Essay, 20 pages (5000 words)

Rights of allah & the duties of his servants

| “ Rights of Allah & The Duties Of his Servants”” | | “ INTRODUCTION” Allah is One and there is no God except Him. Allah has bestowed immense blessings and innumerable favors on man. Allah’s mercy on man is infinite. Man is the best of Allah’s creations and almost everything created by Him in the heavens and the earth — like sun, moon, stars, plants, gardens, corn, minerals, metals, sea, rivers, rain, mountains, animals, cattle, horses, camels, fish, birds etc. etc. — are directly or indirectly of the benefit or service of man. So for all these blessings and favors, man also owes to Allah certain duties and obligations. In other words there are certain rights of Allah over man which the latter should discharge faithfully and obediently. Man’s duties towards Allah are that man should believe in Him, worship Him alone, praise and glorify Him, be grateful to Him, obey Him, remember Him, pray to Him, fear Him, trust Him, seek refuge to Him, etc. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), in his following traditions, has beautifully summed up rights of Allah on, man and man’s rights on Allah: * Mu’adh said: I was riding behind the Prophet on the back with nothing between him and me but the rear part of the saddle, when he said: “ Do you know, Mu’adh, what Allah has a right to expect from His servants, and what His servants have a right to expect from Allah? ” I replied, “ Allah and His messenger know best”. He said: What Allah has a right to expect from His servants is that they should worship Him, not associating anything with Him, and what the servants have a right to expect from Allah is that He should not punish one who does not associate anything with Him……(Bukhari, Muslim). * Obadah-bin-Swamet reported: I heard the Messenger of Allah say: Whoso bears witness that there is no deity but Allah and Muhammad is the Apostle of Allah, Allah will make Hell unlawful for him. (Muslim) “ RIGHTS OF ALLAH” * BELIEVE IN ALLAH: According to Prophet Muhammad, Islam is founded on five pillars which are: * Profession of belief (Iman) * Prayer (Salat) * Zakat * Fasting for the month of Ramadan * Pilgrimage to Makkah (Hajj) Thus the first and the foremost of the pillars of Islamic faith is the profession of belief. The Qur’an has prescribed for the followers of Islam to believe in Allah the Almighty, in Prophet Muhammad and other Prophets, in Allah’s angels, in Allah’s books including the last book the Qur’an, and in the Hereafter. The belief in Allah is the foremost of all beliefs and hence the most important article of Islamic faith. The Holy Book of Islam calls upon all the mankind to believe in Allah Who is the Almighty and only one God of the universe. Belief in Allah also demands belief in His Oneness. It requires that one must not associate any partner with Allah nor attribute any parents, sons or daughters to Him. The Qur’an says: * The Messenger believes in that which has been revealed unto him from his Lord and (so do) the believers. Each one believes in Allah and His angels and His scriptures and His messengers……(2: 285) * O ye who believe! Believe in Allah and His messengers and the scripture which He has revealed unto His messenger, and the scripture which He revealed aforetime. Whoso disbelieves in Allah and His angels and His scriptures and His messengers and the Last Day, he verily hath wandered far astray. (4: 136) * Lo! Those who believe, and those who are Jews, and Sabeans, and Christians — whosoever believes in Allah and the Last Day and doth right — there shall no fear come upon them neither shall they grieve. (5: 69) * WORSHIP HIM: In the following verses, the revealed book of Islam tells that all the Prophets enjoined their people to worship Allah alone except whom there is no other God. Allah created the mankind and the jinn only that they might worship Him. The Qur’an says: * O Mankind! Worship your Lord, Who has created you and those before you, so that ye may ward off (evil).  (2: 21) *   And serve Allah. Ascribe nothing as partner unto Him…… (4: 36) * Such is Allah, your Lord. There is no God except Him, the Creator of all things, so worship Him. And He takes care of all things. (6: 102) * We sent Noah (of old) unto his people, and he said: “ O my people! Serve Allah. Ye have no other God save Him. Lo! I fear for you the retribution of an Awful Day. ” (7: 59) * And unto (the tribe of) A’ad (We sent) their brother, Hud. He said: O my people! Serve Allah. Ye have no other God save Him. Will ye not ward off (evil)? (7: 65) * And unto (the tribe of) Thamud (We sent) their brother Salih. He said: O my people! Serve Allah, Ye have no other God save Him. He brought you forth from the earth and has made you husband it. So ask forgiveness of Him and turn unto Him repentant. Lo, my Lord is Nigh, Responsive. (11: 61) * And unto Midian (We sent) their brother Shu’eyb. He said: O my people! Serve Allah. Ye have no other God save Him! And give not short measure and short weight. Lo! I see you well-to-do, and lo! I fear for you the doom of a besetting Day.  (11: 84) * And Verily We raised in every nation a messenger, (proclaiming): Serve Allah and shun false gods…… (16: 36) *  And lo! Allah is my Lord and your Lord. So serve Him. That is the right path. (19: 21) * I created the Jinn and humankind only that they might worship Me. (51: 56) * Glorify HIM: Another important duty which a man owes to his Creator and Cherisher is that he should praise and glorify Him at every time, morning, evening, sleeping, walking, standing, lying. One can glorify Allah by using any words silently or loudly. Preferably one should glorify Allah silently in his heart. Words generally used are Allah-o-Akbar (Allah is great), Subhan-Allah (Glory be to Allah), Al-Hamad-o-Lillah (All praise is due to Allah) and La-Illah-Ilallah (There is no god but Allah). In the following verses, the revealed book of Islam, the Qur’an, enjoins upon its followers to praise and glorify their sustainer Lord: * Praise is to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, the Beneficent, and the Merciful. (1: 2-3) * But hymn the praise of thy Lord, and be of those who make prostration (unto Him). (15: 98) * And say: Praise is to Allah, Who has not taken unto Himself a son, and Who has no partner in the Sovereignty, nor has He any protecting friend through dependence. And magnify Him with all magnificence. (17: 111) * So glory is to Allah when ye enter the night and when ye enter the morning. Unto Him be praise in the heavens and the earth!-and at the sun’s decline and in the noonday.  (30: 17-18) * Praise is to Allah, unto Whom belongs whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth. His is the praise in the Hereafter, and He is the Wise, the Aware. (34: 1) * Therefore (O Muhammad), Praise the name of thy Lord, the Tremendous. (56: 74) Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has enjoined his followers to glorify Allah in the following words: * Samorah-b-Jundub reported that the Apostle of Allah said: The most excellent words are four: Glory is to Allah, All praise is for Allah; there is no deity but Allah’: and Allah is greatest. ’ And in a narration: The dearest words near Allah are four: Glory is to Allah, All praise is for Allah’, There is no deity but Allah, and Allah is greatest, It will not injure you with whichever of them you beg. (Bukhari, Muslim) * Abu Hurairah reported that the Apostle of Allah said: That I should utter ‘ Glory is to Allah, ‘ all praise is for Allah, There is no deity but Allah and ‘ Allah is most great’ is dearer to me than everything on which the sun rises. (Muslim) * Abu Hurairah reported that the Apostle of Allah said: Whoso utters in a day ‘ Glory be to Allah, and I begin with His praise’ one hundred times, his faults are forgiven though they are like the waves of the sea. (Bukhari, Muslim) * BE THANKFUL TO HIM: Another most important duty of man towards Allah is that man must express his thankfulness and gratefulness to the Almighty. The act of being thankful to Allah is called ‘ Shukr’ by the Qur’an and one who is grateful is called ‘ Shakir’. Grateful is the person who appreciates kindness shown to him or benefits or gifts given to him. He acknowledges the favor or good done to him and expresses his thanks to the benefactor. Allah is the most Beneficent. He is the greatest benefactor Who has bestowed upon man many gifts, favors and blessings. So man must be very grateful to Allah. Gratefulness to Allah can be expressed by remembering Him, by glorifying Him, by worshiping Him, by obeying what He bids and by abstaining from doing what He forbids, by fearing Him, by trusting in Him, and by so many other means taught to man. Gratefulness can be expressed by heart, by mind and by other bodily organs. Allah is very gracious and He not only acknowledges the gratefulness of His creatures but also promises highest rewards to those who are thankful to Him for His favors. The Qur’an says: * …Lo! Allah is the Lord of kindness to mankind, but most of mankind gives no thanks. (2: 243) * …He who turns back does no hurt to Allah and Allah will reward the thankful. (3: 144) * And when your Lord proclaimed: If ye give thanks, I will give you more; but if ye are thankless, Lo! My punishment is dire.  (14: 7) * So eat of the lawful and good food which Allah hath provided for you, and thank the bounty of your Lord if it is Him ye serve. (16: 14) * …This is of the bounty of my Lord that He may try me whether I give thanks or an ungrateful. Whosoever gives thanks he only gives thanks for (the good of) his own soul; and whosoever is ungrateful (is ungrateful only to his own soul’s hurt. For Lo! My Lord is Absolute in independence, Bountiful. (27: 40) Ahadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) which enjoins gratefulness to Allah are:   * Abu Bakarah reported that when a pleasing affair reached the Messenger of Allah (or he was pleased with it,) he fell down in prostration out of gratefulness to the Almighty Allah.  (Abu Daud, Tirmizi (Approved, Rare) * Ibn Abbas reported that the Messenger of Allah said: Whoso has been gifted with four things has been given the good of this world and the hereafter; a grateful heart, a remembering tongue, a patient body over calamities, and a wife who does not seek breach of trust regarding her and his property.   (Baihaqi) * Abu Ja’far reported that the Messenger of Allah saw a man of the dwarfs and fell down in prostration. (Darqutni, (Defective)) * Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah said: A grateful eater is in the position of a patient fasting man.  (Bukhari) * OBEY HIM: Another duty of man toward Allah is that the man should obey Him and His messengers. Obedience to Allah and His messengers means that whatever the Allah has revealed in His books and whatever His messengers teach the man that should be followed and acted upon in letter and spirit. The people should obey the Divine Laws and should lead their lives in accordance with the injunctions revealed in the books and in accordance with the teachings and precepts of the Prophet of Allah.  The Qur’an enjoins obedience to Allah in its following verses: * Obey Allah and the messenger. But if they turn away, lo! Allah loves not the disbelievers (in His guidance). (3: 32) * And obey Allah and the messenger, that ye may find mercy.  (3: 132) * These are the limits (imposed by) Allah. Whoso obeys Allah and His messenger, He will make him enter Gardens underneath which rivers flow, where such will dwell forever. That will be the great success. And whoso disobeys Allah and His messenger and transgress His limits, He will make him enter Fire, where such will dwell for ever; his will be a shameful doom. (4: 13-14) * Whoso obeys Allah and the messenger, they are with those unto whom Allah hath shown favor, of the Prophets and the saints and the martyrs and the righteous. The best of company are they! (4: 69) * He who obeys Allah and His messenger, and fears Allah, and keeps duty (unto Him): such indeed are the victorious.  (24: 52) * O ye who believe! Obey Allah and obey the messenger, and render not your actions vain. (47: 33) * REMEMBER HIM: Yet another duty of man towards Allah is that man should remember Allah at every time. He should not forget Allah and Allah’s gifts.  The Qur’an says: * Therefore, remember Me, I will remember you. Give thanks to Me, and reject not Me. (2: 152) * And do thou (O Muhammad) remember thy Lord within thyself humbly and with awe, below thy breath, at morn and evening. And be not thou of the neglectful. (7: 205) * Who have believed and whose hearts have rest in the remembrance of Allah. Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest! (13: 28) * And keep yourself patient [by being] with those who call upon their Lord in the morning and the evening, seeking His countenance. And let not your eyes pass beyond them, desiring adornments of the worldly life, and do not obey one whose heart We have made heedless of our remembrance and who follows his desire and whose affair is ever [in] neglect. (18: 28) * Recite that which has been inspired in thee of the Scripture, and establish worship. Lo! Worship preserves from lewdness and iniquity, and verily remembrance of Allah is more important. And Allah knows what ye do.  (29: 45) * O ye who believe! Remember Allah with much remembrance. And glorify Him early and late. (33: 41-42) * And when the prayer is ended, then disperse in the land and seek of Allah’s bounty, and remember Allah much, that ye may be successful. (62: 10) * O ye who believe! Let not your wealth nor do your children distract you from remembrance of Allah. Those who do so, they are the losers. (63: 9) * Remember the name of thy Lord at morn and evening.  (76: 25) * He is successful who grows, And remembers the name of his Lord, so prays.  (87: 14-15) Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has stressed remembrance of Allah in his following traditions: * Abu Hurairah and Abu Sayeed reported that the Apostle of Allah said: If a people keep sitting and remember Allah, the angels surround them, blessing encompasses them, peace descends on them and Allah speaks of them to those near Him. (Muslim) * Abu Musa reported that the Apostle of Allah said: The parable of one who remembers his Lord and one who does not remember, is as the parable of the living and the dead.  (Bukhari, Muslim) * Abu Hurairah reported that the Apostle of Allah said: The Almighty Allah says: I am near My servant when he thinks of Me and I am with him when he remembers Me. If he remembers Me within himself, I remember him within Myself; and if he remembers me in an assembly, I remember him in an assembly better than theirs. (Bukhari, Muslim) * Abu Zarr reported that the Apostle of Allah said: The Almighty Allah says: Whoso does a good, will have ten times like it and I add more; and whoso does an evil, the punishment of an evil is an evil like it or I forgive; and whoso makes approach to Me of one span, I make approach to him of one cubit; and whoso makes approach to Me of one cubit, I make approach to him of one fathom, and whoso comes to Me walking, I come to him running; and whoso meets Me with an earthfull of sins without setting up anything with Me, I come to him with forgiveness like that. (Muslim) * Abu Darda’a reported that the Apostle of All said: Shall I not inform you about the best of your actions, and the purest of them near your Master and the highest of them in your ranks and the more efficacious for you than the expense of gold and silver and better for you than your meeting with your enemies whose necks you smite and who smite your necks. They said: Yes He said: Remembrance of Allah.  (Malik, Ahmad, Tirmizi, Ibn Majah) * PRAY TO HIM: Another obligation of man is that he should call only Allah for help and should pray to Him only for a favor or blessing when he needs one. Man should not spread his hands before anyone and should not be anyone for any of his needs. It is Allah alone who should be begged and prayed in case of need. And when Allah fulfills man’s needs only He should be thanked. No one else should be made partner with Allah in asking for favor and in expressing thankfulness.  The Qur’an says: * And when My servants question thee concerning Me, then surely I am nigh. I answer the prayer of the suppliant when he cries unto Me. So let them hear My call and let them trust in Me, in order that they may be led a right. (2: 186) * Say: O Allah! Owner of Sovereignty! Thou give sovereignty unto whom Thou wilt, and Thou withdraw sovereignty from whom Thou wilt. Thou exalt whom Thou wilt, and Thou abase whom Thou wilt, In Thy hand is the good. Lo! Thou art able to do all things, (3: 26) * And covet not the thing in which Allah has made some of you excel other. Unto men a fortune from that which they have earned, and unto women a fortune from that which they have earned. (Envy not one another) but ask Allah of His bounty. Lo! Allah is ever Knower of all things.  (4: 32) * (O mankind!) Call upon your Lord humbly and in secret. Lo! He loves not aggressors. Work not confusion in the earth after the fair ordering (thereof), and call on Him in fear and hope. Lo! The mercy of Allah is nigh unto the good. (7: 55-56) * Is not He (best) Who answers the wronged one when he cries unto Him and removes the evil, and has made you viceroys of the earth? Is there any God beside Allah? Little do they reflect? (27: 62) * Therefore (O believers) pray unto Allah, making religion pure for Him (only), however much the disbelievers are averse.  (40: 14) * All that are in the heavens and the earth entreat Him.  Every day He exercises (universal) power.  Which is it, of the favors of your Lord that ye deny? (55: 29 — 30) Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has stressed the need of praying to Allah in his following traditions: * Abu Hurairah reported that the Apostle of Allah said: Invoke Allah being certain of response and know that Allah does not respond to the invocation of a careless and absent mind.  (Tirmizi, Rare) * Malek-b-Yasar reported that the Apostle of Allah said: When you beseech Allah, do so with the palms of your hands and don’t beseech Him with their backs upwards. And in a narration reported by Ibn Abbas: He said: Invoke Allah with the surfaces of your palms and invoke not with their backs; when you finish, wipe your faces therewith. (Abu Daud) * Salman reported that the Apostle of Allah said: your Lord is the Ever-living, the Generous. He is ashamed to turn away empty the hands of His servant when he raises them up before Him.  (Tirmizi, Abu Daud, Baihaqi) * Abu Hurairah reported that the Apostle of Allah said: As for three person, their supplications are not refused: a fasting man at the time of Iftar, a just ruler and the supplication of an oppressed man. Allah takes them (invocation) up above the clouds and the doors of heaven are opened up for them. And the Lord says: By my honour, I must give you help though after a while. (Tirmizi) * Abu Hurairah reported that the Apostle of Allah said: Three invocations are granted without any doubt therein: the invocation of a father and the invocation of a traveler and the invocation of an oppressed person.  (Tirmizi, Abu Daud, Ibn Majah) * Salman al-Faresi reported that the Apostle of Allah said: Nothing but invocation averts a decree, and nothing but righteousness increases life. (Tirmizi) * Jaber reported: There is none who invokes for anything but Allah gives him what he beseeches or withholds from him a harm like it, till he does not invoke to commit a sin or to severe a blood tie. (Tirmizi, (Rare)) * Abu Hurairah reported that the Apostle of Allah said: Allah becomes displeased with one who does not invoke him.  (Tirmizi) * FEAR HIM: It is the onerous duty of a man that he should fear Allah and restrain himself from evil. The word used by the Qur’an for the fear of Allah is “ Taqwa” which stands for saving or guarding oneself properly. Those who fear Allah have been called “ Muttaqeen”, the righteous, the Allah-fearing. Taqwa and the verbs and nouns connected with the root, according to Allama Abdullah Yusuf Ali, signify: * Fear of Allah which is the beginning of wisdom * Restraint, or guarding one’s tongue, hand and heart from evil. Muttaqi, according to Allama Muhammad Asad, is Allah-conscious who has awareness of Allah’s all-presence and has desire to mould his existence in the light of this awareness. There are dozens of verses in the Holy Qur’an which ask the believers to fear Allah and which count the innumerable rewards for those who are Allah-fearing. Some of these verses are: (Translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali) * Eat of the things which Allah has provided for you, lawful and good but fear Allah, in whom ye believe.  (5: 91) * O ye who believe! If ye fear Allah, He will grant you a criterion (to judge between right and wrong), remove from you (all) evil (that may afflict you), and forgive you; for Allah is the Lord of grace unbounded. (8: 29) * But (now) enjoy what you took in war, lawful and good: but fear Allah: for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.  (8: 69) * O ye who believe! Fear Allah and be with those who are true (in word and deed). (9: 119) * O ye who believe! Fear Allah and (always) say a word directed to the Right: That He may make your conduct whole and sound and forgive you your sins… (33: 70-71) * So fear Allah as much as you can; listen and obey; and spend in charity for the benefit of your own souls.  (64: 16) Muhammad (PBUH), the Prophet of Islam, in his following traditions has enjoined upon his follower to fear Allah in secret and in public as it contains many merits. * Abu Omamah reported that the Prophet said: nothing is dearer to Allah than two drops…: One drop of tears out of fear of Allah, and drop of bloodshed in the way of Allah……(Tirmizi) * Ibn Abbas reported that the Messenger of Allah said: Two eyes the fire shall not touch them; one eye which wept out of fear of Allah, and one which passed night as a guard in the way of Allah. (Tirmizi) * Abu Dharr said: I asked Allah’s Messenger to give me some instructions and he replied: I enjoin you to fear Allah, for that will be the best adornment for everything that concerns you… (Mishkat-ul-Masabih) * Abu Zarr reported: The Messenger of Allah said to me: Fear Allah wherever you are, and make evil (action) to be followed by good which will efface it; and behave the people with good manners. (Ahmad, Tirmizi) * Abu Hurairah (Allah is pleased with him) has reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was asked: What is that pursuit which will stand foremost to lead a man to Paradise? He replied: Fear of Allah and good conduct. Then he was asked: What is that indulgence which will admit a man to Hell (Fire)? He answered: The mouth and sexual organ. (Tirmizi) * TRUST HIM: Allah is the Most Trustworthy and none of His creatures can be as much trustworthy as He is. Therefore, the Qur’an urges its believers again and again to rely on Allah and to put their trust in Allah Who is the Lord of the Worlds. For trust in Allah the Qur’an uses the word “ Tawwakkal” which means to trust and for those who trust in Allah the word “ Mutawwakkaleen” is used which means those who trust. A true Muslim is he who absolutely submits himself to Allah and entrusts all his affairs to the will of Allah. But reliance on Allah does not mean that one should not take any action, do any work and sit idle entrusting all affairs to Allah believing that He would provide him everything without any action or effort on his part. This is rather sluggishness and not trusts in Allah. At least Islam does not support this passive attitude to life. True reliance on Allah means that a man toils hard and leaves no stone unturned to achieve a goal and then he entrusts the results of his efforts to Allah with the belief that He would bless him with success. According a well-reported tradition, a companion asked the Prophet of Islam: “ Should I not leave my camel free and rely on Allah for its safety? ” “ No”, said the Prophet, “ You must tie the camel and then trust in Allah. ” The Qur’an, the revealed book of Islam, says” “ There is nothing for man but what he strives for” (53: 39). Therefore, one is not supposed to resign himself to idle life and expect from Allah that He would do everything for him. Man’s duty is to set him wholeheartedly to action and then rely on Allah Who would reward him. The Qur’an not only enjoins its followers to put trust in Allah but also quotes the examples of the Prophets who relied on Allah and who were rewarded for their trust.  It says: * ……And when thou art resolved, then put thy trust in Allah. Lo! Allah loves those who put their trust (in Him).  (3: 159) * If Allah is your helper none can overcome you, and if He withdraws His help from you, who is there who can help you? In Allah let believers put their trust. (3: 160) * They only are the (true) believers whose hearts feel fear when Allah is mentioned and when the revelations of Allah are recited unto them they increase their faith, and who trust in their Lord; (8: 2) * And if they incline to peace, incline thou also to it, and trust in Allah. Lo! He is the Hearer, the Knower. (8: 61) * Say: Naught befalls us save that which Allah hath decreed for us. He is our Protecting Friend. In Allah let believers put their trust! (9: 51) * Now, if they turn away (O Muhammad) say: Allah suffices me. There is no God save Him. In Him have I put my trust and he is Lord of the Tremendous Throne. (9: 129) * How should we not put our trust in Allah when He has shown us our ways? We surely will endure the hurt ye do us. In Allah let the trusting put their trust! (14: 12) * And trust thou in the Living One Who dies not, and hymn His praise. He suffices as the Knower of His bondmen’s sins: (25: 58) Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has emphasized the merits of trust in Allah in his following traditions: * Ibn Abbas reported that the Messenger of Allah said: 70, 000 of my followers shall enter Paradise without account. They are those who do not seek charms, nor consider bad omens; but on their Lord, do they rely. (Bukhari, Muslim) * Omar-ibn-Al-Khattab reported: I heard the Messenger of Allah say: If you all had relied on Allah with due reliance, He would have certainly given you provision as He supplies provision to birds who get up hungry in the morning and return with full belly at dusk. (Tirmizi, Ibn Majah) * SEEK REFUGE TO ALLAH: Satan (the Devil) is number one enemy of man since the day Allah created Adam and bade all the angles and the Satan to prostrate before him. The angels prostrated but the Satan refused. From that day the Satan became a sworn enemy of man and he tries to harm man at every opportunity and in every way. So the Qur’an teaches the man to seek refuge of Allah against the Satan, against Satan’s minions and against every harmful and dangerous thing. It says: * And when thou recite the Qur’an seek refuge in Allah from Satan the outcast. Lo! He has no power on those who believe and put trust in their Lord. (16: 98-99) * Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of Daybreak. From the evil of that which He created; from the evil of the darkness when it is intense, and from the evil of malignant witchcraft, and from the evil of the envier when he envies. (113: 1-5) * Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind, the King of mankind, the God of mankind, from the evil of the sneaking whisperer, who whispers in hearts of mankind, of the Jinn and of mankind. (114: 1-6) Ahadith (Traditions) of Prophet Muhammad which enjoin seeking refuge of God are: * Abu Hurairah reported that the Apostle of Allah said: Seek protection from Allah from the turmoil’s of calamities, attacks of misfortunes, the evils of decree and the joys of the enemies.  (Bukhari, Muslim) * Anas reported that the Prophet used to say: O Allah, I seek refuge to Thee from cares, anxieties, weakness, and indolence, cowardice, and miserliness, burden of debt and attack of men. (Bukhari, Muslim) * Ayesha reported that the Prophet used to say: O Allah! I seek refuge to Thee from idleness, infirmity, and debts and sins. O Allah! I seek refuge to Thee from chastisement of the Fire, the trials of the Fire, the trials of the grave, the punishment of the grave, the evils of the trials of riches, the evils of the trials of poverty and the evils of the trials of one-eyed Dajjal. O Allah! Wash of my sins with the water of ice and cold and cleanse my heart as the white cloth is cleansed of its impurities, and keep a distance between me and my sins as Thou hast kept the distance between the East and the West. “ CONCLUSION” The natural right of Allah, the Almighty, is the one to be fulfilled wholeheartedly. Consequently, all the matters related to it in terms of full belief, Salah “ prayer”, Zakah “ charity or poor dues”, swam “ fasting” and Hajj “ pilgrimage” must be practiced, observed and maintained on regular basis. All other facts, duties and requirements that Islam require from the believers are only required when there is a need for them, such as Jihad ( fight and struggle, holy war) for the cause of Allah, the Almighty supporting the cause of injustice to men when it occurs and needs support. Dear fellow man! Examine this right of Allah, the Almighty. It is easy to fulfill, maintain and observe. It is also insignificant in terms of required applications; yet, it is so great unvalued and reward for those who observe it and perform whatever it entails. Observers of such right will live happily in this life, the hereafter, salvaged from the Hell-fire and will be rewarded with permanent abode in Jannah (paradise) as Allah, the Almighty stated in the glorious Quran:   “ Every soul will taste death, and you will only be given your [full] compensation on the Day of Resurrection. So he who is drawn away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise has attained [his desire]. And what is the life of this world except the enjoyment of delusion. ” “ References” (For the Verses of Quran) www. quran. com (For Details) www. jamiat. org. za www. islam. net www. islamhelpline. com

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AssignBuster. "Rights of allah & the duties of his servants." September 11, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/rights-of-allah-the-duties-of-his-servants/.

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"Rights of allah & the duties of his servants." AssignBuster, 11 Sept. 2022, assignbuster.com/rights-of-allah-the-duties-of-his-servants/.

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