Research Paper, 2 pages (500 words)


Even with the natural aptitudes to reach them, it is necessary to make an effort to do It. Pursue thisgoalsis key for our success andhappiness, but many distractions are going to be present: little distractions with a wrong Idea of freedom that can develop in big problems and make us slaves of our desires. To avoid this and stay In a good way, we need to make use of our willpower, and understand better owe It works.

There are little things that make us happy Like eat Ice cream, listen tomusic, hang out with friends, buy a nice dress… And there Is no need to stop doing this. But It Is important to understand that we need to do it with moderation. We can not let this whims rule our life nor distract us from our goals, for our life would become senseless. Discipline will let us chase our goals, the lack of it will make us lose them. Goals give a meaning to our lives, and a meaning is necessary to be happy.

This self-control maintain us moving forward, achieving objectives, growing like human beings; it means, success in life. But also, it give us the freedom that we deserve, economically and mentally. Losing control of impulses and desires make us vulnerable to be controlled by others, and so we lost our freedom. With the force of willpower, nobody but us will rule our life. Having been clear why willpower is important, it worth to say a couple of tips about how to maintain it.

First, we can not expect to control ourselves every time, with everything, because the willpower becomes momentarily exhausted; so we need to be smart choosing our regulations to fulfill our resolutions. And second, it is extremely important not sublimate little acts of discipline, like make our bed or take care of our appearance, for this help us strengthen the willpower and avoid fail on future tasks. Many things can be said about willpower, but this time I only wanted to highlight some points: self-control helps us to malting a meaning In our life and reach peppiness, as well as give us freedom, something that we can not Ignore.

And we never should stop training our willpower; sometimes we fall applying It, but with the time, It will be easier control ourselves. Willpower By Feline-Pacer Velasquez Every person in the world has their own goals, objectives to accomplish in a long or a effort to do it. Pursue this goals is key for our success and happiness, but many distractions are going to be present: little distractions with a wrong idea of freedom ND stay in a good way, we need to make use of our willpower, and understand better how it works.

There are little things that make us happy like eat ice cream, listen to music, hang out with friends, buy a nice dress… And there is no need to stop doing this. But it is some points: self-control helps us to maintain a meaning in our life and reach happiness, as well as give us freedom, something that we can not ignore. And we never should stop training our willpower; sometimes we fail applying it, but with the time, it will be easier control ourselves.

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'Willpower'. 14 November.


AssignBuster. (2021, November 14). Willpower. Retrieved from https://assignbuster.com/willpower/


AssignBuster. 2021. "Willpower." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/willpower/.

1. AssignBuster. "Willpower." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/willpower/.


AssignBuster. "Willpower." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/willpower/.

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"Willpower." AssignBuster, 14 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/willpower/.

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