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Relaxing & energizing

PE 305: APPLIED SPORT PSYCHOLOGY Case Study 9 –Relaxing & Energizing Our Way to Success Psyched Out Runner — George is a collegiate distance runner who has problems practicing and competing at his best because he is often under or overaroused. George has trouble getting psyched up effectively for workouts, particularly when he knows that the coach has a tough workout planned, because he feels lethargic and flat. Conversely, he is often too psyched up for races, wasting a lot of energy worrying about how he’ll perform, and getting so nervous at the start of races that he often goes out at too fast of a pace and has no energy left to finish the race. George has no idea why his energy level is so different from practices to races, but he sees this problem as a major obstacle to developing as a runner and performing to his potential.
Cindy Frederickson, George’s coach thinks he needs to develop relaxation and energization skills needed to control his arousal during practice and competition. Based on your knowledge of both relaxation and energization, answer the following four questions that relate to developing and implementing these critical mental training tools. Explain the rationale for your answers thoroughly, citing important information from the book and lectures. Your rationale will count as much as your actual response.
1. What mental training tool should George use to lower his arousal level when he gets nervous? Relaxation is the ability to decrease unwanted muscular tension, reduce excessive activation of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), and calm the mind by eliminating unwanted thoughts.
a. How about raising his psych level when he’s unmotivated for practice? Energization is the ability to arouse the body by increasing muscular strength and power, stimulate the activation of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), and invigorate the mind with energizing thoughts.
b. Why? The process of speeding up heart rate and respiration, increasing sweating, stimulating greater blood flow to the muscles, and enhancing automated brain activity.
2. What is the difference between relaxation and energization? Relaxation is to help you lower your arousal. Energization is to help you increase arousal. Between Total Relaxation/ Energization and Rapid Relaxation? Total takes more time. How can George use each? When he is overly anxious he should use relaxation. When he is lethargic he should use energization.
3. What are the benefits George can get from developing Total Relaxation skills? Alleviate chronic stress and enjoy life more fully.
Promote recovery from workouts and injuries.
Enhance the quality of sleep, particularly before competition or on the road.
Develop rapid relaxation skills.
Rapid Relaxation skills? He can lower his arousal level quickly when necessary. Rapid Energization skills? He can summon energy when he needs it.
4. What is the best process for helping George develop Total Relaxation?
Diaphragmic breathing.
Imagery relaxation.
Progressive muscle relaxation.
Self-directed relaxation.
Rapid Relaxation? Use cue words and deep diaphragmic breathing to trigger relaxation in 3-5 seconds.

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AssignBuster. (2022) 'Relaxing & energizing'. 19 January.


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AssignBuster. 2022. "Relaxing & energizing." January 19, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/relaxing-energizing/.

1. AssignBuster. "Relaxing & energizing." January 19, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/relaxing-energizing/.


AssignBuster. "Relaxing & energizing." January 19, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/relaxing-energizing/.

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"Relaxing & energizing." AssignBuster, 19 Jan. 2022, assignbuster.com/relaxing-energizing/.

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