Essay, 3 pages (700 words)

Taking sides: clashing views in education essay examples

Issue # 19

Issue: – The issue is whether computers have a negative effect on student growth. Lowenke Monke strongly proposes the motion while on the other hand Frederick M. Hess is of the contrary opinion.
Pro position: – computers will make students get exposed to the immoral sites which will make them become irresponsible people in life.
Con position: -computers make students work easier when in class. The emerging technology requires a student to have computers.

Areas of disagreement:

– When a student acquires a computer his moral life is in danger.
– Computers will make students not to concentrate in class because of playing computer games.
– A lot of teachers will lose their employment if the computers are introduced.

Research ideas:

– Two students, one from a school that has allowed computers in school and the other from a school that does not. Their method of study and their performance should be evaluated after two years.
– The scholars should extensively research on whether the computers help to raise the education standard or otherwise.

Issue # 20

Issue: – The concern is whether unconventional teacher training should be encouraged. Robert Holland supports the motion fully whereas Linda Darling Hammond is of the rejects the motion.

Pro position: – Current certification programs are insufficient due to the growing shortage of teachers and rising technologies.

Con position: – Alternative teaching program is not easy to adopt as it requires adequate resources which are not readily available.
Areas of disagreement:
– The current teachers training program has failed incredibly.
– Alternative teachers training is a waste of time and resources
– Current training program has been known to work in most education institutions.

Research ideas:

– Two learning institutions, one school that upholds alterative training program and the other school that does not. The teaching techniques and the students’ performance should be evaluated after five years.
– The scholars should conduct an extensive survey on the alternative teachers training and recommend whether it is worth to be implemented in schools or not.

Issue #22

Issue: – the issue is whether undocumented immigrants are entitled to public education. William J. Brennan strongly believes that the undocumented immigrants should be entitled to public education whereas on the other warren burger is of the contrary opinion.

Pro position: – Denying the undocumented immigrants from accessing public education is violating the fourteenth amendment.

Con position: – The court has no business assuming a policy making role simply because the legislative branches of government fail to act appropriately.
Areas of disagreement:
– Undocumented immigrants have equal rights as the other citizens to acquire public education regardless of their status.
– Allowing the immigrants to schools will lead to congestion in public schools.

Research ideas:

– Two schools should be evaluated for two years, one that has allowed the entry of undocumented immigrants and the other one that completely rejects their entry. After two years, performance of students and the teachers complains should be evaluated.
– The researchers should conduct an extensive research on the impacts of allowing immigrants students in public schools. They should recommend whether it is appropriate to allow them or not.

Issue #23

Issue: – The matter is whether there is no child left behind irretrievably flawed. Sharon l. Nichols and David C. Berliner strongly support the debate whereas Dianne Piche completely rejects the motion.
Pro position: – Negative effects of test that have dominated most schools are as a result of schooling under the influence of NCLB.
Con position: – trying and responsibility measures of the federal law are beat way to advance the interests of the disadvantaged in the society.
Areas of disagreement:
– Peer influence in schools has played a significant part in children flawed.
– A student should be independent in school and should not follow what the others are doing.
Research ideas:
– Two students, one that has been a victim of peer influence and the other pone that has escaped child flawed. They should be interviewed exclusively. They should be asked what led to them involved or not involved in child flawed.
– The psychologists should conduct a survey on what causes children flawed and they should also recommend on the possible measures that can be taken.


Noll. J. (2012). Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Education (17th Ed.) NY, NY: Mcgraw Hill

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'Taking sides: clashing views in education essay examples'. 14 November.


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AssignBuster. 2021. "Taking sides: clashing views in education essay examples." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/taking-sides-clashing-views-in-education-essay-examples/.

1. AssignBuster. "Taking sides: clashing views in education essay examples." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/taking-sides-clashing-views-in-education-essay-examples/.


AssignBuster. "Taking sides: clashing views in education essay examples." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/taking-sides-clashing-views-in-education-essay-examples/.

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"Taking sides: clashing views in education essay examples." AssignBuster, 14 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/taking-sides-clashing-views-in-education-essay-examples/.

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