Physical aims to estimate the overall health status and note anyparticular chronic health problems.
It identifies selected health problemsrelated to substance use and sexual behavior. Hospital and doctor visits anduse of medication are inventoried. School and work determines the current school or employment status. Thechecklist assesses any particular school and work related problems associatedwith classroom performance, adjustment to the school or work situation, attendanceand motivation. Participation in other educational, training or structuredprograms for clients not enrolled in regular school are determined.
Social aims to assess current interests, social activities and peerrelationships, with particular attention to substance-use, anti-social, andcriminal related behaviors. It determines the lack of social interaction, social withdrawal and peer-group victimization. The social area also aims todetermine high risk sexual behaviors. Family assesses serious problems (alcohol, psychiatric etc) or handicapsof the parents and siblings. It gives information about current inter-familyrelationships.
It screens for emotional physical and sexual abuse of theclient. The area identifies selected negative household roles and behaviors ofthe adolescent client. Psychology assesses current and past experience withemotional/psychological treatment services.
Psychological heath is assessed byresponses to a checklist of 16 current psychological problems and by responsesto a list of 10 relatively more serious symptoms, psychiatric conditions andbehavior patterns. Criminality concerns problems with the law and criminal behavior. Itinventories current problem status with police and courts. The checklist asksabout 16 different offences, including 7 violent offences. Of every activity, age of debut and frequency the last three months are asked. Alcohol and Drugs assesses different kinds of substance use/abuse andaddiction by eliciting age of first use, frequency of use and duration of usefor 13 different substances, including alcohol and tobacco. Symptoms of addiction and risk behavior areinventoried as is former treatment for substance abuse.