Quality Religion Essay Examples for Your Learning

Effects of religion on society

On the other hand, war and conflicts are waged in the name of religion. Another example of a war waged in the name of religion was the " Crusades", where Christian extremist tried to force Christianity on other cultures.

The history and development of protestant reformation

The continuation of the oppression of peasants, the increase in princes' status, and the practicality of seceding from the Catholic Church make this evident. The continuation of the oppression of the peasants was a result of the Reformation in Europe.

The aim of christianity

The introduction of the book to me outlined the way the people in the world work. From World War I and the holocaust to the discovery of the western world; injustice have overshadowed the rights of the people in history.

Heroes essay

She is seduced and tricked by Satan in the formula of the wind and gorge the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. According to Bryson, the tragedy of Satan is not in his rebellion against God, but in his deliberate or in deliberate tendency to follow the makeup that he fence at the beginning of →

Black churches and black clergy in cleveland

The Stoke's era in politics earmarked the emergence of effectual political influence of the Black church as a cooperative entity. As well, developing interests of respective groups in Cleveland's church community are influencing its range of interests and participations in the political process.

Name: waleed khokhar

The protagonist and narrator of the book, " My name is Asher Lev" Asher Lev's story begins with him as a young boy from a Jewish family. Asher was well aware that his painting would bring great pain to his family and his community as crucifixion in Judaism is a taboo.

Worldview assignment

The Question of Origin The Christian Worldview of Origin speaks of the manner in which God created the earth and all that lives. This can be detailed in the book of Genesis 1: 1: 31 " In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.


Protestant theology The most important and founding characteristic of Protestantism was its affirmation of the earlier historical claims that the Christian Bible is the only and complete authoritative source of the knowledge of God and God's will for human beings. The Bible is the word of God, not only because it describes all known instances →

Theology 202 study guide 1

Bibliography is the theology of scripture Theology proper is the theology of God Christology is the theology of Christians Pneumatology is the theology of the Holy Spirit Anthropology is the theology of History What is total depravity? To what is the validity of one's faith measured?

The epic of gilgamesh and inanna’s journey to hell – the mesopotamian culture on death and the afterlife

Inanna's Journey to Hell, in which even the goddess Inanna is terrified by the possibility of death, illustrates the inevitability of the prospect of a grim afterlife. The Epic of Gilgamesh and Inanna's Journey to Hell unquestionably give the readers some ideas that would explain the unique ideology of the Mesopotamians, like the mercurial environment, →

The stories of prometheus and of adam and eve

The myth of Prometheus and the myth of Adam & Eve have very clear similarities and also a lot of differences, but the most important thing is the message behind both of the myths. Athena admired the creation of the humans, so she blew on the clay and gave humans life although the humans were →

Reaction paper- protestant reformation

Works of theologians such as Martin Luther and John Calvin sparked the criticism of the authority and power of the Catholic Church as well as instilling new ideas towards individualism, predestination, and salvation. Neither the good works of the sinner nor the sacraments of the Church had any bearing on the eternal destiny of the →

Christianity- sexual ethics

Sexuality is important in the lives of all Christian adherents and it is for this reason that Christianity offers many explicit instructions on sexual intercourse and sexual behaviours, such as when, where and with whom sexual expression is permitted. Guidance for the expression of sexuality is sourced in the Christian sacred texts the New Testament →

Theater production as instrument for christian evangelization

The priestess or the babaylan was the one playing as the alter ego of the gods. In 1602, to follow their philosophy of using the native language as a form of reaching out to the natives, the missionaries brought religious plays into the next level by having it in the vernacular.

Langston hughes- salvation

Langston caught in the middle, sits on the ' mourners' bench' waiting to hear Christ, waiting to feel The Lord, and waiting to somehow see Jesus. Later on in the story he is very sad because deep down he knows that he has lied to the whole congregation and decides he does not believe in →

Encounter part ii– john mcphee

Charles Fraser, a real estate developer in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina with David Brower, a conservationist, the leader of a conservation organization called Friends of the Earth, the most effective single person on the cutting edge of conservation in this country. They want to save things they like, all for themselves." Fraser's characterization of →

How this teaching about discipleship might affect the life

The example of this is found in the story of Jesus telling them to spread the gospel and the disciples would be protected from the evil things of the world. It is not possible to be a disciple of Jesus in the modern world" Do you agree?

Is religion still relevant in modern society today? essay sample

Majority of the world population holds a religion yet the increasing number of free-thinkers have sprout the questioned of the relevance of religion. Science is one of the pertinent factors that had caused the shift in the importance of religion yet for some it has only strengthen the belief that God is the all knowing →

What extend was the religious settlement of elizabeth’s own?

But, I think that extend the Religious settlement was Elizabeth's own choosing because she was a Protestant, the Catholics were against her and she wanted to be sure that nobody will not make troubles in hercareeras a queen. Also, because she was a Protestant all of Protestants were for her so she was not afraid →

Kingdom of god

Luke places a lot of emphasis on this topic, it is of utmost importance to study what the Bible says about the kingdom of God and view it in the context of which it was written in order to grasp the precise concept of what God wants to reveal. The kingdom of God includes everyone: →

Analysis of the differences in the chesapeake colonies and new england

The Stamp act Congress then created a Declaration of the Rights and Grievances of the Colonists, which declared the colonists had the same rights as those from the mainland of England. Family and religion were the backbone of the values of the New England colonies.

Something from the bible and more

How the underworld works is that all of man is sent to one of the many levels of the underworld. In the bible, there has also been descriptions of hell.

King ferdinand’s letter to the taino/arawak indians

The King wants the Indians to acknowledge the Christian religion and God, and to accept the authority of the King of Spain. The letter is a mix of promises of benefits that will come to them, but quickly followed up with the direst of threats if they do no comply.[pic] In the name of King →

Media article review example

As reasoned by in the National Journal on Media, the article " In New Media Image is Still Everything" attention-grabbing and informative as it portrays the advantages and disadvantages of the CNN effect, shows the impact of the CNN effect on The President of United States, explains the ups and downs of the media coverage →

Good example of new testament essay

The books of the New Testament contains the description of the teachings and life of Jesus of Nazareth, a teacher and a prophet in the first century AD. The book of Acts contains a detail of the Apostles ministries with the help of the Holy Spirit.

Free literature review about review of david l. thompson’s bible study that works

A person needs to understand how to go about the whole issue of bible study by finding the right strategy that will ensure the study is effective. It is important for the individual to know the meaning of bible study and the inspiration behind them wanting to study the bible.

Sexual immorality term paper example

The description of sexual values and attitudes in existence began in the Garden of Eden with the narrative of human rebellion. Responsibility in sexual behavior, which is exhibited to others in the community by respectful treatment, is a sign of sanctification.

Comparisons and contrasts between the bible and the koran

As it is mentioned in both the Bible and the Koran, I will discuss the similarities and differences relating to the creation of humanity, Noah and the flood, Joseph as he appears in both of these sacred books, Cain and Abel also known as Qabil and Habil, and lastly, David and Goliath also known as →

Research paper on adolf hitler benito mussolini and joseph stalin

This paper is therefore intended to bring out the similarities and differences of the above three dictators in terms of their ideology, usage of propaganda and methods that they used to improve their countries' economies. Hitler had special policies of his own and they were branded the Brown shirts.

Good example of the epic of gilgamesh and the bible: a multi-cultural flood narrative research paper

The story of Gilgamesh and the plant of eternal life is very similar to the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. However, perhaps the most similar of the stories contained within the Gilgamesh epic and the Old Testament of the Bible are the shared stories of a Flood.

Example of essay on how a bill becomes a law

Upon introduction, the Senate President or the House Speaker refers the bill to the relevant congressional committee for review. New York: Crabtree publishing company.

Vampirism and the bible in the picture of dorian grey essay sample

Unadulterated innocence cannot stand long without a fall, as Wilde emphasizes in the early pages of his novel, playing on our knowledge of this universal truth that we all are familiar with from Genesis, the first book of the Bible. In the garden and it cannot be a coincidence that this scene occurs in a →

Example of responsible leadership essay

I liked the way the author immediately reminds the reader that in order to have a leader there must be followers. It was also a motivational chapter as the historical anecdotes made me want to be a good leader.

Suburbanization research paper examples

Several cities witnessed the migration of huge number of people and process of suburbanization during and after Second World War. These facilities and infrastructure made these suburban areas a better place for the people who were living in the rural and remote areas of America.

The age of reason by thomas paine essay

The mystery is in not knowing the origin of anything and the difficulty in the evidence of proving that the bible was indeed written by the command of God's authority. The other identified point in the work of Thomas Paine that showcases the mysteriousness of the Bible is the aspect of authorship and authority.

What the bible says about gambling

In most instances, this was simply a way of determining something impartially: Joshua then cast lots for them in Shiloh in the presence of the LORD, and there he distributed the land to the Israelites according to their tribal divisions. Although the words " gambling" and " gamble" do not appear in the Bible, we →

New testament essay research paper

The New Testament is the " newest" part of the Bible. The books of the New Testament are known as the " canon of the New Testament" and they are the books that constitute the Christian Bible.

American colonies on and after the restoration essay examples

Like with the colonies built before the Restoration Period, colonies built in the period were mostly proprietary to ensure that they would achieve the goal of expanding the English territory within the New World. The ideas and traditions the leaders learnt from the mainland were brought to the colonies, allowing them to transform the government →

Example of comparative book essay essay

Zinn also and again unlike Johnson covers in some detail the subject of the capture of the black slaves from the African interior and their transportation to America. Both Johnson and Zinn refer to the growing numbers of slaves in the American colonies in the latter part of the 18th century.

Example of article review on the use of prayer and scripture in cognitive-behavioral therapy

This paper intends to provide a literature review of the article, Use of Prayer and Scripture in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, by Siang-Yang Tan published in the Journal of Psychology and Christianity in 2007. The counseling session can then end with a prayer from the therapist praying for inner healing of the client, and for the →

How to assimilate to prison life essay example

The knowledge about the life changes that unfold with time when a convict has been locked in prison is presumptively of much importance to anyone who has never been incarcerated as this will give the to-be-inmate a picture of the type of life he or she is about to living as well as the type →

Free case study on deploying wi-fi hook-ups in disaster relief – what are the considerations

Therefore, the notion of WiFi network for the city surfaced, and 3 months after the disaster, there was the deployment of a free city owned wireless internet system at the city center. The circumstance of New Orleans reveals the rising tendency of municipalities in America and the globe to start their own low-priced or free →

The depression and new deal: a history in documents book review examples

' The Depression and New Deal: A History in Documents' is an acclaimed book that intends to inform readers about the political conditions, economic condition, the culture, literature, and the people of united states of America. The economic depression that America faced in the twenties taught America to find new ways and the nation learnt →

Example of objects instances essay

An instance of an object is one specific occurrence of the specific object where all the properties and behavior of the object class are inherited. An object reference called the instance of the object is returned when the java object constructor is called.

Breaking new artist and music essay examples

The following case deals with the formal introduction of terrestrial radio and its effect on the promotion of new artists and new forms of music. The channel is basically a retrospective of the artist's song in the form of a video that fascinated the audience more than simple audio telecasts.

Increasing rates of quitting teachers research paper examples

The problem is that an increasing number of teachers cannot conquer the burdensome responsibilities in such a manner that they stick to the profession for a considerable duration of time. It is the responsibility of the educators to offer high quality education to students, the high rates at which teachers are abandoning the teaching profession →

My reflection on religion the value of prayer and morality creative writing example

As a student of Christianity, I have come to realize the importance of prayer in a deeper sense. Hence, prayer became a source of comfort and hope to me because I am talking to the most powerful being in the universe, who I call Father.

Good essay about historical jesus

The point that many of today's or modern biblical scholars consider the New Testament of the bible to mostly report history may be said to be a true assumption based on what is entailed in some of the books in this testament. One of the things that are in the New Testament that can be →

Islam judaism and christianity common aspects and conflicts research paper example

In the second part, it evaluates both historical and contemporary conflicts with respect to these religions, and the efforts that have been undertaken to reduce these conflicts in the modern society. The list of these conflicts, Gregg noted, is endless and ranges from the Muslim and Jewish violence in the Middle East, to the Iranian →


The background of the spiritual message is found in Christian principles and it is important as it is not only relevant to the Christian people but it is for all other people of different religion. Book of Job is a story about prosperous man called Job in the land of Uz who believed in God →

Good book review on biblical commentary

The commentary on the book of psalms is found in the third volume of the series. This is because of the similarities that the books have where they talk about the general issues of life.

Judaism torah the law essay examples

The Torah is also used to capture the entire corpus of the Jewish law comprising the written and the unwritten law. The Bible refers to the Torah as the " Torah of the Lord" or the " Torah of Moses", which was given to the Jewish, peoples the congregation of Jacob, with the purpose of →

1- definition of culture shock essay examples

Culture shock is the inability of a person to easily adapt to the culture of a new place, especially when the new culture is very different from their own and when they do not have familiar things and people around them. C- Culture shock is the experience or condition where people get disoriented about their →

Example of post-traumatic stress disorder in soldiers essay

According to the article, a medical researcher is joining forces with a group of celebrities in encouraging the Defence Department that meditation could help soldiers suffering from the disorder. The reason for the celebrity involvement is unclear, and appears to be a way of gaining publicity for the initiative.

The book of j and the hebrew bible

Getting a comparison between the Book of J and the Hebrew Bible, we can have an extensive scope of change and transition from the initial writings and the later writings. This is what has added to the book of J and is not in the Hebrew Bible.

Essay on analysis of the play seminar

The initial setup of the play is within the reminiscent of a sitcom and Rebeck relies on the vulgarities as well as the insults for easy laughs. Leonard is the protagonist of the play " Seminar" and he is a world-weary misanthrope.

Similarities between “anthem” and the creation story essay sample

When compared in depth, the protagonist of the creation story, Adam, and the street sweeper, Equality 7-2521, of Ayn Rand's Anthem are condemned men, whose stories are very similar, save one key difference. Adam and Equality 7-2521 both took it upon themselves to build a new society when they were cast out of their previous →

Free essay on paul the apostle

Paul's first journey focuses on the Island of Cyprus and the geographical region of Galatia. The duo, Paul and Barnabas then went to Pisdian in Antioch where on a Sabbath they were invited to speak in the synagogue.

Essay on christianity, traditions and synoptic problem

There are other accounts like the Prayer of Manasseh, Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs, Psalms 152-155 and the Psalms of Solomon of the churches in Syriac, which are presently not included in the canon but were initially significant books in the Christian tradition. However, different Christian traditions concur that the New Testament comprise of 27 →

God’s big picture: tracing the storyline of the bible book review sample

Roberts God's Big Picture: Tracing the Storyline of the Bible is a book that explains the bible's 66 books in simple words and in one book. This book takes us through the bible's stories of creation, the fall of man, the early church, Israel and all the prophets and lastly, the coming of the new →

Melencolia i

The idea of D rer's family being a large part of the subject matter of the work is revealed again in the presence of two rebuses in the D rer coat-of-arms and another in the engraving itself. Further investigation leads to the interpretation of a magic square as a further reference to a member of →

Municipal solid waste essay examples

As the process of decomposition occur in the landfill the bulk of the garbage shifts and settles lower into the landfill. For example in order to protect the groundwater, wells and soil from the leachate liners are required to make sure the leachate stays inside the landfill.

Example of wildfires essay

The county of San Diego in California has experienced two major wildfires that have caused a lot of destruction in the county. The wildfires that occurred in the county of San Diego caused a lot of damage however; to some extent it had some benefits to both the environment and the inhabitants of the county.

The future of english essay examples

This essay discusses the future of English as a leading and widely spoken international language." English as she was spoke" an article published in The Economist, discussed the book " The Last Lingua Franca: English Until the Return of Babel" by Nicholas Ostler. The article's subtitle: " The days of English as the world's second →

Judaism and christianity essays example

It is also interesting that the belief in the Hebrew's people exclusiveness and this sense of being " chosen" they had from the very beginning. The historical and sociological nature of the religion can also be proved by the evolution of the main rituals such as the Passover and Sabbath.

Ehud: slayer of the obese king

Ehud: Slayer of the Obese King Ehud was a brave man, and even though he is given less than one chapter of text about him in the Bible, his influence goes far beyond a few words on a page. Ehud was not going to let his opportunity to serve the Lord slip through his hands →

Example of essay on the rise of feudalism in the western world

The collapse of the Roman Empire meant that a new way of life and government had to be established in the Empire's former territories. The term Feudalism was not actually used at the time it was in practice, but was " a term invented in the sixteenth century by royal lawyers to describe the decentralized →

Whats new about new media a summary essay examples

It is wrong to assume that all new media totally replace and supersede their predecessors. After I had realized that this article was not at all about the accepted concept of " new media", but was about 200 years of media history since the 1700's, I found it quite interesting.

Madison essay

This essay takes the stand that the constitution should be amended to fit the current form of government. To assert this, it can be seen that the form of governance in the U.

Example of the syrian opposition argumentative essay

The Syrian revolution differs from the other Arab Spring revolutions in various ways, but what is the most curious is why the Syrian opposition is in such disorder and how it managed to be formed at all? On the other hand, death of Hafez al-Assad, in 2000, gave a new opportunity for the democratic self-expression →

Research paper on income statement also known as the profit and loss account

This analysis and explanation is more important when calculating projected income and costs for a new business than when calculating and analyzing the performance of an existing business entity. Some of the accounts that make up a start up business plan include: Balance Sheet, and Three Year Cash Flow Projection.

Anthem essay- comparing it to the bible

Adam and Eve break one and only rule in the Garden of Eden by eating the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God gives Adam and Eve permission to eat any fruit in the Garden of Eden except for the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and →

Written assignment essay sample

The aspect of a good life is interrupted by the constant passion of the human nature to exploit each other and engage in the passions of war. The war was nothing that was opposite to the expected human behavior, and thus showcased the bad side of humanity that made the possibility of a good life →

Free article review on scholarly journal review

Larsen points out in his research on the inspiration for temple themes of the Dead Sea Scrolls was part of the literary and performance history of the culture that composed these texts. Larsen, David J." Angels Among Us: The Use of Old Testament Passages As Inspiration for Temple Themes In The Dead Sea Scrolls".

The use of the bible when a witness is sworn in at trial essay examples

What is important is that the witness adheres to the order of the court that he or she is to give the testimony that bears the truth, and that he cannot provide fraudulent information while he is a witness of the court. In conclusion, the absence of a bible or any holy book during testimony →

How a bill becomes a law essay examples

As the New Jersey Legislature observes, the process is often a long one, but it leads to the realization of a new law which is acceptable in the land. With the sponsor and the support of some representatives, the bill then goes on to the next level which is the introduction.

The main aims of the new economic policy implemented in 1971 are as follows: research paper example

The racial riots took place in Malaysia in the year 1969 and this was followed by the New Economic Policy which was announced by the Malaysian Government in the year 1970. The supports of the New Economic Policy established in the year 1970 in Malaysia does point that the policy had been successful as the →

What is western civilization

To the West thinking is not remaining ignorant but to some non Western cultures it is, because of this we were able to innovate, and make things happen that non Western cultures could not because they did not allow themselves to be rational or use logic. Without the existence of rationalism and technology, Western society →

Why god became man essay sample

Throughout the article Strauss demonstrates a thorough grasp of scripture both Old and New Testament, approaching the issue of the incarnation of Jesus with an evangelical Christian worldview applying the Bible literally, believing the scriptures to be inerrant. Missing is the challenge to the reader to respond to the information provided, to accept the grace →

Good essay on rogers, jack. a balanced approach to interpreting scripture

Considering the historical ideological criticism of this passage of Job therefore considers the children of Israel 5, 000 years ago and the understanding of God the Father as presented in this text. This passage historically represents the patriarchal period of the history of the Hebrews so the ideological historical criticism looks at how this passage →

Example of essay on winter dreams by fitzgerald

He was obsessed with her beauty and had dreamt being with her in a beautiful place and since Judy was rich so he decided to switch carriers and get rich himself so as to accomplish his goals. He regrets the loss of the sparkling personality of Judy in their youth, which he was infatuated with →

“godfather death” by jakob and wilhelm grimm, “death by candlelight” essay sample

The doctor cries out in desperation for his godfather to light him a new candle and that Death should do it if Death loves him so the doctor can enjoy his life. Not only is this is a very greedy and selfish request because he disobeyed Death's specific commands so that the princess could live, →

Ancient egypt essay example

At over four thousand miles in length, the Nile is " the longest river in the world", rising in the highlands of Eastern Africa and flowing north to the Mediterranean Sea. The Blue Nile, yet which contributes the majority of the water and the fertile silt carried with it, rises from Lake Tana in Ethiopia, →

Debbie white vs. patrick gibbs essay sample

Morally based, the tavern should not be responsible of the individual at hand due to the person's free will to consume enough alcoholic beverages to cause him to be in a state of intoxication. Although the bartender did not testify and witnessed the defendant stumbling off his stool, key witnesses in the bar do testify →

Semester exam essay

This flood may be the basis for the flood narrative but it did not consume the entire Earth; this is where exaggeration of historical events can be seen in the bible. The inscription could be the basis of the exodus, proving the Bible is not completely historically false.

Critique of putting the i in team essay examples

So, in the conversation between the coach and the protagonist, start a new paragraph each time one of them speaks to the other. Furthermore, I enjoyed the conversation between the two of them and would like it to be longer.

Essay on similarities

Brittanica (20120 indicates that the Harlem Renaissance was a product of the works done by Marcus and the UNIA. The Role of Marcus Garvey and the UNIA in Creating the Harlem Renaissance Movement.

Road to recovery hoover roosevelt and the remaking of the american economy essay example

There are, perhaps, similarities to be drawn between the effects of the housing " bubble" of the 1990s and the impatient fostering of " a volume of credit flow without regard to its economic results" that marked the false buoyancy of the 1920s. In fact, historian and economist Murray Rothbard has argued that the New →

The disobedient angel gabriel

Through a message of an angel, Mary was able to know that she will be conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and give birth to the son of God. In the motion picture Constantine, the protagonist speaks to a woman who goes by the name Gabriel who rejects Constantine's attempts to reconcile the →

Belief systems thematic essay

The Major beliefs of this system were the Caste System, Dharma and Karma, and Rein carnation. The Caste system was the social classes of Hinduism, you were born into your Caste and for the rest of your life you remained in that caste and could only associate with people in that caste.


According to legend, Mahavira started Jainism by leaving his home at the age of thirty to seek salvation by escaping from the cycle of incarnation, he lived an ascetic life in the Ganges Valley in which he achieved enlightenment, and he then taught an ascetic doctrine of detachment from the world, to followers who were →

History of buddhism

Klein describes the history of Buddhism, important figures in the movement and stories of the beginning of Buddhism. The goal of a Buddhist to escape cyclic existence, is the first of element of religious practice in Indo-Tibetan tradition.

Shinto illustration essay sample

The amount of religions known to the public is endless, some celebrated with more importance than the others, and some with more popularity, but one of the lesser known Japanese religion is the Shinto. The history of the Shinto religion is unknown, according to Molloy, " Shinto has no person or group as its founder.

Sample research proposal on emperor ashokas influence on buddhism

Therefore, the choice of this topic enables one to understand the manner in which the great Ashoka lived and spread the message of the Buddhism. Ashoka looked outward to enable the spread of Buddhism instead of changing the faith of the people of his kingdom, Ashoka chose to incorporate the principles of Buddhism in his →