Man’s fate is tied with that of society but itis no absolute entity, being susceptible to change in various ways. Therelationship between man, society, fate and change can be observed only in thehistorical perspective.
Anand is not concerned with Untouchability in theabstract as some sociological problem but with the torments, physical, mentaland spiritual and all real, experienced by Bakha, a young sweeper in the courseof a day. The use of the sweeper’s consciousness as the medium through which tocomprehend a sociological problem is both realistic and convincing. A detailedanalysis of this problem with a number of characters and a large picture wouldhave destroyed the effect and hazy the focus this choice of a day in the lifeof Bakha gives to the novel its unity, the unity of classical antiquity. Theaction occupies one day, and takes place in “ a small area” This simplicity ofform is the result of Anand’s acute awareness of an untouchable’s plight andhas helped him.
In almost all his writings Anand show his virtuous and humanindignation and “ disgust for the cruelty and hypocrisy of Indian feudal life, with its castes, creeds, dead habits and customs and its religious rites andpractices.” Mulk Raj Anandhas a social vision. He has a kind regard for the poor. It is perhaps moststriking. The novel Untouchable is based on his personal experience in anorth Indian State. He had written in this novel what he saw in his childhoodand what he learned about caste system in his later years.
Many people aremoved by their memories of the inhuman treatment given to the low caste slaves. As the time passed they came to admit it. Low castes were essential andinevitable part of Indian social life then Mulk Raj Anand believes thatcaste-based exploitation can be stopped.
In order to do that, one has to changeone’s point of view. Mulk Raj Anand’s description of the misery of the lowercaste people must be critically examined for a social change. The caste system in India is probably the main factor responsible forcreating the enormous differences between people. It separates them indifferent groups or sections like ‘ Touchable’ and ‘ Untouchables’.
It is widelyconsidered as a source of down gradation of the poor. It can also generate somesocial problems. The subordinate status is accorded to such disadvantagedpeople. In Untouchable we see these minorities living without respectand peace. The difference between the dominants and subordinates automaticallyincreases social unrest in the village. The village Bullashah has India’s ugly face with tension, injustice, exploitation, deprivation