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Obesity – college essay

Some of the health robbers that are caused by and associated with childhood obesity are physical, psychological and social. Effective strategies are being used not only to prevent childhood obesity but to control it and somehow reverse the effects of childhood obesity. Some of the various factors influencing childhood obesity, a variety of interventions and governmental actions, social media, media will help in getting this epidemic under control.

There are some principles that will need to be looked at when society, as a whole, deals with and learns to combat childhood obesity. Some of hose are how academic knowledge will impact the communities that are involved, and how being an active citizen locally and globally is going to be helpful and finally how research and knowing whether or not the research information is going to be helpful or a hindrance in trying to fight this horrible and deadly epidemic called childhood obesity.

While there is no debate whether childhood obesity is a problem, the debate should begin with acknowledging the problem and making the life style changes that can control what foods children eat and what parents and caregivers allow the children to eat. The obesity epidemic can change if people make the conscience effort to want to change the way they live. Some ways are having and making sure parents and caregivers are educated and learn the knowledge through various of ways(such as the internet) to learn facts about the proper way to cook and prepare and buy food.

Parents and caregivers need to make sure children are active and stay active. Parents, caregivers and educators should be involved in critical thinking ways to have the proper education on childhood obesity, that way they can teach the children the whey’s and the how’s of being active and eating healthy. Critical thinking “ is that mode of thinking ? about any subject, content, or problem ? in which the thinker improves the quality of his or her thinking by skillfully analyzing, assessing, and reconstructing it. “(www. Circumnavigating. Erg) When researching information on childhood obesity it is important to use critical thinking in order to know whether or not the information the researcher is gathering is true, accurate and being used in the proper context. These are important to get the results the researcher needs to move forward. One of the tools that a researcher can use to gain knowledge about childhood obesity are scholarly articles that have been written and then evaluated by others, approved then published. In 2010, Regina Benjamin, the current Surgeon General of the United States, released a message and an article about the obesity epidemic affecting the country.

Dry. Benjamin is quoted as saying “ Every one of us has an important role to play in the prevention and control of obesity. Mothers, fathers, teachers, business executives, child care professionals, clinicians, politicians, and government and community leaders-we must all commit to changes that promote health and wellness of our families and communities. (US Dept of Health, 2010) In this article there are several points that seem to be effective if the tools and resources were available to everybody who would not only need them but that would benefit from using them.

The information in the article is very well thought out and obviously highly researched through government availabilities. They have found that the rate of obesity has increased more than 20% in the last twenty-five years. It has gone from 5% to 17% Just in children. (US Dept of Health, 2010) What this article does say is that the majority of children that are obese is that of ethnic origin. More people and more children of African-American and Hispanic backgrounds are considerably overweight more than that of any other race or ethnic background.

This shouldn’t matter, obese in children is still the same problem no matter the race or ethnic background, something this article leaves out. Some of the things that are agreed upon is that the reasons and the causes of childhood obesity is the same across the board. The cause all seem to stem from high caloric intake with no activity, genes are a factor, metabolism, behavior, environment and one’s culture also plays a very important role in what is causing hillier to be obese. The information, the studies and the research that led to the results of this article are valid and thorough.

The article offers a lot of ideas of how everyone that is involved in the raising of children can and should do to make sure that children do not become overweight, and if they have already then there is more than enough information to help the families and schools to help and teach one another to help and teach the children. With the knowledge gained from this article and the tools that can be utilized childhood obesity should heading in a downward spiral. And if that is the case then things like healthcare and medical should go down, which will save people money.

If people don’t have to spend so money on healthcare they will have more money in there pockets and with more money in there pockets they will be able to afford good, healthy fresh foods for them and their children. So in the end this article proves to be valid and in turn can be used to not only prevent childhood obesity but to change and control and possibly reverse the amazing amount of damage that it has caused. In the article Childhood Obesity in the United States released by the Centers for Disease Control(CDC) was also very informative.

This one although is really specific towards low income and inner city based communities and the lack of healthy, fresh foods. But what they have failed to realized in this article is the fact that this problem is everywhere. There is some bias in this article in the fact that the CDC says that “ mothers who don’t breastfeed their babies could be the leading cause of older childhood obesity. “(CDC, 2011) So this article is stating that mothers who breastfeed from birth to roughly six months had a lower risk of that child becoming obese when they were older.

But the article did not talk about the mothers who breast fed their children who themselves are not eating healthy. The one valid and informative point made in this article is the way to increase the level of activity and lessen the consumption of high dense, high caloric foods. In the poverty level and the lowest income level of communities are the highest childhood obesity rates and the biggest issues for these communities. And because of that the government and the programs run by the government can come into these communities and essentially take over the way people eat and stay active and can and will help control the obesity epidemic.

These low income communities will be able to have and gain access to programs, ideas, foods and community involvements trough government funding that has been specified for these reasons. Problem is with this article is the childhood obesity problem is everywhere not Just in low income communities. Middle class and upper class child are Just as susceptible to being overweight and obese, they Just have different factors and different environments that cause it. In those type environments the inactivity of the children are a huge cause of children and teenagers to be overweight and be obese.

In the article titled Childhood Obesity: A Societal Problem to Solve, it’s main focus is who to blame for the childhood obesity epidemic in the United States. Unlike the other articles, this one says the “ treatment and prevention of childhood obesity are to be considered the responsibility of the individual children and their parents. “(Schwartz, 2002) There are several issues with the theory of this. First, when children are too young to pick and choose the food they want and have to rely completely on what their parents feed them, then the fault is taken way for those kids.

Second, a parent’s Job is to make sure they feed their children is a safe and nutritious manner. The whole theory about anyone else being responsible for the obesity of children is not in this article. The author of the article does have some very valid and informative points and a lot of the way the author thinks is in a societal aspect. He believes that parents get such conflicting information and there is such a stabilization on obese children and their parents get the backlash of it all. Society, mostly through media, puts a very large target on the backs of children and their parents when they are all overweight.

The article focuses more on changing the way people and society think instead of teaching people and society to change eating habits, to get more active and to make better choices. Not Just for the adults but also for the children and once that is I motion then maybe people and society can focus on maintaining a fit an healthy lifestyle. So while this article was very interesting and informative and even offered some suggestions and ideas about how society can look at and not be so Judgmental about childhood obesity, there is no focus on the real issues and the real problems.

And once that is figured out then the reductions of there things will fall into place. Medical issues, healthcare costs and mental issues and the cost of that will all decrease. The only thing missing from this article is that there is more factors than the parents of children that are at fault. According to Harvard University, globalization “ means the inexorable spread of knowledge, technology, culture and capital from country to country and has been a force between go and bad. “(Harvard. Du) Some of the good is it has taken a lot of people out of poverty which and reduced the hunger and diseases which of course makes the quality of life better. The downside of that is because of those specific social and economic shifting it has caused people to become wealthy and it appears that the more money people have the heavier they are getting. And this is affecting not Just the United States but other countries as well. Over the last twenty years obesity seemed to be affecting people and children in the United States the most. “ An estimated 500 million adults worldwide are obese and 1. Billion are overweight or obese. And if recent trends continue unabated, nearly 60 percent of the world’s population? 3. 3 billion people? could be overweight (2. Billion) or obese (1. 1 billion) by 2030. “(Harvard. Due) that trend is way too high and people need to learn knowledge and education is going to be the only thing that is going to change the world to be healthier. Overweight children are more predisposed to the danger of becoming overweight in their adulthood unless they make sure they are eating healthier and exercising more.

But all of this is worth noting that the current lifestyle in which a lot of these children live does consist of eating a lot of sugary, fatty and spending a lot of time watching television or sitting playing video games. Advertising lays a very large part in this problem also. Advertising for fast food restaurants and cheap and unhealthy foods convince people that that is all they are worth. For overworked parents of children, late nights can usually be a parent Just stops by the closest fast food restaurant and buys dinner for the family.

Doing this more than once or twice a week is going to cause issues with children who are trying to grow mentally and physically. There are some behavioral factors which can cause childhood or adult obesity. There are times when children eat more or consume more energy through food an drink which may not be appropriately utilized. Children could or may eat larger portions of foods, or foods that are high in sugar, and energy-rich type foods. Which means that energy intake is higher that what energy is being spent. This is what can also lead to being overweight.

Kids who are lacking in physical activity also is responsible in it’s role in obesity. Because of the means and ways for kids to be exposed to technology, it is giving them reasons to stay inside and lead a sedentary lifestyle. With computers, phones, tablets, video games and the television children just seem to have a want or a reason to want to go outside and play and stay active. So when they eat the calories are Just sitting there and not being used properly which in turn is leading to more children becoming obese.

All of these behaviors is a horrible cycle that needs to be broken or the vicious circle will continue. What also makes this worse is the advertising of energy rich and sugary foods that do their best to market and influence and target children into making unhealthy choices. Environmental factors are also a huge influence on childhood obesity. Because it is those factors that will and do surround the children and influence their food intake and physical activity. Environmental factors are seen all throughout a child’s life, at home, in school and even in their community.

When a child is a t home, the interaction that a child has with a parent is very important because it is the parents who can and should influence the child into the right food choices and can promote healthy living and making good food choices and making sure they stay active. When a community is lacking in those things then it does make it harder for the parents and the children to be able to access and afford healthy foods. And if there in unsafe neighborhoods the children are less likely to go outside and play.

There are also so many intervention based things that people can wither do or be a part of or do research for in order to prevent, educate and eventually cure childhood obesity. Knowledge goes a long way in learning about certain aspects of any subject. In the subject of childhood obesity, some of the interventions include school, community, playing and even hospital or medical based interventions. All of these tools are available to everyone who is willing and interested in the prevention of childhood obesity.

In the school based intervention, this is very important because children will spend most of their time at school. So it goes without saying that school plays a very important role in the life of a child. A lot of schools are being and getting involved in the Let’s Move Campaign sponsored and promoted by The First Lady Michelle Obama. It is now in its third year and it is “ aimed at reducing obesity and increasing well-being by encouraging American kids to be more active and eat healthier foods. (Tucker, 2013) Mrs.. Obama has said that the studies are proving to be reducing the childhood obesity rates since she started the program three years ago, and the knowledge that people are gaining and willing to learn from this impacting, including the children, is gathering momentum and excitement all throughout the country. The reason people have been so receptive is because of the results that are being seen. Mrs.. Obama also knows that targeting children in their own comfortable settings are also helping.

She promotes this campaign by going on television and being on shows that she knows children are watching and she is inspiring them to get up and move and make better food choices and to be more active. But her favorite part she says “ is knowing that she is not only inspiring children but she is inspiring the children to inspire their parents and caretakers to also get up and move and get active and to make healthier food choices. ” (Tucker, 2013) If this campaign keeps going as strong as it does Mrs.. Obama expects the rates to drop even more. The next intervention based help is within the community.

Community actually means “ that the environment includes with the children certain factors like their geographic location, race, ethnicity, and their socioeconomic status. ” (Tomato et al. , 2010) This specific resource can be effectively used to promote not only healthy nutrition but also healthier behavior. The way a community can be effective and liable in teaching and learning about childhood obesity is by teaching, learning and willingness to do all of that together. Some ways could be classes being taught and taken to starting healthy food festivals and promoting and starting farmer’s markets.

Even if people live in low income communities and are government assistance they can be taught to buy fresh fruit instead of frozen, prepackaged non healthy foods. They can learn that if they are willing to buy sugary sodas and chips and processed foods, then they can be taught to buy better and healthier foods instead of those. If a community comes together and organizes a evening walking lube or a weekend street ball or basketball league then kids could feel safe to go outside with their friends and their families, which will also bring a community together.

And maybe if a community comes together to better themselves and their children, the media could get wind of that and maybe with exposure other communities will be able to follow suit. When it comes to hospital and medical based type interventions things are a little bit different. If childhood obesity has come to this point the obesity problem is pretty significant for the child. There are programs that children can go through for help and once again gain the knowledge ND education they need to help them.

Children can be involved in programs like weight management where they are taught how to eat, what to eat and when to eat. They can also be taught how to exercise and when to exercise and these are the tools that are going to prevent childhood obesity and to stop the continuation of childhood obesity. Nowadays there are so many ways and avenues that people can go to and use to help them learn and each others about childhood obesity. The digital technology is so advanced that almost every person in American society has had some sore of contact with it.

People can use computers and phones and tablets to access all sorts of information about pretty much anything they would or could ever want to know. And because of this knowing how to properly utilize the technology people need to know what information they receive is true and accurate and in the end the most helpful. “ America serves as the epicenter of mass media globally, whether streaming from the film and television studios in Hollywood or the countless Journalists who dominate the multitude of channels that feed the nation’s insatiable appetite for news and entertainment. (Batcher, 2011) Children are and have always been influenced by people they see on television or a sports star or a musician and if those people are advertising and promoting unhealthy lifestyles and eating unhealthy foods then children are most likely to follow. Digital technology is the reason that is happening because global citizenship has a responsibility to let that happen. But like with any advancement there is a downside. Almost one in four children does not participate in any free time physical activity and 92 % of elementary schools don’t have daily physical education classes all year round. A typical American youth will pended an average of four to five hours a day watching television, or playing video games on a computer, phone or tablet. ” (Porter, 2005) So considering that a child is in school for six to seven hours a day and is wither playing video games or watching television for another four to five hours a day, there is very little time for either active play.

It is now up to not only parents but children, schools, and communities to come together and figure out the best way to improve the health and well being of overweight children all over the country. Currently there is a website that is sponsored by the U. S Government and highly promoted by the First Lady Michelle Obama. This website is dedicated to the teaching and keeping people informed about childhood obesity and how a formed task force appointed by the president is doing everything they can to provide people with the research and the academic knowledge to help, prevent and combat childhood obesity.

Some of the initiatives are: “ creating a healthy start for children, empowering parents and caregivers, providing healthy foods in the schools, improving access to healthier and affordable foods, and finally improving physical activity. ” (whomsoever. Erg) The website also has a blob that people can follow and stay up to date with the the information and it has links to social media pages with even more information. There are links to teach parents and children and the schools on how to chose, buy and prepare the healthy foods.

There are links to show and teach people how to teach and show their kids how to move and stay active. The website even has links of photos and success stories that could help motivate kids to move more and eat healthier. When you Join the Let’s Move program you will receive emails and newsletters offering advice and incentives. It can also teach people how to prevent childhood obesity by starting early all the way to doing what a person can to help reverse some of the damage that childhood obesity has caused.

And finally the website has Just now added cities that hold Let’s Move get together which will allow kids and parents/caregivers to get together and learn these things all together. It’s almost like support group where kids that are alike and going through the same things to learn the same things. A place where they can feel good about themselves and in the knowledge and information they are learning and there fore they will want o teach and show other kids and other parents/caregivers what they are learning. If enough people do this then maybe the circle will be broken.

Childhood obesity has become a public health crisis, not Just in low income/poor communities but in all communities all over the United States. This epidemic can be reduced by educating children and parents about healthy nutrition and encouraging them to be physically active. There are so many effective interventions and now there are government policies for prevention and control of childhood obesity. Sustaining these interventions is a key factor, so that children can adopt these healthy behaviors s something that will be a lifelong practice and lead them to have a healthy life.

Which in turn will lead too nationwide healthy future for all kids. In the end if children, parents, schools, caregivers and the government all get together and start to combat this issue with more enthusiasm then the childhood obesity epidemic could decrease significantly within the next five to ten years. By decreasing this problem, people will be able to live longer and the healthcare and medical costs will not be so high. If there were more people who were involved in the prevention of holding obesity, the causes of it would not be a factor anymore.

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