Quality Religion Essay Examples for Your Learning

Example of comparison and contrast of buddhism, daoism and confucianism essay

Dao refers to; the ultimate reality, the laws of nature and the way of the universe and the way of human life. It is considered that Daoism rituals and scriptures benefited from the presence of Buddhism.

Development of buddhist education

To gain a better understanding of the development of Buddhist education in Vietnam, we need to know first the roots and development of Buddhism as a religion, what are its beliefs, how it affected the lives of the Vietnamese populace, how it was integrated to education and from thereon discuss the developments that went through β†’

Buddhism in america

Second, this state is the result of attachments or desires, for in a universe of frequent flux and change, seeking to cling to anything from the grossest passion to the subtlest idol of the mind to the idea of being a permanent separate self can never bring anything but sorrow in the end. In the β†’

Buddhism in the himalayas

The Silk Road was said to have advanced the spread of Buddhism in Tibet as the reach of most Indian missionaries in the mountainous regions of the Himalayas have contributed greatly to the foundation of Buddhism as one of the major religions in the world. Emergence of a New Buddhist Tradition The Avalokiteshvara Statue and β†’

Comparative study between hinduism and buddhism

In Hinduism, accomplishing the most elevated life is a procedure of expelling the substantial diversions from life, enabling one to in the long run comprehend the Brahma nature inside. One all things considered was that in the before times the adherents of Shiva and the Buddha could barely stand each other.

The philosophy of the buddhists

The fourth Noble truth is the truth of the way, which represents the via media between the extremes of asceticism and indulgence. Existence is therefore completely relative and the only unconditioned state is that of Nirvana.

Buddhism history

One of the teachings of Buddhism is the samsara or the cycle of rebirths and the never-ending journey. Samsara is the continuous life cycle of a person.

Margin review questions

Chinese needed the nomads because the steppes provided the horses and other goods and the nomads controlled much of the Silk Roads. But the nomads viewed the Chinese as a threat because the Chinese had military attacks on the steppes and they built the Great Wall.4.

Free essay on world religions

Although he did not forbid the worship of the gods the way the Buddha did, he was sceptical of the gods and their worship is not mentioned in the practices of Jainism. He was born in the village of Talwandi.

Good example of analyzing the implications of no self from parfits and the buddhas standpoint argumentative essay

In Henry Clarke Warren's Pali translation of select passages of Buddhist Sacred Books, " Buddhism in Translations" there is a scene where a between The Buddha and a wandering ascetic who demands desperately for an answer of the Buddha to his question, " Whether or not the Saints exist after their death?" The Buddha saw β†’

Buddhism & history

The history of transformation of Japanese marriage and kinship over the course of Hein and Kamakura. The language of kinship and gender of the Chinese ritual has changed the Japanese family.

Buddhist healing research paper example

This frustrations results in distress for all enlightened beings and to reduce this suffering, our emotional, physical, and psychological aspects must be integrated and in line with the concepts of Buddhism. One must do this in order to build a society that fosters the integration of individuals, the community and the Earth as a whole.

Jainism: the concepts of ahimsa and karma

Unlike other Dharma traditions that believe solely in the idea of action and reaction, Jains believe in karma as a form of subtle matter or energy that is drawn to the soul when the soul is disrupted by passions. Therefore, it is important to practice nonviolence because it can cause passions that will attract karma β†’

The most sacred part is the phoenix hall with the sculpture of the amida buddha essay sample

Although both the Byodo-in in Japan and the Cathedral of Notre-Dame at Reims in France, are world-class examples of beautiful architecture, it is doubtful that the designer of each would appreciate the work of the other. Inside of it, there is a hall in the centre with the representation of Amida Buddha.

Buddhism traditions report examples

Another thing that Buddhists do in the temple is the lighting of incense. Basically, Buddhists in the temple spoke in stipulations of an absolute God, however, they put much emphasizes on the meditation practice, as well as right behaviors in various aspects of life in the course of attaining Nirvana, which is the state of β†’


Etiology: Cause of dua kha= trishna we desire things to be other than how they must be and how we know them to be 27 " Thirst" in Buddhism The desire for permanence; the attachment to things we like and the aversion from things we dislike 28 Four Noble Truths 1. Impermanence Reality as processes, β†’

Example of buddhism essay

The four noble truths of Buddhism are that " life means suffering, the origin of suffering is attachment, the cessation of suffering is attainable, the path to the cessation of suffering". The Eightfold Path is the way to end all suffering.

Relationship between architecture and ancient beliefs

The main idea of raising the temple on this structure was to bring the worshipper closer to the gods. The ba was the personality of the person, and the ka was the spirit of life that was transferred from the creator to each living person.

Buddhism has developed in a variety of different forms

In the twentieth century, Buddhism has spread to the West, including Europe, the UK, and the USA. The World of Buddhism.

Free essay on greek and south asia

The angel almost appears to be a gift that Athena Pathenos is giving to the viewer. This Buddha is very regal, he is wearing a tall crown, is positioned above the viewer, and is very large in size.

Free essay on dalai lama teachings

He speaks of the various religions coexisting in India and how important it is for a person to believe on different sources of religion, refuge and reality. All the religions preach to attain the same goal that is control of our agitated and distorted mind.

Diffusion of buddhism and hinduism

Since Hinduism reinforces the caste system and Buddhism believe in equal treatment of all people which opposes the caste system, Buddhism started to spread into other areas other than India to offer an alternative to Hinduism for those in a lower caste. As Buddhism started to diffuse into other regions, the popularity of Buddhism in β†’

Example of significance essay

Some of the pertinent features of the image were the face appearance. The urna located at the middle of the face is a clear presentation of the high sense of perfection of the artist.

Concepts of dharma and karma in the tale of kieu

The American Heritage Dictionary defines the concept of karma as " the total effect of one's actions during the successive phases of one's existence, regarded as determining one's destiny" and " fate, destiny". If one dies before paying the sum of one's debt, one is reborn and goes through everything all over again, still caught β†’

Religious similarities and dissimilarities essay example

One of the major issues for both Buddhism and Hinduism relates to the geographic origin of the two religions and its developments after the founding of the two religions. While in Hinduism, the caste system is widely accepted although not central to the belief system, Buddhism actively rejects the system seeing it as a form β†’

The karma and its 12 lawsΒ 

Surely it is the maxim of compassion: Do not do to others what you do not want to do to yourself.' Confucius Karma is the judge of our actions, it is the unseen energy that derives from our behavior that brings with it corresponding consequences and retribution. The creation of good and bad karma, of β†’

Buddhism worksheet

What are the three most important factors that contributed to the agricultural revolution in Europe? Finally, in 1833, the slave trade was abolished and lots ofmoneywas paid back in Caribbean to the owners of the British plantation.2.

Metropolitan museum of art primary source analysis

Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara symbolizes " the compassion in the world and the willingness to bear the pain of others" according to the description. Besides the philosophical and religious values of the statue, more importantly, this artifact shows the differences of values and beliefs that people have according to the change in forms of Avalokiteshvara.

Compare and contrast essay: hinduism and buddhism

The teachings of the Buddha created hope and aspiration for those who had otherwise no hope of salvation and freedom of choice in a society that was dominated by caste system, predominance of ritual form of worship and the exclusive status of the privileged classes which the Vedic religion upheld as inviolable and indisputable. Both β†’

Moksha and nirvana essay sample

Moksha is basically the ending of the cycle of birth and rebirth while the soul lives on. Nirvana is the ultimate goal of the Buddhist and it is perfect liberation, freedom, peace, and tranquility.

Rap 6

What is happening in this situation is that Faustus is relying on the Good Angel to come back and protect his soul, The first scholar wants Helen because the first scholar just like the angel is triying to tell that it is never to repent. God tried to give little hints such as preventing the β†’


Essay Comparison of the impact and spread of the Islam and Christian religions include religious basics, the way the religions were spread, and where the religions started. These similarities and differences between the religious basics of the Islamic and Christian faith affected the impact and spread of the religions.

Christianity vs. islam

Islam Two of the largest religions in the world today did not just get this way overnight. Christianity existed several centuries prior to the birth of Islam, and by the time Muhammad founded Islam in the Middle East, Christianity had moved its center to Europe, where it had firmly established itself as the official religion.

First time went to church

This part of the service was really entertaining to me and I really enjoyed it. It made me want to actually be a part of the service.

Kayque rodrigues

He behaves kindly toward the younger children, and he is the first to realize the problem posed by the beast, that the monster on the island is not real or something that can be hunted down and killed. Simon was killed by all the boys in an excruciating way and claimed that it was not β†’

The gospels of john and luke

The Gospels of Mathew, Mark, and Luke are often referred to as the " Synoptic Gospels." The Gospel of John, however, has a different take on the events of Christ's life, and he presents them in a poetic form using many symbols. Although the Gospels of Luke and John are similar in their description of β†’


She lived at the time of the conquest of Canaan by the Israelites Her house was located on the wall of the city and was strategically placed to lodge travelers. Rahab had heard of the God of Israel and aced in faith.

Religious and ethnic groups paper essay sample

It is the intent of this paper to discuss the religious and racial/ethnic groups selected to explain various information that is relate to both groups. Ways JW's have contributed to American culture is " the Jehovah's Witnesses are natives to the United States with roots dating back to the teachings of Charles Taze Russell, a β†’

Is baptism necessary for salvation

Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit, and the door, which gives access to the other sacraments. The doctrine of original sin is the identification given to the concept of the entrance of sin into the world through the disobedience of Adam and Eve.

Building up brand awareness in a social media context

According to ESOMAR, a global association for market, social and opinion researchers.), social media is defined as " internet based platforms and technologies that permit users' interaction and/or facilitate the creation and exchange of user generated content." Whilst the scope is evolving, the following format is focused and discussed: * Multi-person/group communication and/or collaboration platforms β†’

John proctor essay sample

His wife, Elizabeth Proctor is very forgiving of his sin, but John has his mind set that he will not confess to anyone else, in fear of ruining his good name, and reputation. John realizes that he must confess his sin of adultery to the courts, only to stop the frenzy in Salem.

Aeneas and jesus essay

In Virgil's Aeneid, Aeneas has no choice but to be devoted to the gods, whereas Jesus in the New Testament freely chooses to be devoted to God alone. Aeneas preserves his sanity and the life of his working forces by stopping his anxieties and desires in relation to the demands of fate and the rules β†’

Catechism case essay sample

And as we talk about the sins, I am shocked when I ask them if there is one of them who says bad word/s and they all like " Si ano po, siya po" and I do not know what to say at first because they are only Grade 6 but then I realized that β†’

World religions report: catholics

To the Catholics it is an obligation and to miss Sunday Mass is considered a sin because it is the Day of the Lord unless a reasonable excuse is recognized. Transubstantiation is what the Catholics refer to as the blessing of the wine and bread.

Theology of missions paper

One of the greatest examples of a mission emphasis in the Old Testament is the story of Abraham, as he was the first man to whom God gave the call of the great commission. The most commonly known verses of scripture that pertain to missions in the New Testament is that of the Great Commission β†’

Methods of evangelism essay sample

One of the many advantages of this method is that is very straight forward and to the point. An advantage of using the Servant Evangelism method is that you get to serve others and in that time you can share the gospel with them.

Breathed out

Rob Staple's seminal work on the place of the sacraments called Outward Sign and Inward Grace, for example, goes far to explain the importance of sacramental practice within the church as the ordinary means of receiving God's grace.[2] Staples quotes John Lawson's definition of " means of grace" as, " The means by which the β†’

Gospel of mark

Gospel of Mark The Gospel According to Mark, one of the four Gospels in the New Testament which talk about the life of Jesus Christ, contains some of the heaviest usage of figurative language in the Bible. Of the four Gospels in the New Testament, the Gospel According to Mark has significant usage of figurative β†’


Zoroastrianism provides the foundation and roots for the development of ethical monotheism and the development of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. It is shown likely that Zoroastrianism influenced the development of Judaism and the birth of Christianity.

The god-in-jesus continuously reach out to us

The God-in-Jesus continues to reach out to us through the church, though wounded as she is, the Church remains the visible sign God's gift of reconciliation; celebrated in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. God wants us to " come home" The author of the book " Boundless love: The Parable of the Prodigal Son and Reconciliation", β†’

Comfort and promise: john 14

Introduction Jesus is the only way to Heaven, He is going to prepare a place for us, He will come back to take us to Heaven to be with Him; Jesus wants to comfort the disciples, and all people after them, He also wants to reassure them that whatever they ask from Him they will β†’

God made adam and eve, not adam and steve

I believe, as the Bible teaches, that God instituted marriage on the sixth day of creation and that God is the one who joins every man and woman in marriage. This book is in fact not a fiction story, but a living example for the life that God intends for his creation of people to β†’

Acts essay 2

As a result of hearing the gospel, I started to go to Christians gatherings and really listened to what the pastor had to say. I would share the gospel to my aunt by reading couple of verses from the Bible.

Khadija prophet muhammad wife (peace be upon them)

She belonged to the clan Banu and she was a distant cousin of her husband the prophet Muhammad. And she also spends all her wealth in the name of God.

Alex owings

The reasons are that it is a source to the Trinity, also because Jesus is the founder of the church, and the last is because the Holy Spirit is its soul. The second mark of the Church is holy, and I feel that it has a strong connection to Peter.

Reflecting on wisdom

Jesus who was the son of God was sent to the world to save the world to teach the gospels and to help save the world from sin. Jesus was a very wise man because he studied the gospels, he spent many hours in prayer, and he also went to the tabernacles to learn and β†’

The life of jesus christ

The Life of Jesus Christ The birth of Jesus Christ to the Virgin Mary is said to have happened in a humble stable in Bethlehem, which is of some controversy. The sharing of the bread and wine are for the remembrance of Jesus, the bread a sign of his body and the wine of his β†’

Treatise on christian liberty

Luther's was known for demanding the return of teachings of the Bible which led new traditions within the Christian religion. Luther appears to refer to the Bible stating in reference to the idea that Jesus Christ was and is the only intermediary between the human being and God.

Dismantling the da vinci code

Over the centuries, the Grail-keepers have been guarding the true bloodline of Christ and the relics of the Magdalen, not a material vessel. Therefore Brown claims that " the quest for the Holy Grail is the quest to kneel before the bones of Mary Magdalene," a conclusion that would surely have surprised Sir Galahad and β†’

Book review on

Overall Purpose of the Book: The purpose of the book as explained by the writer himself is " to clarify issues in intercultural and interracial conflict, to provide insights on the different ways people of various cultures handled conflict, to evaluate these according to the Scripture and to provide practical guidelines for helping us live β†’

Christ in gospel of matthew

Christology in the Gospel of Matthew Christology is the study of Jesus Christ. Jesus' role as the Messiah and Son of God is stressed because of the " Jewishness of the gospel which is especially prevalent in its depiction of Jesus' role as the fulfillment of the Old Testament's messianic hope".

Kings and philosophers:

Jonathan Seidel, a professor at Oregon State University, defines Abrahamic religions as " The world's three primary monotheistic faiths of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, which share a common origin and values." The three main inspirational figures in these religions - Maimonides, Jesus Christ of Nazareth and the Saudi Arabian King Abdullah Bin Abdul - are β†’

Assignment tears

Because it is more than Just your religion that you lose." The special kind of conversion when a Jew becomes a Christian " Jewish Identity' What is a Messianic Jew? " Namely, many Jews do not give up, or refuse to give up, their fundamental identity as a part of Judaism. These many and steadily-increasing β†’

Rime of the ancient mariner

In a wider sense, the story of his liberation from guilt presents powerful metaphors for the death of Jesus Christ and the fate of the Mariner is linked, symbolically, with the fate of all mankind. Part IV of the " Rime of the Ancient Mariner" is, in a literal sense, chiefly concerned with the liberation β†’

What is true bibllical fellowship essay sample

It is to be a way of life for believers in Jesus Christ to want to be in each other's company, to share things together and to help and support each other both physically and spiritually. Fellowship requires having concern and a spirit of restoration one to the other.

The case for christ

Refers to the fact that Jesus was a descendant of David, that he was the Messiah, that he was betrayed, that he was tried, crucified for our sins, and buried, and that he rose again on the third day and was seen by many people including James, the brother of Jesus who had not believed β†’

Formational hermeneutics

The story of who Jesus is remains consistent throughout the pages of Scripture according to Stan Janet and Bruce Bicker: Jesus Christ is God in the flesh, The Messiah, The Savior of the World. This same power is at work in the world and available to Followers of Christ today!

The new testament summaries

Book of John-The Book of John is of gospel genre. The book of Corinthians- The Book of Corinthians - the epistle genre.

Relation between verse from micah and ministry of jesus

His ultimate expression of love is when he obeys God the father to lay down his life for the benefit of everyone in spite of the fact that he is not guilty of sin. Jesus Christ does not deserve the death that he is been through but he sacrifices himself in exchange for the salvation β†’

Janelle harris

As a prophet of God, King David, said in Psalm 19, verse 1, " The heavens are telling the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands." One can hardly look at the beauty, the order, and the wisdom of the universe and not see how wise and powerful God β†’

Floyd g. potts sr.

THEO0201_B01_200930 Short Essay #1 Short Essay on Inerrancy and Inspiration As Christians and servants of the most High God we take a presuppositional stance in the belief that the Bible is the inspired word of God and that gives it authority. Before I make any decision I go to the word and then to God β†’

The young man who shook the catholic church to its core

Some of his biggest concerns about the way the Church was being run, where the sale of indulgences and that the Mass and Bible were both only in Latin. Chesapeake and Plymouth not only differed in the way they were founded but also in the way in which they mademoney.

At the candle light

Of course, all books enrich our vocabulary, all of them make us wonder about, drifting from our daily routine into the vast universe of words written on a piece of paper at one point in history, but only those well written can capture our full attention and make us question the way we see life β†’

Chris mccandless and timothy treadwell

One of the big things that Chris Mishandles and Timothy Treadwell had in common was that they had troubled pasts, lied to the people they met, and changed their name. Although on a larger scale they changed and lied for different reasons, on a smaller scale they did it to get away from life they β†’

Fundamental problems with the catholic church in 15th century and how martin luther faced them

Among the many problems Luther pointed out in the Catholic Church in his 95 theses, the one he had the most problem with was the issue of salvation and the selling of indulgencies. The Church said that acceptance of Jesus took away the blame of the sin but did not clear the sins completely because β†’

The catholic monarchs: isabel and fernando essay sample

King Ferdinand and Queen Isabel are considered one of the most triumphant and victorious leaders in all of history and one of the most successful of the Catholic Monarchs. Born in 1451, she was the daughter of John II, King of Castile and Isabella of Portugal.

Equal employment opportunity commission – church and state violation

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.Amen.". Verse 20 is our assurance, His β†’

The thud came again

The roar of the storm scared her, a blanket of loneliness encased her, tickling the hairs on the back of her neck. How about a bowl of milk?" She rose to her feet and opened the fridge door".

Effective biblical church leadership

By the end of November 2012, all the trained leaders will evangelize to at least ten people mainly the youth in our surrounding church community.3. With the help of the trained leaders we will be able to reach many and unto their personal spiritual needs.

Christopher mccandless: hero

Chris could barley look at his father and was ashamed of him and the rest of the family who knew about the other family and had failed to tell Chris. He did this because he wanted to escape the material world that his father and mother had created for themselves and that he, up until β†’

Catholic baptism

Almost all of the beliefs of the Catholic church is similar to the beliefs of other " varieties" of Christianity. Examples of distinctive beliefs are the leadership of the pope, the existence of purgatory in afterlife, and transubstantiation or the use of bread to represent the body of Christ.

Domination, church and naacp paper

To sustain the many privileges of the white society, the tripartite system of racial segregation was formed. Most of the supervisor jobs were handed to the whites, which gave them the decision of who was hired, fired and who would take on the toughest work load.

Church involvement essay

The analysis that led the congregation to reject IVF is as follows: " The Church's teaching on marriage and human procreation affirms the inseparable connection, willed by God and unable to be broken by man on his own initiative, between the two meanings of the conjugal act: the unitive meaning and the procreative". The thread β†’

Emergence of confucianism

The origin of civilization After watching the documentary on the origin of civilization, it speaks clearly of chinas conception of civilization that differs greatly from that of the west. Heaven is said to bestow the mandate to an individual to be a leader and the ruler of the people in question.

The influence of religion on people

Religion is defined as an organization of principles and customs by means of which a group of people strives with the crucial dilemmas of human life. The author of this paper presumed that such information gained would be vital in future interactions with a variety of individuals with regards to their religion, beliefs, and attitudes.

World religions report in apa style

It is one of the oldest of the great world religions, and is the mother religion of both Christianity and Islam. The Jewish's values and history are the main part of the foundation of different Abrahamic religions like Christianity, Islam, Samaritanism and the Baha'i Faith.

Rebirth of art, religion and education in europe

Often he would die before completing the paintings all the The status of artists rose as they began to work more for nobility and the wealthy. The cathedrals were a magnificent sight to the people, and they thought that they cathedrals were a main part of worship.

Sociological perspective on religion

For example, in the Middle East there are claims that God is behind the actions we in the United States consider to be evil such as, the terrorist attack of 9/11. This is one of the differences in religion that affected our society in the U.S.and has provokedviolenceand war.


According to the Christian worldview, the origin of Christianity developed with the end of Judaism during the first century. Paul, Christianity has a foundation in the body and the soul of Christ Jesus, believed to be the son of God.

As in many pieces of literature, an entourage of minor characters accompanies candide and assists and/or hampers his journey

Destiny plays its part and Cunegonde and the Candide fall in love, much to the annoyance of the Baron. Voltaire writes, " The tutor Pangloss was the oracle of the household, and young Candide listened to his teachings with all the good faith of his age and character".

The salem witchcraft trials

One of the ways in which the Salem Witch Trials influenced the interactions between religion and the US legal system is by strengthening the US legal and court system. According to Wilson, " Because of the changes that followed the Salem Witch Trials, prosecution came to involve the subtraction of religious institutions from participating in β†’

Medieval drama

His soliloquy regarding the redemption of man successfully highlights the sinfulness of Mankind's transgressions later in the play, a fact which further emphasizes a reoccurring and important lesson in regards to making pious choices. All of the principles Mercy encourages are contrasted by Mankind's decisions later in the play, a characteristic of Mankind that greatly β†’

Eastern religion thought

Religions of the Nearer, Middle, and Further East show the increase of religions to quite a large number and thus the expansion of the religious culture. Ritual work in the new age stresses the material world by stimulating the forces of mind and imagination so as to have control over matter.

Belief in black magic and witchcraft

The ideas related to a concept of the sacred, as the basis of magic and witchcraft, will be considered. Convenience may be cited: it was convenient for the church to lump its own heresies, rival systems of faith, inexplicable spiritual phenomena - in fact, almost all the threats to its own primacy - into a β†’

Trinkets and beads essay sample

In the film " Trinkets and Beads", the director Christopher Walker exposed the life of two tribes which reside in Ecuador. In one instance, oil was spread on the roads to keep the dust down, an unnecessary procedure considering the tribe lives in the rainforest.

2- religion does not cause wars

It is important to keep mind two things though 1) that the Christians had been in possession of the land until the Muslims seized in the 700s AD and thought they were just taking it back and 2) that it was not just Christians versus Muslims. But regardless, the point is that it was one β†’