The film follows Fin, the main character, as he comes to a self-realization that he cannot live with out human interaction. Man has a harder time functioning in solitude, then say a social setting. Having social relationships is vital in life. I have actually read information before that people that are more social tend to have a longer life span. I have also witnesses this in my own life. My Grandpa Stukenberg recently died this past fall. The cause can just be summed up to old age.
The significant thing about this is that he lived almost 10 years longer then my, Grandma Stukenberg, his wife. He took her death very hard. She was the love of his life and they had been married for more than fifty years. I often wondered how he was able to live that long and not die from heartbreak. This answer came to me when I was at his funeral this fall. You see almost every day for breakfast he would go to the same Mc Donald’s by his house and meet up with a group seniors for breakfast.
I never realized that these people were such good friends with my Grandfather until they came to his funeral. None of my family members had ever met them before that moment. It is clear though that this social interaction kept my Grandpa’s heart ticking. Fin realizes that in solitude there is no one to make you feel worthwhile. Social interaction gives you a sense of worth in the world. You have friends and family that aspirate your being and that need your help and comfort as well.