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Public figures essay sample essay

Public figures are those who have got their places through the pick of their people. people who have been elected to take the state or who hold responsible places in their societies. They are people like royalty.

presidents. premier curates. curates and members of parliament. To this we could add Judgess. public prosecuting officers and other of import civil retainers.

It is true that they are frequently the topic of intelligence hounds. Public figures are frequently reported at length on all their activities and rather a batch of it concerns their private lives. The inquiry is should their public lives be an unfastened book and should we all be concerned about what they do in their ain clip? Can we pull a line and say that they should be merely like other top direction people of big corporations. These people seem to be at autonomy to make what they like in their ain clip. Few peo? ple. even the media.

attention if they cheat on their married womans every bit long as they are honest in their occupations and do non interrupt the jurisprudence. However at that place seems to be batch of concern about what a curate does – at all times. First of all it seems logical that powerful people need to be watched more closely than ordinary people. The grounds are simple. They could mistreat their powers.

This has happened rather frequently all over the universe. Besides. if they fall. they will take many down with them. If a curate falls.

he may take his party down with him ; if an ordinary adult male falls. there will non be much effect. Merely his household may endure with him. Much more is at interest when a public figure errs and thereby causes ripples throughout the state. A curate holding an extra-marital matter is a seri? ous thing in most states. The premiss is that a adult male who cheats on his married woman is non to be trusted with the fate of the state.

It seems that if he is dishonest in one country. he is likely to be dishonest in other countries excessively. For this ground. public figures are closely watched by the media and reported on regularly.

Media coverage of public figures should be near and the people should be informed about what their leaders are making. This applies to their private lives up to a point. The media should merely watch and describe on public figures if what they are making is illegal or immoral or if it would impact the state in a damaging manner. There are some cases where it is evident that the public figures are non up to any scruple but are making something they would instead make in private.

A public figure is a male parent ( or female parent ) excessively and he may desire to hold a quiet excursion to a secluded topographic point with his kids. He may desire privateness. In such instances his privateness should be respected. After all he is a human being and may merely wish to be on his ain and unwatched.

Again his domestic personal businesss should be left entirely. Just like other households. he may hold a rebellious adolescent or a bibulous brother. If they do non impact the public figure’s occupation or place in any manner. the media should go forth them entirely.

Nothing is to be gained by covering such subjects merely for the interest of intelligence. The media acts as a ticker Canis familiaris over public figures who are expected to populate in self-respect. However. coverage should be merely on those affairs which would impact the standing of the province.

or moral issues which are frowned upon by the people of the province. In some instances. such issues differ from state to state. For illustration in some states a curate holding a kept woman would be adequate to destroy his calling and damage his party. whereas in others.

such behavior is considered acceptable. The media should besides go forth entirely issues which are private to the public fig? ures but which have no bearing on their offices and would non compromise them. Mentions: Jacqueline Trescott. “ History’s New Look. ” Washington Post.

September 18. 2004. Libby Copeland. “ Guiding Spirit. ” Washington Post. September 15.

2004. Mary Carole McCauley. “ Honoring the Spirit of the Day. ” Baltimore Sun.

September 22. 2004. Paul Richard. “ Shards of Many Untold Stories. ” Washington Post. September28.

2004. Thomas W. Sweeney. interview by Akim D.

Reinhardt. January 4. 2004.

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"Public figures essay sample essay." AssignBuster, 15 Jan. 2022, assignbuster.com/public-figures-essay-sample-essay/.

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