Programming assignment #2 – College tuitionInputs: 1. Semester (string)2. Student identification number (string)3. Student number of credits completed (float)4. Student number of credits scheduled (float)5.
Student financial aid award (float)6. Student planning to use deferred payment plan (char)Outputs: 1. Semester (string)2. Student identification number (string)3. Student number of credits completed (float)4. Student number of credits scheduled (float)5.
Student year standing (string)6. Student tuition (float)7. Student computer fee (float)8. Student activities fee (float)9. Student facility fee (float)10.
Total student costs before aid (float)11. Financial aid award amount (float)12. Total due after financial aid award (float)13.(for students following deferred payment plan)a.
Cost per payment ? based on total due after financial aid awardb. Payment due datesc. Total cost (all payments) with administrative feeConstants: conststringFALL_PAYMENT_PLAN = “ August, October, November”, SPRING_PAY_PL = “ December, February, March”;
conststringSTU_STANDING_SEN = “ Senior”, STU_STANDING_JUN = “ Junior”, STU_STANDING_SOPH = “ Sophomore”, STU_STANDING_FRESH = “ Freshman”;
constfloatLOWER_FT = 6353., LOWER_PT = 518.
, UPPER_FT = 6876., UPPER_PT = 559.;
constfloatTECH_FEE_FT = 248., TECH_FEE_HT = 186.
, TECH_FEE_PT = 84.;
constfloatACT_FEE_FT = 84., ACT_FEE_PT = 63., ACT_FEE_HT = 26;
constfloatFACILITY_FEE_FT = 116., FACILITY_FEE_HT = 87., FACILITY_FEE_PT = 36.
constfloatSENIOR_MIN_CRED = 91. 1, JUNIOR_MIN_CRED = 59. 1, SOPHOMORE_MIN_CRED = 27. 1;
constfloatDEFERRED_PLAN_FEE = 45.;
Formulas: 1. Total tuition cost = Tuition + Student activities fee + Student facility fee + student computer fee2.
Deferred payment = Total due after financial aid award / 3 Constraints: 1. The…