Essay, 11 pages (2500 words)

British airways business strategy business essay

Drumhead: Purpose of this study is to place the concern schemes of the UK ‘s taking air passages which is British airway. A British air passage is the taking in operational research in comparing of all other air hoses. In the last decennary competition is increasing a batch and it divides market portion which is extremely affectional for British air passages. In the analysis all about the external and internal schemes of BA has included. Some recommendations for BA has included every bit good. Which field should acquire focused by BA to get the better of all the competitory effects is besides included in this research. All about the degree of client satisfaction and needed betterment to deviate more clients towards their air hose is discussed.


A British air passage is known as the Britain ‘s most powerful, prima and the largest air hose. BA is covering with both domestic and international flights. They deal in carries goods and mails every bit good. As per the current figures in 2008 British air passages has flights to more than 300 finishs and carried out more than 30 million of riders and after all they earned more than 8. 5 billion lbs. In the instance of employees BA employed around 42000 people that ‘s why this is the biggest company of Britain. Now BA has their ain terminus which is called as terminal 5 at Heathrow which is the universe ‘s biggest airdrome. Harmonizing to the hereafter schemes of BA it is rather clear that this air hose will go the universe ‘s most responsible air hose.

Presently followed Schemes:

Harmonizing to the scenario of current schemes BA is using and traveling to use tonss of client ‘s friendly schemes. These schemes are traveling to profit this air hose a batch like BA applied the installation of maintaining clients updates about flight through texts on Mobiles but this installation is merely for the concern category riders. This nomadic installation make convenient for the clients to make harmonizing to the flight timing and holds if that flight have got any holds. But the lone drawback is this installation is non for the economic system riders and economic system riders are four clip in figure in every flight. This installation is non good for all the riders. Second BA followed the scheme to modify the aircrafts and do them more comfy and more beautiful. By this modernization clients are pulling more towards this airway merely because of more comfortableness. They started offering more services inside the flights so that clients like it a batch. Third pull offing cost of tickets is the most effectual scheme because cost is the chief factor in forepart of clients to take the air hose because tonss of people ca n’t afford such a dearly-won air hose to go. That ‘s why pull offing monetary values or take downing down cost is the most good factor for the clients and for the air hose every bit good. Tonss of people do n’t look at the good installations they merely want the inexpensive tickets so that in low prises they can easy afford to purchase a ticket. Fourthly BA tried to increase more duties towards the corporate universe and acquiring more success in market by making some different things like the good public presentation of environment and by making partnership with other large corporate giants. These are different point of position to increase the concern by believing other than the client ‘s benefits. By making partnership BA can be bigger and can execute much better in the market. Harmonizing to the presently discussed schemes BA can make more concern and they can offer more good installations for the riders.

External strategic analysis:

For the success in any field external analysis of the environment is besides required. Thus analysis highlighted the exact place in the whole industry in the external universe. Harmonizing to the external analysis BA can analyze the rivals and can analysis the exact capablenesss to carry through the approaching challenges in hereafter.

PESTEL Analysis:

Political analysis:

Analysis of political field is required to analyze to be familiar with all the Torahs and ordinances. In the instance of air hose tonss of political jobs are at that place like terrorist act and smuggling. So the air hoses should aware and hold tight security to prevent and do everything safer. If the security steps are up to the grade than clients get ensured that they are safe during journey. Terrorist menaces are the most chilling thing for every air hose so BA ever use most protective operations to avoid any type of terrorist activity.

Economic Analysis:

Economic analysis is the really of import to make clip to clip because as per the old twelvemonth records economic state of affairs of UK is non really good. Chiefly when the rate of lbs started traveling down that affected the economic system a batch and it ‘s like economic crises for the state and different companies as good. This fluctuation in rising prices effects the trading with other states in Europe or outside Europe as good. Pounds decreased against euro and every other non European currency excessively. Fluctuation in communicating prise and oil prises affect BA a batch merely because of rise in exchange rates. On the other manus dollar started acquiring stronger that was more lurid for British air hose market. Follow of liquidness became lesser twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours because people controlled passing money. Prises started diminishing and competition between all the air hose became more stronger.

Social analysis:

Analysis of societal things is besides really of import like the population and capableness of people to pass money in luxuries. Air travel to different states is like a luxury for the people because non every individual can afford these types of luxuries. Peoples who are acquiring retirement from their work and now capable to go abroad or in different states merely for merriment, this thing should be estimated by the air hose company. BA should gauge the turning unemployment because unemployment affects the air hoses concern a batch. When unemployment increased after the ruin of the economic system than every company has affected but the most accomplished industry is the leisure industry and air hose industry is sort of leisure industry. Dickering power of the client is besides a societal activity and it has increased much in the last few old ages of clip.

Technological activity:

Due to some recent figure air hose companies came to cognize that more than 30 % people use on-line ticketing system which is extremely proficient. In making on-line clicking clients compare prises of different air hose on different web sites and that creates more competitory environment for BA. In the twelvemonth of 2009 most of the people started preferring online engagement and in that they can compare the monetary values and its makes easier for the costumiers to acquire inexpensive monetary value. On the other manus on-line check-in is a really large installation provided by the air hoses which saves riders every bit good as air hoses clip and after making on-line check-in clients do n’t necessitate to make excessively early at the airdromes because that clip they do n’t hold to make much on at that place. In the high technological system consumers are acquiring cognizant twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours and that ‘s doing easier for both of them. BA ensures the clients to do more Ns more people cognizant of these types of engineerings. BA provides these online installations on the airdrome every bit good merely because tonss of old age people are non cognizant of these engineerings. They provide full aid to the aged people merely to do it more comfy for them alternatively of standing in the waiting line for an hr or so.

Environment activities:

Any air hose company should be cognizant of non making any environmental devastation. BA controls several things to salvage the environment like the noise pollution and the ingestion of energy. BA ever uses the planes with the noise decrease engineering so that it ca n’t upset the occupants around the airdrome. Second the usage of limited land for the airdrome if any company tries to widen the land country of airdrome that might destruct tonss land country and verdure. In the instance of Heathrow airdrome enlargement is really hard to make because London might lose tonss of green country and which can do trouble for an environment. Now a twenty-four hours ‘s consumers are more cognizant of verdure and the impact of deficiency of verdure. Harmonizing to the new ordinances every company should work to work out some environmental operations. In the failure of keeping the environmental care can impact the BA ‘s repute and the one-year income or bend over every bit good because some unresolved issues consequence the repute of the company.

Legal Issues:

Regal issues are similar monetary value of the merchandise or tickets repairing and hit. On the other manus some kind of issues should acquire recognized preciously like in the instance of British air passages cabin crew work stoppage is the most serious trading brotherhood issues. BA has most serious legal issue is the limitations applied by the authorities on the amalgamations and this limitation impact the amalgamation proposal between British air passages with American air hoses. Relationss with the employees should be really good to avoid some unwanted break and industrial actions. On the other manus BA has some advantageous legal issues like they can merchandise the aircraft between EU and US freely.

Porter ‘s Five Forces:

To increase the profitableness of the air hose company porter ‘s five forces helps a batch in doing strategic determinations. This analysis is required merely because of the competitory nature of the air hose industry.

Competitive Competition:

Competitive analysis is besides required to stand in the market like BA is covering with both domestic and international air hoses services. In the international air hose they have tonss of distinction between BA and their rivals. In batch of distinctions some are similar monetary values and offered services. On the other manus in domestic or short draw services market is so disconnected with tonss of domestic air hoses these yearss. Rivalry is coming so straight like virgin is opposing the schemes of British air passages and American air passages trough their web site. At last it is defined that the on by rivals increased competition at really high rate.

Power of Supplier:

More the providers of the aircraft addition the power of bargaining. In BA there are two or three providers of aircraft so that BA can dicker to some extent and that is more advantageous for BA because ever competition is good for the consumers. British air passages got restricted by the providers of fuel to the airdrome at regular footing. BA has got the precedence in acquiring set downing slots because BA has some historic rights which can be used by the bing users merely. In the instance of employees BA employees use corporate bargaining and they use trade brotherhood to do their bargaining power stronger.

Power of Buyers:

If providers have low bargaining power that means the concentration is low between purchaser and providers. By the increasing consciousness of cyberspace purchasers are going smarter because they do seek on cyberspace and pick up the best and cheapest option. That ‘s why the power of purchasers is increasing twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours. These high technological scenarios make the market more competitory and increased the power of purchasers. Strength of dickering power is medium because most of the people are non cognizant of high engineering like utilizing cyberspace.

Menace of new entrants:

Entry of new entrant can be a menace for the bing companies but come ining in the new market is non an easy undertaking, tonss of barriers are at that place like competitory environment, high capital cost required to get down concern and the regularity is must to make concern. New entrants can copy and supply better services than bing companies, than it could do more competition in the market. On the other manus failure of some little air hoses intimate new air hoses to come in in this concern and that is more helpful for the bing companies. This force has low strength that means this non that much effectual.

Menaces of replacements:

BA has some replacements in short draw or short distance flights like Euro star and ferry. Substitute is a thing which can impact the original merchandise or original company the most. On the other manus in the instance of long draw flights there is no any replacement which can be noteworthy so BA do n’t hold any menace in international air hose but they have to work more things out in their domestic section.

Customer Analysis:

Harmonizing to the analysis of clients demands are acquiring complex twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours. Costumer demands are acquiring complex because people are acquiring more demanding and literate every bit good. Than tonss of alteration has occurred like demographics of the air hoses has changed and transferred from younger to the older riders. Connectivity of cyberspace spread out across the universe so the consciousness of cyberspace has increased a batch and that makes peoples seek out more options worldwide and they can take the best option to make or they know everything about the updates of everything they want to cognize. High engineering makes everything more convenient for the people like in air hoses they can look into in online from their places and speedy inside informations about the flight position every bit good. So the demand of the more convenient things is must for the clients. Customers have the precedence of monetary values like in air hoses they compare all the air hose tickets and at the terminal they choose the cheap options. So all the needed sections are more defined depend upon the demands of the client.

Harmonizing to the recent figures about the client responses in carry throughing their demand like in study clients of BA responded that the services are traveling down or reduced by 60 % to 58 % in recent old ages. Customers suggested that the invention is traveling on really slow in last decennary. Baggage managing non so dependable in British air passage, that ‘s why clients do n’t swear much on this air hose. BA has failed in nearing those clients who needs low monetary value tickets because BA does n’t hold any low cost air hose operations.

SWOT analysis:

Along with the analysis BA ‘s failing and strengths has to be analysed every bit good in the internal environment of the company and approaching menaces and chances should be analysed in the external environment.

Strength analysis: BA has tonss of internal strength like BA has a really large trade name image across the universe that ‘s why this air hoses runs over trade name image because everybody knows it ‘s a really good air hose. Secondly partnership is a noticeable strength because with the aid of partnership distributing concern and acquiring popular in different states is an easy undertaking. Third the stableness of the company is an of import thing and BA is really much stalls and financially strong. Fourth and the chief strength is holding single terminus in the biggest airdrome of the universe. So BA has single terminal 5 in Heathrow airdrome.


In several failings some are really harmful for the concern like harmonizing to the history the relationships of BA with the employees are non really good. Second BA is non that dependable and trusty harmonizing to the clients because sometimes luggage of the clients got missed out. Third the rate of acquiring innovated is really slow because they do n’t make alterations and inventions at really slow velocity in comparing of other air hoses.


In several chances Sky Trax Quality systems is the most promising chance for the British air passages. Second rival got exited forcefully by the large companies. Third if the rivals got failed in presenting the dependability factor and it could be much more helpful for BA. Fourthly it is much more helpful to acquire success because of upcoming new market emerging. It is an external analysis of the concern environment.


In some other external analysis menaces are required to analyze like understanding of unfastened skies. Second the consciousness of environmental activities is must to understand merely to avoid environmental menaces. Third economic crises are traveling on globally which is the most unsafe menace for all the companies across the universe. BA faced some effects of planetary crises like air hoses industry is like a leisure industry and during planetary crises most of the people started avoiding leisure activities like air travel. Fourthly maintaining low cost due to the competition is besides a large issue because companies are pulling clients by supplying inexpensive tickets.


In reasoning both external and internal analysis of concern schemes were discussed and at the terminal it ‘s rather clear that the BA needs tonss of betterment to make in their schemes. BA should follow the combined strategic attack to do their installations better and do their clients more satisfied. But harmonizing to the current position of the air hose companies BA is considered as a market leader and Britain ‘s largest air hose company. Due to the limited entree to the company information all points could n’t come out about BA but researcher tried to analyze all the of import information which is required to acquire success is available. If the company will travel to follow some of the schemes suggested by the research worker in this study than British air passages will decidedly take the air hose industry of this universe. Competition is turning in the market but BA have such type of installations and dependability which could n’t impact the concern of British air passages.

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AssignBuster. 2021. "British airways business strategy business essay." November 15, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/british-airways-business-strategy-business-essay-essay-samples/.

1. AssignBuster. "British airways business strategy business essay." November 15, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/british-airways-business-strategy-business-essay-essay-samples/.


AssignBuster. "British airways business strategy business essay." November 15, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/british-airways-business-strategy-business-essay-essay-samples/.

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"British airways business strategy business essay." AssignBuster, 15 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/british-airways-business-strategy-business-essay-essay-samples/.

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