Essay, 3 pages (600 words)

Ningbo university international college

Ningbo University International College Introduction to Business Communication—Coursework Assignment Summer 2013 This paper contains a total of seven (7) individual assignments and you are only required to answer one. Students are reminded that this is an individual assignment and marks will be given for originality and clarity of argument and the use of appropriate models, theories and concepts. Choose one topic from the assignments listed below for this module and include a cover page with the module title, your name, my name and your personal student identification number (ID). You should type your assignment using size 12 font, 1. 5 line spacing and a total word count of a minimum of 2500 but no more than 3000 words. Dr. Leslie Taylor 1) Part A) With reference to Philipsen, G Speech Code theory, critically outline the importance of culture and its impact on the standard communication model of communication. Include in your response an account of the elements of Speech Code and high and low context cultures– with named examples of the latter. Part B) List and discuss the ‘ The Big Five Personality Profile for a Single Person’. Outline the importance of these personal and interpersonal communication styles. You are required to answer both part A and B. 2) Critically discuss the ICM Model and its application in new product development and brand marketing. In your response, outline the importance of companies obtaining information from their customers, market, and rival or competing firms as they seek to develop a position in the market place and especially when this involves the development of new products and brands. 3) As the workplace becomes more and more diverse and many more businesses become global in their operations, this is said to explain the need for these companies to focus on developing their communications skills. The importance of communication skills is outlined in this statement: “ Success for you in the new global and diverse workplace requires excellent communication skills. ” With the aid of appropriate models of the communication process, critically discuss this argument with the use of named examples. I suggest you use the Basic and expanded Model of the communication process. 4) Part A) Choose two companies, one generally acknowledged as highly successful and one considered poorly performing. Carry out a detailed analysis of their communications skills and consider how these may account for their contrasting performance. Include in your analysis the theory of communications i. e. the models that explain the process of communication. Part B) Give a detailed account of the AAAbc’s Model for Managing Change. You are required to answer both part A and B. 5) Part A) With reference to the standard and expanded communication models, explain what is commonly viewed as poor communication. Discuss its possible causes and impact. Part B) List and explain the likely impact of poor communications skills for a company. Discuss the possible solutions i. e. how a company may improve its communications skills. You are required to answer both part A and B. 6) Part A) Define and discuss what is meant by ‘ good communications’. Include in your response ‘ The Ten Commandments of good Communication’. Part B) Outline the importance of good communication skills in team building and its importance in a work environment. You are required to answer both part A and B. 7) Part A) Explain the change management process and the importance of effective communications between an employer and his employees. Part B) Tannen, D (1997) outlines a number of male-female communication (Genderlect Styles) styles–some of these are outlined in your module handbook. List these and discuss their relative importance in the communication process. You are required to answer both part A and B.

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AssignBuster. "Ningbo university international college." November 15, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/ningbo-university-international-college/.

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"Ningbo university international college." AssignBuster, 15 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/ningbo-university-international-college/.

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