Essay, 3 pages (700 words)

Donald palmers introduction to western philosophy

Donald Palmer’s introduction to Western Philosophy
Many definitions have been put across in a bid of explaining what politics are. On hearing the famous word politics, the things that spring to the minds of many individuals are images of politicians and different governments and the ideas that these two institutions try to impart on people. People however have this negative notion that dirty tricks and corruption are one of the major things politics can be associated with. People deem politics as a struggle for power in a view to change the law and use it to law their advantage. During a certain forum on law and equality, a disgruntled person asked what law was. He furiously said that law came from power and that it was the same power, which made law.
However, politics is a science dealing with the endorsement of peoples and the state’s general welfare. Being a science, politics has laws and rules that are supposed to produce specific effects when put into work. Politicians however manipulated laws to favor them and support every action they take in the process depriving people justice, as the laws are self-centered. The mostly affected people by these self-centered laws are the middle class people.
A country’s constitution is used to protect the laws and rights of people residing in that country at any particular time. The constitution also gives guideline on how the law should be applied and interpreted. Politicians are given the mandate of changing the constitution and coming up with new laws that are meant for the greater good of the people and the country as well. A popular trend noticed during the campaigns is the issue of a personal manifesto, which stipulates what the politician will do for the people. Some greedy leaders have constantly exploited the authority given politicians by the constitution to change the laws. Such cases are popular in the African countries where there have been incidents whereby the president convinces his fellow politicians to change the constitution so that he or she can hold office for a longer period. This is where the current president’s political party has more people in parliament of political positions and this makes it easy for him or her to do such a thing. Greedy politicians have passed laws that are in their favor failing to consider the greater good of other persons. There have been the passing of laws in some country that exempt the politicians from paying taxes and in order to cover for the lost tax, they increase the basic tax for the ordinary person. They also change the laws making them become the well-paid employees in the country.
In Donald Palmer’s introduction to Western Philosophy book, chapter 9 discusses about the set rules that govern people. He talks about the oppressive rules set by politicians that people have to abide by every day. To stress the impact of rules on people he quotes a person who was giving his experience on oppressive rules. The person was quoted asking “ why do we put up with ‘ rules’ enforced by threat of force?”. Every country in the world has the judiciary system whose work is to ensure that justice is provided to everybody. Politicians and powerful people also manipulate the judicial system and thus, any judgment they give must be in favor of the powerful politicians. Disgruntled people such as activists in these countries have now come up with a new definition of justice.
In my opinion, law definitely comes from power, as those in power will stipulate laws that subordinates will have to abide by. In addition, justice is whatever the law says, as judgments will have to abide by the law of the land.
Politics should be primarily used for the betterment of a certain place and country. Politicians should avoid been overwhelmed by greediness and focus on championing the rights and justice of all persons. Political problems are mostly experienced in developing countries and 2nd world countries. People should however be taught how to fight for their rights and be treated in fairness. Politics however can be conducted in a fair and civilized manner and developed countries such as Britain and the United States are good proof of this.
Work Cited
Palmer, Donald. Does the Center Hold? An Introduction to Western Philosophy. New York:
McGraw-Hill College, 1991. Print.

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