Waste Management is very important if we don’t manage waste properly it can produce harmful gases which cause breathing problems and are mixed with air. We can manage waste by recycling which is better and healthier for our environment. Things that can be recycled art glass, oil, plastic, and paper. The definitions of Waste management is things produced by humans and they are reduced to people’s well being and environment. The types of Waste Management Liquid waste: Waste can also come in the liquid form sometimes it can be turned into liquid waste for easy disposal eg.
stormwater Solid waste: solid waste and garbage that we throw in our homes and other places eg old car tires, broken furniture and food waste Hazardous waste: this is ways that are dangerous to the public and of course the environment, eg. inflammable waste toxic waste and corrosive waste eg fire extinguisher, has two sides, lamps, and batteries. Organic waste: the waste comes from plants and animals . eg fruit and vegetable peels, and other food waste.
there biodegradable and people turn organic waste into compost to use in gardens. Recyclable waste: recycling means turn waste into new and useful products eg. aluminum, plastic bottles glass and paper.
Landfills- it’s a place to throw waste material and burn burning it or covering it over the soil and it saves the land. How to reduce waste-Don’t use plastic bags, cancel unnecessary mail, reduce Packaging this helps the planet because there won’t be as much health problems and there will be more space on the earth which is not covered in garbage. The issue that most of the world is experiencing is that there’s too much waste. There are a lot of possible solution to this but a lot of people don’t want to be part of it. Our world is getting dirty and no one is taking action.
There are a lot of impacts like health issues, deforestation and air pollution which is not good for our planet. Air pollution is caused by smoke or gas. It also affects health problems which many of us have. People mostly put waste in landfills. There are some benefits of landfills such as food scraps and organic waste gets compacted down and covered. ReflectionI think that waste is getting to be a big problem and if we don’t take action soon there will be some problems. There is too much waste but no one seems to care that much. After a while, there won’t be anywhere to put the waste and there will be so much pollution and the world will be a very dirty place to live in. I think we should quickly do something before it’s too late. I’m pretty sure that people don’t want to live in a dirty environment. There are a lot of possible solutions if anyone wants to be part of it. Nowadays a lot of people are littering and don’t seem to care what the after result will be. I think we should inform them so they can quickly be active and take action. some people don’t even realize that there harming the environment but they are.