Quality Law Essay Examples for Your Learning

Policing assignment

The chapters in this section of Criminal Justice Today provide an overview of the historical development of policing; describe law enforcement agencies at the federal, state, and local levels; explore issues related to police administration; and discuss the due process and legal environments surrounding police activity. The statute specified the creation of the watch and β†’

Searches, warrants and amendments

Therefore it cannot be admissible to court as evidence against George since it was found in Elaine's possession.b) Under the 4th amendment, seizure of contraband items is within the law. Kramer did not violate any law in the seizure of the cocaine and therefore it is admissible to court as evidence against Elaine.

Homeland security #5

Lecturer Emergency Response This paper outlines the development of a plan that will be used to implement and monitor response to anemergency. The teams should also be prepared to perform their functions and this will necessitate a range of training activities so as to give them the required levels of competencies.

Organized crime in the united states

Mafia is one of the most common examples of organized crime in the US. The state tries to come up with concrete definition how to define organized crime and substantially includes Mafia in this category.

Does man survive better under natural law or civilized law

Civilized law is our current position in society, and natural law exists among people who are not a part of mainstream society. Over 100 years later, people have not changed much, and there is still prejudice, making one wonder if we have become a more knowledgeable society under the concept of civilized law.

Right to confrontation

The judges ought to reaffirm that the Sixth Amendment obliges prosecutors to call the lab investigators whose work they depend on. On the off chance that the prosecutors need to utilize the reports, they ought to be obliged to call the examiners as witnesses.

Distinctive nature of intellectual property law company business partnership essay

The regulation regarding the creative works which can be considered as a physical property or asset is the intellectual property law which established to provide protection to unique creativity ideas of human being. Intellectual property law is considered as the branch of the law which protects some of the greater manifestations of human achievements and β†’

The concept of majority rule

The relationship between the two is that the principles of majority rule and minority rights identically support an egalitarian form of government in the United States of America. Constitution prohibits state employment in violation of the equal protection of the laws, and applies to all public institutions of higher education.

Code of ethics for physical therapists without the use of drugs essay

This is to ensure highest possible quality of service to the client.- The therapist will perform only the assortment of services that represent their education and for which they are qualified. They will possess the requisite education certifications, join the academic affiliations and be able to prove honest qualifications in the fields in which they β†’

The adulthood marriage attitude law family essay

In the study of Kefalas, Furstenberg, Carr and Napolitano to determine the meaning of marriage for adult, there are two types of people who get married: marriage naturalists and marriage planners. Besides, the rising rate of women's involvement in work field causes decrease in the desirability of marriage which contribute to the factor of decline β†’

Roe v. wade case according to women’s rights problem

The Court held that a woman's right to an abortion falls within the right to privacy protected by the 14th Amendment, and this right is " broad enough to encompass a woman's decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy". Wade case, I would like to show how woman's right to privacy was reflected in β†’

Although, providing for an exhaustive list of conditions

The appellate courts should be at liberty to have an access to both: video and audio recordings of civil and criminal proceedings, in order toascertain the quality and veracity of the evidence recorded in the lowercourts.3. The video and audio recordings of court proceedings in civil casesshould be brought within the ambit of RTI, in β†’

The uniform commercial code (ucc)

Unconscionability exists in a contract where there is no equality in the bargaining power of the parties in a contract. Under UCC 2-302, the person who has a better chance of getting out of a contract due to unconscionability is the person to whom goods were sold to in an unfair contract or way.b.

Thomas jefferson: declaration of independence

In considering the Declaration of Independence, one of the most powerful presentations of the role of government is the overarching understanding it of protecting citizens' rights. While the Declaration of Independence in large part illustrates the functions of government that England failed to accomplish, in considering some of these points, one demonstrate some of the β†’

Durkheim’s view on crime

Durkheim clarifies that it is the punishment that makes the act a crime making the society aware of the offense and developing conscience in the society. Crime has received a special attention through the work of Emilie Durkheim making in positive development in the formation of integrated society and establishing a need for healthy rate β†’

A world without laws

It's also crazy Is not To have a world without any laws means not only to be free but also to be In a world with chaos. It's also crazy is not To have a world without any laws means not only to be free but also to be in a determine whether we are β†’

Law 5 forming business

Emerson, being leading technology firm with global presence, is equipped with the knowledge, experience and capabilities to explore and exploit new opportunities. The increasing awareness would also create opportunities for Emerson to be innovative in its approach and production.

Definition of identity theft

An identity thief is a criminal offense that people caught in the process can be prosecuted in the court of law.a. In most cases, the person whose identity is stolen can end up being implicated in a criminal case while in actual case he may not have participated in the offense.b.

Law enforcement research design and analysis 1

Authors have claimed that the mixed methodology offers a lawyer the ' the best of both worlds.' This is because it marries the less rich but more-efficient or compelling predictive power with the contextualized, in-depth, and natural but more time-consuming insights of quantitative research. These are: Determine if a mixed methods study is needed to β†’

Illicit drugs assignment

This in comparison with illicit substances is extremely high as in 2003 according to the British crime survey 44% of those charged with domestic violence were reported to be under influence of alcohol in comparison with a small 12% of those who at the time were under the influence of illicit drugs. This bares a β†’

Feste analysis in the first and second act of twealth night

For example, in the last scene of the first Act, Maria criticizes Feste of having no real bravery, as he pretends to have, compared with soldiers. Feste's talent and ability is to shield himself with his persona as a fool, but to offer insights and insults of a very wise man.

Friction ridges and science

The uniqueness of the fingerprints is the explanation for the broad use of fingerprints for identification purposes. The reason for the uniqueness of fingerprints is that they are formed in the womb leading to those of twins becoming different in the way they appear even between identical twins.

Employment law

Employment Law Affiliation: Protection of employees by the civil rights law has enhanced workforce relations in and out of workplaces. Civil rights law safeguards the interests of both the employees and the employers.

Wherether improvements in physical infrastructure of lagal infrastucture are the best way to facilitate multomodal transport

Freight and passenger movement from one port to another requires efficient and effective mode of transportation to ensure safe and sound delivery of the commodities as well as, the passengers. On the other hand, passengers cannot be held in a container but, measures have to be made to ensure that the change of mode of β†’

Market abuse directive

The Market Abuse Directive was formulated and implemented to counter such activities and promote fairness and integrity in the European financial markets. Lack of an all-round treatment of constituent controlling units of the financial markets hinders the achievement of the directive due to conflict of interest between the Central Banks and the MAD directors.

The history of english land law law land property essay

Due to that, the concerning on equitable interests implanted to the land on sale, where the purchase was not bound by them if he had acted as a bona fide purchaser for value without notice on equitable rights.[7]Similarly, the reliance on title deeds need proved ownership title where the result was choking the property market β†’

Maryland v. pringle, 540 u.s. 366 (2003)

However, Pringle's attempts to deny the confession in the trial court made the jury decide on his arrest for possessing cocaine with the aim of distributing. Reasoning Carmen & Walker warrantless seizures and arrests are allowed within Maryland law, implying that the officers had the probable cause to believe that Pringle committed owned the drugs.

Outsourcing work overseas

Outsourcing Work Overseas Outsourcing Work Overseas As the head of HR, justifying outsourcing work overseas to current home-based employees would include illuminating them on the kind, nature, cost-savings, and efficiency within the work to be outsourced would be done more effectively, than traditional employment method. The most justified rationale for outsourcing work overseas is the β†’

The extraordinary chambers of courts of cambodia law international essay

The third part follows suit and articulates in an integrated approach the achievements and short comings of the Special Court for Sierra Leone which was established on 16 January 2002 by an agreement between United Nations and the government of Sierra Leone.[6]Among its achievements, the completion of its mandate, its excellent outreach mechanisms as well β†’

Law/531 final examination study guide

0 The stockholders of XYZ Corp.emain liable for the liabilities of XYZ Corp.after the sale of the company to ABC.Corp.c. 0 Because this is a stock deal of a public company, all of the liabilities of XYZ Corp.are acquired by ABC Corp, in connection with the acquisition of the stock.d.

Summaries of two articles

Article Summaries number 25 March Summary of " Community Violence Exposure in Young Adults" In the article " Community Violence Exposure in Young Adults," Scarpa aimed to understand the frequency and effects of exposure to community violence among young adults. In the second study of Scarpa in 2002, the same high rates of exposure to β†’


Reid, who in his article, " Let My Teenager Drink", advocates for the lowering of the drinking age to 18 years. However, Joseph Kolofano, on the other hand, totally disagrees with the idea of lowering drinking age to 18 years arguing that it would basically mean lowering to 16 years.

There is general duty under english tort law to rescue or assist other. there is only a duty not to actively cause harm. neverth

This brought into view that in such a case the plaintiff must be able to show that the responsibility to protect was the duty of the defendant and not in lieu to general duty on society. Understanding the absence of a duty to reasonably rescue in American Tort law.

3800 discuss 2 part 1

The body of the victim should then be photographed and each piece of photo placed differently. The photos should depict any physical injury that may be on the body of the victim.

Pact organization

Our Vision Our vision is to strongly advocate for changes in individual lives and organizational systems thus promoting safer communities. Join Our Mission Since our inception in 1971, PACT has grown rapidly and now has several branches within the country.

Leo program

After the arrival of my adorable son, and the finalization of my divorce, I returned to school yet again, leaving my boy in my mother's care. I was first exposed to English as a young girl of 19, on my arrival in the USA.

2 discussion

Ideas are the hardest IP for an organization to protect since they are so simply copied or imitated either in full and in part and the legal owner of the idea has a reduced capacity to realize when this happens. Knowing the environmental laws is beneficial as it helps the executive to ensure that the β†’

Examination of new zealand’s exchange cures

Inside 180 years of the Begin of the scrutiny, the Minister must do a last finding of whether the dumping of imports is making injury to the residential concern. In the event that the local concern expressions for the load of a impermanent protection step or a impermanent shield step is forced, the Ministry must β†’

Supreme court, case of kelo v. the city of new london

The of New London The 5 to 4 ruling in the Supreme Court case Kelo v. Doing so, the Supreme Court merely fulfilled its responsibility to interpret the meaning and intention of the involved law and the consenting judges in no way resorted to judicial activism.

Hypothecation, pledge assignment

The lodging of the goods by the pledgor to the pledgee is a kind of bailment. It is a statutory right and is available to any creditor even in the absence of any express agreement.

Kant’s account of categorical imperatives and universal laws

The categorical imperative, which, in Kant's moral philosophy, is said to be " the fundamental law of morality" 2, provides the basis of Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Moral. Kant offers a number of formulations of the categorical imperative, the first of which is, " Act only according to that maxim by which you β†’

Malaysian legal system & law of tort essay sample

The definition of law in Article 160 of the Federal Constitution includes ' the common law in so far as it is in operation in the Federation or any part thereof'. Application of Law to the Case Study: In the case of Effa v.

The english legal system department law general essay

The Court of Appeal is the highest court but lower than the Supreme Court in England and Wales. The Court of Appeal is bound by decisions of the Supreme Court.

Rentier state theory

Because of the nature of the trade involved in this kind of getting rent, its influence on the business behavior is also evident as discussed below. The fact that these parties involved may have in abundance the resources they engage in this kind of rent acquisition in itself may lead to adverse influence on the β†’

The orthodox position principle law equity essay

The problem here with regards to the remedies of specific performance and damages in the context of contracts for the sale of land is that given current developments in Singapore law, there is potential conflict between principle and precedent as well as policy and pragmatism. Specific performance protects the [purchaser's] expectation interest in a contract β†’

Comerical law. sale of goods

Commercial Law: Sale of Goods Under the Uniform Commercial, John's Case against ABC is a case of implied warranties because most of the warranties where conducted through phone and not official writing was made. Under this UCC, John can claim that ABC's president promised him that they roofing sheets were of high quality through the β†’

The legalization of drugs

Gore Vidal, protagonist of legalisation and writer of the essay " Drugs, " states that all drugs should be made available and sold at a cost. Supporters of legalisation have certain fortunes in which they argue can ensue in a positive impact if drugs were legalized and experience that drug issues originate due to the β†’

Contracts and statute of frauds essay sample

LEXIS 4509 the courts say, " The specially manufactured goods exception exempts a contract from the requirements of the statute of frauds is the goods are to be specially manufactured for the buyer and are not suitable for sale to others in the ordinary course of the seller's business and the seller, before notice of β†’

Why is the criminal justice field important to our society? assignment

Punishment and rehabilitation are two of the four acknowledged objectives of the criminal Justice system, with deterrence and incapacitation being the others. The Why Is the Criminal Justice Field Important to Our Society?

Fundamentals of business law and ethics discussion

The main use of the Services by all the Members, is a subject to all the applicable local, national, state, and international rules and regulations as well as the required laws. For each of the following laws, state and define the source of law and explain how the definition you provide applies to the law β†’


One does not need to look very far in order to notice that a great deal of instability within the Middle East is the direct result of the conflict that execs between different branches of Islam. Naturally, this is not to say that Islamic law is identical between the nations in question.

Stanard v. bolin, 88 wash. 2d 614 (1977)

Rule In this case the court found the law of tort as well as the law of contract to be the most applicable since the plaintiff was suing for damages arising from a breach of promise- marriage. Moreover, a breach of promise to marry is treated as tort since the plaintiff suffers injury and loss β†’

Delay in delivery non delivery law commercial essay

The bank will not risk a bill of exchange unless the goods are insured against marine risks and the marine insurance policy or certificate of insurance is officially lodged as a guarantee of security for the bank. This clause, whereby the underwriter agrees to take upon himself the risk of liability of the owner for β†’

Contributory negligence and volenti non fit injuria essay sample

An example is the case of Baker v Willoughby where the claimant was involved in a car accident that was a result of the defendant's negligence. However the defendant successfully claimed for contributory negligence, lessening the damages by 50% as the claimant was careless in the way that he had a clear view of the β†’

Comparison between the indiana constitution and the united states constitution

There are some differences in the preamble, the Indiana Constitution begins with the words " TO THE END..".and the United States Constitution begins with the words " We the People of the United States..". Differences in the articles: the order in which the article appear is not similar; in the Indiana Constitution the first article β†’

Transportation engineering

On the contrary, use of speed limits tends to make drivers more relaxed since they have a feeling that they at lower speed limits and are more comfortable, thus making them engage in the consumption of alcohol. They are deployed along highways and in major towns to enforce traffic rules, especially elimination of unroadworthy vehicles β†’

Criminal law exercise assignment

In order to prevent the public and the government from learning of the adverse side effects, the directors of the hospital placed the original documents in a warehouse, falsified the research findings, and submitted the altered documents to some very prominent medical Journals that published the information.3. After taking the original documents from the warehouse β†’

Intellectual property rights: copyright and patent

A patent is an exclusive right ranted for an invention, which is a product or a process that provides, in general, a new way of doing something, or offers a new technical solution to a problem. A copyright is a form of protection grounded in the U.S.

Week 3

When the police are expected to meet the needs of the citizens while enforcing the law, they end up meeting many challenges. In resolving disputes the police can not meet the community needs because sometimes the community may side with the offender but the police should not favour anybody in order to please the community.


due: Criminal justice The criminal justice system in most of the poor communities in the USA such as the black-American communities is both ineffective and insufficient. Providing justice and security in any community is a big challenge for the law enforcement agencies since it requires the corporation of both the members of the community and β†’

Tort law

Tort Law Evaluate and discuss the potential liability of the various parties in the scenario involving but not limited to Bobby, ACE Sports, the nurse, the surgeon and City General. A tort law refers to a branch of study that deals with injuries/loss sustained by the plaintiff as a result of either intentional or unintentional β†’

Crimes: elements, prevention mechanisms and vicap

CRIMES: Elements, Prevention Mechanisms and VICAP Crime is an activity or a case of neglect considered harmful to the welfare of the public in general, morals or to the welfare of the government of the day, and that is lawfully illegal. The elements of a crime are all the components series that forms the β†’

Brief #5

While accessing the privilege under Fourteenth Amendment, the court also judged the withdrawal of petitioner's blood against " the right of a person to remain silent unless he chooses to speak in the unfettered exercise of his own will, and to suffer no penalty....for such silence". However, the Appellate Department of California Superior court affirmed β†’

Trusts: 3 certainties

As it is the intention of Sally to create a trust by transferring the property to Tony to act as a trustee, then the trust is incomplete until the transfer is made. Secondly, it is important to consider the formalities for Sally to transfer the legal estate in the trust property to Tony.

Bill of rights essay essay sample

The Bill of Rights protect the rights of a person accused of a crime. Most of these rights are listed in the Bill of Rights, and we are able to exercise them every day.

Threat of religion-based terrorism

Threat of Religion-Based Terrorism School Affiliation: Often, religious groups are seen as a solution to some of the social vices that seem to overwhelm the government. When these religious groups tenaciously hold on to what is taught, the mistreatment of other humans is justified.

The realities of juvenile crime in the united states

Juvenile Crime in the United s al affiliation Juvenile crime in the United s Juvenile crime and justice is one of thecritical issues in the American law that has been stirring up focus and interest of different people. Macks suggestions triggered the revolution and a review of the law on the basis of age, thus β†’

Case problem

Defence Against Negligence For a cause of action regarding negligence to succeed one must show that there had been a duty of care owed to the injured party, a breach of the duty of care was made and that it eventually resulted to an injury. That means that Neal knows and understands the risk involved β†’

Unit 2 ip/ probability distributions

Federal court system, mostly handle the disputes involving the Constitutions and laws passed by the Congress.explains, the state law is broad and cover a wide jurisdiction and most likely involve in robberies, traffic violations, broken contracts and family disputes cases. However there are criminal cases which are prosecuted by both federal law court and state β†’

First aspect of the amendment law constitutional administrative essay

Of late, the medical standards in the country have come under scrutiny in the media with claims of poorly-qualified housemen, medical education not being up to the mark and the problem of overcrowded hospitals. At the outset it must be noted that the body who made the proposals to the Ministry of Health and the β†’

Application of thevenin theorem essay sample

The bridge circuit is able to simplify to an equivalent circuit from the load resistor by using the Thevenin's theorem. Also, Thevenin's theorem is used to determine the variable load power.

Alternatives to incarceration

Alternatives to Incarceration of the Alternatives to Incarceration Over the years the need to try alternatives to incarceration has gained much interest and support because the criminal justice option of incarcerating juvenile offenders is replete with many negative effects. Community corrections happen to be one such alternative which allows the juvenile offenders to remain within β†’

Assignment example

Therefore, failure of the insurer to owner the insurance contract caused the plaintiff to suffer emotionally due to the that she was in dare need money to support her family, thus inviting the " compromise" of her claim. Question 11 The dismissal of the district Court will be reversed and plaintiff will be able to β†’

Intelligence collection

The primary concern of the effort is to support the Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance mission, defend and protect the blue coalition forces, oversee the computer and intelligence applications, and also support the war fighter awareness of the battle space awareness. When done in literal collection, translators have to be relied on and for non-literal; the β†’

Labour law, fundamental rights and social europe

This study will critically assess the extent to which the European Court of Justice, in the Laval Quartet series of cases, has struck the correct balance between protecting the right to collective action under EU law and protecting the rights of free movement of services and establishment. Arguably, the interpretations of Articles 43 and 56 β†’

Ethical issues

A to make in this case is to let the said burglar serve probation in the community. This is not only moral and ethically justified but it will be a win-win situation for both parties and especially if they told of the repercussions of taking the case to trial.

The effect of section 3 hra law constitutional administrative essay

The interpretation obligation imposed to the judges by Section 3 HRA 1998This is the first time ever that the Parliament introduces a statute to impose a duty on statutory interpretation to the judiciary. This may lead to conclusions which depart from the ordinary meaning of the words used, and would not be produced by the β†’

English criminal justice argumentativeassignment assignment

The Criminal Justice System is best defined as the set of agencies and processes established by governments to control crime and impose penalties on those who violate the law. For example, according to the article " The System Is More Fair and Effective than Ever," the wealth of criminals also strongly influenced the early criminal β†’

Maria theresa of prussian law

Starting in and around the year 1740 with the crowning of Maria Theresa as empress, began the buildup of the Prussian army. In the eighteenth century commenced the rein of the " Prince of Prussia".


The consumer goods should be in such a condition that they will be as described in the contract and that the whole of the goods will be the same as to the sample or model shown. The federal law also requires that express warranties for consumer goods be available for the buyer to read even β†’

Seminar in criminology discussion 5

The system allows the judge to inform defendant whether he or she is eligible for a release that comes prior to the trial. For example, defendants have to provide 10% of the amount to the bail bondsman that is requested by the court.

The term burden of proof law general essay

On the part of judicial deference, it is necessary to consider the will of the courts and the will of parliament. One example is a theory made by Paul Roberts[5]whom was of the opinion that by having the burden on the prosecution it would 'lawfully sanction the power of the state to intervene in the β†’

History and development of legal profession law general essay

The Regulation was enacted with a view to strengthen the legal profession in the best interests of the litigant public, the members of the bar serving as trustees of their clients and thus helping in the sound administration of justice. THE LEGAL PRACTITIONERS ACT, 1846It was the first All-India law concerning the pleaders in the β†’

Attacks on the world trade center law international essay

The attack on the World Trade Center in 1993 and the subsequent attack that led to their destruction had a lasting effect on our county. First the investigation into the fragments of the truck that the explosive was carried in led them to Mohammed Salameh, " who rented the truck and reported it stolen".

Policies and norms germany import law international essay

For the application of export licence, the following documents are required: 1. Application form with the company's letterhead; 2.

Traffic violations and its types

Some of the common examples of traffic violations include overspeeding, crossing the signal while it is read, driving in the opposite direction on a one-way road, and driving a vehicle higher than the allowable height on a particular road because of an overhead bridge. Traffic violations can be classified into three types on the basis β†’

Legislations regarding working conditions law employment essay

In Mauritius, the ERA 2008 and the OSHA 2005 provide for some of the regulations to be respected at work. The ERA 2008[2]provides for the various rights of workers at work and the conditions under which they are subject to work.

Children`s medical rights in divorce disputes

This case came to the attention of the writer when doing research on the topic of divorce in another course. The parents provide consent to medication on behalf of the children.

Discussion questions

LAW Discussion question natural access controls In the field and spectrum of security it requires that a place is well laced withnatural access controls where the personnel and the vehicles that enter the place are accounted for. In the same breadth and line of thought, the clearly defined exits seal all the prospective loopholes where β†’

The problem of harassment in the workplace

I will discuss examples of harassment in the workplace, what needs to be done in order to lower the number of sexual harassment cases, and why people may not want sexual harassment laws to be placed into action. They are ready to take a stand and are ready to share their stories, so the public β†’

Criminal investagation questions

17 February Criminal investigation questions Integrity and Honesty I would inform the detective that the cigarette but is mine and ethical principles and possible effects of the disclosure informs my position. Honesty principle would therefore compel me to disclose that the cigarette but belongs to me and the need to act within ethical principles that β†’

The intercultural challenges law employment essay

The diversity challenge is to embrace differences right to the root of the organization. Individual rewards are given to employees based on the quality and quantity of their performance.

Collecting and preparing

Terms and Definitions The terms and definitions that are involved with the procedure for photographing a crime scene is that the photographer should use good quality along with good lens during the time of taking the photo related to the crime scene. The photographer appointed should be well acquainted with the type of camera that β†’

The u turn from integration to forced repatriation law international essay

The main research objective of this study is critically examined the Memorandum of Understanding which is signed Between " the government of the federal democratic republic of Ethiopia and the government of the kingdom of Norway" in light with the 1951 Geneva Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. The concept of home and community β†’

Getting booked into jail

The process of getting booked into a jail The booking procedure into a jail is actually fairly a simple procedure. A communication to the jail in a while after an individual's arrest may find they still are in the pre-booking processing and not in the jail system yet.

The hawala extortion method assignment

RULES OF HAWALA Rules of Hawala which he is indebted, the transfer will not be in order, unless he accepts it.cannot cancel the Hawala, and if the person receiving the Hawala was not poor at the time the Hawala was issued, the creditor cannot cancel the Hawala even if the recipient becomes poor afterwards. In β†’