First visit will be longer and the health careprovider will do the following: 1) Collect urine sample to confirm pregnancy 2)Ask about past history including diseases, surgeries, or prior pregnancies, family history and genetic history 3) Do complete physical examinationincluding blood pressure, weight, height, pelvic examination and pap smear 4)Will ask about last menstrual period to calculate the due date 5) Take bloodand urine samples for lab work 6) Testfor hepatitis B, rubella, HIV and syphilis.
7) Answer questions related topregnancy 1. Later visits will be shorter in duration and willinclude checking blood pressure, weight gain, abdominal examination to checkfetal growth by measuring fundal height, fetal heart rate and ultrasound exam 1. Health care provider will also do some special tests like checking forgestational diabetes, screening for chromosomal and neural tube defects andother conditions depending upon the age, family history or ethnicity 10.