Essay, 2 pages (300 words)

Case bmw

Case BMW Aerospace entails the human endeavor in science and engineering, as well as business, to perform aeronautics(fly in the Earth’s atmosphere) and astronautics (surrounding space). What BMW needs for the implementation of an aerospace industry is basically huge pool of funds, commitment and government support (HM Government 5). According to HM Government (5), all firms that have ventured into this business have all gotten the support of their respective governments and, in particular, firms in the United Kingdom. Also, BMW needs to be fully fledged to the Aerospace Industrial Strategy. Other commitments that come with committing to the Aerospace Industrial Strategy are ATI (HM Government 6). Finally, BMW needs to have a huge pool of capital to venture into such as business. The aerospace industry rates among the most expensive in the world, and; therefore, any firm willing to venture into this business should have a wide pool of capital (HM Government 6).
The aerospace industry is highly rated (HM Government 44). It adds huge value to a company. Investors are willing to invest in firm that will give ample returns of their investment; thus BMW will have a wide pool of investors due to their planned venture into this industry. This endeavour will also allow BMW to follow regulatory issues in the aerospace sector. It will allow their firm to have a wider pool of talented workers because in a highly valued sector, there is a much wider pool of talent compared to other sectors (HM Government 44). Normally, investors will look at a firm’s position and evaluate their performance; therefore, if BMW is willing to venture into this sector, then it will have a much wider pool of investors.
Work Cited
HM Government. Lifting Off – Implementing the Strategic Vision for UK Aerospace. N. p, 2013. Web.

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'Case bmw'. 17 November.


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AssignBuster. 2021. "Case bmw." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/case-bmw/.

1. AssignBuster. "Case bmw." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/case-bmw/.


AssignBuster. "Case bmw." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/case-bmw/.

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"Case bmw." AssignBuster, 17 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/case-bmw/.

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