Essay, 9 pages (2000 words)

Professor right or wrong. in this paper,

ProfessorWilhelmENG11210December 2017Global Warming            In the last few decades, globalwarming has become an increasingly discussed topic. However, in recent yearsand especially following the 2016 presidential election, speculation surroundingthe topic is at an all-time high.

Typically, there is little debate on if thisphenomenon exists as there is a wide-spread consensus among the scientificcommunity that this is a real occurrence. There are still individuals who denythe existence of global warming but they make up a small percentage of thepopulation. Rather, it is over if global warming is a legitimate threat tohumanity and our planet as a whole. In addition, there is also speculationabout what impact humanity has on global warming and how great this impact reallyis. The second argument is intriguing because evidence has been found, throughmultiple scientific studies that have been conducted on global warming, that humanactivity has an impact and is the greatest impact of them all. The issue ofclimate change should not be a bipartisan one, but should be dealt with byunited parties where the focus is on the greater good of our planet andhumanity rather than who is right or wrong.

In this paper, I will be discussingthe different factors that contribute to the planet’s changing climate patterns. These changing climate patterns have an impact on global warming. Multiplescholarly articles have examined the previous statistical data that providesevidence for the existence of global warming while also looking at research studiesthat are currently being conducted. A number of scientific studies have found evidencethat there have been changes in the Earth’s overall climate, more specificallythat, “ Over the last 100 years the average temperature on the Earth has risenapproximately 1°Fahrenheit (F), increasing at a rate twice as fast as has beennoted for any period in the last 1, 000 years” (Afzal). Secondly, statisticaldata from different scientific studies will be used to discuss the specificimpacts that contributing factors have on this phenomenon. Some of thereoccurring topics within these studies include ozone layer depletion, healthissues that stem from global warming, and weather patterns along with the naturaldisasters that may accompany them.

As stated earlier, there is also a stronginterest within the scientific community in the factors that are related todifferent human activities. According to a research study conducted by theIPCC, “…most of the global warming changes are attributable to humanactivities; the Pew Center on Climate Change (2001) has noted that globalwarming is largely the result of emissions of carbon dioxide and othergreenhouse gases from human activities, including industrial processes, fossilfuel combustion, and changes in land use, such as deforestation” (2). The specificimpact that these contributing factors have on the overall issue of changingclimate patterns will also be discussed in further detail later within this paper.            The public’s opinion on globalwarming has a larger impact on the acknowledgment of its existence than mostwould assume.

For example, the way that global warming is referred to or thecontext it is in may impact an individual’s viewpoint on the topic. A study wasconducted in 2016 that found 85. 8% of individuals agree with the existence of “ climatechange” while only 80. 9% agree that it exists when it is referred to as “ globalwarming” (Schuldt). This study also found evidence that this difference is muchgreater when comparing samples of Democrats and Republicans, with Democratsbeing the more flexible party with its label. Democrats, regardless of the termused, had a higher consensus of the existence of global warming at 94%. However, approximately 10% more of the individuals who identified as Republicanagreed with the existence of climate change over global warming (2). Anotherstudy conducted examined additional factors that contribute to a lack of beliefin global warming.

One factor, in addition to what political party a person identifieswith, was an individual’s religious affiliation. One man performed a study thatcombined data obtained from the 2012 American National Election study and theUnited States Historical Climatology Network’s monthly temperature log to showthat the evangelical fundamentalist viewpoint had the highest correlation with adenial of global warming along with its human implications (Shao). Publicopinion on global warming is best described as a domino effect. Gainingknowledge on such a detrimental, world changing phenomenon is an incrediblyimportant duty that we as Earth’s inhabitants have. Reaching the conclusionthat humans are the leading cause for global warming is the first and most importantstep we can take. Taking this step leads us to the next, which is intervention.

A common ideology is that the effects of global warming will not be seen in ourlifetime and that they will not be visible for hundreds of years. This issimply false. The effects of global warming have been occurring for years andcontinue to happen today. If individuals are made aware of the impact that theyhave on our planet and the impacts global warming can have on us personally orour family members, it will change the minds of those who are in question.

As previously mentioned, there arenegative health implications that come along with the growing threat of ourplanet’s increasing climate changes. One of the negative impacts global warmingmay have on an individual would be their respiratory health. A study using a groupof adults from the Netherlands and the United Kingdom set out to provideevidence that in areas of high air pollution, a factor in global warming thatis mostly due to human activities, there were higher rates of individuals withwheezing and shortness of breath. This study concluded that when these adultswere exposed to particulate matter as well as nitrogen dioxide air pollution, their wheezing and inability to catch their breath increased (Dorion). Eventhough this study was completed outside of the United States, it does not meanthat a similar situation cannot occur here as well. Air pollution is not anissue that is present solely in other countries.

Air pollution is an issue theUnited States deals with as well; one that has sparked discussions in differentcities across the country on how to combat this problem. The respiratoryproblems observed in these individuals exposed to these high levels of airpollution could be seen in different locations across the country, if they havenot been observed already.             Decreasing birth weights in infantsis an additional negative health phenomenon that is correlated with the Earth’schanging climate.

A study examined data from nineteen different Africancountries to find evidence there is a relationship between patterns of precipitationand temperature with birth weights in children. Data collected during the studyprovided evidence that there is indeed a relationship but that it, similar to publicopinion, is a domino effect one. It found an inverse relationship betweentemperature and precipitation.

As temperatures increased, there was an observeddecrease in precipitation. This pattern would cause the affected communities tosuffer from an unstable food and water supply. As a result, children would havelower birth weights (Grace). The article also examined the potential for thispattern to continue through many generations as women who were underweight whenthey were infants are more likely to give birth to children who are underweightas well (2).             Lastly, an additional health repercussiondue to global warming is the interference it has with TB (tuberculosis)treatment. The study that was conducted surrounding this interference focuseson just one specific type of air pollution, traffic related.

The sample used forthis study was a group of individuals who were going through TB treatment andlived in California at the time. A correlation was found between air pollution dueto cars and mortality rates during these treatments (Blount). The group of individualswho conducted this research was also able to adjust it around multiple outlyingvariables such as demographics, additional health problems and different healthhistories, and socioeconomic factors (2). This study is one that I have apersonal connection to, as one of my family members who resides in California wasgoing through TB treatment.  I would havehad no idea that something I do on a daily basis could be interfering with myown family member’s health and recovery if I had not done the proper research. Another issue that is highly debated withinthe scientific community, along with members of the general public, is that ofthe depletion of our ozone layer.

Studies conducted over the last few decadeshave found evidence proving that there is depletion of the ozone layer that hasbeen occurring for some time. In fact, a study done by R. L. McKenzie and othersexplicitly states in its findings that, “ There are strong interactions betweenozone depletion and changes in climate induced by increasing greenhouse gases(GHGs).

Ozone depletion affects climate, and climate change affects ozone” (McKenzie). Along with the previously stated interactions, this depletion is having animpact on global weather patterns and the increasing frequency of severenatural disasters. It is clear with the recent hurricanes surrounding theAtlantic Ocean that global warming should be taken seriously. Natural disasterssimilar in severity have been occurring more frequently and have requiredgovernment intervention. These interventions include providing medical care to victimsalong with efforts to help stimulate the ruined economies of said effectedplaces.

The repairs that are needed after these disasters can cost governmentsmillions of dollars and the money needed will only increase along with the disasters’severity. For example, one study showed that the average intensity of ahurricane may go up anywhere between 1. 8% and 4. 2% and in comparison to thelast two centuries, the lifetime intensity of the hurricanes may reach amaximum increase of 5. 3% (Balaguru).

The government has a responsibility to examinethe impact we have on our planet and to take the necessary steps to ensure weare investing resources into researching this topic further. Many people are increasingly questioningwhy we do not already have more thorough research on this topic along with legislationin place to aid in eliminating as much damage to our planet as possible. Astudy done by James Hein addresses this question. Hein’s research found thatthe criticism and objection by the nation’s top business executives are the reasonswhy the United States still does not have an effective policy regarding globalwarming (Hein and Jenkins). The criticism these individuals, among othermembers of our country, have against global warming is that it either does notexist at all, or that humans have no input on it when both of these things havebeen proven to be untrue. This is why it is our duty as inhabitants of ourplanet to do what we can as citizens to reduce the effects of global warming. Some of the things we can do to lessenthe negative effects of global warming can also be done at home.

One way we cando this is by buying energy-efficient household appliances such as washers anddryers. Another way we can reduce our contribution to climate change and theoverall heating of our planet is to take public transportation or begin makinga shift to driving electric cars. This would make a huge difference in theamount of air pollution we release into our environment on a daily basis. Thelast and most obvious way to help would be to begin recycling if you do not doso already. There are also things you can do outside of the home to help reducethe effects of global warming. One option is bringing your at home recyclinghabits to the workplace and encouraging others to participate as well.  Some places of work still incinerate theirused or disregarded materials instead of recycling them and this worsens ouralready polluted air supply.

Now that some of the things citizens cando to make an impact on global warming have been established, another topic ofdiscussion should be what the government can do to help. As I previouslydiscussed in this paper, climate change is an issue of speculation among thecorporate elites of our society. A scholarly journal written by Shane J. Ralstandiscusses a possible solution to our planets increasing climate and how toreach that goal. He suggests first that we raise awareness and then begin thegeoengineering process. He states that this process will at least improve thecurrent state of our planet if not completely reverse global warming as a whole(Ralstan).

Another way we can make an impact on global warming is to stopwaiting for government level intervention. With the state that our planet isin, we cannot afford to wait for the government to step up and do something. Anotherjournal suggests that we do the same as well as begin to make improvements onthe state level. As one example, it discusses the Healthy Air Act that wasintroduced in 2006 in Maryland (Afzal).

This Act was created with intent toreduce carbon emissions from power plants. This goes to show that not everythinghas to be done on a national level in order for it to be heard or to make animpact of some degree. Making a simple phone call or writing a letter to yourSenator or House Representative expressing your concern about global warming isa great way to start.            In conclusion, our job as occupantsof this planet is to take care of it and to respect it. This notion should beset aside from all political or religious affiliations since it falls nowherenear either of these categories (even though that is what it is made out tobe). Our planet is abused on a daily basis by our own activities. Our lack ofrecycling, deforestation, fossil fuel combustion, and numerous other methods ofpolluting our planet has brought us where we are today.

It is our job to dowhat we can to reduce the effects of global warming and that includes spreadingawareness.                      Afzal, Brenda M.. “ Global Warming: A Public Health Concern.” Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, vol. 12, no. 2, 2007, pp. 2.

EBSCOhost, Balaguru, Karthik, et al. “ Future hurricane storm surge risk for the U. S. gulf andFlorida coastsbased on projections of thermodynamicpotential intensity.

” Climatic Change, vol. 138,       no. 1-2, Fall 2016, pp. 99-110. EBSCOhost, doi: 10. 1007/s10584-016-1728-8. Blount, Robert J., et al.

“ Traffic-Related Air Pollution and All-Cause Mortality duringTuberculosis Treatment in California.” Environ Health Perspect, vol. 125, no. 9, Fall2017. EBSCOhost, doi: 10. 1289/EHP1699. Doiron, Dany, et al.

“ Residential Air Pollution and Associations with Wheeze andShortness of Breath in Adults: A Combined Analysis ofCross-Sectional Data from Two Large EuropeanCohorts.” Environmental HealthPerspectives, vol. 125, no. 9, Fall 2017, pp. 097025(-97023). EBSCOhost, doi: 10. 1289/EHP1353.

Grace, Kathryn, et al. “ Linking climate change and health outcomes: Examining therelationshipbetween temperature, precipitation andbirth weight in Africa.” GlobalEnvironmental            Change, vol. 35, Winter 2015, pp. 125-137. EBSCOhost, doi: 10.

1016/j. gloenvcha. 2015. 06. 010. Hein, James E. & J.

Craig Jenkins. “ Why does the United States lack a globalwarming policy? The corporate inner circle versus publicinterest sector elites.” EnvironmentalPolitics, vol.

26, no. 1, 2017, pp. 97-117.

EBSCOhost, doi: 10. 1080/09644016. McKenzie, R. L., et al. “ Ozone depletion and climate change: impacts on UV radiation.” Photochemical& Photobiological Sciences, no. 2, Winter 2011, pp.

182-198. EBSCOhost, doi: 10. 1039/C0PP90034F.

Ralstan, Shane J.. “ Engineering an Artful and Ethical Solution to the Problem of Global Warming.

” Review of Policy Research, vol. 26, no. 6, Nov. 2009, pp. 821-837. EBSCOhost, doi: 10.

1111/j. 1541-1338. 2009. 00419. Schuldt, J. P.

, Enns, P. K. & Cavaliere.

“ Does the label really matter? Evidence thatthe US public continues to doubt ‘ global warming’ more than ‘ climate change’.” Climate Change, vol. 143, no. 1-2, July2017, pp. 271-280.

EBSCOhost, doi: 10. 1007/s10584-017-1993-1 Shao, Wanyun. “ Weather, climate, politics, or God? Determinants of American publicopinions toward global warming.” Environmental Politics, vol.

26, no. 1, 2017, pp. 71-96. EBSCOhost, doi: 10. 1080/09644016.

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