Social occupational health and safety practice
Develop systems for occupational health and safety management practice
Unit standard 5615
Assessment task 1
Audit of health and safety system and records
Your audit must include the following steps:
- determine any organizational requirements for the access to and documentation of workplace health and safety systems and records. You must follow the organizational requirements of your workplace or work placement.
- Document details of the records and information stored in these health and safety systems. At a minimum your audit of systems and records must include:
Accident records, policies, standards, job description, procedures, training records, manuals, inventories, hazard registers, any other health and safety systems used in your workplace.
- Establish and document your organizations standards for records and information for each of the health and safety systems. These standards may relate to industry specific or internal standards, codes of practice, legislation or regulations, conventions, new Zealand and overseas standards for areas such as health and safety at work, accident compensation, management of resources, and conservation of the environment.
- Establish and document the main legislative requirements for each of these systems.
- Compare the records and information you documented on each of the systems with the organizational and legislative requirements you identified. Document the gaps identified.
- Provide an explanation of the degree to which each system covered by the audit meets organizational standards and legislative requirements.(recording only whether or not requirements were met does not meet the requirements for the audit
Assessment task 2
Develop a plan for improvements to occupational health and safety systems
In this task you are required to use the results of your workplace health and safety audit to determine an order of priority for the improvement of systems. Once you have established the order of priority, you are to develop and document a plan covering all systems that have not met requirements.
Your plan must include:
- Identification and prioritisation of systems not meeting organizational standards. Prioritisation must be completed based on:
The degree of compliance with relevant legislation and standards
Assessment of the significance of hazards
Cost-benefit analysis
- Proposed strategies and corrective actions for each of the non-complaint systems in line with the organizational culture of your workplace. When considering the type of corrective action needed you must take into account.
Size and location of the workplace
Financial viability of the organization
Existing management systems
Commitment to ISO or other quality management
Your plan, including your proposed strategies and corrective actions, must be approved by your workplace supervisor or manager.
Strategy: to develop health and safety responsibility section in staff’s job description and contract.
Correct actions:
– review staff’s job description and contract,
-. find template in accordance with legislative requirements,
– Confirm with legal ad visor
-Complete health and safety responsibilities section into staff’s job description contract.
– develop a plan to address staffing numbers
-ensure all staff can manage stress well
-health and safety records on organization might be need to keep.
Health and safety act 1992
Duties relating to health and safety in employment, duties of employers in relation to hazards management.
How to identify the hazard:
a, every employer should ensure that there are in place effective methods for manage the hazard.
b, systematically identifying ex sting hazards to employee’s at work.
c, systematically identifying if possible before, and otherwise us, they arise new hazards to employees at work.
d, regularly assessing each hazards identified, and determine whether or not it is a significant hazards.
Strategies for the problem:
develop policies and procedures, health and safety responsibilities in the job description, how we develop things to do infection control, health and safety section in the fixed contract.
Promote health wellbeing in workplace, how we do that
Educate staff how to handle challenge behaviour
Ensure all identified hazard in organization avoided.
Evacuation: natural disaster, training records, document, fires, educate staff fire procedures, ensure staff all trained in fire day.
The company is small size that consists full time staffs and around 20 contracts. Due to the company is facing tough financial time and the feature of their service delivery, the strategy and corrective actions are considered as necessary and economic.
Cultural difference is taken inti account, because of most of staff are from overseas and have english as a second language. A introduction training may be hold if needed. It aims to ensure all staffs receive correct and adequate information about health and safety responsibility. In addition, if the english is difficult for some overseas staff understand, a translation copy could be given, furthermore, a training record is highly recommended as an evidence should the organization ‘ s actions which follow the legislative requirements.
Reference list:
Health and safety in employment act 1992, retrieved from www. http://www. legislation. govt. nz/act/public/1992/0096/latest/whole. html
Health and safety awareness training for workers, retrieved fromhttp://www. labour. gov. on. ca/english/hs/training/