Personal Essay, 2 pages (450 words)

Mba personal statement

My post MBA plan is to begin a career in brand management at a leading consumer goods company. In the long run I hope to advance in my career in brand management and become a category general manager, handling multiple brands for a major, multi-national Fortune 500 Company. I want to be a brand manager because I am fascinated by the understanding of consumer behavior to solve problems and the power of marketing to drive a brand’s profitability. In order to become more familiar with the job of being a brand manager I studied.

In this experience, I learned that strong analytical and leadership skills are necessary to be a successful brand manager. My education at the University of Michigan enabled me to develop my analytical skills and I am eager to further develop these skills with a Kellog education and apply those to a brand management role. At Michigan, I studied Environmental Economics and Policy which consisted of taking environmental issues and using economic models to find a solution. Similarly, a brand management role will require me to look at a brand and the competitive marketplace, analyze data, and make recommendations to grow the business.

I am eager to apply my analytical background professional to drive profitable solutions to consumer problems. Throughout my schooling and work experience I have consistently sought out leadership roles. In college, I was elected as a Vice President which required me to lead a student service committee and motivate and enable the team to execute a wide range of student programs (including scholarships). In my current job, I pursued a role as a leader on the office Fun Team to organize regular office gatherings and team building events.

I am certain that a Kellog MBA is the best option for me to achieve my career goals. Kellog’s unique brand management program immediately caught my attention and I am especially interested in the Brand Management Workshop class that will provide me with the tools necessary to be successful in an internship. This coupled with the economics based framework sets it apart from other schools. My analytical academic background (as an economics major) provided me with the theoretical aspect of economics, while Kellog will teach me how to apply the theory to solve real-life business problems.

Lastly, the smaller Kellog class size will allow for the optimal interactive learning process in the classroom and a more intimate relationship with professors and classmates. I plan on taking advantage of this by becoming involved in the student community, including the Marketing Association. I believe that I have the determination and personality type necessary to achieve my career goal; I am now ready to obtain the academic skills which will make me an ideal candidate to work in brand management for a consumer goods company.

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AssignBuster. (2022) 'Mba personal statement'. 10 January.


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AssignBuster. 2022. "Mba personal statement." January 10, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/mba-personal-statement/.

1. AssignBuster. "Mba personal statement." January 10, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/mba-personal-statement/.


AssignBuster. "Mba personal statement." January 10, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/mba-personal-statement/.

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"Mba personal statement." AssignBuster, 10 Jan. 2022, assignbuster.com/mba-personal-statement/.

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