Quality Law Essay Examples for Your Learning

Adverse possession in the state of florida essay example

In the situation where an unfamiliar person constructs a building in your property and meets the requirements under Florida laws of adverse possession; an individual occupying realty disobeys a directive to leave the estate as individually communicated of the trespassing by the titleholder of the estate, or if the trespasser causes property damage, then the β†’

Technological innovations essay examples

Surveillance and tracking technologies are evolving to more efficient and accurate systems than before and in future, the technologies will be of great benefit to users and people's privacy protection. According to the use of surveillance systems in law enforcement agencies is to monitor and protect citizens from criminals.

Free research paper on abuse and development of children

With the use of a prospective cohort design, that drew a large sample of cases of child abuse comprising of physical and sexual abuse and compared with a matching control group in the study. The purpose of the study was to find out the relationship between child abuse and neglect and delinquent, adult criminal and β†’

Juvenile justice article reviews example

It makes the case that most of the empirical studies that have been done have focused on the effects of demeanor of a witness of a client in the courtroom and either arrest or use of force by the police. In particular, the paper argues that it is possible that the demeanor of either a β†’

Free why should crime be punished argumentative essay sample

The difference between retribution and revenge can be found in the aims - the goal of retribution is punishing the offender and the intension of revenge is getting even with the offender, " getting back at him". Criminal law exists in order to punish people who are guilty in committing crimes and it is meant β†’

Essay on the theory of nullification

When framing the Constitution, the founding fathers declared that it was important that no state was deemed to be above the law and this meant that a certain balance had to be achieved between the needs of the states and those of the country as a whole. This was just the sort of decision that β†’

Free case study on the green collar case

The trait theory argues that people commit crime because they are born with criminal characteristics; the general hypothesis of crime is a category of this assumption. Siegel, L.J.& Senna, J.J.

Essay on dealing with online bullying

Internet service providers also have a role to play in the control of online bullying. Westport, Conn: Publishers, 2009.

Free essay on justifications and excuses

The use of force towards another person in an act of self-defence is acceptable when the perpetrator believes that such force is immediately necessary for protecting himself or herself against unlawful use of force by the other party. Use of deadly force is normally justifiable, but only if the perpetrator of an illegal act intended β†’

Women driving in saudi arabia research paper samples

This paper intended to explore the journey to the freedom of women drivers by looking at the historical background, the current situation and the projected future and the fate of women drivers. In a world of automobiles and technological advancement, it is in the interest of every human being to know and understand the trends β†’

Broken windows theory in our life

As the uptake continues people realize that the area is on the " come-up" and take pride in its cleanliness, thus the maintenance continues. The Broken Windows Theory is not just for the deterrence of the perpetrator but also for the benefit of the law bidding citizen.

Punishment philosophy essay

Punishment philosophy has a massive impact on the activities in the post conviction process of criminals and the criminal justice system. Gaines, R.L.

The house i live in a reaction paper essay

For comparison's sake, America has started to wage a war against drugs more than four decades ago; it, on the other hand, started to take significant steps to stop and prevent terrorism threats, especially the ones that place the continental homeland in danger, after the series of hijackings and bombings that occurred in September 2001. β†’

The history of zombie in hollywood essay examples

What one sees from the earlier Hollywood movies of the 30s and 40s to the early 21st century is a great transformation of the zombies from one being created to obey the orders of its creator to its creation from viruses and man-made environmental hazards. From the sluggish, disfigured and emancipated zombie to highly intelligent, β†’

Free case study about developments in international arbitration

The Application by the Singapore Tankers was dismissed, and the court ordered the parties to the Titan Unity dispute to try negotiations in regard to the inclusion of third party in the Arbitration Proceedings. From the decision made by the Assistant registrar, it was clear that the registrar implied that the court had the power β†’

Appropriate punishment for witchcraft report sample

Witchcraft cause pain and despair to the community at large. In addition, it will be a lesson to others who practice witchcraft and those intending to practice witchcraft.

Ethical policing case study sample

Immediately she ordered the police and ambulance to come to the scene. Lauren demonstrated proactive supervision when she supervised the whole accident problem from the time she got the alert to the time the accident scene was cleared and she ordered the traffic to be cleared to flow.

Free research paper on rule of law paper

The definition of perjury involving judicial proceedings can be found under section 1623 of the chapter and a majority of perjury convictions are a result of the violation of this section of the federal perjury laws. During the court hearing of the incident, Lil' Kim was called to the stand before a federal grand jury, β†’

Example of personal statement on cal state university

Following my completion of my undergraduate degree in Sociology, for which I was placed on the Dean's list, I took a job at California State University as a Delegate in the Legislative Connection. In particular, my current role as a Hostage Negotiator requires me to have an exemplary and in-depth comprehension of the sociological motivations β†’

Communicable disease hiv/aids research paper examples

Of these factors, government policies and public services, as well as attitudes and support that the victims get top the list of factors that affect the lives of people living with HIV/AIDS. The Acts have also taken advantage of the media and use the media to sensitize people on facts of HIV/AIDS.

Sample research paper on causes of republicans’ push for new laws that restricts abortion

The Supreme Court in its rulings after listening to the case upheld that rights to privacy in the United States include the right for women to decide if they are willing to give birth to children. Though, it is germane to state that the Democratic Party intension to keep mum is a political strategy to β†’

Essay on criminal justice system

On the other hand, the adversarial criminal justice system can be quite expensive since the hearings involve lengthy narrations that are costly since the state has to carter for the expenses of the jury. One of the major advantages of the criminal justice system is that the defendant has the right to a fairly speed β†’

Current date argumentative essay sample

However, most of the pro-piracy activists do not take into account the unethical side and economically degrading consequences that the piracy brings to the artists, studios and the society, whose standpoint is that the law-enforcement should be based on respect to one's intellectual property rights, equality and justice. According to Keintz although in the United β†’

Reaction paper on β€˜miracle at cell no. 7’ essay sample

At the start of the movie the father and daughter are both watching and dancing to the sailor moon song. The father of the little girl who has the bag beats up Yong-Gu even though the song of sailor moon was playing ironically at the background.

Free essay on ethical behaviors in criminal justice

The innocent and the guilty have to consent to the police interrogation since they expect to emerge safe and sound. In the process of interrogation, the interrogator strives to convince the suspect that all matters are in their best interest.

Good stand your ground laws: self-defense or aggression research paper example

A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably β†’

Women and rookies in american law enforcement system essays examples

Other older fellow officers are more than willing to give advices to rookies. They sometimes give them a hard time to prove to them that there is nothing like experience in law enforcement, that there are things one learns on the streets and not in schools.

Rehabilitation should be a goal of the criminal justice system

Equal justice ensures that the victim of the offense is given a just compensation for the loss/harm suffered, just hearing of the case, and protection from the offender. The following is the discussion on the effectiveness and ineffectiveness of rehabilitation as a theory of upholding criminal and social justice.3.

Example of bioethics essay

Here the aim is to explore the various definitions of Personhood and on the basis of these justify the often ethically debated concept of Abortion. Such a metaphysical person is thus a combination of the physical body, the mind, and the soul.

The effectiveness of punishment compared with the effectiveness of rehabilitation essay example

dates and time Part of each country's criminal justice system is to both punish and try to rehabilitate offenders, either convicted in prison or under community supervision, so they can return to the society and be integrated with it in the smoothest and most effective way. A sub category of the specific deterrence is β†’

Jury nullification essays example

The jury is not only a mechanism of determining the guilt of an accused but of determining the abhorrence of community to a deed. Where the community thinks an action does not merit the punishment handed down by the law, the onus is on the jury to further the interest of the community over the β†’

Sample term paper on tyranny

The Ox-Bow Incident is the story about the tyranny of majority that went out of control of the governmental forces, undermining not only the rights of the minority, but also the security of the human life. However, under the pressure of necessity to appear manly and powerful, the majority of men is following the decision β†’

Research paper on circumstance theory and reality

One of the most alarming of the NCVS findings is that almost half of identified stalkers are someone known to their victims, which may have something The data shows that the majority of stalking victims exhibit many common demographic, gender and lifestyle characteristics. Specifically, they apply the principles of lifestyle-exposure and routine activity theories in β†’

How have weapons technology impacted upon criminal behavior essay samples

In understanding the criminal behavior within the context of application of weaponry, it is essential to appreciate the pros and cons of technological applications. In the context of application of modern weaponry, the typical criminal applies technological weaponry to the extent that it can aid in the achievement of the criminal objectives.

Ccj 101 essay examples

Moreover, one of the critical significance of the Supermax prisoners is to isolate disruptive prisoners from the general cells. The cost of running a general prison cell is high compared to a supermax prison.

Problem of drugs in downtown los angeles essay example

This requires the active involvement of health care professional in the sustainable recovery of the drug abusers and the current existent treatment centers are insufficient for dealing with the increasing number of illegal drug users. This solution would contribute to minimizing the number of the existent illegal drug users, and to discouraging the drug dealing β†’

Nursing: ha-353 legal aspects/healthcare administration report sample

Sections 1 and 2 of Sherman Act read:- Section 1 " Every contract, combination in the form of trust or otherwise, or conspiracy, in restraint of trade or commerce among the several States, or with foreign nations, is declared to be illegal".." Every person who will monopolize, or attempt to monopolize, or combine or conspire β†’

Marriage of jamie michelle clark v andrew clark 2014 ok civ app 82 case studies example

The appellate court was of the opinion that the conduct of the mother to bar the appellee from visiting the child is the reason why the appellee discontinued his upkeep for the child. The refusal to grant the appellee to exercise his presumptive father rights over the child indicates that the appellant was not interested β†’

License tag readers: issues and constitutional concerns case study example

The data taken by the readers-inclusive of the plate of the vehicle, the date, time and area of the scanning-is then gathered and at times lumped together into regional data pools. When a " match" is made, the system gives off an alarm, and the computer monitor displays the plate of the vehicle, the known β†’

Free essay on a day in court

The judge was a serious-looking bespectacled judge dressed in a wig and the long black robe characteristic of the legal profession. To the right of the prosecutor's desk was a section set aside for the witnesses that were to testify against the accused.

Crime measurement essay examples

Crime analysis refers to the systematic procedure of collection, collation, analysis, and propagation of information to offer judicious information relating to patterns and trends of crime. It differs from analysis of crime in the sense that analysis of crime is used to solve crime, whereas crime analysis is used to prevent crime.

Example of victimization surveys essay

In this case, the children are the victims; they are at the mercy of the kidnappers. The criminals usually target children because the children are not able to communicate and give defend themselves.

Elcano vs. hill case

The acquittal of Reginal Hill in the criminal case has not extinguished his liability forquasi-delict, hence that acquittal is not a bar to the instant action against him.- Barredo v Garcia :" The above case is pertinent because it shows that the same act may come under both the Penal Code and the Civil Code. β†’

The forgotten offenders

These include: Subsistence Residence Children andfamily Health, mental health and sobriety Criminal justice compliance The ability to function successfully in the community requires a plan in all of the areas and equipping woman in each of these areas is masked by prisons. However, due to lack of treatment programs provided, most women in the criminal β†’

Role playing essay sample

Role Playing She already in the later stages of the disease and with very little support from her mother, it is likely that there would be no enough funds to cater for the medical bills. On the other hand, I would consider her mission due to the fact that she will be relieved of the β†’

Domestic violence and chinese women essay sample

The victims of domestic violence are mainly women and children. In the past research has been done to establish main causes and solutions of domestic violence against Chinese women.

Example of report on workplace health and safety campaign on workplace bullying

As such, the following are proposed as the campaign's contents: New Code of Ethics that highlight the need for respect and tolerance Pamphlet containing information on the various anti-discrimination and anti-harassment laws in Australia Information sheet on workplace bullying Flyer containing a schedule of activities E-learning courses Posters It is further proposed that the campaign β†’

Turnaround by william bratton with peter knobler book review

Not everyone is as enthusiastic as Patrick O'Hara who wrote in his review of this book that it is not only " must reading" for prospective law enforcement personnel but should also be " shackled to the wrist of every social science professor " and " to the ankle of every business and public administration β†’

Trinity law school re-admission essay personal statement examples

Further, the guidance I receive from the attorney and the experience I have gained from resolving client's legal matters continue to inspire me to achieve my dream of becoming an attorney, or as I now refer to as a guardian of the people and custodian of the law. I present the facts of the case β†’

U.s. vs. edward hanousek essay examples

The court argued that it did not have to prove whether Hanousek actions amounted to criminal negligence. I agree with the court's decision that Hanousek did indeed act in a negligent manner and that Hanousek negligence exposed the public to health risks.

Free the case of the fraternity right essay sample

It is trite law that for one to successfully sue another in tort for defamation, he or she is required to prove that the statement or statements alleged to be defamatory made by that person or entity was; published; false and that person or entity making it knew it to be false; refers to him β†’

Report on forensic accounting.

Most of the responses were based on the importance of the implementation of forensic skills and knowledge in the accounting. The introduction of forensic accounting in the accounting curriculum has developed a new market breed of accountants to deal with financial collapses, white collar criminals and the increasing trends of fraud.

Examining differences between crimes against, property, persons and white-collar reports example

Additionally, crimes against persons are becoming the center of a debate and point of contention in many circumstances. On the other hand, crimes against property and white-collar crimes, which form the majority of recorded crimes, are given sparse attention.

Lashannon jones

LaShannon Jones Ms.fischer English 1301 26 March 2013 " A View From The Front Line" In " A View From The Front Line", Nathaniel Pallone is explaining that Megan's law was passed because the lack of treatment for the offender. Pallone argues that the prosecutor, the defense attorney, and the presiding judge was only interested β†’

Legal authority during public health disaster: case study discussion questions answered case studies examples

At the outset it is important to present a brief overview of the definition of law, in matters of public health authorizations and preparedness. But as Kamoie et al.note, " at the state level, the primary legal authority to respond to emergencies has been the police power," to act as arms of the state to β†’

Essay on operant conditioning

In Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behavior, Coon and Mitterer write, " The principles of operant conditioning [] are among the most powerful tools in psychology". The definition of operant conditioning is a form of learning in which reinforcement increases the probability of a response.

Daniels v city of arlington case study example

The case is a review by the United States Court of Appeals on an inferior court's ruling providing for the apparent denial of partial summary judgment and the dismissal on summary judgment requested by the appellant. The Court held that Police General Order 205 was not offensive to the constitution of the United States β†’

Public debate about gun control essay sample

One of the popular arguments that is raised on gun control is the fact that guns are used to protect the president, Congress members, and bank guards, whereas the law prevents commoners from using the gun to protect themselves. Moreover, when the ownership of a gun is legalized, then it means that the probability of β†’

Sample essay on why did prometheus give fire to humans, and does he regret it

Prometheus was unlike any of his counterparts on who lived on Mount Olympus; a God that cared about the events of the future, about the world the humans lived in, and about the people who lived on that world. Always the forward thinker, Prometheus knew that the only answer to the harsh conditions was in β†’

Contract law case study sample

The Law of Contract. The Law of Contract.

Jeffrey dahmer case study samples

The topic of the paper is murder, and its mission is to discuss the crimes of Jeffrey Dahmer and relating this crime with the three categories of crime causation. The rational theory is based on a number of assumptions in this case the offender Dahmer sees himself as individual and decides to maximize his β†’

Crime reflect class essay

The upper class and the lower class are normally referred to as the powerful and the powerless within their own societies. We cannot say that economic hardship is the only existing reason for individuals to engage in crime but also social classification and development of lower class have raised differences in the society because of β†’

Victims still

Elias suggests that all the programs, laws, and institutions that have been created in the 1980s and 1990s have done absolutely nothing to help the victim. The victims' movement that sprung up during the 1980s and early 1990s seemed to be a step in the right direction for helping the victims instead of the offenders.

Research paper on principles of effective intervention

Therefore, the principle of using proven theoretical models that are evidence-based is effective as it enables only what works to be implemented. These are the four principles of intervention that this paper deems effective and efficient in transforming an offender into a good citizen.

Internet article analysis article review

The total expenditures in the criminal justices is intended to monitor any existing criminal case related and ensuring that all the requirement are made in regard to the exercise of maintaining law and order. There is therefore need that justices are within the guidelines of the law and no compromising of the law in favor β†’

Sample research paper on police brutality in america

The unjustifiable use of for by police in the process of law enforcement characterize the extensive concept of police brutality. The failures in the political systems to structure measures to react to the needs of the public as well as the police in the event of racial profiling is the foundation driver of police β†’

Crsj new class research paper sample

The best move would be to enhance the penalties accorded to the villains of date rape as well as the review of the policy to ensure prosecution of this social vice. Another startling statistic from the research is the fact that among the date rapes that occurred, 75 % of the men are usually on β†’

Parole essay samples

Parole or probation refers to the internationally accepted mechanism allowing the conditional release of a tried and convicted offender from a correctional facility or center into the community preceding the expiration of their sentences of incarceration as imposed by a court of law. This ensures that the members of the community assist the correctional and β†’


An examination of the trends in cases of murder and negligent homicide in Rhode Island from 2005-2007 provides a glimpse into the state's needs in the areas of law enforcement personnel serving the state. The ratio of personnel to crime incidents allocated to cities and areas outside of the city limits should remain the same β†’

Actions drama movies essay

On the other hand, certain people could hate the actions undertaken by the characters in the film, such as violence, murder and drugs, and shun such criminal lifestyles. The violent actions in the film can have negative effects on people, including encouragement of violence and other crimes such as smuggling and murder.

The correctional funnel and correctional policy

The last few sections included a description of the mission of corrections, the role of corrections within the criminal justice system, and a discussion of the correctional funnel. The development of correctional policy, for discussion purposes in this text, is the process that includes considering the mission and role, relevant information, and the best interests β†’

Example of essay on the federal anti-kickback statute

In addition, administrative proceedings may be commenced by the Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Inspector General to ban any convicted person found to violate Anti-Kickback laws from taking part in health care programs organized at federal and state levels. The whistle blower " is authorized to file a case in federal court β†’

Capturing the friedmans essays example

The closeness that he had developed with the boys could have been the platform that he used to sexually abuse the children. This is an indication that Friedman touched the children in the process of interaction.

Good example of structural description of how key oppositions are resolved in tombstone (film) report

Wyatt, his brothers and friend Doc Holliday, are forced to become the law enforcers of the town due to their on-going businesses of saloon and gambling. Although the movie was a classic movie, the events that depict the struggle between lawlessness and the law can explicitly be compared to those in the modern days.

Political studies course work

A case can go to the Supreme Court as an appeal from a state supreme court such as the court of appeal in New York. Introduction to the Law and Legal System of the United States.

Crime theories report example

According to the theory, the social environment and physical environments are one of the main causes of the behavioral choice that a person makes. The comparison reveals that although rational choice theory is always relevant in criminal cases, it is also observed in a large number of cases that people indulge in criminal activities even β†’

International law by malcolm shaw critical thinking examples

On the contrary especially in cases that are as easily determined as " who is dead" and " who did the killing" the more complicated issues of policy leading to the death and complicity of government departments should be of primary concern for a nation's court, such as in the United States the Supreme Court. β†’

Course work on roles

12 Angry Men 12 Angry Men, made in the year 1957 is a well acclaimed American drama giving new ideas about the workings of Jury and the psychology of jury members. Sometimes it is imperative to remind the members of their duty and watch their behavior while the proceedings go on in a jury.

Good searches of students, their lockers or their property research paper example

The United States has seen tragedies of attacks in schools raising the need to conduct searches of students to ensure the safety of school children and students. According to the Supreme Court, the first ten amendments to the Constitution, which constitute the Bill of Rights is applicable to children in a school setting.

Book of job essay sample

All these happens at the expense of Job, and it is for his reason that he feels that God is unjust and that he did not deserve all that happened to him. According to the beliefs that he holds and the teachings of God, Job knew his reward and when he got the opposite of β†’

Example of essay on reasons for the justification of a legal suicide

There is a very private personal matter, and it should be legal so that it can be done in a safe, supportive environment, should a free citizen choose to end there lives. As will all matters relating to the loss of a life, the issue of whether or not there should be a legal suicide β†’

Why do we as a society need a criminal justice system

The system is a series of organizations, the definition of Criminal Justice System: Criminal Justice System. The main role of the criminal justice system is to deter and investigate crime.

The application of the locality rule in texas research paper

The general rule in such cases is that the standard of care of the medical attention provided should be the legally accepted treatment in that field. Customarily, the standard of care, throughout the medical field' is that which a competent medical professional in the same field would have undertaken in the circumstances of the case.

Collaboration and corporation case study example

This requires that the agency to offer personnel to join the SWAT team have to be large agencies with enough resources and personnel. This is because, the SWAT officers are still considered law enforcement officers and there is need to be aware of the policies and procedures involved in law enforcement.

Example of purton vs. marriott case study

The appellate court ruled that the company was liable for the harm caused by Landri because the company was responsible for the act that facilitated the commission of the accident and that is intoxication. The court further ruled that the party promoted productivity and thus companies should be liable for the risks that they expose β†’

Good example of other article review

The concept of this article is about the Tort Law's provision when it comes to being a state law that would help the people within the state of Texas. One of the key points of the article is that tort law may not be as helpful when it comes to protecting the Texas citizen in β†’

Example of essay on prostitution in the usa

In this paper, I will dwell with the history of prostitution in America, the heated political debates that characterize the practice, the types of prostitution, state and federal laws governing the practice of prostitution. The Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America makes the regulation of prostitution as the province of β†’

Elements of healthcare maintaining health records report example

Create and implement a strategy to help manage contents of the health record Develop ways to ensure the health records are safe and only accessible by a chosen few. The federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act is an act that was established in 2003 to ensure the confidentiality and privacy of medical records is β†’

Punishment research paper

The punishment that is the deliberate and necessary cause of harm works to terminate the crime. This type of punishment does what is necessary to protect society as a whole from the criminal.

Legal asst. part b essay samples

In the case of sentencing, " victim input into sentencing decisions is most in keeping with the objective of restitution, which places the victim and what the victim has suffered at the centre of the sentencing process". The participation of victims are presumed to be in the form of retaliation or compensation for the victims β†’

Incest research paper examples

It is therefore imperative that the law finds ways to address the issue and protect the minors who are often the victims of incest.1. To begin with, basing the morality of incest on what the Bible states is a breach of the separation between state and church.

Example of rights and obligations research paper

The principle states that for there to be said there is a contract the decision has to be decided upon by the legal significance of the external acts of a party to the intend agreement, not the actual intent of both parties. The theory applies to the case for the reasons that, for there to β†’

Annotated bibliography on rape and how it affects future relationships

In one of the examples the author notes that, rape victims have been found to avoid companies of people of the opposite sex, for example if one was attacked by a person of the other sex. In his findings, the author says that victims of rape were found to be more anxious than the control β†’

Probation and parole essay samples

Above all probation differs from parole based on the fact that probation is a sentence that allows a criminal offender to remain in the community. There are various reasons that justify the fact that traditional parole or probation is better than shock probation.

Good critical thinking about community-based approaches to solve juvenile crime and recidivism

Juvenile crime is at the top of the charts of crime in the US in the previous two decades. Of the thousands of inmates that are arrested and housed in the jail, it is certain that the majority of these inmate's range between 17-21 years of age.