“ Why do people struggle to read my handwriting?” To celebrate National Handwriting Week, I have put together5 top tips that will help you stop asking yourself this question and be well onyour way of mastering that ‘ neat’ style.
1. Don’tReinvent the Wheel Without a doubt, afteryears of frantically scribbling down in your school/college books, yourhandwriting style is already fairly set and improving it is going to be achallenge. Before you attempt to mimic someone else’s writing style, take amoment to see what is working about your own. Copy down some work onto anotepad to establish your writing style. If your handwriting is quite open, forinstance, work on refining these loopy letters, rather than deciding you aregoing to become a tiny block printer. 2. Do concentrate on the major flawOnce you have interpreted your writing style it is important to understandwhat the main problem is. Whether it is the shaping, spacing, alignment, size, lines or slant, set yourself a goalto improve the area.
Whatever you hate the most about your writing, should bewhat you focus on in the beginning. 3. Don’t overdo it The saying “ Rome wasn’t built in aday” springs to mind in this next top tip. You should only try to correct oneerror at a time otherwise you may find it too difficult to change and give inaltogether! Take baby steps! 4. Do practice different stylesNow is thetime to find some examples of writing that you think look great, try outdifferent styles that you like and see which suits you best. You may desire theextravagant writing you receive in Birthday cards from your Grandma, but thismay not suit you in the long run. 5. And Finally, don’t stress it! If youconsider the above steps and slowly introduce the new style then yourhandwriting will slowly improve naturally.
Remember, no handwriting is perfectand no matter what there will always be flaws. But if your determination ishigh and you practice enough, who knows? A miracle may happen!