Essay, 2 pages (450 words)

The negative effects of sugar consumption

Have you ever feel worry that eating sugar will damage your health, but you keep eating it anyway? It would be fair to assume almost everyone on the planet loves sugar and sweet foods. Most people know to limit their intake of processed sugar, however, what most people do not know that chemical reaction of sugar in the body acts as a poison. You feel down or drained? You think a quick sweet or pudding or chocolate will give you a boost? Well yeah it does, but for a very short time. You get a ” sugar high”.

But then your body overcompensates in bringing this ” high” down, and you end up feeling even lower than before. I have done my extensive research about negative effects of sugar consumption. First, Sugar consumption can cause aging. Secondly, Sugar Can Increase Your Chances of Depression. And lastly, Sugar May Increase Your Risk of Cancer. Let’s start by looking that sugar consumption can cause aging. This is a bad news for sugar lover. Negative effects on your skin can be attributed to sugar. According to today’s Dr.

Oz show, women should not exceed the maximum of 6 teaspoons of sugar daily. And for men, the maximum daily amount of sugar should not exceed 9 teaspoons of sugar. Certain parts of sugar molecules when entering into blood join with the proteins, this is called glycolysis. When you eat food high in sugar, it spikes your blood sugar and starts a process known as glycation, according to Dr. Nicholas Perricone. During glycation, sugar in your bloodstream attaches to your collagen, and your skin becomes harsh and rigid.

Because your skin finds it difficult to spring back to its original place when stretched, wrinkles are more likely to form. When the sugar mixes with the protein in your skin, it forms advanced glycation end products Advanced Glycolytic Enzymes (AGEs) and AGE levels rise along with your sugar consumption. According to Fitness Spotlight, AGEs cause collagen stiffening and damage to your blood vessels. As a consequence new structures are formed which reduce body tissue integrity. In fact, collagen is the most prevalent protein in the body.

Once damaged, springy and resilient collagen and elastin become dry and brittle, leading to wrinkles and sagging. To put it simply, the more sugar is in your blood the faster you become older. Well not you, your body does. Excess sugar molecules that we consume attach to collagen and elastin fibres in skin, causing them to harden and become more fragile and prone to damage,” says Fredric Brandt, a cosmetic dermatologist and founder of the Dermatology Research Institute in New York City. “ Eventually, this causes skin to lose elasticity and wrinkle more easily. ”

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AssignBuster. 2022. "The negative effects of sugar consumption." January 15, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/the-negative-effects-of-sugar-consumption/.

1. AssignBuster. "The negative effects of sugar consumption." January 15, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/the-negative-effects-of-sugar-consumption/.


AssignBuster. "The negative effects of sugar consumption." January 15, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/the-negative-effects-of-sugar-consumption/.

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"The negative effects of sugar consumption." AssignBuster, 15 Jan. 2022, assignbuster.com/the-negative-effects-of-sugar-consumption/.

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