Jenna StoneSteinkeP5Boy or GirlPicking the sex of a child is completely inhumane because there’s a 50/50 chance that a life could be killed because of the fact that it’s a boy or a girl. Gender selecting is not natural to the human species whatsoever and it was never natural before until now. Six studies in the past four years present evidence that this lethal form of gender discrimination has taken root in our country.
Recent polling shows nearly 80 percent of Americans and 80 percent of American women, want a ban on sex-selective abortion, but few know that it’s happening in their own back yard. (Rose 1). It’s unnatural to be choosing the gender of a child, and abortion shouldn’t be the solution to any problem unless someone was raped. If people start choosing the gender of their baby, things that were supposed to stay natural, will slowly start to become unnatural and people will be able to control it. Some things are meant to stay natural and some things are meant to be unnatural and gender selection should stay natural, the way it always has. Changing human nature was not intended to be a situation for humans to control.
There needs to be a divider between the two sides. Killing a baby because a couple would rather much care for a boy, or a girl, is completely selfish to a very high extent when it’s one of the parents who wants to make that choice. New, widely available technology to determine an unborn child’s gender as early as the first trimester will make abortion for sex-selection as convenient as abortion for any other reason. (Wood 3).
Its shows that their not only caring about themselves, but they don’t even care about their own child that they planned to have, only if it was the gender that they want it to be. “ You can choose whether to be a parent, but once you choose to be a parent, you cannot choose whether it’s a boy or a girl, black or white, tall or short.” (Hvistendahl 1). People should only become.