Quality Law Essay Examples for Your Learning

Landlord and tenant law

Landlord and Tenant Law No: Landlord and Tenant Law Introduction Landlord and tenant law is an important ingredient of common law wherein the rights and obligations of landlord and tenant clearly spelled out. Relationship between the Landlord and the Tenant The relationship between the landlord and tenant establish that the landlord has entrusted the rights β†’

Implications of the supreme court ruling

The ruling which opened the floodgates to unlimited corporate and union spending in elections was a major victory for the groups which wanted to participate in the campaign process but had been barred from doing so by the laws. The contributions the groups make towards the campaigns should be regulated and the names of the β†’

Criminal justice 1 question drugs

Drug Trafficking {Unit of of Harris defines drug trafficking as the possession of illegal drugs with the main purpose of distribution for income. Insurgent terrorists protect the drug traffickers and acquire part of the substantial profit that drug trafficking industry makes.

Patent filing and granting process law constitutional administrative essay

Where to file for patent protection.' When to file' considers both the timing of commercial exploitation of the invention and the " technology readiness" of the invention. When deciding where to file the first patent application, the following considerations need to be accounted: File for patent protection in a country of your choice: Filing in β†’

A brief history of abortion law medical essay

1 Physician and Hospital RequirementsIn USA the majority of States require that a licensed physician carry out abortions while other states require an abortion to be performed in a hospital before a specified point in the pregnancy, and lastly some require the involvement of a second physician after a specified point. 162-3.provides that a physician β†’

A promise to keep an offer open

This is supported in the case of Byrne v Van Tienhoven3, in which the revocation of an offer was sent by telegram and was held to becommunicated only when the telegram was received. In the case of Blyth v Birmingham Waterwork13, the standard of care required is that of a ' reasonable man', which is β†’

Speech of senate president juan ponce enrile essay sample

College of Law dear to my heart for the fond memories of the years I spent in this campus, and for the deep debt of gratitude I owe this College and my professors for setting me off prepared to tackle the rough road of law practice and public service which lay ahead for me. When β†’

Communication direction

Unlike the latter, two way communication has both the receiver and the sender listening to one another whilst gathering information and showing the will to deliver solutions or changes so as to work together. It enjoys the benefit that the receiver and the sender have room to discuss what they desire, in this case for β†’

Protection of civil liberties in ten amendments

While the Virginia Declaration of Rights focused more on proclaiming the essential rights' of men and the right to reform or abolish incompetent governments, the Bill of Rights focuses more on appeasing the Anti-Federalists demand for personal freedoms and limit on government control as well as reserving certain rights to the states and the public. β†’

The current situation of ron and julie brings rise to many important legal issues

Hence following the rules in Lefkowitz and Carlill, it can be determined that Julie is entitled to a vacuum cleaner, as there appears to be a contract. Finally, it can be concluded that there is an enforceable contract between Julie and Sally regarding the vacuum cleaner, however the prize draw is more complicated.

Check point week 2 criminal justice assignment

Is there a way to improve the correlation between crime rates, arrest rates, and clearance rates in the effort to combat criminal activity? The crime rates relate to arrest rates as indicted by the Uniform Crime Report and possibly the National Crime Victimization Survey.

Legal encyclopedias essay sample

What is the citation to the case on which the annotation was based? c. What is the citation to the case on which the annotation was based? c.

Offer and acceptance

Similarly, in Partridge v Crittenden, 2 the High Court ruled that there was no violation of the law prohibiting the offering to sell wild birds except those bred in captivity and of the closed-ring specimen despite the advertisement to that effect because it was merely an offer to treat and not a legitimate offer of β†’

The interactionist view of crime

Criminology The Interactionist view of crime explains delinquent gang behavior in a very elaborate way because it is according to this view that laws banning murder, rapes, and robbery have political undertones. All the three perspective views have good points but I think I would go for the conflict view of crime to explain β†’

Forum apa

Quality Sources in Writing In academic writing, it is critical to understand the type of sources that are allowed for use. Quality sources are also used in writing to ensure that the student does not fall to be a victim of plagiarizing.

The new equality act

Trying to reduce inequality will in fact promote more of it, which is why it is good to focus on the positives. The equality act helps raise awareness of discrimination, gives people more rights to protect them and it gives them more opportunities for jobs and to be treated fairly in general.

A legal study on apple and samsung law general essay

It falls to the jury to listen to the facts of the case and by looking at the evidence before them deciding whether they find the defendant to be innocent or guilty of the offence they have been charged with. Members of the jury can make notes during the trial and the representative member can β†’

Analyze the case: coody v. northwest arkansas times

When the case was taken before the Washington County Circuit Court, the jury eventually ruled in favor of the defendant. The politician was therefore given a libel since the action had actually damaged his reputation in the eyes of the public.

Intellectual property of lasik surgery

In considering and evaluating the intellectual property of Lasik surgery, it is important to look at the procedure from a variety of angles so as to better understand the complexity of the process. The procedure of Lasik Surgery is FDA approved, and all patents to further develop and improve upon Lasik surgery procedures must also β†’

Natural law versus utilitarian law

The central arguments of this law in favor of abortion is that the woman has the right to control her own body, that abortion is a just exercise of this right, and that the law should recognize the right of choice. The central arguments of this law against abortion is the notion that human life β†’

Kohlbergs moral stage theory

At this stage, the sense of morality in me has bloomed to its full development, where I have attained the constructs of " social contract" and " legalistic orientation" and I perceive right action in terms of the alignment of citizens' right with the behavioral standards as prescribed by the society. This article by the β†’

Executive summary memorandum

In relation to the activities of the wastewater organizations, certain ascertained degree of responsibilities can be identified with regard to preventing the escalating form of water pollution within the environment. The wastewater districts within the region are also learnt to conduct few definite unsatisfactory operations regarding sewer cleaning and quality of the water.

Inability to performance a contractual duty

The main roles of the courts are to interpret the laws and pass appropriate judgments in accordance with both the US Constitution and the state constitutions. In order for Ralph to win this case, his argument must be presented strongly by invoking the statutes of the Federal Government and the state of Nevada that prohibit β†’

Crime mapping concept

The report further explains the different types of crime theories, as well as, how they can be depicted on the maps. The most interesting thing about the report is that it informs the reader on how crime mapping can be used to understand patterns of recidivism and incarceration.

Various types of jurisdictions

Jurisdiction refers to the powers that the courts have to hear and determine cases. General jurisdiction refers to powers given to the court to hear and decide all the cases occurring anywhere within the state, ranging from severe criminal cases to the prettiest as well as civil cases.


The courts jurisdiction over the defendant is justified by the fact that the police department is domiciled in the state and the officers were undertaking their duties within the state. What is the legal standard that will be used to determine whether the plaintiff has met the burden of proof in this case?

Skeleton argument

The trial judge was in the right direction look at term in the aspect of its meaning and ruling that was inconsiderate based on the Unfair Terms of Consumer Contracts Regulations 1977 and Edwards was not contracted by it. The ' Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977' mentions that it is necessary for the terms in β†’

Criminal procedure-probable cause article summar

According to the article, following a unanimous ruling, the court held that the smell of pot is not sufficient probable cause to necessitate the arrest and search of all vehicle occupants. However, in the case, in question, the officer conducted a warrantless search of the vehicle and its occupants in the basis of sheer smell β†’

Software programs of the three branches of criminal justice system assignment

Inside of the courtrooms many computers are used, you can find computer monitors in the Jury box, witness stands, the Judge's bench, and the counsel tables. Using computers the officers can keep track of all the inmates and their information.

Roman citizenship essay sample

The Roman Republic became one of the most powerful and ruthless Empire's on the face of the planet and to be a citizen was very appealing. Even the birth of a child to a citizen was not always a guarantee of citizenship as the role of the father and mother came into account.

Torts – contracts – employment law .. discussions

Contracts The main purpose of having a contract is to create an agreement that the parties have established and to fix the rights and duties, according to that particular agreement. Concepts, and case study analysis in the law of contracts.

U.s government: illegal immigration – dissertation example

With the large number of illegal immigrants, which are currently residing in our country it would be impossible to round them all up for deportation and it would also cause a significant drain on the resources and economy to do this. Therefore, the best, most efficient and economical way of doing this would be to β†’

Experiment report examples

Introduction The purpose of the experiment was to evaluate the spring constant of a spring connected to mass and to determine the effect of varying mass on the period of oscillation. The position of the pointer was recorded.


Debate about the Death penalty The right of death penalty for existence is one of the most controversial issues. If to listen to the proponents of the death penalty, it is not possible to consider them wrong.

Analysis of the united states v. lopez

Lopez appealed this ruling to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, under the theory that the statute has considerably exceeded Congress' power under the Commerce Clause. Lopez's possession of a firearm did not interfere in any way with interstate commerce, unlike the case of Wickard v.

The consequences of salomon law company business partnership essay

The principles separate legal personality and limited liability have raised questions because they are formulated on the basis of general reasons for not applying them, such as fraud, the company being a sham or facade, that the company is agent of the shareholder, that the companies are part of a single economic unit or even β†’

The customary international law & its main requirements

As written in Article 38 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice the main requirement for the emergence of customary international law is that at first, a state practice and secondly, the acceptance of this state practice as law." As the International Court noted in the Libya/Malta case, the substance of customary law β†’

Sexual coercion assignment

Just because they are targets also; they are the ones who become victims of sexual coercion because of the crimes they have committed. Many of the inmates in prison have children who they cannot see, may have been victims of this crime or just hate the fact that this type of event even occurred so β†’

Law: conflict and negotiation

Both human relation and interaction view that conflict can lead to effectiveness of an organization while traditional view argues that conflict in an organization leads to negative impacts in an organization and it detrimental. Functional conflict and dysfunctional conflict Functional conflict exists where opposition and disagreement support the achievement of the goals of an organization.

Criminology 1 question dark figure of crime

Dark figure of crime Dark figure of crime Dark figure of crime is a criminology idiom in regards to crime statistics showing the number of unreported as well as undiscovered crimes within given governance. The FBI crime department in United States of America majorly uses the Uniform Crime Reports system of data collection of crime.

The employment act on wages law employment essay

Minimum WagesGenerally, the quantum of wages to be paid is at the discretion of the employer and is a matter to be agreed between the employer and employee and stated in the contract of employment or in a collective agreement where the workers belong to a trade union. Scope of the Employment Act: The scope β†’

The margin of appreciation doctrine law constitutional administrative essay

The jurisprudence of the European Courts of Human Rights is the first source of help to the margin of appreciation. The use of the margin of appreciation in relation to Article 8 and Article 10 of the ECHR can be better seen in term of the usefulness of this margin and the arguments that the β†’

Comparative criminal justice

The criminal procedure code guarantees the right of the accused and seems to be more accusatorial despite the fact that the judge is still allowed to question witnesses and decide cases based on the evidence presented by both plaintiff and defendant. Additionally, it is clear that their systems are coded and criminal offenses have set β†’

Term any law related to the powers

DOCTRINE OF EXCESSIVEDELEGATIONThe legislature can delegateits legislative powers subject to its laying down the policy.the legislaturemust declare the policy of the law, lay down legal principles and providestandards for the guidance of the delegate to promulgate delegated legislation, otherwise the law will be bad on account of " excessive delegation". 36 of the Payment of β†’

Acme fireworks: outline essay sample

Introduction Acme Fireworks contracts with their customers would fall under the Common Law contract, even though they are providing goods and services and it should be under the Uniform Commercial Code but due to high risk of injury then it falls under Common Law. The required guidelines in order for a contract to be classified β†’

The role of consideration in the contractual process of privatisation

This method has limitations in that the government sets the terms and conditions of this management contract, thus the private investor has minimum control of the public enterprise.* Joint venture: Here Government forms a new company with a private investor with the aim of running the public enterprise. In Uganda, the privatisation of Nile Hotel β†’

Treating juvenile as adults affects the community

Treating Juvenile as Adults Affects the Community Treating Juvenile as Adults Affects the Community In the United s, only two states have courts that try 16 and 17-year-old defendants as adults and New York is one of them. Treating youths as adults in court affects the New York community in various negative ways.

Basic constitutional concepts and brief a case

Separation of Powers: is a political doctrine originating from the United States Constitution, according to which the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the United States government are granted separate but equal powers Executive Branch: the branch of the United States government that is responsible for carrying out the laws headed by the government. Establishment β†’

The impact the act law constitutional administrative essay

Health LawNameCourseInstructorUniversity Answer: Public law is the law governed by the state. Public law determines the relationship of an individual and the government.

Health and social care induction booklet essay sample

Independence Allow the people you care for to do things for themselves, you are there to support them to be independent Dignity To treat someone with dignity is to treat them as being of importance, in a way that is considerate of their diversity, as valued individuals. The right to life Freedom from being tortured β†’

The law making process in congress

What the party does is offering the technical and financial support during the presidential campaigns in form of fund-raising and organizing of the campaign activities Out of them will also be born the law makers since they act as a vehicle in which the politicians travel into the senate or the house to make laws. β†’

The separate legal entity concept law company business partnership essay

This is because the corporation tend to separate the actions of the entity from those of the individual or other company. Besides, a company also has all the powers of a body corporate which include issue and cancel shares in the company; grant options over unissued shares in the company; distribute any of the company's β†’

First amendment

Discuss at least one Supreme Court case of significance related to three of the provisions of the First Amendment. Discuss at least one Supreme Court case of significance related to three of the provisions of the First Amendment.

Business law ii

Property Owners Rights and Restrictions: Land, Environment and Social Issues Affiliation Are all of the modern changes necessary improvements to the law, or are they unreasonably negative limitations upon property owners? Most property owners have to be restricted on how they use land and other resources on land due to the amount of degradation they β†’

International estate planning discussion post 7

The conditions provided that governs a trust situs are determined by the trustees dwelling, the laws that govern issues of trust in that country and where they are administered. In case, there is a need to change situs in relation to asset protection trust the instrument that is created in relation to the trust should β†’

Awkerman v tri-county orthopedic group, p.c.,

The doctors were in the first count were charged with malpractice for failing to properly diagnose the Plaintiff's disease and breaching the duty of care he was owed. In the same count, the Orthopedic Group of doctors were also granted summary judgment and Count III.

Simple rules

To begin achieving reliably higher success rates with their alliances, the companies need to shift their focus to five principles that complement the conventional advice from the experts. In the recent past, companies have been forming alliances and relying on them solely for their growth.

Career in victimology

On the other hand, criminology is the social scientific study of crime and is not concerned with the causes as well as preventions of criminal activities Therefore, victimologists are professionals who study crime victims as well as the psychological impacts of being a victim to crime. This course is designed in a manner that prepares β†’

Sovereignty and human rights law international essay

Pluralists see the rules of society, namely Westaphalian sovereignty and the notion of non-intervention, as sacrosanct and the state-based arrangement as its bedrock resulting in a diversity of perceptions illustrating their " own idea of the good life and conceptions of justice". The implication of the pluralist enigma over human rights and sovereignty is perhaps β†’

Mass incarceration, the new jim crow law

Martin elaborates on the genesis and etiology of racial segregation in the college and competitive college sports. Levy analyzes the history of racial discrimination in sports and the eventual acceptance of colored people in its participation Tischauser, Leslie Vincent.

Judge rules that suspect can be required to unlock thephone with fingerprint by the wall street journal

The law: The article addresses the components of the Fifth Amendment Act in the United States constitution. The Supreme Court decreed in favor of the plaintiffs citing that the targeted government employees did not require to pay any fees to the unions that represent them.

Beth ann faragher, petitioner v. city of boca raton

In our case the city is claimed to be unaware of the actions of two of its employees-Terry and Silverman who were sued for subjecting the petitioner-Faragher and other female lifeguards to the unwelcome and uninvited touches and abusive language that they were using. This therefore calls for the intervention of the law as the β†’

The ironies of law: ucc versus ucita

Long after the establishment of the rule of law and the advent of the series of incidents that involves the conventional way of trading, the need to be able to standardize transactions in this information age has become a necessity that was way long overdure. Here in the United States, as with many parts of β†’

Othello – act three scene three is one of the most important scenes in this play

Act three scene three is one of the most important scenes in this play; this is because it is the scene when we see Iago has successfully manipulatedOthellointo believing that Desdemona has not been faithful to him, this is very significant to the rest of the play as it affects everything Othello the main character β†’

Autonomy versus beneficence law medical essay

The issue with nondisclosure of the disease and its prognosis is being debated globally and the patient's right to know the truth is not accepted as a norm in some countries. The aim of this paper is to compare and contrast the four principles of healthcare ethics, autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence and justice in relation to β†’

Lucky: crime and criminal justice assignment

That is understandable and I understand why it was written the way it was, I Just did not enjoy the first part. I think it is important to have someone there for you as a victim, so when the rape counselor was not allowed, it was infuriating.

An act of kindness

Being that my suspension was so long I was required to attend the Option Center in Lawrenceville for my core classes. I began walking faster toward my destination when the man caught up to me.

Element of law

Her Majesty the Queen is the representative of the people and the Head of the State in the same time although the powers of the sovereign have been diluted by the effect of the Bill of Right 1689. The valid functioning of the Malaysian government system is attributable to the monarchy, and nevertheless to the β†’

World court of justice

The International Court of Justice follows the procedures laid out in its Statute, and in the Rules of Court adopted by it under the Statute. The biggest difference between the International Court of Justice and courts in the United States pertains to the binding authority of the court and the constraints on the judges.

The public liability insurance act law general essay

Some of the notifications and rules made under the Act are the Hazardous Waste Rules 1989; the Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules 1989; the Coastal Regulation Zone Notification 1991; the Scheme of Labeling of Environment Friendly Products 1992; the Notification on Environmental Statement 1992; the Notification on Environmental Impact Assessment 1994; the β†’

Compromise and concession

I engaged in school and enrolled in clubs as much as I could, but I had to stay in the restaurant after school most of the time. In my culture or community, most of the parents expect children to have lovers from China, and some parents even expect lovers from the same home - city.

Dna fingerprinting is 100 percent accurate law general essay

Table of ContentsIntroduction to DNA Fingerprinting and its use in Criminal InvestigationsDefinition and Explanation of DNA, and DNA FingerprintingHow DNA Fingerprinting is doneHow DNA Fingerprinting is used in Criminal InvestigationsAdvantages and Disadvantages to use of DNA Fingerprinting in Criminal InvestigationsMethodology and Presentation of Survey Findings Case Studies: Tommy Lee Andrews, Kirk Bloodsworth, OJ SimpsonConclusionBibliographyAppendixPlagiarism Check β†’

Extreme right anti immigrant parties law european essay

For the air travel, under the Austrian Asylum Act that governs a procedure for asylum applications to be submitted at the airport of Austria, the first instance asylum authority operates since 2005 to determine cases for immediate response or for more complex cases to grant entry into the State territory and transfer a case to β†’

Horrible crime of charles manson

Now that Manson was out of jail, he was able to amass all and always being shuffled in and out of homes and schools, I feel Manson did not grow up as he should and suffered from a lack of a stable conscience. A huge Beatles fan, Manson preached to his followers that mass murders β†’

The major issues raised by gibbons report law employment essay

The new code came into force on the 6th April 2009 and repealed the 2004 regulations and replaced them with a new structure constructed around the Employment Act 2008, the 2008 Act also repeals sections 29 to 33 of and Schedules 2 to 4 to the Employment Act 2002. The three steps in the standard β†’

The importance of consderation

Analyze the Process a Couple Goes Through When Getting Engaged By the Terms Used For Contracting Institution Consideration Consideration is a vital element in the construction of a contract. Consideration is essential because the offer and acceptance of a promise unites the parties.

Agenecy-level protest vs gao protest

The Unites States GovernmentAccountabilityOffice is another protest agency that provides a venue for companies to protest a government agency's actions during the procurement process. If there is a right to debriefing and the protester requests such, the protest must be filed within 10 days if debriefing.

The law before the cmcha 2007 law company business partnership essay

The Labour Party showed commitment to the reforming of the law in their manifesto in 1997 and the Law Commission"s report provided the platform for the Governments consultation paper in 2000 entitled " Reforming the Law on Involuntary Manslaughter: the Government"s Proposals". The first section in this chapter is to introduce the most important part β†’

The stanford rape case and the stand of the restorative justice system

He would have to accept what he did and the family would discuss how he would compensate for such a deed, along with maybe writing a letter to the victim about what he did and that he did wrong. As a rape victim, I feel like she would want answers to her questions as to β†’


Answers to Questions Answer to Question No In my opinion the top three rules for personal and professional conduct of a chief executive includes; Practice what you preach Remain Committed Be respectful A police chief executive is a role model and his conduct is a ma influence on his force. The personal and professional traits β†’

Breaking the law

Nowadays people think rules is not something important in their life and they are not following the rules even they break the rules. In Malaysia, we are lack of policeman and there is a plenty of chances for them to break the rules.

Media law memo #2

However, upon the court ruling, the petitioner decided to litigate the case and brought to the Supreme Court arguing that the court erred. I kindly request you to consider my opinion and deliver a landmark ruling that will that will help in providing a roadmap for the communications sector in the country.

Lessons in domestic counterterrorism

By increasing the strictness of immigration policies and not allowing immigrants to enter the United States the terrorist plots can be foiled. By implementing these policies terrorist such as Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev who were immigrants in United States and planned the bombings that took place in Boston can be stopped from entering the nation.

Judicial system in mexico

Court Procedure in a Mexico Court Court Procedure in a Mexico Court Introduction Mexico gained its independence in 1821 from theSpanish kingdom. For the evidence to be accepted for questioning it has to be very specific to the dispute as in Mexico, indirect or vague evidence is rendered as inacceptable in a court of law.

Preliminary investigation

The basic steps include the filing of a Complaint-Affidavit, the Issuance of subpoena by the prosecutor who is investigating to the respondent, the filing of a counter-affidavit by the respondent, the filing of a Reply-Affidavit and Rejoinder-Affidavit and resolution. They include: ascertaining if the suspect is armed and still in the area, proceeding to the β†’

Irish abortion laws a cry for change law medical essay

The legislations brought a change in the approach of the courts of law in Ireland with regard to the issue of abortion. Before the High Court, it was argued by X that the right to life of the unborn is subordinate to the right of the life of the mother.

Criminal justice and punishmentassignment assignment

The Crimes Act 1999 characterizes all the various factors which have to be considered during the act of sentencing, for example, mitigating and aggravating factors such as the evidence in which is presented by the circumstance of the crime and or the character of the offender, as well as the state of mind in which β†’

Legal drafting case brief law general essay

And was affirmed for that amount due to the fact the driver was found that the driver was acting within the scope of his employment for Robertson. The courts reasoned that in regards to the Robertson driver, Alfred Donaghy was acting " within the scope of his employment for Robertson when he parked the truck".

Declaration of independence

The Declaration of Independence is divided into five parts: a) Introduction; b) Preamble; c) Indictment of George III, d) the Denunciation of the British People and e) the Conclusion. The United States Constitution The Articles of Confederation was once the supreme law of the land for the United States Government.

Rights of the victims of rape law general essay

Our criminal justice system follows the adversarial system and thus the role of the victim of a crime is restricted to that of a witness, although, it's the victim who actually suffers the most in the whole process. State of Punjab[4], the Court observed as follows-" It is a weakness of our jurisprudence that victims β†’

Anderson v. wr grace

Despite the laboratory findings in the water samples from these wells, claims of the plaintiffs that the contaminated water causes leukemia led to numerous questions: how did TCE got into the wells? Thus, the chemicals caused severe health problems and eventual death to some of the plaintiffs' families.

Anti-cybercrime law essay sample

In my point of view, it is good that the government is concerned to the welfare of the Filipino citizens concerning to the negative and harmful effects of the cyberspace. I think that these are the advantages of the cybercrime law; this law protects people that are being hurt through the cyberspace and under the β†’

Salvage law: stipulations and amendments

The amount is later arbitrated by a representative of the company for the services rendered of the salvors within the degrees of distinction that are combined with the precepts of salvage and law and of the policies of the company. Similar to the Salvage law and the LOF, the amendment in the IMO remain on β†’

Freedom of expression

It did not violate her fundamental right to express her opinion, but involved a defense of the airline's right to stick to its principles on its private property. If taken to court, this case is likely to be decided in favor of the airline, as it did not technically violate the lady's right to freedom β†’