Essay, 3 pages (800 words)

Customer satisfaction

Satisfaction 0 Handling The Complaint From The s The complaints take place when there is dissatisfaction because of a company’s products. The dissatisfaction is of two types namely, ‘ Voice’ and ‘ Exit’ (Reeher, n. d., para. 10). In the given case of the manufacturing company, the voices of the customers are raised against the poor products as well as against the customer service department and as a result, the sales and the profit volume decreases. In the third week after the new general manager joined the company, a customer came with a complaint regarding a defective product. Therefore, being a general manager of the company, a significant role is to handle the complaint of the customer. After analyzing the required case, the manager recognized that the customer did not provide detail information for manufacturing the part of the product and an employee of customer service was at fault as well. In this context, the complaint can be handled by the below discussed procedures. At first, the customer is required to be handled effectively by responding to the queries of the customers and subsequently the general manager needs to recognize an individual within the company who will be accountable to provide correct information. The entire complaints from other customers along with the specific customer as well as the complaint trends of organization have to be examined properly with due concentration. Finally, after evaluation of the entire trends of complaints in the company, it has to be determined regarding what process is to be followed in order to prevent such occurrences from happening in future. In case of the customer complaint regarding the missing part, it can be identified that as the work was performed as a ‘ rush job’, there was a lack of communication among the required departments of the organization. However in this case, it can be identified from the statement of the customer service representative that in spite of being asked to provide the crucial information, the customer provided the necessary information quite late. As the customer required the product within a short period of time, thus he should have provided all the information at once after being asked to do so. Despite being so, the customer service department also lacked in taking proper initiatives to manage the late arrival of the crucial information. Thus, keeping in view this aspect, the company needs to compensate for the situation as it was also at fault and needs to make the necessary adjustment in the product to meet the customer demand as fast as possible as for any company the customer has to be provided significant priority. The declining sales is a crucial issue at this juncture for the company, thus it cannot afford to lose clients further due to complaints. Any loss due to reprocessing of the missing part in the product can be overcome if the client in future keeps in contact with the company for repeat processing. Thus, the complaints from the customer need to be addressed by the company (Reeher, n. d., para. 10). 2. 0 Customer Relation Position for the Company Customer service department is considered as a connecting link between the customers and the company. The department is liable to handle the complaints as well as grievances from customers, however by following the organizational policies. In this manufacturing company, the employees of customer service department are not efficient enough. As a result, various complaints arise regarding product failure and this happens due to incorrect exchange of information between customer service department and customers. Thus, the manager has to decide to make the customer relation department an efficient one. This can be possible if the employees in the department are provided training regarding good communication skill, effective problem solving skill, good listening skill and effectual interpersonal skill. Only, then it can result in improved customer relation department and efficient handling of any difficult scenario that can arise (Bureau of Labour Statistics, 2009, para. 2). The process of customer relation must be efficient, organized as well as easy. The efficient process will help to increase sales volume of the company within a small period of time. The organized process will bring consistency in the steps that need to be followed. The information that is gathered from the customers has to be managed accurately so that it can be readily accessible throughout the phase of manufacturing process cycle. The well-constructed process will facilitate the sales staffs to effectively use the process and bring higher growth in sales (Launch Pad Solution, 2011, para. 6). 3. 0 References Bureau of Labour Statistics. (2009). Nature of work. Retrieved July 12, 2011, from http://www. bls. gov/oco/ocos280. htm Launch Pad Solution. (2011). A customer relationship management process can increase sales. Retrieved July 12, 2011, from http://www. coachingyou. org/customer-relationship-management-process-increase-sales-a-51. html Reeher, T. (No Date). Establishing a customer complaint resolution process. Retrieved July 12, 2011, from http://www. ncdhhs. gov/excel/article_complaints. pdf

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AssignBuster. (2022) 'Customer satisfaction'. 31 August.


AssignBuster. (2022, August 31). Customer satisfaction. Retrieved from https://assignbuster.com/customer-satisfaction/


AssignBuster. 2022. "Customer satisfaction." August 31, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/customer-satisfaction/.

1. AssignBuster. "Customer satisfaction." August 31, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/customer-satisfaction/.


AssignBuster. "Customer satisfaction." August 31, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/customer-satisfaction/.

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"Customer satisfaction." AssignBuster, 31 Aug. 2022, assignbuster.com/customer-satisfaction/.

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