Essay, 15 pages (3500 words)

Best advertisements of all time

With that said this paper has no biases and discusses the pros and cons of advertising. Wrote this hoping that people who are considering entering the field of advertising ill read the material and be better educated on the workforce that they desire to enter. The readers of this paper probably will not know most of the information in this paper and I feel this will help them make a far more educated choice on whether or not they really want to enter the field of advertising. The readers Of this paper who already have personal opinions on advertising may or may not have their opinion swayed by the information presented but once again, that is not my purpose, my purpose is to help develop further conversation on the question whether advertising is good for America. A method I enjoy using for any paper and feel it worked quite well for this paper as well is asking questions to the audience. I feel when an author asks a question in their work to the reader it is quite powerful and it forces the reader to pause for a moment and critically think about the question that has been presented.

This critical thinking by the reader will do nothing but help them make a secure personal opinion on the subject at hand. The paper is inspired by chapter six of our textbook Convergences. Chapter 6 is titled Packaging Culture and the first cluster in this chapter is called How to Make an Ad. The cluster is dedicated to examining and evaluating advertising and since advertising is a great passion of mine this cluster inspired me to do my own research on advertising, which led to the development of this paper. There is quite possibly nothing in the world that affects everyday life of the average human being more than advertising. Television commercials, radio commercials, billboards, newspapers consume a hefty portion of the typical persons day and these commercials and billboards have one goal in mind and that goal is to sell, sell, sell to the viewer, reader, and/or listener. When people think of advertising they generally think f commercials.

Commercials are certainly a way to advertise but there are many different forms of advertising. In fact the typical definition of advertising is defined as the act or practice of calling public attention to one’s product, service, need, etc. Especially by paid announcements in newspapers and magazines, over radio or television, on billboards, etc.

The definition doesn’t bother to list all the different ways to advertise because there are so many. The definition simply ends with etc. Which of course means etcetera which is a short way Of saying “ there are too many to list”. Creative minds all over the world try to come up with different ways to advertise besides the usual commercial that someone can see or hear. Entrepreneur. Com is a quite famous website that offers many tips on how to become a success.

Roy H. Williams, who is the founder of the worldwide known ad agency Wizard of Ads, lists many creative ways to advertise besides the norm on Entrepreneur. Com. Some of the tips can be quite frequently witnessed such as putting a door-hanger that displays an advertisement on a doorknob and placing flyers underneath windshield wipers of a vehicle. One tip that is not dinettes very often and is definitely the most unique tip given is having a nighttime silhouette. “ You’ve probably never seen one, but that’s all the more reason you should do it.

Nobody else in your town has seen one either. First, locate a windowless wall at least three stories tall in a part of town that has lots of traffic at night, especially foot traffic. Then arrange with the owner of that building–and the building across the street–to let you install a logo projector.

They’re unbelievably effective. And in the long run, cheap” (Williams). Now ads are meant to catch the attention of people. If all advertisements were trying to sell the same product or type of product then advertising in general would be quite simple and not many minds would be needed to create a successful ad campaign. The reason there are many different types of minds that are needed to create advertisements is because many different products in our world are trying to be sold by their owner and producer and not all products are meant for the same type of person. That is why over there are over 400, 000 jobs in America that deal with advertising and men and women equally split these jobs (U. S Bureau of Labor Statistics).

Advertisements meant to sell cosmetics are obviously going to be way different than an advertisement which has a main objective to sell chewing tobacco. Cosmetics are mainly used by women and chewing tobacco is mainly used by men. A cosmetic ad campaign and a chewing tobacco ad campaign would need different perspectives and different minds working on the advertisement. For example “ women are bothered by fast and loud music in ads, whereas men aren’t, women have to see a commercial more times than men to be persuaded to buy a product, women will buy brands that are aimed toward men or women, but men will not buy brands that are aimed award women. Because Virginia Slims were so aggressively marketed to women, men chose not to buy them” (Edmonds).

Another good example can be found in Hollywood in the film “ What Women Want” starring Mel Gibson. Mel Gibbon’s character Nick is a typical “ man’s man” and is one of the best minds at the ad agency he works for. He is thrown a cerebral when the agency brings in a woman to oversee all projects and campaigns for the company because the ad agency feels they have focused too much on the male market. While trying on makeup and wearing pantyhose while trying to get in the women’s psyche he electrocutes himself and can suddenly start to ear what women think. The storyline is obviously far-fetched but is a good example on how men and women think differently and a good balance of woman mind power and man mind power is needed for an ad agency to become successful. People who work in advertising must be intelligent because not only men and women are targets for advertising but children are as well.

Not only do they need to get in the mind of a child they must get into the mind of a senior citizen. Toy advertisements are placed on children television networks and try to get children to bug their parents to death until hey buy their kids new favorite toy he or she had just saw on the commercial break of their favorite show. Daytime television is consumed with commercials aimed towards the elderly market. Commercial breaks during “ Price is Right” primarily consist of two types of commercials, one that advertises life insurance and another that advertises power scooters. The average age group that sales, marketing, and advertisement positions primarily consist of is 25-54 (Scholarships). That is quite a wide age margin but basically it tells us that this job position requires many people of different gees and it all goes back full circle to the fact that there are many different advertisements that are selling many different things to many different age groups and the age group from 25-54 is primarily in charge of advertising to very young children to very old adults. This paper will explore how advertisements can harm children, explain false advertising and fully explain how exactly advertisements influence the everyday life of the typical human being and discuss whether the pros or cons of advertising outweigh one another. How many have heard someone around the age of fifty give or take few years talk about how when they were growing up their were ads constantly on television that made cigarette smoking seem cool and there was no sort of warning at all about how cigarette smoking could be dangerous to one’s health? Marlboro cigarette ads were so famous from the ass’s up until 1 999 that there spokesman the “ Marlboro Man” was a national pop culture icon.

Ironically, three of the men who were known once in their life as the “ Marlboro Man”, Wayne McAllen, David McLean, and Dick Hammer, all died from lung cancer. This trend of deaths eventually gave Marlboro cigarettes the infamous nickname “ The Cowboy Killer”. A close rival n popularity when it comes to cigarette mascots of sorts is Joe Camel, spokesman for Camel cigarettes from the ass’s to the ass’s. Although the “ Marlboro Man” was a mascot for cigarettes way longer than Joe Camel, “ Old Joe” as he was referred to may have been more popular due to a great controversy. In 1991, the Journal of the American Medical Association published a study showing that by age six nearly as many children could correctly respond that “ Joe Camel” was associated with cigarettes as could respond that the Disney Channel logo was associated with Mackey Mouse, and alleged that the “ Joe Camel” campaign was targeting children (Elliot).

Perhaps the fact that “ Joe Camel” was a friendly looking camel cartoon character had a lot to do with the reason children so easily recognized who he was. Camel cigarettes may have not had the best idea to make their spokesman a cartoon character that children can relate with. The makers of Camel cigarettes obviously were not trying to sell cigarettes to children and it is highly unlikely many children ran to their parents asking them to buy them cigarettes after seeing “ Joe Camel”. This is just an example of a bad marketing idea, which is quite common. Of course there are plenty of advertisements that are actually intended for children and do wish to make children ask their parents for the product being advertised. Are children more likely to remember a friendly looking camel or a stone faced Cowboy? Advertisements have no mercy on chi lilied Many kids love the outdoors and cannot wait to get home from school so they can stay outside and play until it is dark, but unfortunately more kids would rather stay inside in front of the television. A study by California State university, Northerner shows that kids spend only 3.

5 minutes a week in meaningful conversation with their parents compared to 1, 680 minutes in a week spent in front of a television (Herr). This is where advertisers can convince children to want and even crave the product that they are advertising on children’s networks such as Disney Channel and Nickelodeon. In between episodes Of the kid friendly programming that airs On these channels, ads for toys and food dominate. If one would focus their attention during a thirty minute block of programming they would discover that only 22 minutes are used to actually air the show and the other eight minutes are filled with these extremely convincing commercials for the children who watch. The commercials are filled with must have products for girls and boys like.

They have toy car commercials mainly intended for the rambunctious boy and baby doll commercials intended for the precious girl. There is nothing wrong with a child wanting a toy and absolutely nothing wrong with a parent buying a child what it wants. Where these commercials start to influence a child in a negative way is when the child starts to excessively want and feel like they “ need” the products that are advertised. Surely everyone has heard a child say “ I got to have that! ” or “ l need that! After seeing something in a commercial. This is definitely one way advertisements actively influence children and this causes a chain reaction that negatively influences society as a whole. Children continue to ask and even demand their parents for items that are forced into their heads by commercials that advertise the product repetitively. These children can easily be turned into for lack of a better term “ brat’ if their parents continue to give their children what they want. Unfortunately there are so many parents who do treat their children like this and rarely says no to them.

They are basically telling their child that they can have whatever they want because if a child continues to et what they want what is stopping them from continue to ask for anything and everything? It eventually ends up leading to where the child will literally ask for everything that is advertised for their gender type on their favorite television channel. People who work in the advertising industry are intelligent and they know how to convince children through the streams of television. These advertising agents and advertising managers are paid to convince children that they want the item that is being advertised to them. They are not going to stop doing this because it is their livelihood. It is up to the parent of the child to do some convincing of their own. They must convince their child that they do not need everything they see on television and must teach them the difference between want and need because no amount of television will ever instill those virtues.

False advertising The legal definition for false advertising is “ Any advertising or promotion that misrepresents the nature, characteristics, qualities or geographic origin of goods, services or commercial activities”. As previously mentioned, those who work in advertising have one goal in mind and that is to sell. This is their remarry goal because selling products is simply their livelihood and it is how they are able to feed and support their family. This is not to say that people who work in advertising are bad people it is just a fact that they care about money more than they do about selling a decent product for an honest price.

False advertising is quite common. It is also a great example for the famous saying that when things seem too good to be true they usually are. Advertising companies who do produce false advertisements are good at what they do and here are some ways to you can protect yourself against hon. ad claims. Keep an eye out for these commonly used “ tricks of the ad trade” (Bloomberg). Watch out for FOOTNOTES AND ASTERISKS The “ fine print” in an advertisement sometimes changes an offer made in the large print. PHOTOS AND ILLUSTRATIONS should match the products being advertised. Any PRICE QUOTED in an ad must match the actual purchase price.

Beware of ads using phrases like “ as low as,” “ starting at,” or and up” next to the listed price. Any phrase that refers to a RANGE OF PRICES, without being specific about which item costs how much, makes the ad deceptive. COMPETITIVE DISCOUNT claims like “ lowest prices,” “ guaranteed lowest price,” or “ prices lower than everyone else” are nearly impossible to prove. One of the most common ways a company falsely advertises is by showing photos of their product that has been altered in some way to make the product more visually appealing. Image (McDonald’s Answers).

This is a side by side comparison of a Quarter Pounded with Cheese from McDonald’s. The picture on the left is one purchased from the restaurant and the picture on the right is a burger that has been “ dressed up” for hours for an advertisement. Just how does advertising influence life? Advertising affects people in so many different ways. An advertisement has accomplished its purpose if it has influenced the viewer or reader or listener in any way.

Can you think about a time where you were standing in line about ready to purchase an item but remembered seeing a television commercial or hearing a radio commercial about the product you were waiting to purchase? Maybe the advertisement was for a rival product of the one you were moments for purchasing or the ad could have been for the same exact product yet it advertised a cheaper price then you were about ready to arches it for. There are so many different types of one item to choose from at a grocery store and this is why many people can spend hours in a store and only come out with a bag full of products. Even when we are not thinking about advertisements they are stuck in our head and still influence many of our decisions even if they are not in the forefront of our mind.

That is the primary purpose of a jingle. A jingle is a catchy, repetitious sound that is usually used to help sell a product. Many of the times jingles use an easy to remember phone number for a certain service and sing it a good two or three mimes to make sure it gets stuck in the listeners head. How many times have you been at work and a certain radio jingle pops in your head and stays there for the majority of the day? The answer to that is plenty! It is more than annoying to get a jingle stuck in your head that you do not even particularly care for but the jingle has done its job if this happens. This is just one example of how advertising sticks with us and in our brains even though there is no reason for it to be. Advertisers are professionals and they know how to hide the manipulation because people will not purchase the product Ewing advertised if they feel like they are being manipulated into buying it. Advertisements with celebrity endorsements have a huge effect on peoples live as well. Many average American’s dream to be rich and famous and many are huge fans of the rich and famous.

When the average person sees a celebrity endorse a product, it makes them want that product. Movie stars and star athletes have an odd power over the American public and advertising agencies know this. They are fully aware that a successful ad campaign can only become more successful if you throw in a respected movie star or famous athlete to endorse the product.

Even an unsuccessful attempt at an ad campaign can be salvaged by a celebrity endorsement. Celebrities strangely have a way of making their fans feel like they know them. Their fans will refer to them by their first name or nick name when casually discussing the certain movie star or star athlete. Even more powerful than a solo endorsement from a star athlete is an endorsement from the whole team that that star athlete is a part of. In America, football is by far the most popular sport. The National Football League is a multi-billion dollar business and the reason is their fans. The fans that purchase one hundred dollar risers and forty dollar hats at a game they paid two hundred dollars a ticket to get to watch for three hours in sometimes not ideal conditions. Many of the times their fans pay all this money to sit in the snow or rain for hours and on top of that they see their beloved football team lose the game.

Whenever you watch an NFG game on a Sunday or Monday night notice how many times you see during the commercials an off the wall product being endorsed by the NFG. Mastered is the official credit card Of the NFG. Campbell Chunky Soup is the official soup of the NFG. Snickers are the official candy bars of the NFG. Bridgetown is the official tire of the NFG. Anything that can be branded with the NFG logo or one of the thirty-two team logos that make up the National Football League it will be branded and sold to the millions of passionate fans that support their team.

The biggest day of the year for the NFG is the Super Bowl and if its the biggest day of the year for the NFG it is also the biggest day of the year for the Neff’s official sponsors. Not only those who sponsor the NFG but anyone who wants to fork up millions of dollars (“ according to the World Advertising Research Centre (WAR) the cost of a 30 second advertising slot during the Super Bowl has soared to as much as 2. 5 million dollars, from 42 thousand dollars when broadcasting of the event began in 1967” {Teenage 115}) can air a commercial during the Super Bowl which has become “ the annual showcase for the best TV advertising” (Teenage 1 15). So advertising affects our life in ways we do not even realize. Advertising plays a huge role in the products we buy for our families and advertising influences us to spend hard earned money on things that are not a necessity. Advertising can play with our minds by subliminally telling us we want or like product. Some forms of advertising are so entertaining they can make people do something they do not normally do just to enjoy the advertising such as someone who has never sat down and watched a whole football game would tune in to the Super Bowl just to view the amazingly entertaining commercials.

Advertising is so powerful it can even take us away from our family members for precious hours throughout the day without us realizing it. Some members of the family want to watch separate programs on television but don’t even think that almost a third of the time they spend away from their family watching T. V is consumed with commercials. Overall does advertising affect our lives in a bad way or good way… Lets weigh the pros and cons. Pros and Cons of Advertising Pros: Advertising can help educate consumers about products that could vastly improve the quality of their life.

Some people who could really use a new product but have no idea it exists can definitely benefit from the advertisement of the potential life changing product. Advertising obviously helps increase sells which leads companies to produce the goods for cheaper which leads to a better quality of life for Americans. It also helps the economy y creating many jobs for people. Without advertising it is quite possible that the radio would not exist and people who work for the radio would not have jobs. Radio is a free source of news and information that is funded by ads so no ads mean no radio and this would make many radio listeners quite upset. Sporting, concert, and other recreational events would be more expensive to attend because advertisements help fund a percentage of the event which helps lower ticket prices. Cons: Critics say that buyers pay for advertising buy paying higher product prices. Small companies often have to close because hey cannot release the amount Of advertising larger companies can.

A convincing advertisement often misleads people into buying something they do not need and often buy this non-necessity without being able to afford it and this can lead to a great personal debt. This leads to a throwaway society where goods are thrown in the garbage which causes more pollution and waste. As mentioned before children are very often the main target of advertisers. Fast food restaurants and UN-healthy snack companies produce very kid- friendly advertisements which makes children want unhealthy food which leads to health problems such as diabetes and obesity.

Conclusion This paper was set up for an open-ended ending because quite frankly no one can say whether or not that advertising is good for America or bad for America.

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'Best advertisements of all time'. 15 November.


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AssignBuster. 2021. "Best advertisements of all time." November 15, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/best-advertisements-of-all-time/.

1. AssignBuster. "Best advertisements of all time." November 15, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/best-advertisements-of-all-time/.


AssignBuster. "Best advertisements of all time." November 15, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/best-advertisements-of-all-time/.

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"Best advertisements of all time." AssignBuster, 15 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/best-advertisements-of-all-time/.

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