When it come to pregnancy you really have to agree thatswollen feet is one of the most common signs besides morning sickness. It iswhat you may over hear doctors refer to as edema and is caused by the bodyproducing close to 50% more blood and fluids in order to meet the needs of thedeveloping baby. This swelling may be experienced in the hands, face, legs, ankles, and feet.
It is an unpleasant experience for some if not most pregnant womenbut not to worry, I got your back; here are the most effective tips to managethat swelling: Drink WaterDoctor’s advice that you take 8 to 10 glasses of water whichis about 2 litres of water. This may sound absurd as you might tend to thinkyou already have enough water and that’s why you might be swelling, but hear meout: Water has been confirmed to helpssweep away toxins and excess sodium levels and waste products in the body. Thisin turn helps in minimizing the extent of swelling. So go by this, keephydrated. Take a WalkThis is the last thing you would likely want to do withswollen feet. It is proven to alleviate swelling.
It helps to keep the bloodcirculating in the body. Walking is healthy and has a positive effect on thepregnant women. Try keep those legs moving but be sure to consult your doctorfor advice before embarking on this. Lay down with yourfeet upIn case you get a chance to lie down, stacking some pillowsif possible below and in so doing make sure your feet is above your hips.
Tryavoiding crossing your feet as this may restrict blood flow and counter ourefforts to manage swelling. This helps to reduce unwanted pressure from theuterus. Try to make this part of your daily routine and besides what otherbetter excuse would you find to put your feet up than being a pregnant woman? Minimize salt intake Try not to get toocrazy with the salt shaker as too much salt tends to increase swelling inpregnant women. Moderate on your salt intake .
It’s a good habit also to avoidmunching on salty snacks; a good trick might be supplementing that with acouple of fruits. Salt enhances water retention, raises blood pressure andelevates blood pressure in expectant mothers not to mention unwarranted healtheffects on your child. This surely makes a difference and helps to reduceswelling. Avoid standing/sitting for long periods of time Standing or sittingfor long period of time is quite discomforting and cause swelling even if youare not pregnant. The effects on pregnant women most likely will be worse forthem. Take breaks and shift between sitting and standing. Take good precautionsalso when travelling especially for long distances.
Stay Cool Swelling tends toincrease significantly with increase in temperature so minimizing outdooractivity during when it is hot outside is really wise. Try to make sure youhave access to air conditioning and if the heat becomes unbearable it’sprobably time to make a trip to the pool or beach. Wear compression socks and shoes Most of the swellingpregnant mothers experience is around the ankles and feet. Wearing tight shoesor heels restrict blood flow towards the feet making the feet swell more andhurt more. Try to get a prescription from your health provider regardingcompression socks. Depending on the recommended socks or stockings these wearwill aid in reducing swelling and provide needed support to your legs duringpregnancy.
If you experiencesevere swelling and discomfort during pregnancy, get in touch with your doctoras this can be serious