2005). The common factors found to influence high levels of teenage pregnancy includes but not limited to: Social economic status especially income β†’

Teenage pregnancy

Jessor, R., & Jessor, 2002 Ignorance about reproduction and contraception is another factor that contributes to the increase of teenage pregnancy and places another burden on females and the society they live in. Shah et al, 2003 Health or sex education that teaches females and males about contraception and safe sexual behavior is believed to β†’

Taylor cordell

While the show attempts to highlight how difficult it is for these young women to juggle teen life with the responsibilities of being mothers it may be sending mixed messages to viewers. The producers of " Teen Mom 2" have worked hard to show viewers that having a baby is not a walk in the β†’

Teen pregnancy is one hundred percent preventable

Teen pregnancy and prenatal care Parents need to discuss the importance of abstinence with their teenagers. Discussions about birth control and abstinence should be discussed at an early age. Parents should talk to their teens in a comfortable setting so the child will not feel like they are being lectured, but feel β†’

Haley lundak

The teens of El Paso are being greatly influenced by the culture of El Paso, today's society, and they are falling into the trap that their demographics portray will happen to them. El Paso teens are being influenced by today's society in ways that make them more likely to become another statistic in the growing β†’

How it alters the teen’s future

Babies born to teenagers are at risk for neglect and abuse because their young mothers ere uncertain about their roles and may be frustrated by the constant emand of care taking. Children of teen mothers are more likely to be born prematurely with low birth weight. Mothers are less likely to stimulate their β†’

Teen pregnancy

Teen Pregnancy " Teen pregnancy is commonly defined as a pregnancy by a woman who has not reached the age of majority in her country". During the last half of the twentieth century, the government, community, and schools have been working so hard to find a solution for teen pregnancy.

Good expert opinion research paper example

The reduction is courtesy of the campaign for abstinence and the use of contraceptives among sexually active teenagers who are in the adolescent stage (Weiss, David and Vern L. In spite of the low rate of teenage pregnancy in the U.

Chapter i

For this reason, the researchers would like to expose the importance and effects of sex education program in the learning of teens and in the preservation of the country as a whole at the same time, assist and guide the youth to be responsible not only in their decision but more importantly to their judgment β†’

Edgar allan poe biography

In my opinion, " The fall of the house of Usher" is a form that has a relatively realistic thinking about superstition and introduces a speaker who wants to think scientifically and shows the fantastic and bizarre experiences for the reader on behalf of the reader. This novel is a representative novel that expresses the β†’

Patricia bath biography

As she was pushed by her parents to pursue a successfulcareer, she begun to strive for and use all she had to get to that point in her profession of ophthalmology. In honor of black history month, many students have learned about many happenings that lead up to having this dedication and many people who β†’

Autobiography of frederick douglass

Frederick Douglass'sAutobiography, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave, is situated in a context that was not open to, or fond of the straightforwardness of his writing style. Instead, violenceand the difficulty of obtaining a worthwhileeducationspawned Douglass's quest for freedom. After compelling and continual praise from Garrison and Wendell Phillips in β†’

My autobiography narrative essay

The more I grew the more active I became and the less moody I got which was described as a miracle by myfamily. From my families earliestmemoriesof me, to mine. The next memory has to be the time when Joseph and I used go to play school, I used always have the bike and Joseph β†’

Sexual biography

I have no idea when I began noticing that girls and boys have different parts but it was not earlier than my first grade. However, I did notice that there was something from the girls in class that made me blush and acting awkwardly when I had to talk to them. Also, the boys in β†’

Oj simpson university biography

Simpson. During the police interrogation of Simpson, it was discovered that he had a cut on his left hand, and OJ had a fishy statement on how he got the cut. At 6: 45 pm, a police officer saw the Bronco, going north on Interstate 405. The officer that β†’

Biography of sir richard branson

Being a vocal and outgoing leader, his mission is to encourage his employees to work to their full potential for the benefit of the company. He advertises his belief that contributions to the good of the business will reap more rewards for everybody involved.(Management and Leadership of Richard Branson at Virgin Group β†’

Biography of james wilson

In 1774 he was appointed to the Committee of Correspondence as well as in 1775 he was elected to the Provincial Congress. In the same year , he was a Commissioned Colonel of the Fourth Cumberland County Battalion, and was also elected to the Continental Congress. But if there would be β†’

Beethoven biography

On the same note, he is grouped among the very influential composers and played a very great role in Western classicalmusicespecially due to the fact that he existed during the transition period between the famous classical and romantic eras. Although he was born in Bonn which was β†’

A biography of the fish that changed the world

The prologue is set in Petty Harbour, a town in Newfoundland and tells a story of three experienced fishermen, Sam, Leonard, and Bernard. They are participating in the Sentinel Fishery which was an attempt to help scientists and fishermen work together to measure the supply of cod. The catching, the selling, the trading, and the β†’

Dr. mary mcleod biography

Mary McLeod Bethune was an African American educator that founded Bethune Cookman College in the early 1900's, one of the first historical black colleges.Dr. Bethune because my grandmother was inspired at the age of 40 to obtain her Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education and taught for twenty nine years. She said that β†’

Reflection on nelson’s mandela biography

This paper critically examines the life and times of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela highlighting some of the examples of his contribution to the rise of his country and followers. Biographical Information Nelson Mandela was born in 1918. In 1991, Mandela was overwhelmingly elected the president of the ANC and his old friend Oliver Tambo became β†’


I had 6 months to learn and master the English language to the level that at the end of the school year I would be proficient enough to not be set back. With the aid of my third gradeteacherI was scored on the top 10% of the third graders in the district β†’

Short biography: carlos flores

We as a party, a people, and a country cannot stand to watch Honduras become Venezuela when we have been democratic for so long; thus, I, along with others I hope, will do what is necessary within our respective areas to not only prevent this " poll" from happening but to reign in Zelaya in β†’

Biography of caroll lewis

The same publish came only after years till his death. Until his death, the Victorian had a revolution which brought diversity in the religious and personal view autonomy which were engineered by the great test as well as the artistic character of the two fallen rhetorical heroes. This is through the β†’

Biography of al capone

A man who started as a mediocre Italian boy growing up in Brooklyn and becoming arguably the most popular Mob boss in the whole of the United States, Al Capone was a superstar of the crime world. But the most appropriate definition of Al Capone would be, is that he was a man of character.

Henry ossawa tanner

Earth tones are prominent in the painting and are seen in the floor planks, the wall and cabinet in the back, the chair and the coat that rests limply on it, the man's clothes and the boy's pants and shirt. This is a representation of the inexactness between the people in the painting and the β†’

Fidel castro psychobiography

They were later released in a political amnesty and went to Mexico to continue to campaign against Batista regime. Castro began to make plans to return to Cuba, while in Mexico he met Ernesto " Che" Guevara who was destined to play an important role in the Cuban Revolution. Castro and the β†’

Autobiography undral batsukh

In accordance to the Civil Service Law of the Mongolia I successfully passed the examination for the accepted state agent in 2006. I am interested in the projects involved to the prospering Small and Medium Enterprises in Mongolia.

Character biography tom: the glass menagerie

He has to work long hours in a warehouse to pay the bills and take care of his nagging mother and sister. Tom's truedreamsare to become a writer and he writespoetryin his spare time, this is what eventually gets him fired from his Job. In the movies he finds the adventure, thrill and β†’

The autobiography of mahatma gandhi

The question many might ask is: how can one who is so skinny, one who had to live with a stick throughout his struggles, get such energy? It was because of his experiments and the trials that Gandhi developed dietetics, non-violence, hydropathy, naturopathy etc. There is no limit to its power." - β†’


We would play cards and dominoes and eventually I became a great domino player. I have been encouraged to enter competitions, but I just play for the center of attention. However, as I grew older my mentality changed and I met someone whilst studying for my Bachelors. After three years of β†’

Johann wyss autor biography

The famous story of Robinson Crusoe, written by Daniel Defoe in 1719, inspired Wyss's idea of shipwrecked family but Wyss made sure that there were parents on his island too, to instruct and guide the younger children. Characters Father the narrator of the story. Father is a very knowledgeable man who knows almost everything β†’

Biography dato michelle yeoh

At the age of 15, she moved with her parents to England, where she was enrolled in aboarding school. She represented Malaysia at the Queen of the Pacific 1983 beauty pageant which was held in Australia and won the crown.

Biography informative speech

If you ever are In a situation where you need to Impress your grandma then, cook her a chocolate cookie with a kiss In the center.Ill. Cookies are easier to make than you think so I am going to show you the three steps in making cocoa kiss cookies: the ingredients, the mixing β†’

Autobiography example

The drumsticks, which have been my hands' friends since I was in seventh grade, are still the friends of my 47 year old hands. Of course my old sticks from my young age have been broken and changed many times over, but I still consider my new sticks as the same sticks β†’

Vikram seth biography

He then went on to study creative writing at Stanford and classical Chinese poetry at Nanjing University in China. Having lived in London for many years, Seth now maintains residences near Salisbury, England, where he is a participant in local literary and cultural events, having bought and renovated the house of the β†’

Purvi patel’s biography reflection

Her mother made her learn these things at a young age to know what to do later on in her life. Purvi was still in college and they were looking for a house, but the day Jasmine was born her husband, Amrish, had bought a million dollar lottery ticket which he ost by one number, β†’

Biography of eva beem

When she was eight-years old, and she was in the school when the Germans invaded Holland in May of 1940. She was only 11 years old when she die in the gas chambers, and her brother was only 10 years old when he die with her sister Eva.

Big foot biography

Cryptozoology is one as well all of these can be found on The Committee for Skeptical Inquiry website.Cryptozoology is the study of the unknown animal. The belief in the existence of Bigfoot is cryptozoology. A short film taken in 1967 by Roger Patterson and Bog Gimlin shows the alleged Bigfoot crossing a β†’

Frida kahlo short biography

However the important event in her life was the undergo of the miscarriage andabortion. In her paintings, a strong indigenous Mexicanculturewas shown in the use of intense color and primitive style.

Annie leibovitz biography and image sample analysis

Indirectly she also means that we should love what we take pictures of because what's the point of making others like a photograph you do not like. Photograph One " Where Romance is Celebrated" This is a photograph featuring Zac Efron as Prince Philip and Vanessa Hudgens as Princess Aurora in the Disney β†’

Jane addams- biography

The school board maintained control over the school administration for many years. During which they restricted the types of children that were able to attend the public schools and they restricted the amount of freedom and authority the teachers were able to use in their classrooms. As a member of the school board, Addams tried β†’

Angelina jolie biography

Later on she was majored in film at New York University after she graduated from Beverly Hills High School at age 16. In the year of 1999, she starred in the film " Girl, Interrupted," which was both starred and produced by Winona Ryder, as Lisa Rowe, for which she received an β†’

Biography of nelson mandela essay

It was not until Mandela was a young man and went to Johannesburg that he experiencedracismthe separation between whites in blacks in South Africa this was the very thing that sparked an outrage in him. He could not believe that people where treating people this way he felt that something had to β†’

Malcolm x autobiography

Though Alex Haley co-wrote the book and contributed a lot to its global success, he chose to keep his tone down and stayed mute throughout the text in order to create the effect that Malcolm X is directly speaking to his readers; this is why modern scholars and critics do not consider Alex Haley a β†’

Janet laurence biography

Janet Laurence uses the Australian landscape as a metaphor, as a warning regarding the fragility of our environment. Her work is symbolic of the fragility of nature, Janet Lawrence demonstrates this in a metaphorical way through her concern with the landscape and natural world. Janet Laurence has displayed the large endangered forest β†’

Georgy strait’s biography

In 1985, George was announced Male Vocalist of The Year and had the Album of The Year for the Country Music Association and Academy of Country Music. In 1986 he won Male Vocalist of The Year again for the CMA's. This paper to me had more meaning and I was β†’

The etiology of intellectual disabilities and autism

Those with Speaker's Syndrome usually boast an IQ above that typically seen in autism, usually above 70. The etiology of intellectual disability is also difficult to pinpoint, due to the fact that in approximately half the cases of intellectual disability the cause is unknown. Discuss the role of IQ and adaptive behavior in β†’

E1. five pieces of current legislation are:

Encourage children to develop a sense of autonomy and independence and enable children to have the self-confidence and the vocabulary to resist inappropriate approaches. The more times that a child can visit the place that the child will be moving to the better as the child will get familiar with the setting and will get β†’

Support individuals to access and use services and facilities essay sample

Having to go into the nearest shop or even pub, to ask to use their toilet without purchasing anything can be embarrassing and may lead to an individual buying an item that was unnecessary or not required. To overcome this barrier you should contact your local council with evidence of receipt of higher level β†’


Learners in the healthcare setting will reflect this diversity around gender, race and ethnicity, disability, religion, sexuality, class and age.* Your organisation believes that successful implementation of equality and diversity in all aspects of work ensures that colleagues, staff and students are valued, motivated and treated fairly.* We have an equality and human rights legal β†’

Models and perspectives of care /biopsychosocial essay sample

With the belief that mental disorders were of a magical, supernatural origin. " Mental disease represented a breakdown of the magical-religious system and is mainly attributed to violation of a taboo, neglect of ritual obligations and demonic possessions" Mora,. People whose behaviour deviated from the majority of society would be considered to have an β†’

Software for human services organizations essay sample

With paper documents there is one location for the papers and that is generally within a file for that person and there is only one copy of the folder so if there is more than one person needing to access the information it can be a difficult task because the information is not easily accessed.

Example of research paper on abnormal behavior

Retrieved from http://www.nlm.nih.gov Learning Disorder Learning disorder is one of the common disorders associated with the nervous system. Retrieved from http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Personality-disorder/Pages/Treatment.aspx Depression Depression is a kind of mood disorder wherein the individual suffering from the disorder are unhappy and feel miserable.

Bianca & skill

If Bianca reads well in her native language the problem is probably not a learning disability, and the best assistance in her development would be time and attention dedicated to her. If Bianca is discovered to have significant difficulty in her native language, it would warrant the need for additional testing to determine if the β†’

The inclusion classroom

Ultimately, " the primary responsibility for the education of students with disabilities in an inclusive environment rests with the regular classroom teacher rather than the special education teacher". This along with the knowledge that exposing students to all kinds of situations better prepares them for the world.

Relevant legislation, regulations and codes of practice

The act also states about manual handling and the act protects people from being injured from manual handling and instead uses lifting safely instead of manual handling which could be a risk to the client and the employer. Reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations 1995 and this act states that β†’

Medical and social models of disability essay sample

1 Describe the medical model of disability: The medical model of disability, is a theory in which disabled people are seen primarily as the problem rather than their disability or the individual's needs. In the case that minimalizing the inconvenience is not a possibility, then the disabled individual would be institutionalized in specialist accommodation or β†’

Elder abuse: impact, types, interventions

Elder abuse can be categorized according to type of abuse (such as physical, emotional, sexual and financial abuse and according to setting where it has occurred such as community setting or institutional setting where there is staff to resident abuse and resident to resident abuse can be seen. Emotional abuse is the most common form β†’

Informed choice essay sample

Informed Choice involves the exchange and understanding of relevant information so that a knowledgeable, reasoned and un-pressured decision can be made by the health care Consumer, or the Consumer's delegated representative, who has the competence and legal capacity to make such choices: Informed Choice means that families can make knowledgeable decisions, which reflect β†’

Learning disability article paper essay sample

What Causes Dyslexia?" by Medical News Today, I will go over what dyslexia is, what the symptoms are, the possible causes of the disability, diagnosing the disability and what the available options and current treatments are. Dyslexia is a neurologically based, often inherited disorder, which meddles with the learning and processing of language. Dyslexia β†’

Learning disabilities essay sample

1 The Human Rights Act 1998 has two articles that also suggest this to be true with the right to life and the right to not be " subject to inhumane treatment" which directly links to the right to receive healthcare. 2 The National Health Service Act 1946 to provide free healthcare in UK.

Sequence and rate of development from birth – 19 years essay sample

The speed of motor development is rapid in early life, as many of the reflexes of the new-born alter or disappear within the first year, and slows later. Like physical growth, motor development shows predictable patterns of -head to foot, and torso to extremities development, with movements at the head and β†’

Inspiration: disability and final lap

The second lap was breast stroke, not his strongest and at the end of the second lap he dropped down to third place. He gets to the end of the third lap and dropped down to fourth place.

Forum is paper 265433 writer’s id 002730 essay sample

Diabetics also have higher rates of disability almost 30% of those aged 45 to 60 years and over 45% of those 70 years and older report some form of disability, compared with only 10% to 20% of nondiabetics'. In relation to the thesis this researcher is contending that Type 11 Diabetes mellitus is a severe β†’

The sessions: disability and sexuality essay sample

This paper explains that people with disability have the right to explore the sexuality despite being seen as a taboo by the greater society. The society at large has instilled stereotypes regarding people with disability in that they do not have the ability to have sex. Like any other human β†’

The realization of special education

These students may only need to leave the classroom and go to another class where they can receive the help they need with their work that they cannot get in the regular classroom setting. Teachers who specialize in Special Education get taught the techniques that they will need to use to help their future students.

Invisible disabilities essay sample

For those who suffer from disabilities that are invisible, being able to meet this burden of proof, that is, to convince other people that they really are disabled, and not seeking some special-unfair-advantage, is excruciatingly hard, and in most cases impossible. They thus face a double bind; either they forgo the assistance or accommodation β†’

Good purpose topic essay example

Policies may not be sufficient to create a culture of equality but collective responsibility will. The indented audience for this speech is the general society. The society should embrace the disabled and offer them a chance to contribute to nation building and accord them assistance they may need. Those who will watch this presentation will β†’

The step to a civil society as mandatory education

In school these people will be taught the basics - reading, math and how to write along with training for their future jobs. This way no one will feel inferior to anyone and everyone will understand how important they are to the society.

Presidential pardons research paper example

To put it succinctly, the convict may have the desire to clear his name in the general sense or to have the complete extent that they can legally conduct. The twelve steps that are required for the work book application of the presidential pardon The detailed amount and nature of the information that is β†’

Michelle miss. martin

According to the annual report on homelessness form the Department of Housing of Urban Development, the number of homeless people with disabilities is rising. They do not have a place to store their belongings and leave them in local parks or abandon buildings and that makes the streets of the city look dirty.

Sample essay on constraints vs. influences

A parent pregnant of a disabled child will come to think of the management costs of the child and when it is hectic and sometimes next to impossible, the parent will give up and decide not to have that child. The special attention, thus, is a constraint for parents when making a decision to either β†’

Disability discrimination essay sample

2Explain how this legislation and policies influence the day to day life of individuals with learning disabilities and their families. The influence that legislation and policies have on the day-to-day experiences of an individual with a learning disability and of their families is as follows covert discrimination, overt discrimination, harassment; rights, labelling; vulnerability, stereotyping, β†’

Good critical thinking on social and national inclusion as ways of creating forms of exclusion

Social and national inclusion practices are meant to dissolve the transgressive status of groups which do not adhere to the ideal or mythical images of the society and to help them acquire an equal status in all the areas of social life. Unfortunately, the use of inclusion practices more often than not end up producing β†’


Social death can also occur if an individual violates some type of law. In western society if a person violates a law they can be jailed and they " may also strip a person of the rights of citizenship, and the church may excommunicate." On the same note, in a β†’

Regulation which govern the safeguarding of adults essay sample

In health and social there are key acts which are made to ensure the safety of vulnerable adult and this includes the: safeguarding vulnerable group acts, the rehabilitation of offenders act, the police act, sexual offences act, care standards act, the care homes regulation, mental health act, mental capacity act, disability discrimination act, the race β†’

Example of critical thinking on disability film

The movie shows the discrimination and the problems Kennedy went through as a result of being a disabled kid." Radio", is Kennedy nickname which he got from people of his hometown due to his interest with the device which he took everywhere with him since his childhood. He see's the situation of β†’

Effects of spina bigida on different age groups

This can lead to increased health, participation, and independence at school and in the home, and avoid embarrassment for children with spina bifida. There are several ways for teens and adolescents with spina bifida to be active.

Knowledge questions for unit hsc 44

For the Act itself the main change that helps in the work that I do is the implementation of the CAF. This works in line with the need for inter-agency working. 8a Outline the features of the Dfes initiative " Building aCultureof Participation" This initiative is led by the government in their commitment to allow β†’

Americans with disability act of 1990

This paper will demonstrate the components of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as well as provide relevant United States Supreme Court cases set out between employee and employer where the law was challenged or upheld. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 is an Act set out to " establish a clear and β†’

Being disabled: the challenges people with disability face

There's more to a person than their abilities or disabilities and it is important in dealing with a client, to understand that we need to treat the disability as part of who they are and not who they are in totality. Due to stigmatization and discrimination based on their disability, many persons with disability are β†’

Anorexia and the history of mental illness

An exception to that cruel and careless treatment was in the 14th Century, in Geel, where the mentally disabled were accepted into the healing shrine of St Dymphna. Colonists in the Colonial American society thought the mentally ill to be possessed by the devil, they were removed from society and locked away.

A-b-zee shops sales assistent analysis

The report finally proposes a strategy recommending how A-B-Zee's next campaign might ensure a greater response from members of the ethnic minority community. Organisation's response to the opportunities and constraints placed upon it by both local labour markets in the recruitment and selection process The general constraint in the recruitment process was that A-B-Zee was β†’

Leadership and employee relations

It is also important for the supervisor to show support for better or worse the employee's actions. Delegating tasks Is not by Itself empowerment but giving guidance and encouragement and the willingness to support the employee whether the outcome was ideal or not (Weiss, Suppose, Volvo. It is important to give employees praise β†’

Employee relations management

EVOLUTION OF EMPLOYEE RELATIONS From the beginning of organized work activity when first one person directed the work of others, the subject of industrial relations Until the end of the 1970s, the acceptance of adversarial industrial relations, and therefore the need to resolve conflict, as being the natural order led both β†’