Quality Law Essay Examples for Your Learning

Portfolio project intro criminal justice assignment

In cases where a suspect is identified, a sample of that person's DNA can be compared to evidence from the crime scene. In addition, these labs may be ill-equipped to handle the increasing influx of DNA samples and evidence.

Reflection paper 2-1

The EFCA reform is also in line with Maslow's hierarchy of needs in that it will satisfy both the security and social needs of a person. The above reforms suggested for the U.S.labor law will lead to the improvement of the welfare of the American labor force.

Merchant of venice: injustice and revenge essay sample

The court case serves as a principle of justice for the good of society but unrevealed personal retribution is seen within the character of Shylock. Shylock is shown as a representation of inflexibility towards what the law states and even brings a knife and scale to the court case, both symbols of justice.


Abortion Polling al affiliation The debate on abortion is centered on polls in support of the practice or against it. The media as supporting a pro-choice option to abortion often cite the results from these polls.

Analysis and interpretation of data law equity essay

We would like to express my gratitude to Allah the Almighty for the fitness and blessings and giving me the strength of mind, the skills and the will to persist, the good health and the spirit for me to finish this project paper. 1Ownership of the owner2.5.4.

The requirement for remuneration law company business partnership essay

Any payment under an agreement entered into before the commencement of the relevant repealed written laws will be invalid; any payment under an agreement, particulars whereof have been disclosed to and approved by special resolution of the company will be invalid; any bona fide payment by way of damages for breach of contract; any bona β†’

British family law: a case-study on religious belief and divorce

However, in Hirani the Court of Appeal took a more expansive view and formulated the test as being whether the threat was such as to destroy the reality of consent, and overbear the will of the individual. It seems that English law takes the view that in the absence of fear or duress, mental reservations β†’

History of isis

History of ISIS Introduction Islamic State of Iraq and Levant is a terror militia group, which remains to be the richest in history. Due to its huge financial muscle, it has the capacity to control activities in most countries, and thus is among the most feared groups in the world.

British court support international law law constitutional administrative essay

On the other hand, the status of Treaty law in UK does not automatically become part of the NL; it has to be transformed by the act of parliament into NL which is regarded as transformation theory.[2]The theories are differently treated under the principle of English constitution with significant reasons: One of the reasons is β†’

To kill a mockingbird interpretation from jems view assignment

As I watched the Jury make it's way back n the court room I noticed that not one of the Jurors made eye contact with Tom Robinson, being a lawyers son I know that means that Tom Robinson most likely had been convicted. This is not right," I muttered over and over, all the way β†’

A. g. gardiner – on saying please essay sample

Invited to choose the name of a star as a pseudonym he chose the name of the brightest star in the constellation ' the Plough'. I can imagine that lift-man, denied the relief of throwing the author of his wound out of the lift, brooding over the insult by the hour, and visiting it on β†’

Criminal eve 7

If the case was being tried in the United States Courts, the law to be used to prove that the woman's in-court identification of the man who robbed her would be tried under the Federal Rules of Evidence as provided by the federal government. This according to article VII of the Federal Rules of Evidence β†’

The abuse of police officers towards the citizens

The first metric which must be discussed with regards to the level of police violence and abuse is with regards to the fact that the recent geopolitical situation within the world has created a glut of rather specialized and otherwise non-employable veterans. Accordingly, it is the belief of this author that it is likely, although β†’

Human right abuses in ahwaz, south iran, racism and genocide

This fact is impressive, but the cruel reality of the modern life in Ahwaz, south Iran is the evidence of this fact. Therefore, there is a direct intrusion in all spheres of life of the Ahwazi nation.

Maritime law in nigeria essay sample

The importance of the sea to mankind underscores the need for the regulation of commerce and navigation on the sea and all navigable waters in order to maintain symmetry among nations. The global fall in oil prices and the need to diversify Nigeria's economy has brought to fore the possibility of the maritime industry being β†’

Criminal justice assignment

In the end, the goal of Justice is affected and may even be sacrificed because of the conflicts in the system. The goals of the innovations introduced under NIB'S were to enhance the quantity, quality, and timeliness of crime-data collection by law enforcement agencies and to improve the methodology used for compiling, analyzing, auditing, and β†’

Criminal law 5.3

These cultural values and beliefs include all the things which are considered acceptable by the majority of the people by which everyone else is expected to abide by and anyone not following the culture is considered deviant and could in turn be subjected to penalties and sanctions for not following the will of the majority. β†’

Real estate law week 9 individual work

A lessor is the person who conveys the property, while a lessee is the person to whom the property is conveyed to. The following are the needed elements of a lease, description of the property, duration of the lease, terms of the renewal, rent and security payments, use and occupancy agreements, the lessor's right of β†’

Are liberty and equality compatible?

It Is defined as the ability to maximize one's potential, given the current state of resources available to people." Positive liberty Is the possibility of acting? or the fact of acting? in such a way as to take control of one's life and realize one's fundamentalteacher, then he would be positively free if he is β†’

D.h. lawrence – the horse dealer’s daughter

Essentially, the numerous challenges that Mabel has endured in life, coupled with the feelings of low self-worth, motivate her to decide to end her life. An analysis of Mabel's behavior shows that the girl is a static, as opposed to a dynamic, character.

Against concealed carry law

Turn on the news, the radio, read the newspaper, surf the internet and the topic of conceal carry will be discussed. Broadcast media sources were searched for recent broadcasts related to concealed carry and gun control, and for examples of recentgun violencewhere the assage of concealed carry was proposed as the solution to preventing future β†’

The filipino and the drunkard

To address the threats of the drunkard he retaliated by threatening the man while he was inside a compartment of the lavatory." Go away he said. There was no overt act on the part of the American that manifests he is without a doubt going to hurt or kill the Filipino.

Business law ii

Regardless of the criticisms of the consumers' protection attorneys, the retained amounts by banks on loans will help in reducing the credit risks to the banks and other financial institutions. Additionally, on the other hand, in any case that the lending institutions that will fail will never place their consumers at any risk of losing β†’

Equal opportunities policies law employment essay

Boardus writes that even though it is commonly accepted that Health and Safety policies are in benefice of employees and organisations, that there is still debate on the front of the policies creating restrictive operational frameworks to the detriment of an organisations competetive advantage. Falling partially under the aegis of Health and safety, drug and β†’

Texas court system

The Supreme Court of Texas is the final appellate jurisdiction in civil and small cases that issues writs. The Court of Appeals in Texas have intermediate jurisdiction over civil and criminal cases in each geographic Courts of Appeal District in the state.

Wolf v. colorado & terry v. ohio

The issues in this case involved incorporation of the Fourth Amendment and the lack of the need for a rule of exclusion. The decision of the Court in Wolf and Colorado in 1949 held that the Fourth Amendment applied to the states, and the exclusionary rule did not.

The national origins act of 1924

Part 2: Labor Immigrants Labor Immigrants are immigrants that come to the United States undocumented, not all of them are undocumented but many come to America undocumented. The America dream is hard to achieve and a lot ofhard workto achieve what you want in life which several of these immigrants did.

Informative essay on law 531

Statutes and Ordinances are legislation passed on the federal, state, or local levels.* Common Law is based on the concept of precedence - on how the courts have interpreted the law. SEBELIUS, SECRETARY OFHEALTHAND HUMAN SERVICES, ET AL.otherwise known as the healthcare law which mandates healthcare for all, when this kind of law is in β†’

Supreme court of the united states and self-defense essay sample

In conclusion, the essay will address the issue of the logic behind the statement in the transcript of the case, United States v. 2D 44 a man shot another man in self-defense but because of the circumstances around the case the Court would not allow the self-defense plea and the Second Circuit Court agreed with β†’

The value of confidentiality in international arbitration law commercial essay

Now that we have some understanding of who is or should be bound by the duty to maintain confidentiality, we must consider what exactly it is that they may want to keep confidential: the existence of the dispute or the arbitration; the substance of the proceedings, including evidence produced during the arbitration process and/or all β†’

The case of littlewoods mail order stores law company business partnership essay

The company in reality was his agent and he as principal was liable for debts to unsecured creditors Characteristics of a partnership are financial gained and liabilities are shared between owners and the expertise and capitals of owners are pooled for the benefit of the company. It was held that the court could raise the β†’

Proliferation of interest groups

By the mid-1980s, it was widely acknowledged that the number of interest groups in the United States especially public interest groups - had exploded during the 1960s and 1970s. And thus we come to the contradictory conclusion that pluralist view of interest group representation is not increasingly accurate.

Supermax prisons

Supermax Prisons The article, " From Alcatraz to Marion to Florence - Control Unit Prisons in the United s" is a very enlightening piece of material about the history of supermax prison in the United States. Aside from the abuse that the prisoners suffer from the prison guards, there is no intention of rehabilitation in β†’

The practice of paralegals

In the theoretical case we presented, all the acts of giving legal advice to a client, establishing an attorney-client relationship with the anybody, establishing a fee for the legal service and being responsible to enter an appearance behalf of a client in court unless authorized by that court or by agency rule are all clear β†’

Law enforcement 5

One of the most notable recognitions is the potential that domestic violence incidents may ultimately lead to death. While the Minneapolis Domestic Violence Experiment supports increased arrests, ultimately it seems that the most effective course of action is to not require that all individuals be arrested on domestic violence calls.

Roach: criminal justice and traditional crime strategies assignment

He referred to it as the victims' rights model and called for more laws and prosecutions, a greater role for the victim in the trial and more services and support for victims". While the non-punitive model of victims' rights according to Roach " looks away from the reliance on criminal sanction and punishment and toward β†’

Environmental law – the republic of hungary

I carried on with the research and discovered a book on the Environmental Policy in the European Union, that book assisted me to obtain a wide knowledge of European environmental law. In the last decades of the 20th century an increasing attention was paid to the environmental questions and to the impacts of human activities β†’

Attachment theory – the ties that bond

ATTACHMENT THEORY - A CRITICAL ANALYSIS One of the key areas of interest for developmental researchers has been the " attachment theory", which proposes that the attachment of an infant to its caregiver/ mother is an evolutionary adaptative phenomenon, and has important implications for an individual's future emotional capacity to bond with others in adult β†’

Constitutional rights

The aim of this paper is to discuss the right to keep and bear arms, and to analyze the tier of classification that is used to scrutinize this right. The right to bear arms has been, perhaps, the most controversial of all the rights drafted in the Constitution, yet the least studied and researched of β†’

Colombian riminal justice system

Adoption of common law legal system in Colombia will help in restraining the power of legislature as common law system do not allow legislature to amend a collected and codified body of law. With the adoption of common law based legal system it will also be necessary to ensure that the judiciary is strengthened beyond β†’

Ethics and law

ETHICS AND LAW Ethics and Law Introduction Ethics in business can be defined as the application of a moral of conduct to themanagement process within any business organization. Proper business ethics should be introduced in a business as external factors that are way above profit making motive of the business and the law governing its β†’

Death penalty

Death Penalty Death penalty is considered as a capital punishment in the U. In opposition of the death penalty and in agreement with people of similar opinion, death penalty cannot be deemed to deter crimes' occurrences and therefore ought to be abolished, which forms a valid argument as supported below.

The rule in rylands law general essay

The House of Lords felt that previous case law had sufficiently clarified the rule in relation to strict liability, and that there was no need for them to do so. Should one review precedent case law, the development of the rule in Rylands v Fletcher from a strict liability tort to, what now appears to β†’

The privacy on a workplace legal aspects

Although it may be tempting, it is unfair to the employee to be judged by merits of their life outside of the workplace. In this way, it is illegal for a firm to profile and/or monitor an employee based on such metrics due to the fact, among others, that if a lawsuit were to come β†’

The court of appeals decision and effects law company business partnership essay

The real value was 750 but Mr Berry received 3000.[2] An agent must act on behalf of his principal and the agent is under obligation to make full disclosure.[3]An agent should notify the whole of his action to his or her principal,[4]and not make any profit in the course in the matter of his agency β†’

Third-party behavior

Task: Introduction The issue of failure to criminalize a third party who fails to report to the ity, or prevent the crime from occurring has been on the rise. Evidently, the majority of the crimes noted in the world could not have occurred in case of the adoption of some precautionary measures, or if such β†’

Essay summary of common law assignment

Ian in his actions of the visit to Jessie house to look at the car and his daughter taking full possession of the car cannot be seen as valid acceptance as Ian acted in ignorance of the offer Question 1 B Ian and Jessie at no point stated that they had any intention to enter β†’

Ch 41 dis

In the case of Alcan the competent court rejected the government's arguments that hearing is not imminent since Alcan has admitted that its emulsion was diluted with the other wastes. In this case, the court held that since Alcan was amongst one of the 20 defendants, hence liable for payment of USD 473, 790.

When politics trumps policy

Additionally, the prison is receiving global recognition that is attributable to the effectiveness of the programs, and a thirty percent reduction in recidivism clearly illustrates how the programs are imperative within the prison. Secondly, a thirty percent reduction in recidivism clearly shows the effectiveness of the programs within the prison and capacity of inmates to β†’

Acceptance must be final and unconditional law contract essay

The purpose of the essay is to analyse the Australian case law whether the cases apply the rule of acceptance which is final and unconditional. The offer was not indicated to be subject to or condition upon the execution of a formal contract.

Law7 ass1

The opinion does not suggest that a hotel may charge any rate the innkeeper wishes to as it cites the common law whereby the hotel may not take the advantage of the fact that travelers during night-time have no other option but to spend the night in the hotels and charge exorbitant or unreasonable fees β†’

Synopsis of women and criminal justice assignment

It is discussed within the article several reasons for the surge in the female population in remand, one theory that is discussed is that when a women is intended the reasons are set out that she is troubled' or troublesome' And whatever is perceived will then lead to incarceration or another punishment. Within the chapter β†’

Courtroom work group essay sample

The prosecutor's role is to protect the rights of the public. This would make the prosecutor's job more intense because they would have to prove a case without any evidence.

The case national biscuit vs stroud law company business partnership essay

On this basis, any conduct of the partners in relation to carrying out the affairs of the business has an impact on the liability of the partners. The duties of a general agent in a business association are to conduct a number of transactions that involve the continuity of service.

A study of the united states international intellectual property

In fact, it seems that their conclusions of the effects of intellectual property are having an effect on other countries as well, making us take a step back to analyze why we are in the position we are in too; though, it's hard to imagine the Supreme Court of the United States tossing our intellectual β†’

Right to counsel paper article law general essay

It extremely crucial to understand the legal procedures the criminal procedures and the development of such law to understand the role of the attorneys, when it applies to the right to counsel and the self-representation rule. The judge should ask questions to ensure that the defendant is aware of this case and it procedures in β†’

Guide use corresponding numbers from issue(s) section

Guideto Prepare File Memos and Client LettersResearchMemoPurpose: To summarize the facts, issues and conclusions of the research topic to enablea review of the research activities by the researcher's superiors and to bereference material for subsequent examinations of the research topic for futuresimilar situations. Utilizetemplate that includes the firm name, location, date field, client name andaddress β†’

Evidence-based policing

Sherman, who proposed the concept of evidence-based policing in 1998, as " the use of the best available research on the outcomes of police work to implement guidelines and evaluate agencies, units, and officers". Encouraging law enforcers to look at relevant researches and adapt any best practices that are specified in literatures is one of β†’

Briefing a —near v. minnesota

Constitutional question presented by the case: The Court had to decide if the authorizations to stop the Press were in line with the freedom of the press as guaranteed by the Constitution. The Court was of the judgment that the restraining order violated the First Amendment of the Constitution.

Criminal justice system paper week assignment

It is made sure that the police officers are properly trained for the job they will presume, which is making the streets are safe and there is less criminals roaming around the streets. Was not really a fan of the criminal justice system.

Street gangs & disproportionate minority contact

Based on the concept of DMC, studies by Armour and Hammond indicated that minority youths are disproportionately represented in the country's juvenile system. Thus, the juvenile justice system has been negatively affected by biased criminalization of delinquent behavior among the youths belonging to minority ethnic and racial groups in the country.

Torts week 11 ind wrk

Bad Faith Many observers and courts defined bad faith in the following ways; Unreasonable unmanageableness on the part of the insurance company in order to pay what is unpaid to the insured person; Deplorable behavior planned for redirecting the claims regarding the damages on all assets; Evil oriented toward specified of the claim agent, which β†’

Criminal law review prosecutorial law general essay

Article 8 of the European Convention provides:" There will be no interference by a public authority with the exercise of this right except such as is in accordance with law and is necessary in a democratic society in the interests of...the protection of health and morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms β†’

The basic definition of defamation

Now, the punk Rock star has sued the paper and the journalist in court. The decision of the court: Also under this la w, legally the individual or organization that has been targeted does not have to prove in court that the journalist is wrong, only the fact that the targeted individuals is offended and β†’

Vicarious liability

The plaintiff may substantiate/prove the aspects of vicarious liability in three ways namely: if employee was acting within the scope of his/her employment, the employer was in full capacity to control the acts of its employees. This means that Elil Lilly and company had a vicarious liability due to the tortuous acts committed by Robert β†’

Codes of laws

The different laws include: The Code of Hammurabi, Draco's law, Law of the Twelve Tables, Justinian Code, Magna Carta, and Statue of Westminster. The laws of the twelve tables were written by ten Roman men to govern the Romans, which formed the foundation of modern public and private law.

U. s. constitution

The rights of the state government are protected by the tenth amendments in US constitution. In other words, state governments can make laws related to any issues which is not delegated to the federal government and prohibited to the state government.

Comment: bowman v. fels

Fel's case is attributed to the issues it raised with regard to the interpretation of the POCA of 2002. Effect of the Court of Appeal ruling in Bowman v Fel's on the money laundering disclosure requirements and litigation-related professional privilege.

Trial essay

Defense counsel moved to discharge the jury on the ground that the prosecutor's removal of the black veniremen violated dependant's rights under the Sixth and Fourth Amendments to a jury drawn from a cross of the community, and under the Fourteenth Amendment to equal protection of the laws. This apparently shows discrimination in the selection β†’

Advanced criminalistics: hair

Cut tip hair is one attribute of head hair since it is the longest human hair on their body. However, the cut tip makes the hair to be straight since there is evenly distributed weight pulling the hair all the way to its ends.

Business law in the usa

In this case, I do not think that the Pasquantinos and the Hilts would not be able to succeed in their legal argument, given that the nature of the law was against smuggling, the very crime that the Pasquantinos and the Hilts committed. Although it may be argued that he may have not participated directly β†’

Law of world trade organization

In this regard, such agreement can be recognised as the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, which focuses on regulating the adoption and the usage of measures by the members of WTO, towards ensuring food safety and safeguarding the health of the humans, plants as well as animals from varied diseases. World β†’

Laws that affecting business assignment

Definition of business Law: Business Law is the body of law that governs business and commercial transactions. Followings are the laws enacted in Bangladesh and regulating business activities of the country.

The characteristics of fiduciary relationship law equity essay

The position of an agent to the relationship exists for the benefit of the principal. It is arguable that where an agent is trusted with power, the agent has the autonomy to exercise it to the detriment of the principal.


Regardless of how one comes to own a property, the issue of the law comes in after the ownership, not the process of owning it. I did not get why the judge awarded the defendants the whale, the harpoons and the line and the plaintiffs awarded the boat only.

Slavery in the united states: impact of civil war in american and the proclamation of emancipation

After the conclusion of the American Civil War and the passage of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments, the remaining African-American slaves were freed from servitude. This prompted the creation of the Freedmen's Bureau, which was a government organization that sought to right these wrongs that persisted against people of color even after the slaves β†’

Border security issues (week 10)

The overnight revision of these laws led to the government's new move to spy on its citizens. This abuses the privacy rights that Americans are entitled to as citizens.

Business law assignment

Students will be assessed on the basis of: 1 a) Presentation of case 10% 2 b) Class attendance and participation 5% 5. General policy and information on special consideration can be found at the Office of Academic Affairs.

What will happen vs what should happen with government warrantless surveillance

Warrantless Surveillance will continue to be a mode of operation by the Federal Government. There will continue to be court cases which will challenge the right of the government to engage in what some would call an illegal operation.

The development of adr evaluation law general essay

The researcher's criteria for determining the ' usefulness' of the reports/ reviews/ evaluations/ studies are as follows: Books and magazine articles written in last two decades in printed and electronic form; Collection of information or data, which is relevant and valuable to the subject information; Views and analysis made by other authors linked to the β†’

The role of defamation law law general essay

When it comes to prove defamation subject to the differences in slander and libel, the claimant must prove three elements; that the statement was defamatory that it referred to the claimant and that it was published to a third party. In relation to the first element for the statement to be defamatory the words must β†’

Violent crime

Violent Crime Criminological theory of rational choice assumes that people commit crimes after determining the extent of the pain or punishment of their action and if it is worth the pleasure or reward they are likely to obtain after the act. Residents living in recession areas weigh the impact of violent crimes to obtain what β†’

Navy insurance

With the rise in piracy risks in the high seas, the emerging trend has been the insurance brokers offering marine insurance against piracy at very high premiums as compared to other risk premiums in the 21st century marine business. Insurance companies have developed varying policy frameworks to cover ships against the risks posed by piracy β†’

Law 5 formation of business entities;

From my professional experience, some of the advantages of a sole proprietorship include the ease of formation since only a business name and business license is needed to start the business. However, some disadvantages of a sole proprietorship business include the difficulties in securing expansion capital in the capital markets, the lack of continuity after β†’

Doctrine in vietnam in comparison with us law law international essay

In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered will include: the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes; the nature of the copyrighted work; the amount and β†’

Tort actions

I feel that in the case of the plaintiff Daniel Vs Malik, the courts would find in the defendants favor, stating it was comparative negligence and both parties had equal responsibility. In the case of Malik Vs Daniel, I feel the courts would find in the plaintiffs favor as he had a considerable amount more β†’

The current policy framework in usa law medical essay

2 Gestational Limits41 states prohibit abortions, after the foetal viability to the exception that the procedure is necessary to protect the woman's life or health. 162-3.provides that a physician who has been approached by a woman with a view to the termination of her pregnancy is required from the time of her first visit, to β†’

Bring your own device: advantages, disadvantages, alternatives

Reason is because there are using the devices, they are liking not the one they are provided by the organisation. BYOD is good for the company but it should be implemented with strong sets of rules and policies.

Environmental law

Congress has delegated authority to the agencies to make rules governing the behavior of business and labor deemed to be in concurrence with the interest, necessity, and convenience of the public. In informal rulemaking, an agency starts the process by publishing the proposed law in the Federal Register, together with a justification of the legal β†’

Illegal drugs

Illegal drugs A group of Colombians connects to Chinese counterfeit market to launder money for illegal drug traffickers in the United States, Europe, and Asia. The men make profits worth millions of dollars for the cartels and enable them to sell their drugs in the United States.

Liable or not liable

All this were at the disposal of Medsystems to factor in, investigate the extent of their efficacy before getting into a contract with EcoCath. The innocence of EcoCath is also corroborated by the fact that in their response later of agreement, they unequivocally stated that their persuasion to enter into the partnership was occasioned not β†’

Criminal justice system assignment

The core systems of the criminal Justice system consist of the police, the Crown Prosecution Service, the courts, the National Offender Management Service and also the Youth Justice Board. They have to ensure no one is breaking the law and maintain the law, they also have to investigate crimes and also detect crime in the β†’

Constitutional law: horton v. california

However, the officer came across weapons which were included in the police report in plain view and seized them, however, the officer was unable to find the proceeds of the robbery. In this case, the court came up with a plain view doctrine, which is under the Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution.

The intervention in libya: responsibility to protect

United Nations recognised the necessity of protecting human rights in Libya and gave backing to the concept of R2P in the year 2005 which led to the military intervention in Libya to protect the people from atrocity crimes which began in 2011. The UN Intervention in Libya could be observed as a consolidation of norms β†’

Political boundaries in cyberspace

In essence, cyberspace has violated the political domains of the governments, given the enemy some more understanding about its political and societal domains and nonetheless made the job of securing a state difficult, if not entirely impossible. It has violated political domains and touched upon the private issues of a state under discussion.